Example #1
    def _file_transport_command(self, in_path, out_path, sftp_action):
        # scp and sftp require square brackets for IPv6 addresses, but
        # accept them for hostnames and IPv4 addresses too.
        host = '[%s]' % self.host

        # Transfer methods to try
        methods = []

        # Use the transfer_method option if set, otherwise use scp_if_ssh
        ssh_transfer_method = self._play_context.ssh_transfer_method
        if ssh_transfer_method is not None:
            if not (ssh_transfer_method in ('smart', 'sftp', 'scp', 'piped')):
                raise AnsibleOptionsError(
                    'transfer_method needs to be one of [smart|sftp|scp|piped]'
            if ssh_transfer_method == 'smart':
                methods = ['sftp', 'scp', 'piped']
                methods = [ssh_transfer_method]
            # since this can be a non-bool now, we need to handle it correctly
            scp_if_ssh = C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH
            if not isinstance(scp_if_ssh, bool):
                scp_if_ssh = scp_if_ssh.lower()
                if scp_if_ssh in BOOLEANS:
                    scp_if_ssh = boolean(scp_if_ssh, strict=False)
                elif scp_if_ssh != 'smart':
                    raise AnsibleOptionsError(
                        'scp_if_ssh needs to be one of [smart|True|False]')
            if scp_if_ssh == 'smart':
                methods = ['sftp', 'scp', 'piped']
            elif scp_if_ssh is True:
                methods = ['scp']
                methods = ['sftp']

        for method in methods:
            returncode = stdout = stderr = None
            if method == 'sftp':
                cmd = self._build_command('sftp', to_bytes(host))
                in_data = u"{0} {1} {2}\n".format(sftp_action,
                in_data = to_bytes(in_data, nonstring='passthru')
                (returncode, stdout, stderr) = self._bare_run(cmd,
            elif method == 'scp':
                if sftp_action == 'get':
                    cmd = self._build_command(
                        'scp', u'{0}:{1}'.format(host, shlex_quote(in_path)),
                    cmd = self._build_command(
                        'scp', in_path,
                        u'{0}:{1}'.format(host, shlex_quote(out_path)))
                in_data = None
                (returncode, stdout, stderr) = self._bare_run(cmd,
            elif method == 'piped':
                if sftp_action == 'get':
                    # we pass sudoable=False to disable pty allocation, which
                    # would end up mixing stdout/stderr and screwing with newlines
                    (returncode, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(
                        'dd if=%s bs=%s' % (in_path, BUFSIZE), sudoable=False)
                    out_file = open(
                        to_bytes(out_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'),
                    in_data = open(
                        to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'),
                    in_data = to_bytes(in_data, nonstring='passthru')
                    (returncode, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(
                        'dd of=%s bs=%s' % (out_path, BUFSIZE),

            # Check the return code and rollover to next method if failed
            if returncode == 0:
                return (returncode, stdout, stderr)
                # If not in smart mode, the data will be printed by the raise below
                if len(methods) > 1:
                        '%s transfer mechanism failed on %s. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information'
                        % (method, host))
                    display.debug(msg='%s' % to_native(stdout))
                    display.debug(msg='%s' % to_native(stderr))

        if returncode == 255:
            raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(
                "Failed to connect to the host via %s: %s" %
                (method, to_native(stderr)))
            raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file to %s %s:\n%s\n%s" %
                               (to_native(in_path), to_native(out_path),
                                to_native(stdout), to_native(stderr)))
Example #2
    def _get_connection(self, variables, templar):
        Reads the connection property for the host, and returns the
        correct connection object from the list of connection plugins

        if self._task.delegate_to is not None:
            # since we're delegating, we don't want to use interpreter values
            # which would have been set for the original target host
            for i in variables.keys():
                if isinstance(i, string_types) and i.startswith(
                        'ansible_') and i.endswith('_interpreter'):
                    del variables[i]
            # now replace the interpreter values with those that may have come
            # from the delegated-to host
            delegated_vars = variables.get('ansible_delegated_vars',
            if isinstance(delegated_vars, dict):
                for i in delegated_vars:
                    if isinstance(i, string_types) and i.startswith(
                            "ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
                        variables[i] = delegated_vars[i]

        conn_type = self._play_context.connection
        if conn_type == 'smart':
            conn_type = 'ssh'
            if sys.platform.startswith(
                    'darwin') and self._play_context.password:
                # due to a current bug in sshpass on OSX, which can trigger
                # a kernel panic even for non-privileged users, we revert to
                # paramiko on that OS when a SSH password is specified
                conn_type = "paramiko"
                # see if SSH can support ControlPersist if not use paramiko
                    cmd = subprocess.Popen(['ssh', '-o', 'ControlPersist'],
                    (out, err) = cmd.communicate()
                    err = to_unicode(err)
                    if u"Bad configuration option" in err or u"Usage:" in err:
                        conn_type = "paramiko"
                except OSError:
                    conn_type = "paramiko"

        connection = self._shared_loader_obj.connection_loader.get(
            conn_type, self._play_context, self._new_stdin)
        if not connection:
            raise AnsibleError("the connection plugin '%s' was not found" %

        if self._play_context.accelerate:
            # accelerate is deprecated as of 2.1...
                'Accelerated mode is deprecated. Consider using SSH with ControlPersist and pipelining enabled instead'
            # launch the accelerated daemon here
            ssh_connection = connection
            handler = self._shared_loader_obj.action_loader.get(

            key = key_for_hostname(self._play_context.remote_addr)
            accelerate_args = dict(

            connection = self._shared_loader_obj.connection_loader.get(
                'accelerate', self._play_context, self._new_stdin)
            if not connection:
                raise AnsibleError("the connection plugin '%s' was not found" %

            except AnsibleConnectionFailure:
                display.debug('connection failed, fallback to accelerate')
                res = handler._execute_module(module_name='accelerate',

        return connection
Example #3
    def get_config_value_and_origin(self, config, cfile=None, plugin_type=None, plugin_name=None, keys=None, variables=None, direct=None):
        ''' Given a config key figure out the actual value and report on the origin of the settings '''
        if cfile is None:
            # use default config
            cfile = self._config_file

        # Note: sources that are lists listed in low to high precedence (last one wins)
        value = None
        origin = None

        defs = self.get_configuration_definitions(plugin_type, plugin_name)
        if config in defs:

            # direct setting via plugin arguments, can set to None so we bypass rest of processing/defaults
            direct_aliases = []
            if direct:
                direct_aliases = [direct[alias] for alias in defs[config].get('aliases', []) if alias in direct]
            if direct and config in direct:
                value = direct[config]
                origin = 'Direct'
            elif direct and direct_aliases:
                value = direct_aliases[0]
                origin = 'Direct'

                # Use 'variable overrides' if present, highest precedence, but only present when querying running play
                if variables and defs[config].get('vars'):
                    value, origin = self._loop_entries(variables, defs[config]['vars'])
                    origin = 'var: %s' % origin

                # use playbook keywords if you have em
                if value is None and keys and config in keys:
                    value, origin = keys[config], 'keyword'
                    origin = 'keyword: %s' % origin

                # env vars are next precedence
                if value is None and defs[config].get('env'):
                    value, origin = self._loop_entries(py3compat.environ, defs[config]['env'])
                    origin = 'env: %s' % origin

                # try config file entries next, if we have one
                if self._parsers.get(cfile, None) is None:

                if value is None and cfile is not None:
                    ftype = get_config_type(cfile)
                    if ftype and defs[config].get(ftype):
                        if ftype == 'ini':
                            # load from ini config
                            try:  # FIXME: generalize _loop_entries to allow for files also, most of this code is dupe
                                for ini_entry in defs[config]['ini']:
                                    temp_value = get_ini_config_value(self._parsers[cfile], ini_entry)
                                    if temp_value is not None:
                                        value = temp_value
                                        origin = cfile
                                        if 'deprecated' in ini_entry:
                                            self.DEPRECATED.append(('[%s]%s' % (ini_entry['section'], ini_entry['key']), ini_entry['deprecated']))
                            except Exception as e:
                                sys.stderr.write("Error while loading ini config %s: %s" % (cfile, to_native(e)))
                        elif ftype == 'yaml':
                            # FIXME: implement, also , break down key from defs (. notation???)
                            origin = cfile

