Example #1
 def reset(self, reset_counter=True):
     # keep = []
     # if self.counts:
     # keep = [self.counts.max, self.counts.max_allowed]
     # del self.__counts
     if reset_counter:
         log("Resetting counter", 'counters')
         if self.counts is None:
             self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
         # if keep:
         # self.counts.max = keep[0]
         # self.counts.max_allowed = keep[1]
     if not self.__stopped:
     self.__stopped = None
     self.__start = self.__time()
Example #2
 def __init__(self, max=None, interval=100, info=None, infoStr=None, automated=None, begin=True,
              label=None, display_initial_info=None, max_allowed=None, do_print=False, **kw):
     :type info : ActionInfo
     args = DictCaseInsensitive(kw, locals(), delete='kw infoStr info max self')
     simple_label = False
     self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
     self.__interval = interval
     self.__reported_progress = False
     if not isinstance(max, int):
         if hasattr(max, '__len__'):
             max = len(max)
             max = None
     self.counts.max = -1
     if max is not None:
         self.counts.max = max
         args.max = self.counts.max
     if is_str(info):
         # noinspection PyTypeChecker
         info = ActionInfo(info, **args)
     elif infoStr and not info:
         info = ActionInfo(infoStr, **args)
     elif label and not info:
         simple_label = True
         if display_initial_info is None:
             display_initial_info = False
         info = ActionInfo(label, **args)
     elif label:
         info.Label = label
     if self.counts.max > 0 and info and (info.Max is None or info.Max < 1):
         info.Max = max
     self.counts.max_allowed = self.counts.max if max_allowed is None else max_allowed
     self.__did_break = True
     self.__do_print = do_print
     self.__info = info
     self.__action_initialized = False
     self.__action_attempted = self.hasActionInfo and (display_initial_info is not False)
     if self.__action_attempted:
         if self.info is None:
             log("Unexpected; Timer '%s' has no ActionInfo instance" % label, do_print=True)
             self.__action_initialized = self.info.displayInitialInfo(**args) is EvernoteAPIStatus.Initialized
     if begin:
     log(self.counts.fullSummary(self.name + ': Start'), 'counters')
Example #3
 def reset(self, reset_counter=True):
     # keep = []
     # if self.counts:
     # keep = [self.counts.max, self.counts.max_allowed]
     # del self.__counts
     if reset_counter:
         log("Resetting counter", 'counters')
         if self.counts is None:
             self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
         # if keep:
         # self.counts.max = keep[0]
         # self.counts.max_allowed = keep[1]
     if not self.__stopped:
     self.__stopped = None
     self.__start = self.__time()
Example #4
 def __init__(self,
     :type info : ActionInfo
     args = DictCaseInsensitive(kw,
                                delete='kw infoStr info max self')
     simple_label = False
     self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
     self.__interval = interval
     self.__reported_progress = False
     if not isinstance(max, int):
         if hasattr(max, '__len__'):
             max = len(max)
             max = None
     self.counts.max = -1
     if max is not None:
         self.counts.max = max
         args.max = self.counts.max
     if is_str(info):
         # noinspection PyTypeChecker
         info = ActionInfo(info, **args)
     elif infoStr and not info:
         info = ActionInfo(infoStr, **args)
     elif label and not info:
         simple_label = True
         if display_initial_info is None:
             display_initial_info = False
         info = ActionInfo(label, **args)
     elif label:
         info.Label = label
     if self.counts.max > 0 and info and (info.Max is None or info.Max < 1):
         info.Max = max
     self.counts.max_allowed = self.counts.max if max_allowed is None else max_allowed
     self.__did_break = True
     self.__do_print = do_print
     self.__info = info
     self.__action_initialized = False
     self.__action_attempted = self.hasActionInfo and (display_initial_info
                                                       is not False)
     if self.__action_attempted:
         if self.info is None:
             log("Unexpected; Timer '%s' has no ActionInfo instance" %
             self.__action_initialized = self.info.displayInitialInfo(
                 **args) is EvernoteAPIStatus.Initialized
     if begin:
     log(self.counts.fullSummary(self.name + ': Start'), 'counters')
Example #5
 def counts(self):
     if self.__counts is None:
         log("Init counter from property: " + repr(self.__counts),
         self.__counts = EvernoteCounter()
     return self.__counts
Example #6
class Timer(object):
    __times = []
    __stopped = None
    __start = None
    __status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Uninitialized
    __counts = None
    __did_break = True
    __laps = 0
    __interval = 100
    __parent_timer = None
    __caller = None
    __info = None
    """:type : Timer"""
    def counts(self):
        if self.__counts is None:
            log("Init counter from property: " + repr(self.__counts),
            self.__counts = EvernoteCounter()
        return self.__counts

