Example #1
 def anms_outputs(self):
     self.x_left, self.y_left, self.rmax_left = anms(\
     self.cimg_left, 250)
     self.x_center, self.y_center, self.rmax_center = anms(\
     self.cimg_center, 250)
     self.x_right, self.y_right, self.rmax_right = anms(\
     self.cimg_right, 250)
Example #2
def getFeatures(img, bbox):
  #TODO: Your code here
  faces_count = bbox.shape[0]
  bbox = bbox.astype(int)
  maxPoints = 50
  x = np.zeros((maxPoints,faces_count))
  y = np.zeros((maxPoints,faces_count))
  for i in range(0,faces_count):
    width = bbox[i,3,0] - bbox[i,0,0]
    height = bbox[i,1,1] - bbox[i,0,1]
    face_holder = np.zeros((height.astype(int),width.astype(int)))
    face_holder = img[bbox[i,0,1]:bbox[i,1,1], bbox[i,0,0]:bbox[i,3,0]]
    cface = corner_detector(face_holder)
    x1, y1, rmax1 = anms.anms(cface, maxPoints)
    #plt.imshow(face_holder, cmap='gray')
    #plt.scatter(x1, y1)
    x1 = x1.reshape((x1.size, 1))
    y1 = y1.reshape((y1.size, 1))
    x[:,i] = y1[:,0]
    y[:,i] = x1[:,0]
  return x,y
  #return x, y

#img = cv2.imread('/home/prateek/Documents/cis581/project4/PartA/Easy/video1/image1.jpg')
#gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#bbox = np.load('bbox.npy')
#getFeatures(gray_img, bbox)
Example #3
def mymosaic(img_input):
    import numpy as np
    from helpers import rgb2gray
    from helpers import warp_image
    from corner_detector import corner_detector
    from anms import anms
    from feat_desc import feat_desc
    from feat_match import feat_match
    from ransac_est_homography import ransac_est_homography
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math

    # Set out constants
    max_pts = 1000
    thresh = 0.5
    h, w, d = img_input[0].shape

    # ---------- Part 1: Get descs for each image ---------- #

    # Initialize all the cell arrays that we will be using
    # For now, I'm only saving the variables that matter for later steps
    x = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    y = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    descs = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)

    # Get x, y, and descs for each image
    for i in range(3):
        print("---------- Processing Image %d ----------" % (i + 1))
        gray = rgb2gray(img_input[i])

        print("Detecting corners")
        cimg = corner_detector(gray)

        print("Suppressing non maxima")
        x[i], y[i], rmax = anms(cimg, max_pts)

        print("Finding descriptors")
        descs[i] = feat_desc(gray, x[i], y[i])

    # ---------- Part 2: Estimate homographies ---------- #

    # Initialize all the cell arrays that we will be using
    # For now, I'm only saving the variables that matter for later steps
    H = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    inlier_ind = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    corners = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
    corners[1] = np.stack(
        [np.array([0, w, w, 0]),
         np.array([0, 0, h, h]),
    H[1] = np.identity(3)

    for i in [0, 2]:
        print("---------- Matching Images %d and %d ----------" % (i + 1, 2))
        print("Finding matching descriptors")

        match = feat_match(descs[1], descs[i])
        matches = (np.where([match >= 0])[1], match[match >= 0])

        print("Performing RANSAC")
        H[i], inlier_ind[i] = ransac_est_homography(x[i][matches[1]],
                                                    y[1][matches[0]], thresh)

        # Find the boundaries that the mosaic has to fit into
        warped_corners = np.matmul(H[i], corners[1])
        corners[i] = warped_corners / warped_corners[2]

    # ---------- Part 3: Assemble the mosaic ---------- #
    print("---------- Assembling the Mosaic ----------")
    # Initialize the mosaic using corners
    xmin = int(math.floor(np.amin(corners[0][0])))
    xmax = int(math.ceil(np.amax(corners[2][0])))
    ymin = int(
    ymax = int(
    img_mosaic = np.zeros((ymax - ymin, xmax - xmin, 3)).astype(int)

    # Need to find the mesh to interpolate with
    print("Warping images")
    left, yi0, w0, h0 = warp_image(img_input[0], H[0], corners[0])
    center = img_input[1].astype(int)
    right, yi2, w2, h2 = warp_image(img_input[2], H[2], corners[2])

    # Need the offsets to correctly align images
    xi1 = -xmin
    yi1 = -ymin
    w1 = w
    h1 = h

    # Assemble the mosaic
    print("Putting it all together")
    if yi0 < yi2:
        img_mosaic[:h0, :w0][left > 0] = left[left > 0]
        img_mosaic[yi2 - yi0:h2 + yi2 - yi0,
                   -w2 - 1:-1][right > 0] = right[right > 0]
        img_mosaic[yi0 - yi2:h0 + yi0 - yi2, :w0][left > 0] = left[left > 0]
        img_mosaic[:h2, -w2 - 1:-1][right > 0] = right[right > 0]
    img_mosaic[yi1:yi1 + h1, xi1:xi1 + w1] = center

    return img_mosaic
from feat_match import feat_match
from ransac_est_homography import ransac_est_homography

print("---------- Processing First Image ----------")
path1 = "street-2.jpg"
img1 = Image.open(path1)
img1 = np.array(img1)[..., :3]
gray1 = rgb2gray(img1)

max_pts = 1000

print("Detecting corners")
cimg1 = corner_detector(gray1)

print("Suppressing non maxima")
x1, y1, rmax1 = anms(cimg1, max_pts)

print("Finding descriptors")
descs1, boxes1, oris1, ori1 = feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)