                # set default if we got here w/o a value
                if value is None:
                    if defs[config].get('required', False):
                        if not plugin_type or config not in INTERNAL_DEFS.get(plugin_type, {}):
                            raise AnsibleError("No setting was provided for required configuration %s" %
                                               to_native(_get_entry(plugin_type, plugin_name, config)))
                        value = defs[config].get('default')
                        origin = 'default'
                        # skip typing as this is a templated default that will be resolved later in constants, which has needed vars
                        if plugin_type is None and isinstance(value, string_types) and (value.startswith('{{') and value.endswith('}}')):
                            return value, origin

            # ensure correct type, can raise exceptions on mismatched types
                value = ensure_type(value, defs[config].get('type'), origin=origin)
            except ValueError as e:
                if origin.startswith('env:') and value == '':
                    # this is empty env var for non string so we can set to default
                    origin = 'default'
                    value = ensure_type(defs[config].get('default'), defs[config].get('type'), origin=origin)
                    raise AnsibleOptionsError('Invalid type for configuration option %s: %s' %
                                              (to_native(_get_entry(plugin_type, plugin_name, config)), to_native(e)))

            # deal with deprecation of the setting
            if 'deprecated' in defs[config] and origin != 'default':
                self.DEPRECATED.append((config, defs[config].get('deprecated')))
            raise AnsibleError('Requested entry (%s) was not defined in configuration.' % to_native(_get_entry(plugin_type, plugin_name, config)))

        return value, origin
Example #4
    def do_template(self,
        if self.jinja2_native and not isinstance(data, string_types):
            return data

        # For preserving the number of input newlines in the output (used
        # later in this method)
        data_newlines = _count_newlines_from_end(data)

        if fail_on_undefined is None:
            fail_on_undefined = self._fail_on_undefined_errors

            # allows template header overrides to change jinja2 options.
            if overrides is None:
                myenv = self.environment
                myenv = self.environment.overlay(overrides)

            # Get jinja env overrides from template
            if hasattr(data,
                       'startswith') and data.startswith(JINJA2_OVERRIDE):
                eol = data.find('\n')
                line = data[len(JINJA2_OVERRIDE):eol]
                data = data[eol + 1:]
                for pair in line.split(','):
                    (key, val) = pair.split(':')
                    key = key.strip()
                    setattr(myenv, key, ast.literal_eval(val.strip()))

            if escape_backslashes:
                # Allow users to specify backslashes in playbooks as "\\" instead of as "\\\\".
                data = _escape_backslashes(data, myenv)

                t = myenv.from_string(data)
            except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "template error while templating string: %s. String: %s" %
                    (to_native(e), to_native(data)))
            except Exception as e:
                if 'recursion' in to_native(e):
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        "recursive loop detected in template string: %s" %
                    return data

            if disable_lookups:
                t.globals['query'] = t.globals['q'] = t.globals[
                    'lookup'] = self._fail_lookup

            jvars = AnsibleJ2Vars(self, t.globals)

            self.cur_context = new_context = t.new_context(jvars, shared=True)
            rf = t.root_render_func(new_context)

                if self.jinja2_native:
                    res = ansible_native_concat(rf)
                    res = j2_concat(rf)
                if getattr(new_context, 'unsafe', False):
                    res = wrap_var(res)
            except TypeError as te:
                if 'AnsibleUndefined' in to_native(te):
                    errmsg = "Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string (%s).\n" % to_native(
                    errmsg += "Make sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-': %s" % to_native(
                    raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(errmsg)
                        "failing because of a type error, template data is: %s"
                        % to_text(data))
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        "Unexpected templating type error occurred on (%s): %s"
                        % (to_native(data), to_native(te)))

            if self.jinja2_native and not isinstance(res, string_types):
                return res

            if preserve_trailing_newlines:
                # The low level calls above do not preserve the newline
                # characters at the end of the input data, so we use the
                # calculate the difference in newlines and append them
                # to the resulting output for parity
                # jinja2 added a keep_trailing_newline option in 2.7 when
                # creating an Environment.  That would let us make this code
                # better (remove a single newline if
                # preserve_trailing_newlines is False).  Once we can depend on
                # that version being present, modify our code to set that when
                # initializing self.environment and remove a single trailing
                # newline here if preserve_newlines is False.
                res_newlines = _count_newlines_from_end(res)
                if data_newlines > res_newlines:
                    res += self.environment.newline_sequence * (data_newlines -
            return res
        except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable) as e:
            if fail_on_undefined:
                raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(e)
                display.debug("Ignoring undefined failure: %s" % to_text(e))
                return data
Example #5
    def _get_action_handler(self, connection, templar):
        Returns the correct action plugin to handle the requestion task action

        if self._task.action in self._shared_loader_obj.action_loader:
            if self._task. async != 0:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "async mode is not supported with the %s module" %
            handler_name = self._task.action
        elif self._task. async == 0:
            handler_name = 'normal'
            handler_name = 'async'

        handler = self._shared_loader_obj.action_loader.get(

        if not handler:
            raise AnsibleError("the handler '%s' was not found" % handler_name)

        return handler
Example #6
    def _execute_module(self,
        Transfer and run a module along with its arguments.
        if task_vars is None:
            task_vars = dict()

        # if a module name was not specified for this execution, use
        # the action from the task
        if module_name is None:
            module_name = self._task.action
        if module_args is None:
            module_args = self._task.args

        # set check mode in the module arguments, if required
        if self._play_context.check_mode:
            if not self._supports_check_mode:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "check mode is not supported for this operation")
            module_args['_ansible_check_mode'] = True
            module_args['_ansible_check_mode'] = False

        # Get the connection user for permission checks
        remote_user = task_vars.get(
            'ansible_ssh_user') or self._play_context.remote_user

        # set no log in the module arguments, if required
            '_ansible_no_log'] = self._play_context.no_log or C.DEFAULT_NO_TARGET_SYSLOG

        # set debug in the module arguments, if required
        module_args['_ansible_debug'] = C.DEFAULT_DEBUG

        # let module know we are in diff mode
        module_args['_ansible_diff'] = self._play_context.diff

        # let module know our verbosity
        module_args['_ansible_verbosity'] = display.verbosity

        # give the module information about the ansible version
        module_args['_ansible_version'] = __version__

        # give the module information about its name
        module_args['_ansible_module_name'] = module_name

        # set the syslog facility to be used in the module
        module_args['_ansible_syslog_facility'] = task_vars.get(
            'ansible_syslog_facility', C.DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY)

        # let module know about filesystems that selinux treats specially
            '_ansible_selinux_special_fs'] = C.DEFAULT_SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS

        (module_style, shebang, module_data,
         module_path) = self._configure_module(module_name=module_name,
        display.vvv("Using module file %s" % module_path)
        if not shebang and module_style != 'binary':
            raise AnsibleError("module (%s) is missing interpreter line" %

        # a remote tmp path may be necessary and not already created
        remote_module_path = None
        args_file_path = None
        if not tmp and self._late_needs_tmp_path(tmp, module_style):
            tmp = self._make_tmp_path(remote_user)

        if tmp and \
         (module_style != 'new' or \
         not self._connection.has_pipelining or \
         not self._play_context.pipelining or \
         self._play_context.become_method == 'su'):
            remote_module_filename = self._connection._shell.get_remote_filename(
            remote_module_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(
                tmp, remote_module_filename)
            if module_style in ('old', 'non_native_want_json', 'binary'):
                # we'll also need a temp file to hold our module arguments
                args_file_path = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, 'args')

        if remote_module_path or module_style != 'new':
            display.debug("transferring module to remote %s" %
            if module_style == 'binary':
                self._transfer_file(module_path, remote_module_path)
                self._transfer_data(remote_module_path, module_data)
            if module_style == 'old':
                # we need to dump the module args to a k=v string in a file on
                # the remote system, which can be read and parsed by the module
                args_data = ""
                for k, v in iteritems(module_args):
                    args_data += '%s=%s ' % (k, pipes.quote(text_type(v)))
                self._transfer_data(args_file_path, args_data)
            elif module_style in ('non_native_want_json', 'binary'):
                self._transfer_data(args_file_path, json.dumps(module_args))
            display.debug("done transferring module to remote")

        environment_string = self._compute_environment_string()

        remote_files = None

        if args_file_path:
            remote_files = tmp, remote_module_path, args_file_path
        elif remote_module_path:
            remote_files = tmp, remote_module_path

        # Fix permissions of the tmp path and tmp files.  This should be
        # called after all files have been transferred.
        if remote_files:
            self._fixup_perms2(remote_files, remote_user)

        cmd = ""
        in_data = None

        if self._connection.has_pipelining and self._play_context.pipelining and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and module_style == 'new':
            in_data = module_data
            if remote_module_path:
                cmd = remote_module_path

        rm_tmp = None
        if tmp and "tmp" in tmp and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and not persist_files and delete_remote_tmp:
            if not self._play_context.become or self._play_context.become_user == 'root':
                # not sudoing or sudoing to root, so can cleanup files in the same step
                rm_tmp = tmp

        cmd = self._connection._shell.build_module_command(
        cmd = cmd.strip()

        sudoable = True
        if module_name == "accelerate":
            # always run the accelerate module as the user
            # specified in the play, not the sudo_user
            sudoable = False

        res = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd,

        if tmp and "tmp" in tmp and not C.DEFAULT_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES and not persist_files and delete_remote_tmp:
            if self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user != 'root':
                # not sudoing to root, so maybe can't delete files as that other user
                # have to clean up temp files as original user in a second step
                tmp_rm_cmd = self._connection._shell.remove(tmp, recurse=True)
                tmp_rm_res = self._low_level_execute_command(tmp_rm_cmd,
                tmp_rm_data = self._parse_returned_data(tmp_rm_res)
                if tmp_rm_data.get('rc', 0) != 0:
                        'Error deleting remote temporary files (rc: {0}, stderr: {1})'
                                           'No error string available.')))

