class CloudburstConnection(): def __init__(self, func_addr, ip, tid=0, local=False): ''' func_addr: The address of the Cloudburst interface, either localhost or the address of an AWS ELB in cluster mode. ip: The IP address of the client machine -- used to send and receive responses. tid: If multiple clients are running on the same machine, they will need to use unique IDs. local: A boolean representin whether the client is interacting with the cluster in local or cluster mode. ''' self.service_addr = 'tcp://' + func_addr + ':%d' self.context = zmq.Context(1) kvs_addr = self._connect() # Picks a random offset of 10, mostly to alleviate port conflicts when # running in local mode. self.kvs_client = AnnaTcpClient(kvs_addr, ip, local=local, offset=tid + 10) self.func_create_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.func_create_sock.connect(self.service_addr % FUNC_CREATE_PORT) self.func_call_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.func_call_sock.connect(self.service_addr % FUNC_CALL_PORT) self.list_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.list_sock.connect(self.service_addr % LIST_PORT) self.dag_create_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.dag_create_sock.connect(self.service_addr % DAG_CREATE_PORT) self.dag_call_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.dag_call_sock.connect(self.service_addr % DAG_CALL_PORT) self.dag_delete_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.dag_delete_sock.connect(self.service_addr % DAG_DELETE_PORT) self.response_sock = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) response_port = 9000 + tid self.response_sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 1000) self.response_sock.bind('tcp://*:' + str(response_port)) self.response_address = 'tcp://' + ip + ':' + str(response_port) self.rid = 0 def list(self, prefix=None): ''' Returns a list of all the functions registered in the system. prefix: An optional argument which, if specified, prunes the list of returned functions to match the provided prefix. ''' for fname in self._get_func_list(prefix): print(fname) def get_function(self, name): ''' Retrieves a handle for an individual function. Returns None if the function cannot be found in the system. The returned object can be called like a regular Python function, which returns a CloudburstFuture. name: The name of the function to retrieve. ''' if name not in self._get_func_list(): print(f'''No function found with name {name}. To view all functions, use the `list` method.''') return None return CloudburstFunction(name, self, self.kvs_client) def register(self, function, name): ''' Registers a new function or class with the system. The returned object can be called like a regular Python function, which returns a Cloudburst Future. If the input is a class, the class is expected to have a run method, which is what is invoked at runtime. function: The function object that we are registering. name: A unique name for the function to be stored with in the system. ''' func = Function() = name func.body = serializer.dump(function) self.func_create_sock.send(func.SerializeToString()) resp = GenericResponse() resp.ParseFromString(self.func_create_sock.recv()) if resp.success: return CloudburstFunction(name, self, self.kvs_client) else: raise RuntimeError( f'Unexpected error while registering function: {resp}.') def register_dag(self, name, functions, connections): ''' Registers a new DAG with the system. This operation will fail if any of the functions provided cannot be identified in the system. name: A unique name for this DAG. functions: A list of names of functions to be included in this DAG. connections: A list of ordered pairs of function names that represent the edges in this DAG. ''' flist = self._get_func_list() for fname in functions: if isinstance(fname, tuple): fname = fname[0] if fname not in flist: raise RuntimeError( f'Function {fname} not registered. Please register before ' + 'including it in a DAG.') dag = Dag() = name for function in functions: ref = dag.functions.add() if type(function) == tuple: fname = function[0] invalids = function[1] ref.type = MULTIEXEC else: fname = function invalids = [] = fname for invalid in invalids: ref.invalid_results.append(serializer.dump(invalid)) for pair in connections: conn = dag.connections.add() conn.source = pair[0] conn.sink = pair[1] self.dag_create_sock.send(dag.SerializeToString()) r = GenericResponse() r.ParseFromString(self.dag_create_sock.recv()) return r.success, r.error def call_dag(self, dname, arg_map, direct_response=False, consistency=NORMAL, output_key=None, client_id=None): ''' Issues a new request to execute the DAG. Returns a CloudburstFuture that dname: The name of the DAG to cexecute. arg_map: A map from function names to lists of arguments for each of the functions in the DAG. direct_response: If True, the response will be synchronously received by the client; otherwise, the result will be stored in the KVS. consistency: The consistency mode to use with this function: either NORMAL or MULTI. output_key: The KVS key in which to store the result of thie DAG. client_id: An optional ID associated with an individual client across requests; this is used for causal metadata. ''' dc = DagCall() = dname dc.consistency = consistency if output_key: dc.output_key = output_key if client_id: dc.client_id = client_id for fname in arg_map: fname_args = arg_map[fname] if type(fname_args) != list: fname_args = [fname_args] args = [ serializer.dump(arg, serialize=False) for arg in fname_args ] al = dc.function_args[fname] al.values.extend(args) if direct_response: dc.response_address = self.response_address self.dag_call_sock.send(dc.SerializeToString()) r = GenericResponse() r.ParseFromString(self.dag_call_sock.recv()) if direct_response: try: result = self.response_sock.recv() return serializer.load(result) except zmq.