    def counts(self, value):
        self.__counts = value

    def laps(self):
        return len(self.__times)

    def max(self):
        return self.counts.max

    def max(self, value):
        self.counts.max = value
        if self.counts.max_allowed < 1:
            self.counts.max_allowed = value

    def is_success(self):
        return self.counts.success

    def parent(self):
        return self.__parent_timer

    def label(self):
        if self.info:
            return self.info.Label
        return ""

    def label(self, value):
        if self.info and isinstance(self.info, ActionInfo):
            self.info.Label = value
        self.__info = ActionInfo(value, label=value)

    def parent(self, value):
        """:type value : Timer"""
        self.__parent_timer = value

    def parentTotal(self):
        if not self.__parent_timer:
            return -1
        return self.__parent_timer.total

    def percentOfParent(self):
        if not self.__parent_timer:
            return -1
        return float(self.total) / float(self.parentTotal) * 100

    def percentOfParentStr(self):
        return str(int(round(self.percentOfParent))) + '%'

    def percentComplete(self):
        if not self.counts.max:
            return -1
        return float(self.count) / self.counts.max * 100

    def percentCompleteStr(self):
        return str(int(round(self.percentComplete))) + '%'

    def rate(self):
        return self.rateCustom()

    def rateStr(self):
        return self.rateStrCustom()

    def rateCustom(self, unit=None):
        if unit is None:
            unit = self.__interval
        return self.elapsed / self.count * unit

    def rateStrCustom(self, unit=None):
        if unit is None:
            unit = self.__interval
        return self.__timetostr(self.rateCustom(unit))

    def count(self):
        return max(self.counts.val, 1)

    def projectedTime(self):
        if not self.counts.max:
            return -1
        return self.counts.max * self.rateCustom(1)

    def projectedTimeStr(self):
        return self.__timetostr(self.projectedTime)

    def remainingTime(self):
        return self.projectedTime - self.elapsed

    def remainingTimeStr(self):
        return self.__timetostr(self.remainingTime)

    def progress(self):
        return '%5s (%3s): @ %3s/%d. %3s of %3s remain' % (
            self.__timetostr(short=False), self.percentCompleteStr,
            self.rateStr, self.__interval, self.remainingTimeStr,

    def active(self):
        return self.__start and not self.__stopped

    def completed(self):
        return self.__start and self.__stopped

    def lap_info(self):
        strs = []
        if self.active:
            strs.append('Active:  %s' % self.__timetostr())
        elif self.completed:
            strs.append('Latest:  %s' % self.__timetostr())
        elif self.laps > 0:
            strs.append('Last:    %s' % self.__timetostr(self.__times))
        if self.laps > 0 + 0 if self.active or self.completed else 1:
            strs.append('%2d Laps: %s' %
                        (self.laps, self.__timetostr(self.history)))
            strs.append('Average: %s' % self.__timetostr(self.average))
        if self.__parent_timer:
            strs.append("Parent:  %s" % self.__timetostr(self.parentTotal))
            strs.append("   (%3s)   " % self.percentOfParentStr)
        return ' | '.join(strs)

    def isProgressCheck(self):
        if not self.counts.max:
            return False
        return self.count % max(self.__interval, 1) is 0

    def status(self):
        if self.hasActionInfo:
            return self.info.Status
        return self.__status

    def status(self, value):
        if self.hasActionInfo:
            self.info.Status = value

    def autoStep(self, returned_tuple, title=None, update=None):
        retval = self.extractStatus(returned_tuple, update)
        return retval

    def extractStatus(self, returned_tuple, update=None):
        self.report_result = self.reportStatus(returned_tuple[0], update)
        if len(returned_tuple) == 2:
            return returned_tuple[1]
        return returned_tuple[1:]

    def checkLimits(self):
        if not -1 < self.counts.max_allowed <= self.counts.updated + self.counts.created:
            return True
        log("Count exceeded- Breaking with status " + str(self.status),
        return False