# plt.imshow(img1)
# plt.scatter(x1, y1)
# for i in range(boxes1.shape[2]):
# 	plt.plot(boxes1[:,0,i], boxes1[:,1,i], color="red")
# 	plt.plot(oris1[0,:,i], oris1[1,:,i], color="green")
# plt.show()

print("---------- Processing Second Image ----------")
path2 = "street-3.jpg"
img2 = Image.open(path2)
img2 = np.array(img2)[..., :3]

def corner_detector(img):
    cimg = np.zeros([img.shape[0], img.shape[1]])
    img = img.astype(np.float32)
    cimg = cv2.cornerHarris(img, 2, 3, 0.04)
    #cimg = corner_harris(img)
    cimg[cimg < 0.1 * cimg.max()] = 0
    print('detected points:')
    print(cimg[cimg != 0].size)
    return cimg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    I = np.array(Image.open('im1.jpg').convert('RGB'))
    im_gray = utils.rgb2gray(I)
    cimg = corner_detector(im_gray)
    Icopy = I.copy()
    Icopy[cimg > 0] = [0, 0, 255]
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    features = cimg[cimg > 0].size

    x, y, rmax = anms(cimg, round(features * 0.1))
    Icopyy = np.zeros([np.shape(I)[0], np.shape(I)[1]])
    Icopyy[y, x] = 1
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
Example #6
def Stitch(middle, left):
    h, w, z = left.shape
    center_img = utils.rgb2gray(middle)
    cimg_c = corner_detector(center_img)
    xc, yc, rmaxc = anms(cimg_c, pts_num)  # col, row
    output_c = feat_desc(center_img, yc, xc)

    left_img = utils.rgb2gray(left)
    cimg_left = corner_detector(left_img)
    xleft, yleft, rmaxleft = anms(cimg_left, pts_num)  # col, row
    output_left = feat_desc(left_img, yleft, xleft)

    match = feat_match(output_c, output_left)
    a = (match != -1).sum()
    if a < 20:
        return 0
    fig = plt.figure()
    axis1 = fig.add_subplot(221)
    axis1.scatter(xc, yc)
    axis2 = fig.add_subplot(222)
    axis2.scatter(xleft, yleft)

    a = (match != -1).sum()
    xl = np.zeros([a, 1])
    xr = np.zeros([a, 1])
    yl = np.zeros([a, 1])
    yr = np.zeros([a, 1])
    counter = 0
    for i in range(0, len(match)):
        if match[i] != -1:
            xl[counter] = xc[i]
            yl[counter] = yc[i]
            xr[counter] = xleft[match[i]]
            yr[counter] = yleft[match[i]]
            counter += 1

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(223)
    colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(yl)))
    for x, y, c in zip(xl, yl, colors):
        ax1.scatter(x, y, color = c)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(224)
    for x, y, c in zip(xr, yr, colors):
        ax2.scatter(x, y, color = c)


    H, inlier_ind = MatchToH(match, xc, yc, xleft, yleft, middle, left)
    new_h, new_w, offseth, offsetw = findCanvas(H, middle, left)

    x = np.linspace(0, h - 1, h)
    y = np.linspace(0, w - 1, w)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(y, x)
    coord_ori = np.ones([3, h * w])
    coord_ori[0, :] = xv.flatten()
    coord_ori[1, :] = yv.flatten()
    coord_ori = coord_ori.astype(np.int)

    coord_new = np.dot(H, coord_ori)
    coord_new = coord_new / coord_new[2, :]
    coord_new[0, :] = coord_new[0, :] + offsetw
    coord_new[1, :] = coord_new[1, :] + offseth
    coord_new = coord_new.astype(np.int)
    # insert left color into new canvas
    new = np.zeros([new_h + 1, new_w + 1, 3])
    counter = 0
    while coord_new.max(axis=1)[0] > new_w or coord_new.max(
            axis=1)[1] > new_h or coord_new.max(
                axis=1)[0] < 0 or coord_new.max(axis=1)[1] < 0:
        counter = counter + 1
        num = 200
        cimg_c = corner_detector(center_img)
        xc, yc, rmaxc = anms(cimg_c, pts_num + counter * num)  # col, row
        output_c = feat_desc(center_img, yc, xc)

        cimg_left = corner_detector(left_img)
        xleft, yleft, rmaxleft = anms(cimg_left,
                                      pts_num + counter * num)  # col, row
        output_left = feat_desc(left_img, yleft, xleft)