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == zmq.EAGAIN: return None else: raise e else: if r.success: return CloudburstFuture(r.response_id, self.kvs_client, serializer) else: return None def delete_dag(self, dname): ''' Removes the specified DAG from the system. dname: The name of the DAG to delete. ''' self.dag_delete_sock.send_string(dname) r = GenericResponse() r.ParseFromString(self.dag_delete_sock.recv()) return r.success, r.error def get_object(self, key): ''' Retrieves an arbitrary key from the KVS, automatically deserializes it, and returns the value to the user. ''' lattice = self.kvs_client.get(key)[key] return serializer.load_lattice(lattice) def put_object(self, key, value): ''' Automatically wraps an object in a lattice and puts it into the key-value store at the desired key. ''' lattice = serializer.dump_lattice(value) return self.kvs_client.put(key, lattice) def exec_func(self, name, args): call = FunctionCall() = name call.request_id = self.rid for arg in args: argobj = call.arguments.values.add() serializer.dump(arg, argobj) self.func_call_sock.send(call.SerializeToString()) r = GenericResponse() r.ParseFromString(self.func_call_sock.recv()) self.rid += 1 return r.response_id def _connect(self): sckt = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) sckt.connect(self.service_addr % CONNECT_PORT) sckt.send_string('') return sckt.recv_string() def _get_func_list(self, prefix=None): msg = prefix if prefix else '' self.list_sock.send_string(msg) flist = StringSet() flist.ParseFromString(self.list_sock.recv()) return flist.keys
def scheduler(ip, mgmt_ip, route_addr): # If the management IP is not set, we are running in local mode. local = (mgmt_ip is None) kvs = AnnaTcpClient(route_addr, ip, local=local) scheduler_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) context = zmq.Context(1) # A mapping from a DAG's name to its protobuf representation. dags = {} # Tracks how often a request for each function is received. call_frequency = {} # Tracks the time interval between successive requests for a particular # DAG. interarrivals = {} # Tracks the most recent arrival for each DAG -- used to calculate # interarrival times. last_arrivals = {} # Maintains a list of all other schedulers in the system, so we can # propagate metadata to them. schedulers = set() connect_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) connect_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (CONNECT_PORT)) func_create_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) func_create_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (FUNC_CREATE_PORT)) func_call_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) func_call_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (FUNC_CALL_PORT)) dag_create_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) dag_create_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (DAG_CREATE_PORT)) dag_call_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) dag_call_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (DAG_CALL_PORT)) dag_delete_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) dag_delete_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (DAG_DELETE_PORT)) list_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) list_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (LIST_PORT)) exec_status_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) exec_status_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.STATUS_PORT)) sched_update_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) sched_update_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.SCHED_UPDATE_PORT)) pin_accept_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) pin_accept_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 500) pin_accept_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.PIN_ACCEPT_PORT)) continuation_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) continuation_socket.bind(sutils.BIND_ADDR_TEMPLATE % (sutils.CONTINUATION_PORT)) if not local: management_request_socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) management_request_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 500) # By setting this flag, zmq matches replies with requests. management_request_socket.setsockopt(zmq.REQ_CORRELATE, 1) # Relax strict alternation between request and reply. # For detailed explanation, see here: management_request_socket.setsockopt(zmq.REQ_RELAXED, 1) management_request_socket.connect( sched_utils.get_scheduler_list_address(mgmt_ip)) pusher_cache = SocketCache(context, zmq.PUSH) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(connect_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(func_create_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(func_call_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(dag_create_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(dag_call_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(dag_delete_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(list_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(exec_status_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(sched_update_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(continuation_socket, zmq.POLLIN) # Start