    def reportStatus(self, status, update=None, title=None, **kw):
        :type status : EvernoteAPIStatus
        self.status = status
        if status.IsError:
            retval = self.reportError(save_status=False)
        elif status == EvernoteAPIStatus.RequestQueued:
            retval = self.reportQueued(save_status=False)
        elif status.IsSuccess:
            retval = self.reportSuccess(update, save_status=False)
        elif status == EvernoteAPIStatus.ExceededLocalLimit:
            retval = status
            retval = False
        if title:
            self.step(title, **kw)
        return retval

    def reportSkipped(self, save_status=True):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.RequestSkipped
        return self.counts.skipped.step()

    def reportSuccess(self, update=None, save_status=True):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Success
        if update:
        return self.counts.success

    def reportError(self, save_status=True):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.GenericError
        return self.counts.error.step()

    def reportQueued(self, save_status=True, update=None):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.RequestQueued
        if update:
            return self.counts.updated.queued.step()
        return self.counts.created.queued.step()

    def ReportHeader(self):
        return None if not self.counts.total else self.info.FormatLine(
            "%s {r} were processed" %
            counts_as_str(self.counts.total, self.counts.max),

    def ReportSingle(self,
        if not count:
            return []
        if isinstance(count, Counter) and process_subcounts:
            if count.queued:
                queued = count.queued.val
            if count.completed.subcount:
                subcount = count.completed.subcount.val
        if not queued_text:
            queued_text = self.info.str_value('queued')
        strs = [
            self.info.FormatLine("%s {r} %s" % (counts_as_str(count), text),
        if process_subcounts:
            if queued:
                strs.append("-%-3d of these were queued%s" %
                            (queued, queued_text))
            if subcount:
                strs.append("-%-3d of these were successfully%s " %
                            (subcount, subtext))
        return strs

    def Report(self, subcount_created=0, subcount_updated=0):
        str_tips = []
        self.counts.created.completed.subcount = subcount_created
        self.counts.updated.completed.subcount = subcount_updated
        str_tips += self.ReportSingle('were newly created',
        str_tips += self.ReportSingle('already exist and were updated',
        str_tips += self.ReportSingle('already exist but were unchanged',
        if self.counts.error:
            str_tips.append("%d Error(s) occurred " % self.counts.error.val)
        if self.status == EvernoteAPIStatus.ExceededLocalLimit:
                "Action was prematurely terminated because locally-defined limit of %d was exceeded."
                % self.counts.max_allowed)
        report_title = "   > %s Complete" % self.info.Action
        if self.counts.total is 0:
            report_title += self.info.FormatLine(": No {r} were processed")
        log(self.counts.fullSummary(self.name + ': End'), 'counters')

    def increment(self, *a, **kw):
        return self.step(*a, **kw)

    def step(self, title=None, **kw):
        if self.hasActionInfo and self.isProgressCheck and title:
            title_str = ("%" + str(len('#' + str(self.max))) +
                         "s:   %s") % ('#' + str(self.count), title)
            progress_str = ' [%s]' % self.progress
            title_len = ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.LINE_LENGTH_TOTAL - 1 - 2 - len(
            log_path = self.label + ('' if self.label.endswith('\\') else
                                     '-') + 'progress'
            if not self.__reported_progress:
                self.__reported_progress = True
            log(title_str.ljust(title_len) + progress_str,
        return self.isProgressCheck

    def info(self):
        :rtype  : ActionInfo
        return self.__info

    def did_break(self):
        return self.__did_break

    def reportNoBreak(self):
        self.__did_break = False

    def should_retry(self):
        return self.did_break and self.status != EvernoteAPIStatus.ExceededLocalLimit

    def automated(self):
        if self.info is None:
            return False
        return self.info.Automated

    def hasActionInfo(self):
        return self.info is not None and self.counts.max > 0