        # parse the main result
        data = self._parse_returned_data(res)

        # pre-split stdout into lines, if stdout is in the data and there
        # isn't already a stdout_lines value there
        if 'stdout' in data and 'stdout_lines' not in data:
            data['stdout_lines'] = data.get('stdout', u'').splitlines()

        display.debug("done with _execute_module (%s, %s)" %
                      (module_name, module_args))
        return data
Example #7
 def _fail_lookup(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
     raise AnsibleError(
         "The lookup `%s` was found, however lookups were disabled from templating"
         % name)
Example #8
import json
import re

from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_bytes
from ansible.errors import AnsibleConnectionFailure, AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.netconf import NetconfBase
from ansible.plugins.netconf import ensure_connected

    from ncclient import manager
    from ncclient.operations import RPCError
    from ncclient.transport.errors import SSHUnknownHostError
    from ncclient.xml_ import to_ele, to_xml, new_ele
except ImportError:
    raise AnsibleError("ncclient is not installed")

    from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
    from ansible.utils.display import Display
    display = Display()

class Netconf(NetconfBase):
    def get_text(self, ele, tag):
            return to_text(ele.find(tag).text,
        except AttributeError:
Example #9
    def _parse(self, err):

        all_hosts = {}

        # not passing from_remote because data from CMDB is trusted
            self.raw = self._loader.load(self.data)
        except Exception as e:
            sys.stderr.write(to_native(err) + "\n")
            raise AnsibleError(
                "failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: {1}"
                .format(to_native(self.filename), to_native(e)))

        if not isinstance(self.raw, Mapping):
            sys.stderr.write(to_native(err) + "\n")
            raise AnsibleError(
                "failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: data needs to be formatted as a json dict"

        group = None
        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():

            # in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
            # a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
            # if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
            # host.  This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
            # if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier.

            if group_name == '_meta':
                if 'hostvars' in data:
                    self.host_vars_from_top = data['hostvars']

            if group_name not in self.groups:
                group = self.groups[group_name] = Group(group_name)

            group = self.groups[group_name]
            host = None

            if not isinstance(data, dict):
                data = {'hosts': data}
            # is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
            elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts', 'vars', 'children')):
                data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data}

            if 'hosts' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
                    raise AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                                       "data for the host list:\n %s" %
                                       (group_name, data))

                for hostname in data['hosts']:
                    if hostname not in all_hosts:
                        all_hosts[hostname] = Host(hostname)
                    host = all_hosts[hostname]

            if 'vars' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
                    raise AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                                       "data for variables:\n %s" %
                                       (group_name, data))

                for k, v in iteritems(data['vars']):
                    group.set_variable(k, v)

        # Separate loop to ensure all groups are defined
        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
            if group_name == '_meta':
            if isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data:
                for child_name in data['children']:
                    if child_name in self.groups:

        # Finally, add all top-level groups as children of 'all'.
        # We exclude ungrouped here because it was already added as a child of
        # 'all' at the time it was created.

        for group in self.groups.values():
            if group.depth == 0 and group.name not in ('all', 'ungrouped'):
Example #10
    def _run_loop(self, items):
        Runs the task with the loop items specified and collates the result
        into an array named 'results' which is inserted into the final result
        along with the item for which the loop ran.

        results = []

        # make copies of the job vars and task so we can add the item to
        # the variables and re-validate the task with the item variable
        # task_vars = self._job_vars.copy()
        task_vars = self._job_vars

        loop_var = 'item'
        index_var = None
        label = None
        loop_pause = 0
        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=self._job_vars)
        if self._task.loop_control:
            # FIXME: move this to the object itself to allow post_validate to take care of templating
            loop_var = templar.template(self._task.loop_control.loop_var)
            index_var = templar.template(self._task.loop_control.index_var)
            loop_pause = templar.template(self._task.loop_control.pause)
            # the these may be 'None', so we still need to default to something useful
            # this is tempalted below after an item is assigned
            label = (self._task.loop_control.label or ('{{' + loop_var + '}}'))

        if loop_var in task_vars:
            display.warning(u"The loop variable '%s' is already in use. "
                            u"You should set the `loop_var` value in the `loop_control` option for the task"
                            u" to something else to avoid variable collisions and unexpected behavior." % loop_var)

        ran_once = False
        if self._task.loop_with:
            # Only squash with 'with_:' not with the 'loop:', 'magic' squashing can be removed once with_ loops are
            items = self._squash_items(items, loop_var, task_vars)

        for item_index, item in enumerate(items):
            task_vars[loop_var] = item
            if index_var:
                task_vars[index_var] = item_index

            # pause between loop iterations
            if loop_pause and ran_once:
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise AnsibleError('Invalid pause value: %s, produced error: %s' % (loop_pause, to_native(e)))
                ran_once = True

                tmp_task = self._task.copy(exclude_parent=True, exclude_tasks=True)
                tmp_task._parent = self._task._parent
                tmp_play_context = self._play_context.copy()
            except AnsibleParserError as e:
                results.append(dict(failed=True, msg=to_text(e)))

            # now we swap the internal task and play context with their copies,
            # execute, and swap them back so we can do the next iteration cleanly
            (self._task, tmp_task) = (tmp_task, self._task)
            (self._play_context, tmp_play_context) = (tmp_play_context, self._play_context)
            res = self._execute(variables=task_vars)
            task_fields = self._task.dump_attrs()
            (self._task, tmp_task) = (tmp_task, self._task)
            (self._play_context, tmp_play_context) = (tmp_play_context, self._play_context)

            # now update the result with the item info, and append the result
            # to the list of results
            res[loop_var] = item
            if index_var:
                res[index_var] = item_index
            res['_ansible_item_result'] = True
            res['_ansible_ignore_errors'] = task_fields.get('ignore_errors')

            if label is not None:
                res['_ansible_item_label'] = templar.template(label, cache=False)

            del task_vars[loop_var]

        return results
Example #11
 def check_module_args(self):
     if self.module_name in C.MODULE_REQUIRE_ARGS and not self.module_args:
         err = "No argument passed to '%s' module." % self.module_name
         raise AnsibleError(err)
Example #12
    def _get_loop_items(self):
        Loads a lookup plugin to handle the with_* portion of a task (if specified),
        and returns the items result.