        match = feat_match(output_c, output_left)
        H, inlier_ind = MatchToH(match, xc, yc, xleft, yleft, middle, left)

        fig2 = plt.figure()
        ind = np.where(inlier_ind != 0)
        xinl = xc[ind[0]]
        yinl = yc[ind[0]]
        xinr = xleft[ind[0]]
        yinr = yleft[ind[0]]
        ind_out = np.where(inlier_ind == 0)
        xoutl = xc[ind_out[0]]
        youtl = yc[ind_out[0]]
        xoutr = xleft[ind_out[0]]
        youtr = yleft[ind_out[0]]
        ax1 = fig2.add_subplot(223)
        ax1.scatter(xinl, yinl, color='r')
        ax1.scatter(xoutl, youtl, color='b')
        ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(224)
        ax2.scatter(xinr, yinr, color='r')
        ax2.scatter(xoutr, youtr, color='b')

        new_h, new_w, offseth, offsetw = findCanvas(H, middle, left)
        coord_new = np.dot(H, coord_ori)
        coord_new = coord_new / coord_new[2, :]
        coord_new[0, :] = coord_new[0, :] + offsetw
        coord_new[1, :] = coord_new[1, :] + offseth
        coord_new = coord_new.astype(np.int)
        new = np.zeros([new_h + 1, new_w + 1, 3])

    new[coord_new[1, :], coord_new[0, :], 0] = left[coord_ori[1, :],
                                                    coord_ori[0, :], 0]
    new[coord_new[1, :], coord_new[0, :], 1] = left[coord_ori[1, :],
                                                    coord_ori[0, :], 1]
    new[coord_new[1, :], coord_new[0, :], 2] = left[coord_ori[1, :],
                                                    coord_ori[0, :], 2]

    kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
    new = cv2.dilate(new, kernel, iterations=1)

    #new[coord_new[0, :], coord_new[1, :], 0] = left[coord_ori[0, :], coord_ori[1, :], 0]
    #new[coord_new[0, :], coord_new[1, :], 1] = left[coord_ori[0, :], coord_ori[1, :], 1]
    #new[coord_new[0, :], coord_new[1, :], 2] = left[coord_ori[0, :], coord_ori[1, :], 2]

    new_center = np.zeros([new_h + 1, new_w + 1, 3])
    hm, wm, z = middle.shape

    new_center[offseth:offseth + hm, offsetw:offsetw + wm, 0] = middle[:, :, 0]
    new_center[offseth:offseth + hm, offsetw:offsetw + wm, 1] = middle[:, :, 1]
    new_center[offseth:offseth + hm, offsetw:offsetw + wm, 2] = middle[:, :, 2]
    # insert center color into new canvas
    A = new[offseth:offseth + hm, offsetw:offsetw + wm, :]
    Ac = new_center[offseth:offseth + hm, offsetw:offsetw + wm, :]
    A[np.bitwise_and(A != 0, Ac != 0)] = A[np.bitwise_and(
        A != 0, Ac != 0)] * 0.5 + Ac[np.bitwise_and(A != 0, Ac != 0)] * 0.5

    A[A == 0] = Ac[A == 0]
    new = new.astype('uint8')
    return new
Example #7
def stitch(im1,im2):
    gray1 = cv2.cvtColor(im1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray1 = np.float32(gray1)
    gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(im2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray2 = np.float32(gray2)
    x1,y1,_=anms(corners1, 1000)
    x2,y2,_=anms(corners2, 1000)
    descs1 =feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)
    descs2 =feat_desc(gray2, x2, y2)
    matches = feat_match(descs1,descs2)
    matched_x2 = []
    matched_y2 = []
    matched_x1 = []
    matched_y1 = []
    for i in range(len(matches)):
        if matches[i]!=-1:
    H,inliers = ransac_est_homography(matched_x1,matched_y1,matched_x2,matched_y2,5)

    #Find outer bounds and displacements
    corners = [(0,0),(0,im1.shape[1]-1),(im1.shape[0]-1,0),(im1.shape[0]-1,im1.shape[1]-1)]
    for i in corners:
        transform = np.matmul(H,np.transpose([i[1],i[0],1]))
        transform = transform*(1/transform[2])
    if np.array(y).min()<0:
        dispy= np.array(y).min()
    if np.array(x).min()<0:
        dispx= np.array(x).min() 
    warped_img = np.zeros((int(np.ceil(max(gray2.shape[0],np.array(y).max())+np.abs(dispy))),int(np.ceil(max(gray2.shape[1],np.array(x).max())+np.abs(dispx))),3))
    inverse = np.linalg.inv(H)
    for i in range(warped_img.shape[0]):
        for j in range (warped_img.shape[1]):
            transform = np.matmul(inverse,np.transpose([j+dispx,i+dispy,1]))
            transform = transform*(1/transform[2])
            if i in range(gray2.shape[0]) and j in range(gray2.shape[1]):      
                for channel in range(3):
            if int(transform[0]) in range(gray1.shape[1]) and int(transform[1]) in range(gray1.shape[0]):      
                    for channel in range(3):
                    for channel in range(3):
    warped_img = cv2.imread("intermediate.jpg")
    return warped_img
Example #8
    # left = cv2.imread("../test_img/small_1L.jpg")
    # middle = cv2.imread("../test_img/small_1M.jpg")

    left = cv2.imread("../test_img/1L.jpg")
    middle = cv2.imread("../test_img/1M.jpg")

