def prepare_timeboundary(filename, verbose = False):
    """Convert benchmark 2 time series to NetCDF tms file.
    This is a 'throw-away' code taylor made for files like
    'Benchmark_2_input.txt' from the LWRU2 benchmark

    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    if verbose: print 'Creating', filename

    # Read the ascii (.txt) version of this file
    fid = open(filename[:-4] + '.txt')

    # Skip first line
    line = fid.readline()

    # Read remaining lines
    lines = fid.readlines()

    N = len(lines)
    T = num.zeros(N, num.float)  #Time
    Q = num.zeros(N, num.float)  #Values

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        fields = line.split()

        T[i] = float(fields[0])
        Q[i] = float(fields[1])

    # Create tms NetCDF file

    fid = NetCDFFile(filename, 'w')
    fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    fid.description = 'Input wave for Benchmark 2'
    fid.starttime = 0.0
    fid.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', len(T))
    fid.createVariable('time', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps',))
    fid.variables['time'][:] = T

    fid.createVariable('stage', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps',))
    fid.variables['stage'][:] = Q[:]

    fid.createVariable('xmomentum', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps',))
    fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] = 0.0

    fid.createVariable('ymomentum', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps',))
    fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] = 0.0

Example #2
def prepare_timeboundary(filename, verbose=False):
    """Convert benchmark 2 time series to NetCDF tms file.
    This is a 'throw-away' code taylor made for files like
    'Benchmark_2_input.txt' from the LWRU2 benchmark

    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    if verbose: print 'Creating', filename

    # Read the ascii (.txt) version of this file
    fid = open(filename[:-4] + '.txt')

    # Skip first line
    line = fid.readline()

    # Read remaining lines
    lines = fid.readlines()

    N = len(lines)
    T = num.zeros(N, num.float)  #Time
    Q = num.zeros(N, num.float)  #Values

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        fields = line.split()

        T[i] = float(fields[0])
        Q[i] = float(fields[1])

    # Create tms NetCDF file

    fid = NetCDFFile(filename, 'w')
    fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    fid.description = 'Input wave for Benchmark 2'
    fid.starttime = 0.0
    fid.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', len(T))
    fid.createVariable('time', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps', ))
    fid.variables['time'][:] = T

    fid.createVariable('stage', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps', ))
    fid.variables['stage'][:] = Q[:]

    fid.createVariable('xmomentum', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps', ))
    fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] = 0.0

    fid.createVariable('ymomentum', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps', ))
    fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] = 0.0

Example #3
    def helper_write_msh_file(self, filename, l):
        # open the NetCDF file
        fd = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w)
        fd.description = 'Test file - string arrays'

        # convert list of strings to num.array
        al = num.array(string_to_char(l), num.character)

        # write the list
        fd.createDimension('num_of_strings', al.shape[0])
        fd.createDimension('size_of_strings', al.shape[1])

        var = fd.createVariable('strings', netcdf_char,
                                ('num_of_strings', 'size_of_strings'))
        var[:] = al

    def helper_write_msh_file(self, filename, l):
        # open the NetCDF file
        fd = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w)
        fd.description = 'Test file - string arrays'

        # convert list of strings to num.array
        al = num.array(string_to_char(l), num.character)

        # write the list
        fd.createDimension('num_of_strings', al.shape[0])
        fd.createDimension('size_of_strings', al.shape[1])

        var = fd.createVariable('strings', netcdf_char,
                                ('num_of_strings', 'size_of_strings'))
        var[:] = al

Example #5
def esri2sww(
    Produce an sww boundary file, from esri ascii data from CSIRO.

    Also convert latitude and longitude to UTM. All coordinates are
    assumed to be given in the GDA94 datum.

    All files are in esri ascii format

    4 types of information
    u velocity
    v velocity

    The metadata of all the files is the same
    Each type is in a seperate directory
    One bath file with extention .000
    The time period is less than 24hrs and uniform.