    def __init__(self,
        :type info : ActionInfo
        args = DictCaseInsensitive(kw,
                                   delete='kw infoStr info max self')
        simple_label = False
        self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
        self.__interval = interval
        self.__reported_progress = False
        if not isinstance(max, int):
            if hasattr(max, '__len__'):
                max = len(max)
                max = None
        self.counts.max = -1
        if max is not None:
            self.counts.max = max
            args.max = self.counts.max
        if is_str(info):
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            info = ActionInfo(info, **args)
        elif infoStr and not info:
            info = ActionInfo(infoStr, **args)
        elif label and not info:
            simple_label = True
            if display_initial_info is None:
                display_initial_info = False
            info = ActionInfo(label, **args)
        elif label:
            info.Label = label
        if self.counts.max > 0 and info and (info.Max is None or info.Max < 1):
            info.Max = max
        self.counts.max_allowed = self.counts.max if max_allowed is None else max_allowed
        self.__did_break = True
        self.__do_print = do_print
        self.__info = info
        self.__action_initialized = False
        self.__action_attempted = self.hasActionInfo and (display_initial_info
                                                          is not False)
        if self.__action_attempted:
            if self.info is None:
                log("Unexpected; Timer '%s' has no ActionInfo instance" %
                self.__action_initialized = self.info.displayInitialInfo(
                    **args) is EvernoteAPIStatus.Initialized
        if begin:
        log(self.counts.fullSummary(self.name + ': Start'), 'counters')

    def name(self):
        name = (self.label.strip('\\').replace('\\', ': ')
                if self.label else self.caller)
        return name.replace('.', ': ').replace('-',
                                               ': ').replace('_',
                                                             ' ').capitalize()

    def base_name(self):
        return self.name.split(': ')[-1]

    def caller(self):
        if self.__caller is None:
            self.__caller = caller_name(return_filename=True)
        return self.__caller

    def willReportProgress(self):
        return self.counts.max and self.counts.max > self.interval

    def actionInitializationFailed(self):
        return self.__action_attempted and not self.__action_initialized

    def interval(self):
        return max(self.__interval, 1)

    def start(self):

    def reset(self, reset_counter=True):
        # keep = []
        # if self.counts:
        # keep = [self.counts.max, self.counts.max_allowed]
        # del self.__counts
        if reset_counter:
            log("Resetting counter", 'counters')
            if self.counts is None:
                self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
            # if keep:
            # self.counts.max = keep[0]
            # self.counts.max_allowed = keep[1]
        if not self.__stopped:
        self.__stopped = None
        self.__start = self.__time()

    def stop(self):
        """Stops the clock permanently for the instance of the Timer.
        Returns the time at which the instance was stopped.
        if not self.__start:
            return -1
        self.__stopped = self.__last_time()
        return self.elapsed

    def history(self):
        return sum(self.__times)

    def total(self):
        return self.history + self.elapsed

    def average(self):
        return float(self.history) / self.laps

    def elapsed(self):
        """The number of seconds since the current time that the Timer
        object was created.  If stop() was called, it is the number
        of seconds from the instance creation until stop() was called.
        if not self.__start:
            return -1
        return self.__last_time() - self.__start

    elapsed = property(elapsed)

    def start_time(self):
        """The time at which the Timer instance was created.
        return self.__start

    start_time = property(start_time)

    def stop_time(self):
        """The time at which stop() was called, or None if stop was
        never called.
        return self.__stopped

    stop_time = property(stop_time)

    def __last_time(self):
        """Return the current time or the time at which stop() was call,
        if called at all.
        if self.__stopped is not None:
            return self.__stopped
        return self.__time()

    def __time(self):
        """Wrapper for time.time() to allow unit testing.
        return time.time()

    def str_long(self):
        return self.__timetostr(short=False)

    def __timetostr(self, total_seconds=None, short=True, pad=True):
        if total_seconds is None:
            total_seconds = self.elapsed
        total_seconds = int(round(total_seconds))
        if total_seconds < 60:
            return ['%ds', '%2ds'][pad] % total_seconds
        m, s = divmod(total_seconds, 60)
        if short:
            # if total_seconds < 120: return '%dm' % (m, s)
            return ['%dm', '%2dm'][pad] % m
        return '%d:%02d' % (m, s)

    def __str__(self):
        """Nicely format the elapsed time
        return self.__timetostr()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s%s> %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, '' if not self.label
                              else ':%s' % self.label, self.str_long)
Example #7
class Timer(object):
    __times = []
    __stopped = None
    __start = None
    __status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Uninitialized
    __counts = None
    __did_break = True
    __laps = 0
    __interval = 100
    __parent_timer = None
    __caller = None
    __info = None
    """:type : Timer"""