        # save the play context variables to a temporary dictionary,
        # so that we can modify the job vars without doing a full copy
        # and later restore them to avoid modifying things too early
        play_context_vars = dict()

        old_vars = dict()
        for k in play_context_vars:
            if k in self._job_vars:
                old_vars[k] = self._job_vars[k]
            self._job_vars[k] = play_context_vars[k]

        # get search path for this task to pass to lookup plugins
        self._job_vars['ansible_search_path'] = self._task.get_search_path()

        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=self._job_vars)
        items = None
        if self._task.loop_with:
            if self._task.loop_with in self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader:
                fail = True
                if self._task.loop_with == 'first_found':
                    # first_found loops are special. If the item is undefined then we want to fall through to the next value rather than failing.
                    fail = False

                loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=self._task.loop, templar=templar, loader=self._loader, fail_on_undefined=fail,
                if not fail:
                    loop_terms = [t for t in loop_terms if not templar._contains_vars(t)]

                # get lookup
                mylookup = self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader.get(self._task.loop_with, loader=self._loader, templar=templar)

                # give lookup task 'context' for subdir (mostly needed for first_found)
                for subdir in ['template', 'var', 'file']:  # TODO: move this to constants?
                    if subdir in self._task.action:
                setattr(mylookup, '_subdir', subdir + 's')

                # run lookup
                items = mylookup.run(terms=loop_terms, variables=self._job_vars, wantlist=True)
                raise AnsibleError("Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins" % self._task.loop_with)

        elif self._task.loop:
            items = templar.template(self._task.loop)
            if not isinstance(items, list):
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Invalid data passed to 'loop', it requires a list, got this instead: %s."
                    " Hint: If you passed a list/dict of just one element,"
                    " try adding wantlist=True to your lookup invocation or use q/query instead of lookup." % items

        # now we restore any old job variables that may have been modified,
        # and delete them if they were in the play context vars but not in
        # the old variables dictionary
        for k in play_context_vars:
            if k in old_vars:
                self._job_vars[k] = old_vars[k]
                del self._job_vars[k]

        if items:
            for idx, item in enumerate(items):
                if item is not None and not isinstance(item, UnsafeProxy):
                    items[idx] = UnsafeProxy(item)

        # ensure basedir is always in (dwim already searches here but we need to display it)
        if self._loader.get_basedir() not in self._job_vars['ansible_search_path']:

        return items
Example #13
 def _search_executable(self, executable):
     cmd = distutils.spawn.find_executable(executable)
     if not cmd:
         raise AnsibleError("%s command not found in PATH") % executable
     return cmd
Example #14

from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError

    import luna
except ImportError:
    raise AnsibleError("luna is not installed")

from luna_ansible.helpers import StreamStringLogger
import logging

if luna.__version__ != '1.2':
    raise AnsibleError("Only luna-1.2 is supported")

def luna_group_present(data):
    name = data.pop('name')

    # perform interface data checking, make sure networks are exist,
    # interface names are unique, etc.
    interfaces = data.pop('interfaces')
    tmp_interfaces = {}
    for elem in interfaces:

        if not 'name' in elem:
            return True, False, "No name for interface defined"
Example #15
    def _make_tmp_path(self, remote_user):
        Create and return a temporary path on a remote box.

        basefile = 'ansible-tmp-%s-%s' % (time.time(), random.randint(
            0, 2**48))
        use_system_tmp = False

        if self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user not in (
                'root', remote_user):
            use_system_tmp = True

        tmp_mode = 0o700

        cmd = self._connection._shell.mkdtemp(basefile, use_system_tmp,
        result = self._low_level_execute_command(cmd, sudoable=False)

        # error handling on this seems a little aggressive?
        if result['rc'] != 0:
            if result['rc'] == 5:
                output = 'Authentication failure.'
            elif result['rc'] == 255 and self._connection.transport in (
                    'ssh', ):

                if self._play_context.verbosity > 3:
                    output = u'SSH encountered an unknown error. The output was:\n%s%s' % (
                        result['stdout'], result['stderr'])
                    output = (
                        u'SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection.'
                        ' We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue'

            elif u'No space left on device' in result['stderr']:
                output = result['stderr']
                output = (
                    'Authentication or permission failure.'
                    ' In some cases, you may have been able to authenticate and did not have permissions on the remote directory.'
                    ' Consider changing the remote temp path in ansible.cfg to a path rooted in "/tmp".'
                    ' Failed command was: %s, exited with result %d' %
                    (cmd, result['rc']))
            if 'stdout' in result and result['stdout'] != u'':
                output = output + u": %s" % result['stdout']
            raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(output)

            stdout_parts = result['stdout'].strip().split('%s=' % basefile, 1)
            rc = self._connection._shell.join_path(stdout_parts[-1],
        except IndexError:
            # stdout was empty or just space, set to / to trigger error in next if
            rc = '/'

        # Catch failure conditions, files should never be
        # written to locations in /.
        if rc == '/':
            raise AnsibleError(
                'failed to resolve remote temporary directory from %s: `%s` returned empty string'
                % (basefile, cmd))

        return rc

RETURN = """
    Returns a boolean when I(attribute) is check_ec2_classic. Otherwise returns the value(s) of the attribute
    (or all attributes if one is not specified).

from ansible.errors import AnsibleError

    import boto3
    import botocore
except ImportError:
    raise AnsibleError(
        "The lookup aws_account_attribute requires boto3 and botocore.")

from ansible.plugins import AnsiblePlugin
from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
from ansible_collections.ansible.amazon.plugins.module_utils.ec2 import boto3_conn, get_aws_connection_info
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
import os

def _boto3_conn(region, credentials):
    boto_profile = credentials.pop('aws_profile', None)

        connection = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=boto_profile).client(
            'ec2', region, **credentials)
Example #17
    def _fixup_perms2(self, remote_paths, remote_user, execute=True):
        We need the files we upload to be readable (and sometimes executable)
        by the user being sudo'd to but we want to limit other people's access
        (because the files could contain passwords or other private
        information.  We achieve this in one of these ways:

        * If no sudo is performed or the remote_user is sudo'ing to
          themselves, we don't have to change permissions.
        * If the remote_user sudo's to a privileged user (for instance, root),
          we don't have to change permissions
        * If the remote_user sudo's to an unprivileged user then we attempt to
          grant the unprivileged user access via file system acls.
        * If granting file system acls fails we try to change the owner of the
          file with chown which only works in case the remote_user is
          privileged or the remote systems allows chown calls by unprivileged
          users (e.g. HP-UX)
        * If the chown fails we can set the file to be world readable so that
          the second unprivileged user can read the file.
          Since this could allow other users to get access to private
          information we only do this ansible is configured with
          "allow_world_readable_tmpfiles" in the ansible.cfg
        if self._connection._shell.SHELL_FAMILY == 'powershell':
            # This won't work on Powershell as-is, so we'll just completely skip until
            # we have a need for it, at which point we'll have to do something different.
            return remote_paths

        if self._play_context.become and self._play_context.become_user not in (
                'root', remote_user):
            # Unprivileged user that's different than the ssh user.  Let's get
            # to work!

            # Try to use file system acls to make the files readable for sudo'd
            # user
            if execute:
                mode = 'rx'
                mode = 'rX'

            res = self._remote_set_user_facl(remote_paths,
            if res['rc'] != 0:
                # File system acls failed; let's try to use chown next
                # Set executable bit first as on some systems an
                # unprivileged user can use chown
                if execute:
                    res = self._remote_chmod(remote_paths, 'u+x')
                    if res['rc'] != 0:
                        raise AnsibleError(
                            'Failed to set file mode on remote temporary files (rc: {0}, err: {1})'
                            .format(res['rc'], res['stderr']))

                res = self._remote_chown(remote_paths,
                if res['rc'] != 0 and remote_user == 'root':
                    # chown failed even if remove_user is root
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        'Failed to change ownership of the temporary files Ansible needs to create despite connecting as root.'
                        '  Unprivileged become user would be unable to read the file.'
                elif res['rc'] != 0:
                    if C.ALLOW_WORLD_READABLE_TMPFILES:
                        # chown and fs acls failed -- do things this insecure
                        # way only if the user opted in in the config file
                            'Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user.'
                            ' This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see'
                            ' https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user'
                        res = self._remote_chmod(remote_paths, 'a+%s' % mode)
                        if res['rc'] != 0:
                            raise AnsibleError(
                                'Failed to set file mode on remote files (rc: {0}, err: {1})'
                                .format(res['rc'], res['stderr']))
                        raise AnsibleError(
                            'Failed to set permissions on the temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user'
                            ' (rc: {0}, err: {1}). For information on working around this,'
                            ' see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user'
                            .format(res['rc'], res['stderr']))
        elif execute:
            # Can't depend on the file being transferred with execute
            # permissions.  Only need user perms because no become was
            # used here
            res = self._remote_chmod(remote_paths, 'u+x')
            if res['rc'] != 0:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    'Failed to set file mode on remote files (rc: {0}, err: {1})'
                    .format(res['rc'], res['stderr']))

        return remote_paths
Example #18
 def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
     prompt = self._connection.get_prompt()
     if not to_text(prompt,
         raise AnsibleError('operation requires privilege escalation')
     return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #19
    def _get_diff_data(self, destination, source, task_vars, source_file=True):

        diff = {}
        display.debug("Going to peek to see if file has changed permissions")
        peek_result = self._execute_module(module_name='file',