    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn

    if sww_file[-4:] != ".sww":
        raise IOError("Output file %s should be of type .sww." % sww_file)

    # So if we want to change the precision it's done here
    precision = netcdf_float

    # go in to the bath dir and load the only file,
    bath_files = os.listdir(bath_dir)
    bath_file = bath_files[0]
    bath_dir_file = bath_dir + os.sep + bath_file
    bath_metadata, bath_grid = _read_asc(bath_dir_file)

    # Use the date.time of the bath file as a basis for
    # the start time for other files
    base_start = bath_file[-12:]

    # go into the elevation dir and load the 000 file
    elevation_dir_file = elevation_dir + os.sep + elevation_prefix + base_start

    elevation_files = os.listdir(elevation_dir)
    ucur_files = os.listdir(ucur_dir)
    vcur_files = os.listdir(vcur_dir)

    # the first elevation file should be the
    # file with the same base name as the bath data
    assert elevation_files[0] == "el" + base_start

    number_of_latitudes = bath_grid.shape[0]
    number_of_longitudes = bath_grid.shape[1]
    number_of_volumes = (number_of_latitudes - 1) * (number_of_longitudes - 1) * 2

    longitudes = [bath_metadata["xllcorner"] + x * bath_metadata["cellsize"] for x in range(number_of_longitudes)]
    latitudes = [bath_metadata["yllcorner"] + y * bath_metadata["cellsize"] for y in range(number_of_latitudes)]

    # reverse order of lat, so the first lat represents the first grid row

    kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(
        latitudes[:], longitudes[:], minlat=minlat, maxlat=maxlat, minlon=minlon, maxlon=maxlon

    bath_grid = bath_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
    latitudes = latitudes[kmin:kmax]
    longitudes = longitudes[lmin:lmax]
    number_of_latitudes = len(latitudes)
    number_of_longitudes = len(longitudes)
    number_of_times = len(os.listdir(elevation_dir))
    number_of_points = number_of_latitudes * number_of_longitudes
    number_of_volumes = (number_of_latitudes - 1) * (number_of_longitudes - 1) * 2

    # Work out the times
    if len(elevation_files) > 1:
        # Assume: The time period is less than 24hrs.
        time_period = (int(elevation_files[1][-3:]) - int(elevation_files[0][-3:])) * 60 * 60
        times = [x * time_period for x in range(len(elevation_files))]
        times = [0.0]

    if verbose:
        log.critical("  Extent (lat/lon):")
        log.critical("    lat in [%f, %f], len(lat) == %d" % (min(latitudes), max(latitudes), len(latitudes)))
        log.critical("    lon in [%f, %f], len(lon) == %d" % (min(longitudes), max(longitudes), len(longitudes)))
        log.critical("    t in [%f, %f], len(t) == %d" % (min(times), max(times), len(times)))

    ######### WRITE THE SWW FILE #############

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_w)

    # Create new file
    outfile.institution = "Geoscience Australia"
    outfile.description = "Converted from XXX"

    # For sww compatibility
    outfile.smoothing = "Yes"
    outfile.order = 1

    # Start time in seconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/1970)
    outfile.starttime = starttime = times[0]

    # dimension definitions
    outfile.createDimension("number_of_volumes", number_of_volumes)
    outfile.createDimension("number_of_vertices", 3)
    outfile.createDimension("number_of_points", number_of_points)
    outfile.createDimension("number_of_timesteps", number_of_times)

    # variable definitions
    outfile.createVariable("x", precision, ("number_of_points",))
    outfile.createVariable("y", precision, ("number_of_points",))
    outfile.createVariable("elevation", precision, ("number_of_points",))

    # FIXME: Backwards compatibility
    # outfile.createVariable('z', precision, ('number_of_points',))

    outfile.createVariable("volumes", netcdf_int, ("number_of_volumes", "number_of_vertices"))

    outfile.createVariable("time", precision, ("number_of_timesteps",))

    outfile.createVariable("stage", precision, ("number_of_timesteps", "number_of_points"))

    outfile.createVariable("xmomentum", precision, ("number_of_timesteps", "number_of_points"))

    outfile.createVariable("ymomentum", precision, ("number_of_timesteps", "number_of_points"))

    # Store
    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn

    x = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  # Easting
    y = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  # Northing

    if verbose:
        log.critical("Making triangular grid")

    # Get zone of 1st point.
    refzone, _, _ = redfearn(latitudes[0], longitudes[0])

    vertices = {}
    i = 0
    for k, lat in enumerate(latitudes):
        for l, lon in enumerate(longitudes):
            vertices[l, k] = i

            zone, easting, northing = redfearn(lat, lon)

            # msg = 'Zone boundary crossed at longitude =', lon
            # assert zone == refzone, msg
            # print '%7.2f %7.2f %8.2f %8.2f' %(lon, lat, easting, northing)
            x[i] = easting
            y[i] = northing
            i += 1