    def counts(self):
        if self.__counts is None:
            log("Init counter from property: " + repr(self.__counts), "counters")
            self.__counts = EvernoteCounter()
        return self.__counts

    def counts(self, value):
        self.__counts = value

    def laps(self):
        return len(self.__times)

    def max(self):
        return self.counts.max

    def max(self, value):
        self.counts.max = value
        if self.counts.max_allowed < 1:
            self.counts.max_allowed = value

    def is_success(self):
        return self.counts.success

    def parent(self):
        return self.__parent_timer

    def label(self):
        if self.info:
            return self.info.Label
        return ""

    def label(self, value):
        if self.info and isinstance(self.info, ActionInfo):
            self.info.Label = value
        self.__info = ActionInfo(value, label=value)

    def parent(self, value):
        """:type value : Timer"""
        self.__parent_timer = value

    def parentTotal(self):
        if not self.__parent_timer:
            return -1
        return self.__parent_timer.total

    def percentOfParent(self):
        if not self.__parent_timer:
            return -1
        return float(self.total) / float(self.parentTotal) * 100

    def percentOfParentStr(self):
        return str(int(round(self.percentOfParent))) + '%'

    def percentComplete(self):
        if not self.counts.max:
            return -1
        return float(self.count) / self.counts.max * 100

    def percentCompleteStr(self):
        return str(int(round(self.percentComplete))) + '%'

    def rate(self):
        return self.rateCustom()

    def rateStr(self):
        return self.rateStrCustom()

    def rateCustom(self, unit=None):
        if unit is None:
            unit = self.__interval
        return self.elapsed / self.count * unit

    def rateStrCustom(self, unit=None):
        if unit is None:
            unit = self.__interval
        return self.__timetostr(self.rateCustom(unit))

    def count(self):
        return max(self.counts.val, 1)

    def projectedTime(self):
        if not self.counts.max:
            return -1
        return self.counts.max * self.rateCustom(1)

    def projectedTimeStr(self):
        return self.__timetostr(self.projectedTime)

    def remainingTime(self):
        return self.projectedTime - self.elapsed

    def remainingTimeStr(self):
        return self.__timetostr(self.remainingTime)

    def progress(self):
        return '%5s (%3s): @ %3s/%d. %3s of %3s remain' % (
            self.__timetostr(short=False), self.percentCompleteStr, self.rateStr, self.__interval,

    def active(self):
        return self.__start and not self.__stopped

    def completed(self):
        return self.__start and self.__stopped

    def lap_info(self):
        strs = []
        if self.active:
            strs.append('Active:  %s' % self.__timetostr())
        elif self.completed:
            strs.append('Latest:  %s' % self.__timetostr())
        elif self.laps > 0:
            strs.append('Last:    %s' % self.__timetostr(self.__times))
        if self.laps > 0 + 0 if self.active or self.completed else 1:
            strs.append('%2d Laps: %s' % (self.laps, self.__timetostr(self.history)))
            strs.append('Average: %s' % self.__timetostr(self.average))
        if self.__parent_timer:
            strs.append("Parent:  %s" % self.__timetostr(self.parentTotal))
            strs.append("   (%3s)   " % self.percentOfParentStr)
        return ' | '.join(strs)

    def isProgressCheck(self):
        if not self.counts.max:
            return False
        return self.count % max(self.__interval, 1) is 0

    def status(self):
        if self.hasActionInfo:
            return self.info.Status
        return self.__status

    def status(self, value):
        if self.hasActionInfo:
            self.info.Status = value

    def autoStep(self, returned_tuple, title=None, update=None):
        retval = self.extractStatus(returned_tuple, update)
        return retval

    def extractStatus(self, returned_tuple, update=None):
        self.report_result = self.reportStatus(returned_tuple[0], update)
        if len(returned_tuple) == 2:
            return returned_tuple[1]
        return returned_tuple[1:]

    def checkLimits(self):
        if not -1 < self.counts.max_allowed <= self.counts.updated + self.counts.created:
            return True
        log("Count exceeded- Breaking with status " + str(self.status), self.label, do_print=self.__do_print)
        return False

    def reportStatus(self, status, update=None, title=None, **kw):
        :type status : EvernoteAPIStatus
        self.status = status
        if status.IsError:
            retval = self.reportError(save_status=False)
        elif status == EvernoteAPIStatus.RequestQueued:
            retval = self.reportQueued(save_status=False)
        elif status.IsSuccess:
            retval = self.reportSuccess(update, save_status=False)
        elif status == EvernoteAPIStatus.ExceededLocalLimit:
            retval = status
            retval = False
        if title:
            self.step(title, **kw)
        return retval