        if not ('failed' in peek_result
                and peek_result['failed']) or peek_result.get('rc', 0) == 0:

            if peek_result['state'] == 'absent':
                diff['before'] = ''
            elif peek_result['appears_binary']:
                diff['dst_binary'] = 1
            elif C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF > 0 and peek_result[
                    'size'] > C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF:
                diff['dst_larger'] = C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF
                display.debug("Slurping the file %s" % source)
                dest_result = self._execute_module(
                if 'content' in dest_result:
                    dest_contents = dest_result['content']
                    if dest_result['encoding'] == 'base64':
                        dest_contents = base64.b64decode(dest_contents)
                        raise AnsibleError(
                            "unknown encoding in content option, failed: %s" %
                    diff['before_header'] = destination
                    diff['before'] = dest_contents

            if source_file:
                st = os.stat(source)
                if C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF > 0 and st[
                        stat.ST_SIZE] > C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF:
                    diff['src_larger'] = C.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF
                    display.debug("Reading local copy of the file %s" % source)
                        src = open(source)
                        src_contents = src.read()
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise AnsibleError(
                            "Unexpected error while reading source (%s) for diff: %s "
                            % (source, str(e)))

                    if "\x00" in src_contents:
                        diff['src_binary'] = 1
                        diff['after_header'] = source
                        diff['after'] = src_contents
                display.debug("source of file passed in")
                diff['after_header'] = 'dynamically generated'
                diff['after'] = source

        if self._play_context.no_log:
            if 'before' in diff:
                diff["before"] = ""
            if 'after' in diff:
                    "after"] = " [[ Diff output has been hidden because 'no_log: true' was specified for this result ]]"

        return diff
Example #20
File: doc.py Project: alex/ansible
    def run(self):

        super(DocCLI, self).run()

        plugin_type = self.options.type

        # choose plugin type
        if plugin_type == 'cache':
            loader = cache_loader
        elif plugin_type == 'callback':
            loader = callback_loader
        elif plugin_type == 'connection':
            loader = connection_loader
        elif plugin_type == 'lookup':
            loader = lookup_loader
        elif plugin_type == 'strategy':
            loader = strategy_loader
            loader = module_loader

        # add to plugin path from command line
        if self.options.module_path is not None:
            for i in self.options.module_path.split(os.pathsep):

        # list plugins for type
        if self.options.list_dir:
            paths = loader._get_paths()
            for path in paths:
                self.find_plugins(path, plugin_type)

            return 0

        # process all plugins of type
        if self.options.all_plugins:
            paths = loader._get_paths()
            for path in paths:
                self.find_plugins(path, plugin_type)

        if len(self.args) == 0:
            raise AnsibleOptionsError("Incorrect options passed")

        # process command line list
        text = ''
        for plugin in self.args:

                # if the plugin lives in a non-python file (eg, win_X.ps1), require the corresponding python file for docs
                filename = loader.find_plugin(plugin,
                if filename is None:
                        "%s %s not found in %s\n" %
                        (plugin_type, plugin, DocCLI.print_paths(loader)))

                if any(filename.endswith(x) for x in C.BLACKLIST_EXTS):

                    doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata = plugin_docs.get_docstring(
                        filename, verbose=(self.options.verbosity > 0))
                        "%s %s has a documentation error formatting or is missing documentation."
                        % (plugin_type, plugin))

                if doc is not None:

                    # assign from other sections
                    doc['plainexamples'] = plainexamples
                    doc['returndocs'] = returndocs
                    doc['metadata'] = metadata

                    # generate extra data
                    if plugin_type == 'module':
                        # is there corresponding action plugin?
                        if plugin in action_loader:
                            doc['action'] = True
                            doc['action'] = False
                    doc['filename'] = filename
                    doc['now_date'] = datetime.date.today().strftime(
                    doc['docuri'] = doc[plugin_type].replace('_', '-')

                    if self.options.show_snippet and plugin_type == 'module':
                        text += self.get_snippet_text(doc)
                        text += self.get_man_text(doc)
                    # this typically means we couldn't even parse the docstring, not just that the YAML is busted,
                    # probably a quoting issue.
                    raise AnsibleError("Parsing produced an empty object.")
            except Exception as e:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "%s %s missing documentation (or could not parse documentation): %s\n"
                    % (plugin_type, plugin, str(e)))

        if text:
        return 0
Example #21
    def _lookup(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        instance = lookup_loader.get(name, loader=self._loader, templar=self)

        if instance is None:
            raise AnsibleError("lookup plugin (%s) not found" % name)

        wantlist = kwargs.pop('wantlist', False)
        allow_unsafe = kwargs.pop('allow_unsafe',
        errors = kwargs.pop('errors', 'strict')

        loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=args,
        # safely catch run failures per #5059
            ran = instance.run(loop_terms,
        except (AnsibleUndefinedVariable, UndefinedError) as e:
            raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(e)
        except AnsibleOptionsError as e:
            # invalid options given to lookup, just reraise
            raise e
        except AnsibleLookupError as e:
            # lookup handled error but still decided to bail
            msg = 'Lookup failed but the error is being ignored: %s' % to_native(
            if errors == 'warn':
            elif errors == 'ignore':
                display.display(msg, log_only=True)
                raise e
            return [] if wantlist else None
        except Exception as e:
            # errors not handled by lookup
            msg = u"An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin '%s'. Error was a %s, original message: %s" % \
                  (name, type(e), to_text(e))
            if errors == 'warn':
            elif errors == 'ignore':
                display.display(msg, log_only=True)
                display.vvv('exception during Jinja2 execution: {0}'.format(
                raise AnsibleError(to_native(msg), orig_exc=e)
            return [] if wantlist else None

        if ran and allow_unsafe is False:
            if self.cur_context:
                self.cur_context.unsafe = True

            if wantlist:
                return wrap_var(ran)

                if self.jinja2_native and isinstance(ran[0], NativeJinjaText):
                    ran = wrap_var(NativeJinjaText(",".join(ran)))
                    ran = wrap_var(",".join(ran))
            except TypeError:
                # Lookup Plugins should always return lists.  Throw an error if that's not
                # the case:
                if not isinstance(ran, Sequence):
                    raise AnsibleError(
                        "The lookup plugin '%s' did not return a list." % name)

                # The TypeError we can recover from is when the value *inside* of the list
                # is not a string
                if len(ran) == 1:
                    ran = wrap_var(ran[0])
                    ran = wrap_var(ran)

        return ran
Example #22
    def make_become_cmd(self, cmd, executable=None):
        """ helper function to create privilege escalation commands """

        prompt      = None
        success_key = None
        self.prompt = None

        if self.become:

            if not executable:
                executable = self.executable

            becomecmd   = None
            randbits    = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(32))
            success_key = 'BECOME-SUCCESS-%s' % randbits
            success_cmd = shlex_quote('echo %s; %s' % (success_key, cmd))

            if executable:
                command = '%s -c %s' % (executable, success_cmd)
                command = success_cmd

            # set executable to use for the privilege escalation method, with various overrides
            exe = self.become_exe or \
                  getattr(self, '%s_exe' % self.become_method, None) or \
                  C.DEFAULT_BECOME_EXE or \
                  getattr(C, 'DEFAULT_%s_EXE' % self.become_method.upper(), None) or \

            # set flags to use for the privilege escalation method, with various overrides
            flags = self.become_flags or \
                    getattr(self, '%s_flags' % self.become_method, None) or \
                    C.DEFAULT_BECOME_FLAGS or \
                    getattr(C, 'DEFAULT_%s_FLAGS' % self.become_method.upper(), None) or \

            if self.become_method == 'sudo':
                # If we have a password, we run sudo with a randomly-generated
                # prompt set using -p. Otherwise we run it with default -n, which makes
                # it fail if it would have prompted for a password.
                # Cannot rely on -n as it can be removed from defaults, which should be
                # done for older versions of sudo that do not support the option.
                # Passing a quoted compound command to sudo (or sudo -s)
                # directly doesn't work, so we shellquote it with shlex_quote()
                # and pass the quoted string to the user's shell.