    # Convert to grayscale
    gray_left = cv2.cvtColor(left, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_middle = cv2.cvtColor(middle, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    left_cmm = corner_detector(gray_left)
    middle_cmm = corner_detector(gray_middle)

    features = 1000
    left_c, left_r, left_rmax = anms(left_cmm, features)
    middle_c, middle_r, middle_rmax = anms(middle_cmm, features)

    # Show the points for the left
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # ax.imshow(gray_left, origin='upper', cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    # ax.plot(left_c, left_r, 'r.', markersize=5)

    # plt.show()

    # Show the points for the middle
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    ax1.imshow(gray_left, origin='upper', cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax1.plot(left_c, left_r, 'r.', markersize=5)
    ax2.imshow(gray_middle, origin='upper', cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax2.plot(middle_c, middle_r, 'r.', markersize=5)
Example #9
def mymosaic(img_input):
    imgs = []
    for img in img_input:
        imgs.append(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))

    cimg = []
    aNMS = []
    descs = []
    fmatchsing = []
    featMatchesDouble = []
    hMat = []

    for img in imgs:

    for i, c in enumerate(cimg):
        ares = anms(c, 1000)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.imshow(imgs[i], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax.plot(ares[0], ares[1], '.r', markersize=2, color="red")

    for i, aN in enumerate(aNMS):
        descs.append(feat_desc(imgs[i], aN[0], aN[1]))

    for i in range(len(descs) - 1):
        fDirect = feat_match(descs[i], descs[i + 1])
        bDirect = feat_match(descs[i + 1], descs[i])
        m1m = fDirect.T[0][(fDirect.T[0] != -1)].astype(int)
        m2m = bDirect.T[0][(bDirect.T[0] != -1)].astype(int)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
        ax[0].imshow(imgs[i], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[0].plot(aNMS[i][0], aNMS[i][1], '.r',  markersize=5, color='blue')
        ax[0].plot(aNMS[i][0][m2m], aNMS[i][1][m2m], '.r',  markersize=5, color='red')
        ax[1].imshow(imgs[i+1], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[1].plot(aNMS[i+1][0], aNMS[i+1][1], '.r', markersize=5, color='blue')
        ax[1].plot(aNMS[i+1][0][m1m], aNMS[i+1][1][m1m], '.r',  markersize=5, color='red')


    for i in range(int(len(fmatchsing) / 2)):

        srcindexes, dstindexes = unityOfMatch(fmatchsing[2 * i], fmatchsing[2 * i + 1])
        mX1 = aNMS[i][0][srcindexes]
        mY1 = aNMS[i][1][srcindexes]
        mX2 = aNMS[i+1][0][dstindexes]
        mY2 = aNMS[i+1][1][dstindexes]

        if i < 2:
            m = np.zeros((imgs[i].shape[0], 2*imgs[i].shape[1], 3))
            m[0:imgs[i].shape[0], 0: imgs[i].shape[1],:] = cv2.cvtColor(imgs[i], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
            m[0:imgs[i].shape[0], imgs[i].shape[1]:, :] = cv2.cvtColor(imgs[i+1], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

            # color_m = cv2.cvtColor(m, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

            offset = imgs[i].shape[1]
            for j in range(len(mX1)):
                cv2.line(m, (mY1[j], mX1[j]), (mY2[j], offset + mX2[j]), (255,0,0), 2)

            cv2.imwrite("matches_{0}.png".format(i), m)
        pts1 = np.vstack((mX1, mY1)).T
        pts2 = np.vstack((mX2, mY2)).T

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
        ax[0].imshow(imgs[i], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[0].plot(aNMS[i][0], aNMS[i][1], '.r',  markersize=2, color='blue')
        ax[0].plot(mX1, mY1, '.r',  markersize=2, color='red')
        ax[1].imshow(imgs[i+1], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[1].plot(aNMS[i+1][0], aNMS[i+1][1], '.r', markersize=2, color='blue')
        ax[1].plot(mX2, mY2, '.r', markersize=2, color='red')

        for j in range(len(mX1)):
            con = ConnectionPatch(pts1[j], pts2[j], "data", "data", axesA=ax[0], axesB=ax[1],zorder = 0.5)

        rsac_results = ransac_est_homography(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2, RSAC_THRESH_VAL)

        filtSrc = srcindexes[np.where(rsac_results[1])]
        filtDst = dstindexes[np.where(rsac_results[1])]