    def reportSkipped(self, save_status=True):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.RequestSkipped
        return self.counts.skipped.step()

    def reportSuccess(self, update=None, save_status=True):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Success
        if update:
        return self.counts.success

    def reportError(self, save_status=True):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.GenericError
        return self.counts.error.step()

    def reportQueued(self, save_status=True, update=None):
        if save_status:
            self.status = EvernoteAPIStatus.RequestQueued
        if update:
            return self.counts.updated.queued.step()
        return self.counts.created.queued.step()

    def ReportHeader(self):
        return None if not self.counts.total else self.info.FormatLine(
            "%s {r} were processed" % counts_as_str(self.counts.total, self.counts.max), self.counts.total)

    def ReportSingle(self, text, count, subtext='', queued_text='', queued=0, subcount=0, process_subcounts=True):
        if not count:
            return []
        if isinstance(count, Counter) and process_subcounts:
            if count.queued:
                queued = count.queued.val
            if count.completed.subcount:
                subcount = count.completed.subcount.val
        if not queued_text:
            queued_text = self.info.str_value('queued')
        strs = [self.info.FormatLine("%s {r} %s" % (counts_as_str(count), text), self.count)]
        if process_subcounts:
            if queued:
                strs.append("-%-3d of these were queued%s" % (queued, queued_text))
            if subcount:
                strs.append("-%-3d of these were successfully%s " % (subcount, subtext))
        return strs

    def Report(self, subcount_created=0, subcount_updated=0):
        str_tips = []
        self.counts.created.completed.subcount = subcount_created
        self.counts.updated.completed.subcount = subcount_updated
        str_tips += self.ReportSingle('were newly created', self.counts.created, self.info.str_value('created'))
        str_tips += self.ReportSingle('already exist and were updated', self.counts.updated, self.info.str_value('updated'))
        str_tips += self.ReportSingle('already exist but were unchanged', self.counts.skipped, process_subcounts=False)
        if self.counts.error:
            str_tips.append("%d Error(s) occurred " % self.counts.error.val)
        if self.status == EvernoteAPIStatus.ExceededLocalLimit:
            str_tips.append("Action was prematurely terminated because locally-defined limit of %d was exceeded." %
        report_title = "   > %s Complete" % self.info.Action
        if self.counts.total is 0:
            report_title += self.info.FormatLine(": No {r} were processed")
        show_report(report_title, self.ReportHeader, str_tips, blank_line_before=False, do_print=self.__do_print)
        log(self.counts.fullSummary(self.name + ': End'), 'counters')

    def increment(self, *a, **kw):
        return self.step(*a, **kw)

    def step(self, title=None, **kw):
        if self.hasActionInfo and self.isProgressCheck and title:
            title_str = ("%" + str(len('#' + str(self.max))) + "s:   %s") % ('#' + str(self.count), title)
            progress_str = ' [%s]' % self.progress
            title_len = ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.LINE_LENGTH_TOTAL - 1 - 2 - len(progress_str)
            log_path = self.label + ('' if self.label.endswith('\\') else '-') + 'progress'
            if not self.__reported_progress:
                self.info.BannerHeader(filename=log_path, bh_wrap_filename=False)
                self.__reported_progress = True
            log(title_str.ljust(title_len) + progress_str, log_path, timestamp=False, do_print=self.__do_print, **kw)
        return self.isProgressCheck

    def info(self):
        :rtype  : ActionInfo
        return self.__info

    def did_break(self): return self.__did_break

    def reportNoBreak(self): self.__did_break = False

    def should_retry(self): return self.did_break and self.status != EvernoteAPIStatus.ExceededLocalLimit

    def automated(self):
        if self.info is None:
            return False
        return self.info.Automated

    def hasActionInfo(self):
        return self.info is not None and self.counts.max > 0