    # Construct 2 triangles per 'rectangular' element
    volumes = []
    for l in range(number_of_longitudes - 1):  # X direction
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes - 1):  # Y direction
            v1 = vertices[l, k + 1]
            v2 = vertices[l, k]
            v3 = vertices[l + 1, k + 1]
            v4 = vertices[l + 1, k]

            # Note, this is different to the ferrit2sww code
            # since the order of the lats is reversed.
            volumes.append([v1, v3, v2])  # Upper element
            volumes.append([v4, v2, v3])  # Lower element

    volumes = num.array(volumes,  # array default#

    geo_ref = Geo_reference(refzone, min(x), min(y))

    # This will put the geo ref in the middle
    # geo_ref = Geo_reference(refzone, (max(x)+min(x))/2., (max(x)+min(y))/2.)

    if verbose:
        log.critical("More Statistics:")
        log.critical("  Extent (/lon):")
        log.critical("    x in [%f, %f], len(lat) == %d" % (min(x), max(x), len(x)))
        log.critical("    y in [%f, %f], len(lon) == %d" % (min(y), max(y), len(y)))
        log.critical("geo_ref: ", geo_ref)

    z = num.resize(bath_grid, outfile.variables["elevation"][:].shape)
    outfile.variables["x"][:] = x - geo_ref.get_xllcorner()
    outfile.variables["y"][:] = y - geo_ref.get_yllcorner()
    # FIXME (Ole): Remove once viewer has been recompiled and changed
    #              to use elevation instead of z
    # outfile.variables['z'][:] = z
    outfile.variables["elevation"][:] = z
    outfile.variables["volumes"][:] = volumes.astype(num.int32)  # On Opteron 64

    stage = outfile.variables["stage"]
    xmomentum = outfile.variables["xmomentum"]
    ymomentum = outfile.variables["ymomentum"]

    outfile.variables["time"][:] = times  # Store time relative

    if verbose:
        log.critical("Converting quantities")

    n = number_of_times
    for j in range(number_of_times):
        # load in files
        elevation_meta, elevation_grid = _read_asc(elevation_dir + os.sep + elevation_files[j])

        _, u_momentum_grid = _read_asc(ucur_dir + os.sep + ucur_files[j])
        _, v_momentum_grid = _read_asc(vcur_dir + os.sep + vcur_files[j])

        # cut matrix to desired size
        elevation_grid = elevation_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
        u_momentum_grid = u_momentum_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
        v_momentum_grid = v_momentum_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]

        # handle missing values
        missing = elevation_grid == elevation_meta["NODATA_value"]
        if num.sometrue(missing):
            if fail_on_NaN:
                msg = "File %s contains missing values" % (elevation_files[j])
                raise DataMissingValuesError, msg
                elevation_grid = elevation_grid * (missing == 0) + missing * elevation_NaN_filler

        if verbose and j % ((n + 10) / 10) == 0:
            log.critical("  Doing %d of %d" % (j, n))

        i = 0
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes):  # Y direction
            for l in range(number_of_longitudes):  # X direction
                w = zscale * elevation_grid[k, l] + mean_stage
                stage[j, i] = w
                h = w - z[i]
                xmomentum[j, i] = u_momentum_grid[k, l] * h
                ymomentum[j, i] = v_momentum_grid[k, l] * h
                i += 1

Example #6
    def test_decimate_dem(self):
        """Test decimation of dem file

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        #Write test dem file
        root = 'decdemtest'

        filename = root + '.dem'
        fid = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w)

        fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
        fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable ' +\
                          'storage of spatial point data'

        nrows = 15
        ncols = 18

        fid.ncols = ncols
        fid.nrows = nrows
        fid.xllcorner = 2000.5
        fid.yllcorner = 3000.5
        fid.cellsize = 25
        fid.NODATA_value = -9999 = 56
        fid.false_easting = 0.0
        fid.false_northing = 0.0
        fid.projection = 'UTM'
        fid.datum = 'WGS84'
        fid.units = 'METERS'

        fid.createDimension('number_of_points', nrows * ncols)

        fid.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points', ))

        elevation = fid.variables['elevation']

        elevation[:] = (num.arange(nrows * ncols))