                # force quick error if password is required but not supplied, should prevent sudo hangs.
                if self.become_pass:
                    prompt = '[sudo via ansible, key=%s] password: '******'%s %s -p "%s" -u %s %s' % (exe,  flags.replace('-n',''), prompt, self.become_user, command)
                    becomecmd = '%s %s -u %s %s' % (exe, flags, self.become_user, command)

            elif self.become_method == 'su':

                # passing code ref to examine prompt as simple string comparisson isn't good enough with su
                def detect_su_prompt(b_data):
                    b_password_string = b"|".join([b'(\w+\'s )?' + x for x in b_SU_PROMPT_LOCALIZATIONS])
                    # Colon or unicode fullwidth colon
                    b_password_string = b_password_string + to_bytes(u' ?(:|:) ?')
                    b_SU_PROMPT_LOCALIZATIONS_RE = re.compile(b_password_string, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                    return bool(b_SU_PROMPT_LOCALIZATIONS_RE.match(b_data))
                prompt = detect_su_prompt

                becomecmd = '%s %s %s -c %s' % (exe, flags, self.become_user, shlex_quote(command))

            elif self.become_method == 'pbrun':

                prompt='Password:'******'%s %s -u %s %s' % (exe, flags, self.become_user, success_cmd)

            elif self.become_method == 'ksu':
                def detect_ksu_prompt(b_data):
                    return re.match(b"Kerberos password for .*@.*:", b_data)

                prompt = detect_ksu_prompt
                becomecmd = '%s %s %s -e %s' % (exe, self.become_user, flags, command)

            elif self.become_method == 'pfexec':

                # No user as it uses it's own exec_attr to figure it out
                becomecmd = '%s %s "%s"' % (exe, flags, success_cmd)

            elif self.become_method == 'runas':
                raise AnsibleError("'runas' is not yet implemented")
                #FIXME: figure out prompt
                # this is not for use with winrm plugin but if they ever get ssh native on windoez
                becomecmd = '%s %s /user:%s "%s"' % (exe, flags, self.become_user, success_cmd)

            elif self.become_method == 'doas':

                prompt = 'doas (%s@' % self.remote_user
                exe = self.become_exe or 'doas'

                if not self.become_pass:
                    flags += ' -n '

                if self.become_user:
                    flags += ' -u %s ' % self.become_user

                #FIXME: make shell independent
                becomecmd = '%s %s echo %s && %s %s env ANSIBLE=true %s' % (exe, flags, success_key, exe, flags, cmd)

            elif self.become_method == 'dzdo':

                exe = self.become_exe or 'dzdo'
                if self.become_pass:
                    prompt = '[dzdo via ansible, key=%s] password: '******'%s -p %s -u %s %s' % (exe, shlex_quote(prompt), self.become_user, command)
                    becomecmd = '%s -u %s %s' % (exe, self.become_user, command)

                raise AnsibleError("Privilege escalation method not found: %s" % self.become_method)

            if self.become_pass:
                self.prompt = prompt
            self.success_key = success_key
            return becomecmd

        return cmd
Example #23
    def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path):
        super(Connection, self).fetch_file(in_path, out_path)
        display.vvv("FETCH %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path),

        in_path = self._shell._unquote(in_path)
        out_path = out_path.replace('\\', '/')

        # because we are dealing with base64 data we need to get the max size
        # of the bytes that the base64 size would equal
        max_b64_size = int(self.runspace.connection.max_payload_size -
                           (self.runspace.connection.max_payload_size / 4 * 3))
        buffer_size = max_b64_size - (max_b64_size % 1024)

        # setup the file stream with read only mode
        setup_script = '''$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$path = '%s'

if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf) {
    $fs = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList @(
    $buffer_size = %d
} elseif (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) {
    Write-Output -InputObject "[DIR]"
} else {
    Write-Error -Message "$path does not exist"
}''' % (self._shell._escape(in_path), buffer_size)

        # read the file stream at the offset and return the b64 string
        read_script = '''$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$fs.Seek(%d, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$buffer = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList $buffer_size
$bytes_read = $fs.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer_size)

if ($bytes_read -gt 0) {
    $bytes = $buffer[0..($bytes_read - 1)]
    Write-Output -InputObject ([System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes))

        # need to run the setup script outside of the local scope so the
        # file stream stays active between fetch operations
        rc, stdout, stderr = self._exec_psrp_script(setup_script,
        if rc != 0:
            raise AnsibleError("failed to setup file stream for fetch '%s': %s"
                               % (out_path, to_native(stderr)))
        elif stdout.strip() == '[DIR]':
            # to be consistent with other connection plugins, we assume the caller has created the target dir

        b_out_path = to_bytes(out_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
        # to be consistent with other connection plugins, we assume the caller has created the target dir
        offset = 0
        with open(b_out_path, 'wb') as out_file:
            while True:
                display.vvvvv("PSRP FETCH %s to %s (offset=%d" %
                              (in_path, out_path, offset), host=self._psrp_host)
                rc, stdout, stderr = self._exec_psrp_script(read_script % offset, force_stop=True)
                if rc != 0:
                    raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file to '%s': %s"
                                       % (out_path, to_native(stderr)))

                data = base64.b64decode(stdout.strip())
                if len(data) < buffer_size:
                offset += len(data)

            rc, stdout, stderr = self._exec_psrp_script("$fs.Close()", force_stop=True)
            if rc != 0:
                display.warning("failed to close remote file stream of file "
                                "'%s': %s" % (in_path, to_native(stderr)))
Example #24
    def _do_template(self, data, preserve_trailing_newlines=True, escape_backslashes=True, fail_on_undefined=None, overrides=None):

        # For preserving the number of input newlines in the output (used
        # later in this method)
        data_newlines = _count_newlines_from_end(data)

        if fail_on_undefined is None:
            fail_on_undefined = self._fail_on_undefined_errors

            # allows template header overrides to change jinja2 options.
            if overrides is None:
                myenv = self.environment.overlay()
                myenv = self.environment.overlay(overrides)

            # Get jinja env overrides from template
            if data.startswith(JINJA2_OVERRIDE):
                eol = data.find('\n')
                line = data[len(JINJA2_OVERRIDE):eol]
                data = data[eol+1:]
                for pair in line.split(','):
                    (key,val) = pair.split(':')
                    key = key.strip()
                    setattr(myenv, key, ast.literal_eval(val.strip()))

            #FIXME: add tests

            if escape_backslashes:
                # Allow users to specify backslashes in playbooks as "\\"
                # instead of as "\\\\".
                data = _escape_backslashes(data, myenv)

                t = myenv.from_string(data)
            except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
                raise AnsibleError("template error while templating string: %s. String: %s" % (str(e), data))
            except Exception as e:
                if 'recursion' in str(e):
                    raise AnsibleError("recursive loop detected in template string: %s" % data)
                    return data

            t.globals['lookup']   = self._lookup
            t.globals['finalize'] = self._finalize

            jvars = AnsibleJ2Vars(self, t.globals)

            new_context = t.new_context(jvars, shared=True)
            rf = t.root_render_func(new_context)

                res = j2_concat(rf)
            except TypeError as te:
                if 'StrictUndefined' in str(te):
                    raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(
                        "Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string. " + \
                        "Make sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-'."
                    debug("failing because of a type error, template data is: %s" % data)
                    raise AnsibleError("an unexpected type error occurred. Error was %s" % te)

            if preserve_trailing_newlines:
                # The low level calls above do not preserve the newline
                # characters at the end of the input data, so we use the
                # calculate the difference in newlines and append them
                # to the resulting output for parity
                # jinja2 added a keep_trailing_newline option in 2.7 when
                # creating an Environment.  That would let us make this code
                # better (remove a single newline if
                # preserve_trailing_newlines is False).  Once we can depend on
                # that version being present, modify our code to set that when
                # initializing self.environment and remove a single trailing
                # newline here if preserve_newlines is False.
                res_newlines = _count_newlines_from_end(res)
                if data_newlines > res_newlines:
                    res += '\n' * (data_newlines - res_newlines)

            return res
        except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable) as e:
            if fail_on_undefined:
                raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(e)
                #TODO: return warning about undefined var
                return data
Example #25
    def _get_loop_items(self):
        Loads a lookup plugin to handle the with_* portion of a task (if specified),
        and returns the items result.