    def __init__(self, max=None, interval=100, info=None, infoStr=None, automated=None, begin=True,
                 label=None, display_initial_info=None, max_allowed=None, do_print=False, **kw):
        :type info : ActionInfo
        args = DictCaseInsensitive(kw, locals(), delete='kw infoStr info max self')
        simple_label = False
        self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
        self.__interval = interval
        self.__reported_progress = False
        if not isinstance(max, int):
            if hasattr(max, '__len__'):
                max = len(max)
                max = None
        self.counts.max = -1
        if max is not None:
            self.counts.max = max
            args.max = self.counts.max
        if is_str(info):
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            info = ActionInfo(info, **args)
        elif infoStr and not info:
            info = ActionInfo(infoStr, **args)
        elif label and not info:
            simple_label = True
            if display_initial_info is None:
                display_initial_info = False
            info = ActionInfo(label, **args)
        elif label:
            info.Label = label
        if self.counts.max > 0 and info and (info.Max is None or info.Max < 1):
            info.Max = max
        self.counts.max_allowed = self.counts.max if max_allowed is None else max_allowed
        self.__did_break = True
        self.__do_print = do_print
        self.__info = info
        self.__action_initialized = False
        self.__action_attempted = self.hasActionInfo and (display_initial_info is not False)
        if self.__action_attempted:
            if self.info is None:
                log("Unexpected; Timer '%s' has no ActionInfo instance" % label, do_print=True)
                self.__action_initialized = self.info.displayInitialInfo(**args) is EvernoteAPIStatus.Initialized
        if begin:
        log(self.counts.fullSummary(self.name + ': Start'), 'counters')

    def name(self):
        name = (self.label.strip('\\').replace('\\', ': ') if self.label else self.caller)
        return name.replace('.', ': ').replace('-', ': ').replace('_', ' ').capitalize()

    def base_name(self):
        return self.name.split(': ')[-1]

    def caller(self):
        if self.__caller is None:
            self.__caller = caller_name(return_filename=True)
        return self.__caller

    def willReportProgress(self):
        return self.counts.max and self.counts.max > self.interval

    def actionInitializationFailed(self):
        return self.__action_attempted and not self.__action_initialized

    def interval(self):
        return max(self.__interval, 1)

    def start(self):

    def reset(self, reset_counter=True):
        # keep = []
        # if self.counts:
        # keep = [self.counts.max, self.counts.max_allowed]
        # del self.__counts
        if reset_counter:
            log("Resetting counter", 'counters')
            if self.counts is None:
                self.counts = EvernoteCounter()
            # if keep:
            # self.counts.max = keep[0]
            # self.counts.max_allowed = keep[1]
        if not self.__stopped:
        self.__stopped = None
        self.__start = self.__time()

    def stop(self):
        """Stops the clock permanently for the instance of the Timer.
        Returns the time at which the instance was stopped.
        if not self.__start:
            return -1
        self.__stopped = self.__last_time()
        return self.elapsed

    def history(self):
        return sum(self.__times)

    def total(self):
        return self.history + self.elapsed

    def average(self):
        return float(self.history) / self.laps

    def elapsed(self):
        """The number of seconds since the current time that the Timer
        object was created.  If stop() was called, it is the number
        of seconds from the instance creation until stop() was called.
        if not self.__start:
            return -1
        return self.__last_time() - self.__start

    elapsed = property(elapsed)

    def start_time(self):
        """The time at which the Timer instance was created.
        return self.__start

    start_time = property(start_time)

    def stop_time(self):
        """The time at which stop() was called, or None if stop was
        never called.
        return self.__stopped

    stop_time = property(stop_time)

    def __last_time(self):
        """Return the current time or the time at which stop() was call,
        if called at all.
        if self.__stopped is not None:
            return self.__stopped
        return self.__time()

    def __time(self):
        """Wrapper for time.time() to allow unit testing.
        return time.time()

    def str_long(self):
        return self.__timetostr(short=False)

    def __timetostr(self, total_seconds=None, short=True, pad=True):
        if total_seconds is None:
            total_seconds = self.elapsed
        total_seconds = int(round(total_seconds))
        if total_seconds < 60:
            return ['%ds', '%2ds'][pad] % total_seconds
        m, s = divmod(total_seconds, 60)
        if short:
            # if total_seconds < 120: return '%dm' % (m, s)
            return ['%dm', '%2dm'][pad] % m
        return '%d:%02d' % (m, s)

    def __str__(self):
        """Nicely format the elapsed time
        return self.__timetostr()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s%s> %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, '' if not self.label else ':%s' % self.label, self.str_long)