        H = rsac_results[0]

        mX1 = aNMS[i][0][filtSrc]
        mY1 = aNMS[i][1][filtSrc]
        mX2 = aNMS[i+1][0][filtDst]
        mY2 = aNMS[i+1][1][filtDst]
        pts1 = np.vstack((mX1, mY1)).T
        pts2 = np.vstack((mX2, mY2)).T

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
        ax[0].imshow(imgs[i], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[0].plot(aNMS[i][0], aNMS[i][1], '.r',  markersize=2, color='blue')
        ax[0].plot(mX1, mY1, '.r',  markersize=2, color='red')
        ax[1].imshow(imgs[i+1], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[1].plot(aNMS[i+1][0], aNMS[i+1][1], '.r', markersize=2, color='blue')
        ax[1].plot(mX2, mY2, '.r', markersize=2, color='red')
        for j in range(len(mX1)):
            con = ConnectionPatch(pts1[j], pts2[j], "data", "data", axesA=ax[0], axesB=ax[1], zorder=0.5)

        im2 = cv2.warpPerspective(imgs[1], H, dsize=(200, 150))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
        ax[0].imshow(imgs[i], origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[1].imshow(im2, origin="upper", cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    #at this point hMat[i] is the left-to-right H-result for that pair

    imIndexes = len(img_input) - 1
    m = (int)(imIndexes / 2)#floor; 3 images->index 1, 2 images->index 0

    partialImages = []

    hXform = []
    for result in hMat:
        hXform.append(result[0])#all the H matrixes

    numAbove = imIndexes - m
    numBelow = m

    intermed1, offset = stitcher.stitch(img_input[0], img_input[1], hXform[0])
    img_mosaic = intermed1
    intermed2 = None
    if len(hXform) > 1:
        intermed2 = stitcher.stitchRR(img_input[2], img_input[1], np.linalg.inv(hXform[1]), offset, intermed1)
        img_mosaic = intermed2

    if(np.amax(img_mosaic) < 2):
        return img_mosaic
        return img_mosaic.astype(int)
Example #10
def mymosaic(img_input):
    # Your Code Here
    img_mosaic = np.zeros((img_input.shape[0], 1), dtype=object)
    for i in range(img_input.shape[0]):
        imgA = img_input[i, 0]
        imgB = img_input[i, 1]
        imgC = img_input[i, 2]

        imgA_gray = rgb2gray(imgA)
        imgB_gray = rgb2gray(imgB)
        imgC_gray = rgb2gray(imgC)

        cimgA = corner_detector(imgA_gray)
        cimgB = corner_detector(imgB_gray)
        cimgC = corner_detector(imgC_gray)

        max_pts = 500

        xA, yA, rmaxA = anms(cimgA, max_pts)
        xB, yB, rmaxB = anms(cimgB, max_pts)
        xC, yC, rmaxC = anms(cimgC, max_pts)

        # =============================================================================
        # # Demonstrate ANMS result
        #         IA = flipChannel(imgA)
        #         drawPoints(IA,xA,yA,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('A'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IA)
        #         IB = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB,xB,yB,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('B'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IB)
        #         IC = flipChannel(imgC)
        #         drawPoints(IC,xC,yC,(0,0,255))
        #         cv.imwrite('C'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',IC)
        # =============================================================================

        descsA = feat_desc(imgA_gray, xA, yA)
        descsB = feat_desc(imgB_gray, xB, yB)
        descsC = feat_desc(imgC_gray, xC, yC)

        match1 = feat_match(descsA, descsB)
        match2 = feat_match(descsC, descsB)

        ransac_thresh = 10

        xA1, yA1 = xA[match1 > 0].reshape(-1, 1), yA[match1 > 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        xB1, yB1 = xB[match1[match1 > 0]].reshape(
            -1, 1), yB[match1[match1 > 0]].reshape(-1, 1)
        H1, inlier_ind1 = ransac_est_homography(xA1, yA1, xB1, yB1,

