Example #1
def copy_file_to_node(module):
    """Copy config file to IOS-XR node. We use SFTP because older IOS-XR versions don't handle SCP very well."""
    src = "/tmp/ansible_config.txt"
    file = open(src, "wb")
    file.write(to_bytes(module.params["src"], errors="surrogate_or_strict"))

    dst = "/harddisk:/ansible_config.txt"
    copy_file(module, src, dst, "sftp")

    return True
    def copy_key_to_node(self, base64keyfile):
        """Copy key to IOS-XR node. We use SFTP because older IOS-XR versions don't handle SCP very well."""

        if self._module.params["aggregate"]:
            name = "aggregate"
            name = self._module.params["name"]

        src = base64keyfile
        dst = "/harddisk:/publickey_%s.b64" % (name)

        copy_file(self._module, src, dst)
Example #3
def copy_file_to_node(module):
    """ Copy config file to IOS-XR node. We use SFTP because older IOS-XR versions don't handle SCP very well.
    src = '/tmp/ansible_config.txt'
    file = open(src, 'wb')
    file.write(to_bytes(module.params['src'], errors='surrogate_or_strict'))

    dst = '/harddisk:/ansible_config.txt'
    copy_file(module, src, dst, 'sftp')

    return True
Example #4
def run_module():
    module_args = dict(
        keys=dict(type='dict', required=True),  # user -> SSH key

    result = dict(changed=False)

    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=True)

    # Get existing keys
    command = "show crypto key authentication rsa all"
    out = run_commands(module, command)

    # Parse keys

    # Key label: cedric
    # Type     : RSA public key authentication
    # Size     : 2048
    # Imported : 16:17:08 UTC Tue Aug 11 2020
    # Data     :
    #  30820122 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 82010F00 3082010A 02820101
    #  00EBCBD5 3B9B0B7E E495B8A6 D297C983 20049AD8 7F4BE9BA 1BD17278 45E40DD6
    #  5D98BBD7 BB2B5B80 0DBD512B 3B76114E 079BE459 0CD1DF82 78623AC1 206EAAAB
    #  1E72F7D3 B45EA954 506BA7A8 1E6020F3 73D3F09C 875273C3 A718EA5D 104DA3C5
    #  9BAB5907 06F61C38 A98EBB04 FC79A96F B3165B54 AC4F1E0E FDD404D2 59D28314
    #  38510F34 5FDDC5FB A2754050 0672685F FC971839 3344B352 E9A1B1E6 A709BD7A
    #  ADBC90A1 93268B1B C9193846 86ACD095 FF51BF7D F7856A56 7BE6FBE9 1AB7B5DA
    #  BE735C66 6332E7BD E680B45B 570F9F5D 29424A8B FBF33B6C 14B398F1 994CD35D
    #  6186467D 87283F9C 575AB642 E3A743DE 3683D308 73304450 0B1CA3E9 11CC116B
    #  35020301 0001

    out = out[0].replace(' \n', '\n')
    template = r"""
Value Required Label (\w+)
Value Required,List Data ([A-F0-9 ]+)

 ^Key label: ${Label}
 ^Data\s+: -> GetData

 ^ ${Data}
 ^$$ -> Record Start
    re_table = textfsm.TextFSM(io.StringIO(template))
    got = {
        data[0]: "".join(data[1]).replace(' ', '')
        for data in re_table.ParseText(out)

    # Check what we want
    wanted = {k: ssh2cisco(v) for k, v in module.params['keys'].items()}

    if got != wanted:
        result['changed'] = True
        result['diff'] = dict(before=yaml.dump(got), after=yaml.dump(wanted))

    if module.check_mode or not result['changed']:

    # Copy changed or missing SSH keys
    conn = get_connection(module)
    for user in wanted:
        if user not in got or wanted[user] != got[user]:
            dst = f"/harddisk:/publickey_{user}.b64"
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as src:
                decoded = base64.b64decode(
                copy_file(module, src.name, dst)
        command = ("admin crypto key import authentication rsa "
                   f"username {user} harddisk:/publickey_{user}.b64")
        conn.send_command(command, prompt="yes/no", answer="yes")

    # Remove unwanted users
    for user in got:
        if user not in wanted:
            command = ("admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa "
                       f"username {user}")
            conn.send_command(command, prompt="yes/no", answer="yes")
