def test_does_not_fail_when_value_is_one_of_multiple_types(self) -> None:
     validator = KeysTypeValidator(types=(str, int))
     validator({"5": "5"})
     validator({5: "5"})
 def test_fails_when_value_is_not_of_multiple_type(self) -> None:
     value = {("5", 5): "5"}
     with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="must be of type str, int"):
         KeysTypeValidator(types=(str, int))(value)
 def test_does_not_fail_when_value_is_of_single_type(self) -> None:
     value = {"5": "5"}
     assert KeysTypeValidator(types=str)(value) is None
 def test_fails_when_value_is_not_of_single_type(self) -> None:
     value = {5: "5"}
     with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="must be of type str"):
 def test_value_must_be_a_map(self) -> None:
     value = "not a map"
     with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match="must be of type Mapping"):
         # noinspection PyTypeChecker
         KeysTypeValidator(types=str)(value)  # type: ignore
 def test_can_receive_multiple_types(self) -> None:
     validator = KeysTypeValidator(types={int, str})
     assert validator.types == (int, str)
 def test_can_receive_a_single_type(self) -> None:
     validator = KeysTypeValidator(types=str)
     assert validator.types == (str, )
 def test_raises_error_if_types_is_not_an_iterable_of_types(self) -> None:
     with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                        match="Must provide an iterable of types"):
         KeysTypeValidator(types=(str, "this is not a type",
                                  int))  # type: ignore