        xC2, yC2 = xC[match2 > 0].reshape(-1, 1), yC[match2 > 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        xB2, yB2 = xB[match2[match2 > 0]].reshape(
            -1, 1), yB[match2[match2 > 0]].reshape(-1, 1)
        H2, inlier_ind2 = ransac_est_homography(xC2, yC2, xB2, yB2,
        # =============================================================================
        # # Demonstrating RANSAC match result
        #         row,col,_ = imgA.shape
        #         outlier_ind1 = np.delete(np.arange(len(xA1)),inlier_ind1)
        #         IA1 = flipChannel(imgA)
        #         drawPoints(IA1,xA1[inlier_ind1],yA1[inlier_ind1],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IA1,xA1[outlier_ind1],yA1[outlier_ind1],(255,0,0))
        #         IB1 = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB1,xB1[inlier_ind1],yB1[inlier_ind1],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IB1,xB1[outlier_ind1],yB1[outlier_ind1],(255,0,0))
        #         imgAB = np.zeros((row,2*col,3))
        #         imgAB[:,0:col,:] = IA1
        #         imgAB[:,col:2*col,:] = IB1
        #         drawLines(imgAB,xA1[inlier_ind1],yA1[inlier_ind1]\
        #                   ,xB1[inlier_ind1]+col,yB1[inlier_ind1],(0,255,0))
        #         cv.imwrite('left_match'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',imgAB)
        #         outlier_ind2 = np.delete(np.arange(len(xC2)),inlier_ind2)
        #         IC2 = flipChannel(imgC)
        #         drawPoints(IC2,xC2[inlier_ind2],yC2[inlier_ind2],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IC2,xC2[outlier_ind2],yC2[outlier_ind2],(255,0,0))
        #         IB2 = flipChannel(imgB)
        #         drawPoints(IB2,xB2[inlier_ind2],yB2[inlier_ind2],(0,0,255))
        #         drawPoints(IB2,xB2[outlier_ind2],yB2[outlier_ind2],(255,0,0))
        #         imgBC = np.zeros((row,2*col,3))
        #         imgBC[:,0:col,:] = IB2
        #         imgBC[:,col:2*col,:] = IC2
        #         drawLines(imgBC,xB2[inlier_ind2],yB2[inlier_ind2]\
        #                   ,xC2[inlier_ind2]+col,yC2[inlier_ind2],(0,255,0))
        #         cv.imwrite('right_match'+str(i+1)+'.jpg',imgBC)
        # =============================================================================

        new_left, new_middle, new_right = getNewSize(H1, H2, imgA, imgB, imgC)

        #   Blend Images by  Seam Carving or Alpha Blending
        img_mosaic[i, 0] = seamBlend(new_left, new_middle, new_right)
#        img_mosaic[i,0] = alphaBlend(alphaBlend(new_left,new_middle),new_right)

    return img_mosaic
Example #11
            output[:, i] = (output[:, i] - output_mean) / output_var
            output[:, i] = 0
    return output

if __name__ == '__main__':
    I = np.array(Image.open('im1.jpg').convert('RGB'))
    im_gray = utils.rgb2gray(I)
    cimg = corner_detector(im_gray)
    Icopy = I.copy()
    Icopy[cimg > 0] = [0, 0, 255]
    plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)

    x1, y1, rmax = anms(cimg, 1000)
    Icopyy = np.zeros([np.shape(I)[0], np.shape(I)[1]])
    Icopyy[y1, x1] = 1
    plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    # plt.show()
    output1 = feat_desc(im_gray, y1, x1)

    I2 = np.array(Image.open('im2.jpg').convert('RGB'))
    im_gray2 = utils.rgb2gray(I2)
    cimg2 = corner_detector(im_gray2)
    Icopy2 = I2.copy()
    Icopy2[cimg2 > 0] = [255, 0, 0]
    plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
Example #12
img1_cyl, trackimg1 = cylindricalWarp(img)
img1_cyl, trackimg1 = removeBlackSides(img1_cyl, trackimg1)
img1_cyl = img1_cyl.astype(np.uint8)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img1_cyl.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

img2 = cv2.imread('collegeGreen2.jpg')
img2_cyl, trackimg2 = cylindricalWarp(img2)
img2_cyl, trackimg2 = removeBlackSides(img2_cyl, trackimg2)
img2_cyl = img2_cyl.astype(np.uint8)
gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2_cyl.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

cimg = corner_detector(gray)
cimg[trackimg1 == 0] = 0
# img1_cyl[cimg > 0.01 * cimg.max()] = [0,0,255]
# cv2.imwrite('collegeGreen1_cyl_corner.jpg',img1_cyl)
x1, y1, r = anms(cimg, 1000)
print('x1.shape', x1.shape)
desc = feat_desc(gray, x1, y1)

cimg2 = corner_detector(gray2)
cimg2[trackimg2 == 0] = 0
# img2_cyl[cimg2 > 0.01 * cimg2.max()] = [0,0,255]
# cv2.imwrite('collegeGreen2_cyl_corner.jpg',img2_cyl)
x2, y2, r2 = anms(cimg2, 1000)
print('x2.shape', x2.shape)
desc2 = feat_desc(gray2, x2, y2)

good = feat_match(desc, desc2)
# print(good.shape)

npgood = np.array(good)
Example #13
post-RANSAC matching (outliers in blue dots) for at least five distinct frames.
img1 = cv2.imread("1L.png")
img2 = cv2.imread("1M.png")
im1 = np.float32(cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))
im2 = np.float32(cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))

img1RGB = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img2RGB = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