the policy engine. policy = DefaultCloudburstSchedulerPolicy(pin_accept_socket, pusher_cache, kvs, ip, local=local) policy.update() start = time.time() while True: socks = dict(poller.poll(timeout=1000)) if connect_socket in socks and socks[connect_socket] == zmq.POLLIN: msg = connect_socket.recv_string() connect_socket.send_string(route_addr) if (func_create_socket in socks and socks[func_create_socket] == zmq.POLLIN): create_function(func_create_socket, kvs) if func_call_socket in socks and socks[func_call_socket] == zmq.POLLIN: call_function(func_call_socket, pusher_cache, policy) if (dag_create_socket in socks and socks[dag_create_socket] == zmq.POLLIN): create_dag(dag_create_socket, pusher_cache, kvs, dags, policy, call_frequency) if dag_call_socket in socks and socks[dag_call_socket] == zmq.POLLIN: call = DagCall() call.ParseFromString(dag_call_socket.recv()) name = t = time.time() if name in last_arrivals: if name not in interarrivals: interarrivals[name] = [] interarrivals[name].append(t - last_arrivals[name]) last_arrivals[name] = t if name not in dags: resp = GenericResponse() resp.success = False resp.error = NO_SUCH_DAG dag_call_socket.send(resp.SerializeToString()) continue dag = dags[name] for fname in dag[0].functions: call_frequency[] += 1 response = call_dag(call, pusher_cache, dags, policy) dag_call_socket.send(response.SerializeToString()) if (dag_delete_socket in socks and socks[dag_delete_socket] == zmq.POLLIN): delete_dag(dag_delete_socket, dags, policy, call_frequency) if list_socket in socks and socks[list_socket] == zmq.POLLIN: msg = list_socket.recv_string() prefix = msg if msg else '' resp = StringSet() resp.keys.extend(sched_utils.get_func_list(kvs, prefix)) list_socket.send(resp.SerializeToString()) if exec_status_socket in socks and socks[exec_status_socket] == \ zmq.POLLIN: status = ThreadStatus() status.ParseFromString(exec_status_socket.recv()) policy.process_status(status) if sched_update_socket in socks and socks[sched_update_socket] == \ zmq.POLLIN: status = SchedulerStatus() status.ParseFromString(sched_update_socket.recv()) # Retrieve any DAGs that some other scheduler knows about that we # do not yet know about. for dname in status.dags: if dname not in dags: payload = kvs.get(dname) while None in payload: payload = kvs.get(dname) dag = Dag() dag.ParseFromString(payload[dname].reveal()) dags[] = (dag, sched_utils.find_dag_source(dag)) for fname in dag.functions: if not in call_frequency: call_frequency[] = 0 policy.update_function_locations(status.function_locations) if continuation_socket in socks and socks[continuation_socket] == \ zmq.POLLIN: continuation = Continuation() continuation.ParseFromString(continuation_socket.recv()) call = = result = Value() result.ParseFromString(continuation.result) dag, sources = dags[] for source in sources: call.function_args[source].values.extend([result]) call_dag(call, pusher_cache, dags, policy, end = time.time() if end - start > METADATA_THRESHOLD: # Update the scheduler policy-related metadata. policy.update() # If the management IP is None, that means we arre running in # local mode, so there is no need to deal with caches and other # schedulers. if not local: latest_schedulers = sched_utils.get_ip_set( management_request_socket, False) if latest_schedulers: schedulers = latest_schedulers if end - start > REPORT_THRESHOLD: status = SchedulerStatus() for name in dags.keys(): status.dags.append(name) for fname in policy.function_locations: for loc in policy.function_locations[fname]: floc = status.function_locations.add() = fname floc.ip = loc[0] floc.tid = loc[1] msg = status.SerializeToString() for sched_ip in schedulers: if sched_ip != ip: sckt = pusher_cache.get( sched_utils.get_scheduler_update_address(sched_ip)) sckt.send(msg) stats = ExecutorStatistics() for fname in call_frequency: fstats = stats.functions.add() = fname fstats.call_count = call_frequency[fname]'Reporting %d calls for function %s.' % (call_frequency[fname], fname)) call_frequency[fname] = 0 for dname in interarrivals: dstats = stats.dags.add() = dname dstats.call_count = len(interarrivals[dname]) + 1 dstats.interarrival.extend(interarrivals[dname]) interarrivals[dname].clear() # We only attempt to send the statistics if we are running in # cluster mode. If we are running in local mode, we write them to # the local log file. if mgmt_ip: sckt = pusher_cache.get( sutils.get_statistics_report_address(mgmt_ip)) sckt.send(stats.SerializeToString()) start = time.time()
""" for temp_string_iter in pickle_arr: key_string = base_string + "#" + str(i) value_bytes = LWWPairLattice(int(time.time()), temp_string_iter.encode()) client.put(key_string, value_bytes) print(key_string) # print(temp_string_iter) # print("") i += 1 i_string = str(i) i_bytes = LWWPairLattice(int(time.time()), i_string.encode()) client.put(bash_bytes_string, i_bytes) """ i_two = int( (((client.get(bash_bytes_string))[bash_bytes_string]).reveal()).decode()) temp_pickle_ret = "" for index in range(i_two): temp_string_iter_two = pickle_arr[index] key_string_two = base_string + "#" + str(index) ret = (((client.get(key_string_two))[key_string_two]).reveal()).decode() temp_pickle_ret = temp_pickle_ret + ret print(temp_string_iter_two == ret) # print(bin(temp_pickle_string)) print(type(temp_pickle_string)) # print(len(list(str.split(temp_pickle_string)))) # print(list(temp.items())[0][1]) # print(list(temp.items())[0]) # print(list(temp.items())) # print(type(temp))