        # save the play context variables to a temporary dictionary,
        # so that we can modify the job vars without doing a full copy
        # and later restore them to avoid modifying things too early
        play_context_vars = dict()

        old_vars = dict()
        for k in play_context_vars.keys():
            if k in self._job_vars:
                old_vars[k] = self._job_vars[k]
            self._job_vars[k] = play_context_vars[k]

        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader,
        items = None
        if self._task.loop:
            if self._task.loop in self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader:
                #TODO: remove convert_bare true and deprecate this in with_
                if self._task.loop == 'first_found':
                    # first_found loops are special.  If the item is undefined
                    # then we want to fall through to the next value rather
                    # than failing.
                    loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(
                    loop_terms = [
                        t for t in loop_terms if not templar._contains_vars(t)
                        loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(
                    except AnsibleUndefinedVariable as e:
                            "Skipping task due to undefined Error, in the future this will be a fatal error.: %s"
                            % to_bytes(e))
                        return None
                items = self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader.get(
                    self._task.loop, loader=self._loader,
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins"
                    % self._task.loop)

        # now we restore any old job variables that may have been modified,
        # and delete them if they were in the play context vars but not in
        # the old variables dictionary
        for k in play_context_vars.keys():
            if k in old_vars:
                self._job_vars[k] = old_vars[k]
                del self._job_vars[k]

        if items:
            from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy
            for idx, item in enumerate(items):
                if item is not None and not isinstance(item, UnsafeProxy):
                    items[idx] = UnsafeProxy(item)
        return items
Example #26
    def _clean_data(self, orig_data):
        ''' remove jinja2 template tags from data '''

        if hasattr(orig_data, '__ENCRYPTED__'):
            ret = orig_data

        elif isinstance(orig_data, list):
            clean_list = []
            for list_item in orig_data:
            ret = clean_list

        elif isinstance(orig_data, dict):
            clean_dict = {}
            for k in orig_data:
                clean_dict[self._clean_data(k)] = self._clean_data(
            ret = clean_dict

        elif isinstance(orig_data, string_types):
            # This will error with str data (needs unicode), but all strings should already be converted already.
            # If you get exception, the problem is at the data origin, do not add to_text here.
            with contextlib.closing(StringIO(orig_data)) as data:
                # these variables keep track of opening block locations, as we only
                # want to replace matched pairs of print/block tags
                print_openings = []
                block_openings = []
                for mo in self._clean_regex.finditer(orig_data):
                    token = mo.group(0)
                    token_start = mo.start(0)

                    if token[0] == self.environment.variable_start_string[0]:
                        if token == self.environment.block_start_string:
                        elif token == self.environment.variable_start_string:

                    elif token[1] == self.environment.variable_end_string[1]:
                        prev_idx = None
                        if token == self.environment.block_end_string and block_openings:
                            prev_idx = block_openings.pop()
                        elif token == self.environment.variable_end_string and print_openings:
                            prev_idx = print_openings.pop()

                        if prev_idx is not None:
                            # replace the opening
                            data.seek(prev_idx, os.SEEK_SET)
                            # replace the closing
                            data.seek(token_start, os.SEEK_SET)

                        raise AnsibleError(
                            "Error while cleaning data for safety: unhandled regex match"

                ret = data.getvalue()
            ret = orig_data

        return ret
Example #27

import re

from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list, boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict
from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import camel_dict_to_snake_dict
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable
from ansible.utils.display import Display

    import boto3
    import botocore
except ImportError:
    raise AnsibleError('The ec2 dynamic inventory plugin requires boto3 and botocore.')

display = Display()

# The mappings give an array of keys to get from the filter name to the value
# returned by boto3's EC2 describe_instances method.

instance_meta_filter_to_boto_attr = {
    'group-id': ('Groups', 'GroupId'),
    'group-name': ('Groups', 'GroupName'),
    'network-interface.attachment.instance-owner-id': ('OwnerId',),
    'owner-id': ('OwnerId',),
    'requester-id': ('RequesterId',),
    'reservation-id': ('ReservationId',),
Example #28
    def _configure_module(self, module_name, module_args, task_vars=None):
        Handles the loading and templating of the module code through the
        modify_module() function.
        if task_vars is None:
            task_vars = dict()

        # Search module path(s) for named module.
        for mod_type in self._connection.module_implementation_preferences:
            # Check to determine if PowerShell modules are supported, and apply
            # some fixes (hacks) to module name + args.
            if mod_type == '.ps1':
                # win_stat, win_file, and win_copy are not just like their
                # python counterparts but they are compatible enough for our
                # internal usage
                if module_name in ('stat', 'file', 'copy'
                                   ) and self._task.action != module_name:
                    module_name = 'win_%s' % module_name

                # Remove extra quotes surrounding path parameters before sending to module.
                if module_name in ('win_stat', 'win_file', 'win_copy',
                                   'slurp') and module_args and hasattr(
                                       self._connection._shell, '_unquote'):
                    for key in ('src', 'dest', 'path'):
                        if key in module_args:
                                key] = self._connection._shell._unquote(

            module_path = self._shared_loader_obj.module_loader.find_plugin(
                module_name, mod_type)
            if module_path:
        else:  # This is a for-else: http://bit.ly/1ElPkyg
            # Use Windows version of ping module to check module paths when
            # using a connection that supports .ps1 suffixes. We check specifically
            # for win_ping here, otherwise the code would look for ping.ps1
            if '.ps1' in self._connection.module_implementation_preferences:
                ping_module = 'win_ping'
                ping_module = 'ping'
            module_path2 = self._shared_loader_obj.module_loader.find_plugin(
            if module_path2 is not None:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "The module %s was not found in configured module paths" %
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "The module %s was not found in configured module paths. "
                    "Additionally, core modules are missing. If this is a checkout, "
                    "run 'git submodule update --init --recursive' to correct this problem."
                    % (module_name))

        # insert shared code and arguments into the module
        (module_data, module_style, module_shebang) = modify_module(

        return (module_style, module_shebang, module_data, module_path)
Example #29
def _get_galaxy_yml(b_galaxy_yml_path):
    meta_info = get_collections_galaxy_meta_info()

    mandatory_keys = set()
    string_keys = set()
    list_keys = set()
    dict_keys = set()

    for info in meta_info:
        if info.get('required', False):

        key_list_type = {
            'str': string_keys,
            'list': list_keys,
            'dict': dict_keys,
        }[info.get('type', 'str')]

    all_keys = frozenset(list(mandatory_keys) + list(string_keys) + list(list_keys) + list(dict_keys))

        with open(b_galaxy_yml_path, 'rb') as g_yaml:
            galaxy_yml = yaml.safe_load(g_yaml)
    except YAMLError as err:
        raise AnsibleError("Failed to parse the galaxy.yml at '%s' with the following error:\n%s"
                           % (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), to_native(err)))

    set_keys = set(galaxy_yml.keys())
    missing_keys = mandatory_keys.difference(set_keys)
    if missing_keys:
        raise AnsibleError("The collection galaxy.yml at '%s' is missing the following mandatory keys: %s"
                           % (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(sorted(missing_keys))))

    extra_keys = set_keys.difference(all_keys)
    if len(extra_keys) > 0:
        display.warning("Found unknown keys in collection galaxy.yml at '%s': %s"
                        % (to_text(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(extra_keys)))

    # Add the defaults if they have not been set
    for optional_string in string_keys:
        if optional_string not in galaxy_yml:
            galaxy_yml[optional_string] = None

    for optional_list in list_keys:
        list_val = galaxy_yml.get(optional_list, None)

        if list_val is None:
            galaxy_yml[optional_list] = []
        elif not isinstance(list_val, list):
            galaxy_yml[optional_list] = [list_val]

    for optional_dict in dict_keys:
        if optional_dict not in galaxy_yml:
            galaxy_yml[optional_dict] = {}

    # license is a builtin var in Python, to avoid confusion we just rename it to license_ids
    galaxy_yml['license_ids'] = galaxy_yml['license']
    del galaxy_yml['license']

    return galaxy_yml
Example #30
    def _bare_run(self, cmd, in_data, sudoable=True, checkrc=True):
        Starts the command and communicates with it until it ends.

        display_cmd = list(map(shlex_quote, map(to_text, cmd)))
        display.vvv(u'SSH: EXEC {0}'.format(u' '.join(display_cmd)),

        # Start the given command. If we don't need to pipeline data, we can try
        # to use a pseudo-tty (ssh will have been invoked with -tt). If we are
        # pipelining data, or can't create a pty, we fall back to using plain
        # old pipes.

        p = None

        if isinstance(cmd, (text_type, binary_type)):
            cmd = to_bytes(cmd)
            cmd = list(map(to_bytes, cmd))

        if not in_data:
                # Make sure stdin is a proper pty to avoid tcgetattr errors
                master, slave = pty.openpty()
                if PY3 and self._play_context.password:
                    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
                    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
                stdin = os.fdopen(master, 'wb', 0)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                p = None

        if not p:
            if PY3 and self._play_context.password:
                p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
                p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
            stdin = p.stdin