#Detecting Corners
corners1 = corner_detector(im1)
corners2 = corner_detector(im2)

x1, y1, z1 = anms(corners1, 1000)
x2, y2, z2 = anms(corners2, 1000)

descs1 = feat_desc(im1, x1, y1)
descs2 = feat_desc(im2, x2, y2)

matches = feat_match(descs1, descs2)
matched_x2 = []
matched_y2 = []
matched_x1 = []
matched_y1 = []
for i in range(len(matches)):
    if matches[i] != -1:
Example #14
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helpers import rgb2gray
from corner_detector import corner_detector
from anms import anms
from feat_desc import feat_desc

path1 = "1L.jpg"
img1 = Image.open(path1)
img1 = np.array(img1)[..., :3]
gray1 = rgb2gray(img1)

max_pts = 50

cimg1 = corner_detector(gray1)
x1, y1, rmax1 = anms(cimg1, max_pts)
descs1, boxes1, oris1, ori1 = feat_desc(gray1, x1, y1)



# plt.scatter(x1, y1)
# for i in range(boxes1.shape[2]):
# 	plt.plot(boxes1[:,0,i], boxes1[:,1,i], color="red")
# 	plt.plot(oris1[0,:,i], oris1[1,:,i], color="green")
# plt.show()

path2 = "1M.jpg"
img2 = Image.open(path2)
img2 = np.array(img2)[..., :3]
Example #15
def main():
    max_pts = 1000

    left_image_filename = 'building1.JPG'
    middle_image_filename = 'building2.JPG'
    right_image_filename = 'building3.JPG'

    img_left, gray_left = open_image(left_image_filename)
    img_middle, gray_middle = open_image(middle_image_filename)
    img_right, gray_right = open_image(right_image_filename)

    corners_left = corner_detector(gray_left)
    corners_middle = corner_detector(gray_middle)
    corners_right = corner_detector(gray_right)

    plotting_img_left = np.copy(img_left)
    plotting_img_middle = np.copy(img_middle)
    plotting_img_right = np.copy(img_right)

    print('co', corners_left, corners_left.shape)
    plotting_img_left[corners_left >= 0.01 * np.max(corners_left)] = [
        255, 0, 0
    plotting_img_middle[corners_middle >= 0.01 * np.max(corners_left)] = [
        255, 0, 0
    plotting_img_right[corners_right >= 0.01 * np.max(corners_left)] = [
        255, 0, 0

    plot_corner_harris(plotting_img_left, 'corner_harris_left_2')
    plot_corner_harris(plotting_img_middle, 'corner_harris_middle_2')
    plot_corner_harris(plotting_img_right, 'corner_harris_right_2')

    x_left, y_left = anms(corners_left, max_pts)
    x_middle, y_middle = anms(corners_middle, max_pts)
    x_right, y_right = anms(corners_right, max_pts)

    plot_anms(img_left, x_left, y_left)
    plot_anms(img_middle, x_middle, y_middle)
    plot_anms(img_right, x_right, y_right)

    desc_left = feat_desc(gray_left, x_left, y_left)
    desc_middle = feat_desc(gray_middle, x_middle, y_middle)
    desc_right = feat_desc(gray_right, x_right, y_right)

    matched_index_left_middle = feat_match(desc_left, desc_middle)
    x1 = x_left[matched_index_left_middle != -1]
    y1 = y_left[matched_index_left_middle != -1]
    x2 = x_middle[matched_index_left_middle[matched_index_left_middle != -1]]
    y2 = y_middle[matched_index_left_middle[matched_index_left_middle != -1]]

    thresh = 0.5
    H12, inlier_ind = ransac_est_homography(x1, y1, x2, y2, thresh)

    bx1 = x1[inlier_ind == 0]
    by1 = y1[inlier_ind == 0]
    bx2 = x2[inlier_ind == 0]
    by2 = y2[inlier_ind == 0]

    x1 = x1[inlier_ind != 0]
    y1 = y1[inlier_ind != 0]
    x2 = x2[inlier_ind != 0]
    y2 = y2[inlier_ind != 0]

    plot_image_matching(x1, y1, x2, y2, bx1, by1, bx2, by2, img_left,

    matched_index_right_middle = feat_match(desc_right, desc_middle)

    x1 = x_right[matched_index_right_middle != -1]
    y1 = y_right[matched_index_right_middle != -1]
    x2 = x_middle[matched_index_right_middle[matched_index_right_middle != -1]]
    y2 = y_middle[matched_index_right_middle[matched_index_right_middle != -1]]

    thresh = 1
    H32, inlier_ind = ransac_est_homography(x1, y1, x2, y2, thresh)

    bx1 = x1[inlier_ind == 0]
    by1 = y1[inlier_ind == 0]
    bx2 = x2[inlier_ind == 0]
    by2 = y2[inlier_ind == 0]

    x1 = x1[inlier_ind != 0]
    y1 = y1[inlier_ind != 0]
    x2 = x2[inlier_ind != 0]
    y2 = y2[inlier_ind != 0]

    plot_image_matching(x1, y1, x2, y2, bx1, by1, bx2, by2, img_right,

    mymosaic(img_left, img_middle, img_right, H12, H32)
Example #16
def mosaic(image1, image2):
    ''' Get the corners of the images '''
    print("Running corner detection...")
    corner_matrix1 = corner_detector(rgb2gray(image1))
    corner_matrix2 = corner_detector(rgb2gray(image2))
    ''' Adaptive non-maximal suppression '''
    print("Non-maximal suppression...")
    max_pts = MAX_PTS
    corners1 = anms(corner_matrix1, max_pts)[0:2]
    corners2 = anms(corner_matrix2, max_pts)[0:2]