        #generate the elevation values expected in the decimated file
        ref_elevation = [
            (0 + 1 + 2 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 36 + 37 + 38) / 9.0,
            (4 + 5 + 6 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 40 + 41 + 42) / 9.0,
            (8 + 9 + 10 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 44 + 45 + 46) / 9.0,
            (12 + 13 + 14 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 48 + 49 + 50) / 9.0,
            (72 + 73 + 74 + 90 + 91 + 92 + 108 + 109 + 110) / 9.0,
            (76 + 77 + 78 + 94 + 95 + 96 + 112 + 113 + 114) / 9.0,
            (80 + 81 + 82 + 98 + 99 + 100 + 116 + 117 + 118) / 9.0,
            (84 + 85 + 86 + 102 + 103 + 104 + 120 + 121 + 122) / 9.0,
            (144 + 145 + 146 + 162 + 163 + 164 + 180 + 181 + 182) / 9.0,
            (148 + 149 + 150 + 166 + 167 + 168 + 184 + 185 + 186) / 9.0,
            (152 + 153 + 154 + 170 + 171 + 172 + 188 + 189 + 190) / 9.0,
            (156 + 157 + 158 + 174 + 175 + 176 + 192 + 193 + 194) / 9.0,
            (216 + 217 + 218 + 234 + 235 + 236 + 252 + 253 + 254) / 9.0,
            (220 + 221 + 222 + 238 + 239 + 240 + 256 + 257 + 258) / 9.0,
            (224 + 225 + 226 + 242 + 243 + 244 + 260 + 261 + 262) / 9.0,
            (228 + 229 + 230 + 246 + 247 + 248 + 264 + 265 + 266) / 9.0

        # generate a stencil for computing the decimated values
        stencil = num.ones((3, 3), num.float) / 9.0

        dem2dem(filename, stencil=stencil, cellsize_new=100)

        # Open decimated NetCDF file
        fid = NetCDFFile(root + '_100.dem', netcdf_mode_r)

        # Get decimated elevation
        elevation = fid.variables['elevation']

        # Check values
        assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation)

        # Cleanup

        os.remove(root + '.dem')
        os.remove(root + '_100.dem')
def _generic_convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(name_in,
    """Read raster from the following ASCII format (.asc)

    Internal function. See public function convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf
    for details.

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    root = name_in[:-4]

    # Read Meta data
    if verbose: log.critical('Reading METADATA from %s' % (root + '.prj'))

    metadatafile = open(root + '.prj')
    metalines = metadatafile.readlines()

    L = metalines[0].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection'
    projection = L[1].strip()  #TEXT

    L = metalines[1].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone'
    zone = int(L[1].strip())

    L = metalines[2].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum'
    datum = L[1].strip()  #TEXT

    L = metalines[3].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits'  #IGNORE
    zunits = L[1].strip()  #TEXT

    L = metalines[4].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units'
    units = L[1].strip()  #TEXT

    L = metalines[5].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid'  #IGNORE
    spheroid = L[1].strip()  #TEXT

    L = metalines[6].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift'
    false_easting = float(L[1].strip())

    L = metalines[7].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift'
    false_northing = float(L[1].strip())

    if name_in[-4:] != '.asc':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc.' % name_in)

    #Read DEM data
    datafile = open(name_in)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading raster from %s' % (name_in))

    lines = datafile.readlines()

    if verbose: log.critical('Got %d lines' % len(lines))

    ncols = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())
    nrows = int(lines[1].split()[1].strip())

    # Do cellsize (line 4) before line 2 and 3
    cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[1].strip())

    # Checks suggested by Joaquim Luis
    # Our internal representation of xllcorner
    # and yllcorner is non-standard.
    xref = lines[2].split()
    if xref[0].strip() == 'xllcorner':
        xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())  # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
    elif xref[0].strip() == 'xllcenter':
        xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())
        msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % xref[0].strip()
        raise Exception, msg

    yref = lines[3].split()
    if yref[0].strip() == 'yllcorner':
        yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())  # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
    elif yref[0].strip() == 'yllcenter':
        yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())
        msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % yref[0].strip()
        raise Exception, msg

    NODATA_value = int(float(lines[5].split()[1].strip()))

    assert len(lines) == nrows + 6

    if name_out == None:
        netcdfname = name_in[:-4] + '.dem'
        netcdfname = name_out + '.dem'

    if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % netcdfname)

    # NetCDF file definition
    fid = NetCDFFile(netcdfname, netcdf_mode_w)

    #Create new file
    fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable storage ' \
                      'of spatial point data'

    fid.ncols = ncols
    fid.nrows = nrows
    fid.xllcorner = xllcorner
    fid.yllcorner = yllcorner
    fid.cellsize = cellsize
    fid.NODATA_value = NODATA_value = zone
    fid.false_easting = false_easting
    fid.false_northing = false_northing
    fid.projection = projection
    fid.datum = datum
    fid.units = units