        # If we are using SSH password authentication, write the password into
        # the pipe we opened in _build_command.

        if self._play_context.password:
                         to_bytes(self._play_context.password) + b'\n')
            except OSError as e:
                # Ignore broken pipe errors if the sshpass process has exited.
                if e.errno != errno.EPIPE or p.poll() is None:

        # SSH state machine

        # Now we read and accumulate output from the running process until it
        # exits. Depending on the circumstances, we may also need to write an
        # escalation password and/or pipelined input to the process.

        states = [
            'awaiting_prompt', 'awaiting_escalation', 'ready_to_send',

        # Are we requesting privilege escalation? Right now, we may be invoked
        # to execute sftp/scp with sudoable=True, but we can request escalation
        # only when using ssh. Otherwise we can send initial data straightaway.

        state = states.index('ready_to_send')
        if b'ssh' in cmd:
            if self._play_context.prompt:
                # We're requesting escalation with a password, so we have to
                # wait for a password prompt.
                state = states.index('awaiting_prompt')
                display.debug(u'Initial state: %s: %s' %
                              (states[state], self._play_context.prompt))
            elif self._play_context.become and self._play_context.success_key:
                # We're requesting escalation without a password, so we have to
                # detect success/failure before sending any initial data.
                state = states.index('awaiting_escalation')
                display.debug(u'Initial state: %s: %s' %
                              (states[state], self._play_context.success_key))

        # We store accumulated stdout and stderr output from the process here,
        # but strip any privilege escalation prompt/confirmation lines first.
        # Output is accumulated into tmp_*, complete lines are extracted into
        # an array, then checked and removed or copied to stdout or stderr. We
        # set any flags based on examining the output in self._flags.

        b_stdout = b_stderr = b''
        b_tmp_stdout = b_tmp_stderr = b''

        self._flags = dict(become_prompt=False,

        # select timeout should be longer than the connect timeout, otherwise
        # they will race each other when we can't connect, and the connect
        # timeout usually fails
        timeout = 2 + self._play_context.timeout
        for fd in (p.stdout, p.stderr):
            fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL,
                        fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK)

        # TODO: bcoca would like to use SelectSelector() when open
        # filehandles is low, then switch to more efficient ones when higher.
        # select is faster when filehandles is low.
        selector = selectors.DefaultSelector()
        selector.register(p.stdout, selectors.EVENT_READ)
        selector.register(p.stderr, selectors.EVENT_READ)

        # If we can send initial data without waiting for anything, we do so
        # before we start polling
        if states[state] == 'ready_to_send' and in_data:
            self._send_initial_data(stdin, in_data)
            state += 1

            while True:
                poll = p.poll()
                events = selector.select(timeout)

                # We pay attention to timeouts only while negotiating a prompt.

                if not events:
                    # We timed out
                    if state <= states.index('awaiting_escalation'):
                        # If the process has already exited, then it's not really a
                        # timeout; we'll let the normal error handling deal with it.
                        if poll is not None:
                        raise AnsibleError(
                            'Timeout (%ds) waiting for privilege escalation prompt: %s'
                            % (timeout, to_native(b_stdout)))

                # Read whatever output is available on stdout and stderr, and stop
                # listening to the pipe if it's been closed.

                for key, event in events:
                    if key.fileobj == p.stdout:
                        b_chunk = p.stdout.read()
                        if b_chunk == b'':
                            # stdout has been closed, stop watching it
                            # When ssh has ControlMaster (+ControlPath/Persist) enabled, the
                            # first connection goes into the background and we never see EOF
                            # on stderr. If we see EOF on stdout, lower the select timeout
                            # to reduce the time wasted selecting on stderr if we observe
                            # that the process has not yet existed after this EOF. Otherwise
                            # we may spend a long timeout period waiting for an EOF that is
                            # not going to arrive until the persisted connection closes.
                            timeout = 1
                        b_tmp_stdout += b_chunk
                        display.debug("stdout chunk (state=%s):\n>>>%s<<<\n" %
                                      (state, to_text(b_chunk)))
                    elif key.fileobj == p.stderr:
                        b_chunk = p.stderr.read()
                        if b_chunk == b'':
                            # stderr has been closed, stop watching it
                        b_tmp_stderr += b_chunk
                        display.debug("stderr chunk (state=%s):\n>>>%s<<<\n" %
                                      (state, to_text(b_chunk)))

                # We examine the output line-by-line until we have negotiated any
                # privilege escalation prompt and subsequent success/error message.
                # Afterwards, we can accumulate output without looking at it.

                if state < states.index('ready_to_send'):
                    if b_tmp_stdout:
                        b_output, b_unprocessed = self._examine_output(
                            'stdout', states[state], b_tmp_stdout, sudoable)
                        b_stdout += b_output
                        b_tmp_stdout = b_unprocessed

                    if b_tmp_stderr:
                        b_output, b_unprocessed = self._examine_output(
                            'stderr', states[state], b_tmp_stderr, sudoable)
                        b_stderr += b_output
                        b_tmp_stderr = b_unprocessed
                    b_stdout += b_tmp_stdout
                    b_stderr += b_tmp_stderr
                    b_tmp_stdout = b_tmp_stderr = b''

                # If we see a privilege escalation prompt, we send the password.
                # (If we're expecting a prompt but the escalation succeeds, we
                # didn't need the password and can carry on regardless.)

                if states[state] == 'awaiting_prompt':
                    if self._flags['become_prompt']:
                            'Sending become_pass in response to prompt')
                            to_bytes(self._play_context.become_pass) + b'\n')
                        self._flags['become_prompt'] = False
                        state += 1
                    elif self._flags['become_success']:
                        state += 1

                # We've requested escalation (with or without a password), now we
                # wait for an error message or a successful escalation.

                if states[state] == 'awaiting_escalation':
                    if self._flags['become_success']:
                        display.debug('Escalation succeeded')
                        self._flags['become_success'] = False
                        state += 1
                    elif self._flags['become_error']:
                        display.debug('Escalation failed')
                        self._flags['become_error'] = False
                        raise AnsibleError('Incorrect %s password' %
                    elif self._flags['become_nopasswd_error']:
                        display.debug('Escalation requires password')
                        self._flags['become_nopasswd_error'] = False
                        raise AnsibleError('Missing %s password' %
                    elif self._flags['become_prompt']:
                        # This shouldn't happen, because we should see the "Sorry,
                        # try again" message first.
                        display.debug('Escalation prompt repeated')
                        self._flags['become_prompt'] = False
                        raise AnsibleError('Incorrect %s password' %

                # Once we're sure that the privilege escalation prompt, if any, has
                # been dealt with, we can send any initial data and start waiting
                # for output.

                if states[state] == 'ready_to_send':
                    if in_data:
                        self._send_initial_data(stdin, in_data)
                    state += 1

                # Now we're awaiting_exit: has the child process exited? If it has,
                # and we've read all available output from it, we're done.

                if poll is not None:
                    if not selector.get_map() or not events:
                    # We should not see further writes to the stdout/stderr file
                    # descriptors after the process has closed, set the select
                    # timeout to gather any last writes we may have missed.
                    timeout = 0

                # If the process has not yet exited, but we've already read EOF from
                # its stdout and stderr (and thus no longer watching any file
                # descriptors), we can just wait for it to exit.

                elif not selector.get_map():

                # Otherwise there may still be outstanding data to read.
            # close stdin after process is terminated and stdout/stderr are read
            # completely (see also issue #848)

            if cmd[0] == b"sshpass" and p.returncode == 6:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    'Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support '
                    'this.  Please add this host\'s fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host.'

        controlpersisterror = b'Bad configuration option: ControlPersist' in b_stderr or b'unknown configuration option: ControlPersist' in b_stderr
        if p.returncode != 0 and controlpersisterror:
            raise AnsibleError(
                'using -c ssh on certain older ssh versions may not support ControlPersist, set ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="" '
                '(or ssh_args in [ssh_connection] section of the config file) before running again'

        # If we find a broken pipe because of ControlPersist timeout expiring (see #16731),
        # we raise a special exception so that we can retry a connection.
        controlpersist_broken_pipe = b'mux_client_hello_exchange: write packet: Broken pipe' in b_stderr
        if p.returncode == 255 and controlpersist_broken_pipe:
            raise AnsibleControlPersistBrokenPipeError(
                'SSH Error: data could not be sent because of ControlPersist broken pipe.'

        if p.returncode == 255 and in_data and checkrc:
            raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(
                'SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host "%s". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh'
                % self.host)

        return (p.returncode, b_stdout, b_stderr)