    # FINAL: Display corners after ANMS
    def display_after_anms():
        # Display image
        plt.plot(corners1[0], corners1[1], 'ro')

        plt.plot(corners2[0], corners2[1], 'ro')

    ''' Get descriptors '''
    print("Get descriptor vectors...")
    descriptors1 = feat_desc(rgb2gray(image1), corners1[0], corners1[1])
    descriptors2 = feat_desc(rgb2gray(image2), corners2[0], corners2[1])
    ''' Finding feature matches '''
    print("Finding matches...")
    matches_idx = feat_match(descriptors1, descriptors2)

    # Boolean vector corresponding to whether or not there was a match found
    num_match = matches_idx.shape[0]
    has_match = np.where(matches_idx != -1)
    matches_idx[np.where(matches_idx == -1)] = 0

    # Pair up the matches
    x1, y1 = corners1[0], corners1[1]
    x2, y2 = np.zeros(num_match).astype(int), np.zeros(num_match).astype(int)
    idx = np.arange(0, num_match)
    x2[idx] = corners2[0][matches_idx]
    y2[idx] = corners2[1][matches_idx]

    # Get rid of non-matches
    x1 = x1[has_match]
    y1 = y1[has_match]
    x2 = x2[has_match]
    y2 = y2[has_match]
    ''' RANSAC '''
    print("Doing RANSAC...")
    homography, inlier_idx = ransac_est_homography(x1, y1, x2, y2,

    # FINAL: Visualize matches after RANSAC
    def show_ransac_12():
        big_im = np.concatenate((image1, image2), axis=1)

        x2_shift = x2 + image1.shape[1]
        for i in range(x1.shape[0]):
            if inlier_idx[i] == 1:
                plt.plot([x1[i], x2_shift[i]], [y1[i], y2[i]], marker="o")

    ''' Mosaicing '''

    # Apply homography to corner points, to get size of canvas
    h, w = image2.shape[0:2]
    x_corners = np.array([[0, 0, w - 1, w - 1], [0, h - 1, 0, h - 1],
                          [1, 1, 1, 1]])
    homography_inv = np.linalg.inv(homography)
    x_corners_trans = np.dot(homography_inv, x_corners)
    x_corners_trans = x_corners_trans / x_corners_trans[2]
    ''' Create canvas '''
    min_x = np.floor(np.min(x_corners_trans[0])).astype(int)
    min_y = np.floor(np.min(x_corners_trans[1])).astype(int)
    max_x = np.ceil(np.max(x_corners_trans[0])).astype(int)
    max_y = np.ceil(np.max(x_corners_trans[1])).astype(int)

    # Find required padding
    neg_padding = -1 * min(np.array([0, min_y, min_x])).astype(int)
    pos_padding = max(np.array([max_y - h, max_x - w])).astype(int)

    # Compute required height+width
    num_colors = image1.shape[2]
    h1, w1 = image1.shape[0:2]
    mosaic = np.zeros(
        (neg_padding + h1 + pos_padding, neg_padding + w1 + pos_padding,
    mosaic[neg_padding:h1 + neg_padding,
           neg_padding:w1 + neg_padding, :] = image1

    # Define function to warp with
    def apply_homography(output_coords):

        # Do homography
        x_output = np.array([output_coords[1], output_coords[0], 1]).reshape(
            (3, 1)).astype(int)
        x_transform = np.dot(homography, x_output)
        x_transform = x_transform / x_transform[2]

        # Add constant shift to deal with padding
        x_input = x_transform[1] - neg_padding, x_transform[0] - neg_padding
        return x_input

    # Add a translation to the homography, based on negative padding
    translation = np.array([
        [1, 0, neg_padding],
        [0, 1, neg_padding],
        [0, 0, 1],
    homography_trans = np.dot(translation, homography_inv)

    # Warp image
    print("Warping image...")
    warped_image = np.zeros(mosaic.shape).astype(np.uint8)
    warped_image = cv2.warpPerspective(
        image2, homography_trans,
        (warped_image.shape[1], warped_image.shape[0]))
    ''' Combining images '''
    print("Combining images...")

    # Copy the warped image into the mosaic
    where_nonzero_warped = (np.sum(warped_image, axis=2) > 0)
    where_nonzero_original = (np.sum(mosaic, axis=2) > 0)

    for r in range(mosaic.shape[0]):
        for c in range(mosaic.shape[1]):

            # Both: average the two
            if where_nonzero_original[r, c] and where_nonzero_warped[r, c]:
                    c, :] = 0.5 * mosaic[r, c, :] + 0.5 * warped_image[r, c, :]

            # Warped image only
            elif where_nonzero_warped[r, c]:
                mosaic[r, c, :] = warped_image[r, c, :]

    return mosaic