Example #1
def mapdl_corba(request):
    ansys_base_paths = _get_available_base_ansys()

    # find a valid version of corba
    corba_path = None
    for version in ansys_base_paths:
        if version >= 170 and version < 202:
            corba_path = get_ansys_bin(str(version))

    if corba_path is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            '"-corba" testing option unavailable.'
            "No local CORBA compatible MAPDL installation found.  "
            "Valid versions are ANSYS 17.0 up to 2020R2.")

    mapdl = launch_mapdl(corba_path)
    from ansys.mapdl.core.mapdl_corba import MapdlCorba

    assert isinstance(mapdl, MapdlCorba)
    mapdl._show_matplotlib_figures = False  # CI: don't show matplotlib figures

    # using yield rather than return here to be able to test exit
    yield mapdl

    # verify mapdl exits
    assert mapdl._exited
    assert "MAPDL exited" in str(mapdl)
    with pytest.raises(MapdlExitedError):
Example #2
def mapdl_console(request):
    if os.name != "posix":
        raise RuntimeError('"--console" testing option unavailable.  '
                           "Only Linux is supported.")
    ansys_base_paths = _get_available_base_ansys()

    # find a valid version of corba
    console_path = None
    for version in ansys_base_paths:
        if version < 211:
            console_path = get_ansys_bin(str(version))

    if console_path is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            '"--console" testing option unavailable.'
            "No local console compatible MAPDL installation found. "
            "Valid versions are up to 2020R2.")

    mapdl = launch_mapdl(console_path)
    from ansys.mapdl.core.mapdl_console import MapdlConsole

    assert isinstance(mapdl, MapdlConsole)
    mapdl._show_matplotlib_figures = False  # CI: don't show matplotlib figures

    # using yield rather than return here to be able to test exit
    yield mapdl

    # verify mapdl exits
    assert mapdl._exited
    assert "MAPDL exited" in str(mapdl)
    with pytest.raises(MapdlExitedError):
Example #3
def test_launch_corba(version):
    mapdl = pymapdl.launch_mapdl(get_ansys_bin(version), mode="corba")
    assert mapdl.version == int(version) / 10
    # mapdl.exit() # exit is already tested for in test_mapdl.py.
    # Instead, test collection

    mapdl_ref = weakref.ref(mapdl)
    del mapdl
    assert mapdl_ref() is None
Example #4
def mapdl(request):
    """This fixture will only be called if ``ansys.mapdl.core`` is installed."""
    from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
    from ansys.mapdl.core.misc import get_ansys_bin
    from ansys.mapdl.core.launcher import get_start_instance

    # check if the user wants to permit pytest to start MAPDL
    # and don't allow mapdl to exit upon collection unless mapdl is local
    cleanup = get_start_instance()

    # check for a valid MAPDL install with gRPC
    valid_rver = ['211']  # checks in this order
    EXEC_FILE = None
    for rver in valid_rver:
        if os.path.isfile(get_ansys_bin(rver)):
            EXEC_FILE = get_ansys_bin(rver)

    return launch_mapdl(EXEC_FILE, override=True, cleanup_on_exit=cleanup)
Example #5
def test_old_version():
    exec_file = get_ansys_bin("150")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pymapdl.launch_mapdl(exec_file, mode="corba")
Example #6
def test_invalid_mode():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        exec_file = get_ansys_bin(valid_versions[0])
        pymapdl.launch_mapdl(exec_file, mode="notamode")
Example #7
def test_launch_console(version):
    exec_file = get_ansys_bin(version)
    mapdl = pymapdl.launch_mapdl(exec_file, mode="console")
    assert mapdl.version == int(version) / 10
Example #8
def test_failed_console():
    exec_file = get_ansys_bin(valid_versions[0])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pymapdl.launch_mapdl(exec_file, mode="console")
Example #9
    "182",  # 18.2
    "190",  # 19.0
    "191",  # 19.1
    "192",  # 19.2
    "193",  # 2019R1
    "194",  # 2019R2
    "195",  # 2019R3
    "201",  # 2020R1
    "202",  # 2020R2
    "211",  # 2021R1
    "212",  # 2021R2

valid_versions = []
for version in versions:
    exec_file = get_ansys_bin(version)
    if os.path.isfile(get_ansys_bin(version)):

V150_EXEC = get_ansys_bin("150")

# skip entire module when using static server
if not get_start_instance():
    pytest.skip("Skip when start instance is disabled",

if not valid_versions:
    pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip("Requires MAPDL")

paths = [
    ("/usr/dir_v2019.1/slv/ansys_inc/v211/ansys/bin/ansys211", 211),
Example #10
from pathlib import Path
import os
import time

import numpy as np
import pytest

from ansys.mapdl.core.misc import get_ansys_bin
from ansys.mapdl.core import LocalMapdlPool, examples
from ansys.mapdl.core.launcher import get_start_instance

# check for a valid MAPDL install with gRPC
valid_rver = ['211']
for rver in valid_rver:
    if os.path.isfile(get_ansys_bin(rver)):
        EXEC_FILE = get_ansys_bin(rver)

IGNORE_POOL = os.environ.get('IGNORE_POOL', '').upper() == 'TRUE'

skip_launch_mapdl = pytest.mark.skipif(
    get_start_instance() is False or IGNORE_POOL,
    reason="Must be able to launch MAPDL locally")

TWAIT = 90

def pool():
    mapdl_pool = LocalMapdlPool(4, exec_file=EXEC_FILE)