    # dimension definitions
    fid.createDimension('number_of_rows', nrows)
    fid.createDimension('number_of_columns', ncols)

    # variable definitions
    fid.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float,
                       ('number_of_rows', 'number_of_columns'))

    # Get handles to the variables
    elevation = fid.variables[quantity_name]

    #Store data
    import numpy

    datafile = open(name_in)
    elevation[:, :] = numpy.loadtxt(datafile, skiprows=6)

    #    n = len(lines[6:])
    #    for i, line in enumerate(lines[6:]):
    #        fields = line.split()
    #        if verbose and i % ((n+10)/10) == 0:
    #            log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows))
    #        if len(fields) != ncols:
    #            msg = 'Wrong number of columns in file "%s" line %d\n' % (name_in, i)
    #            msg += 'I got %d elements, but there should have been %d\n' % (len(fields), ncols)
    #            raise Exception, msg
    #        elevation[i, :] = num.array([float(x) for x in fields])

Example #8
def esri2sww(bath_dir,
    Produce an sww boundary file, from esri ascii data from CSIRO.

    Also convert latitude and longitude to UTM. All coordinates are
    assumed to be given in the GDA94 datum.

    All files are in esri ascii format

    4 types of information
    u velocity
    v velocity

    The metadata of all the files is the same
    Each type is in a seperate directory
    One bath file with extention .000
    The time period is less than 24hrs and uniform.

    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn

    if sww_file[-4:] != '.sww':
        raise IOError('Output file %s should be of type .sww.' % sww_file)

    # So if we want to change the precision it's done here
    precision = netcdf_float

    # go in to the bath dir and load the only file,
    bath_files = os.listdir(bath_dir)
    bath_file = bath_files[0]
    bath_dir_file = bath_dir + os.sep + bath_file
    bath_metadata, bath_grid = _read_asc(bath_dir_file)

    #Use the date.time of the bath file as a basis for
    #the start time for other files
    base_start = bath_file[-12:]

    #go into the elevation dir and load the 000 file
    elevation_dir_file = elevation_dir  + os.sep + elevation_prefix \
                         + base_start

    elevation_files = os.listdir(elevation_dir)
    ucur_files = os.listdir(ucur_dir)
    vcur_files = os.listdir(vcur_dir)

    # the first elevation file should be the
    # file with the same base name as the bath data
    assert elevation_files[0] == 'el' + base_start

    number_of_latitudes = bath_grid.shape[0]
    number_of_longitudes = bath_grid.shape[1]
    number_of_volumes = (number_of_latitudes - 1) * (number_of_longitudes -
                                                     1) * 2

    longitudes = [bath_metadata['xllcorner'] + x*bath_metadata['cellsize'] \
                  for x in range(number_of_longitudes)]
    latitudes = [bath_metadata['yllcorner'] + y*bath_metadata['cellsize'] \
                 for y in range(number_of_latitudes)]

    # reverse order of lat, so the first lat represents the first grid row

    kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(latitudes[:],

    bath_grid = bath_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
    latitudes = latitudes[kmin:kmax]
    longitudes = longitudes[lmin:lmax]
    number_of_latitudes = len(latitudes)
    number_of_longitudes = len(longitudes)
    number_of_times = len(os.listdir(elevation_dir))
    number_of_points = number_of_latitudes * number_of_longitudes
    number_of_volumes = (number_of_latitudes - 1) * (number_of_longitudes -
                                                     1) * 2

    #Work out the times
    if len(elevation_files) > 1:
        # Assume: The time period is less than 24hrs.
        time_period = (int(elevation_files[1][-3:]) \
                       - int(elevation_files[0][-3:])) * 60*60
        times = [x * time_period for x in range(len(elevation_files))]
        times = [0.0]

    if verbose:
        log.critical('  Extent (lat/lon):')
        log.critical('    lat in [%f, %f], len(lat) == %d' %
                     (min(latitudes), max(latitudes), len(latitudes)))
        log.critical('    lon in [%f, %f], len(lon) == %d' %
                     (min(longitudes), max(longitudes), len(longitudes)))
        log.critical('    t in [%f, %f], len(t) == %d' %
                     (min(times), max(times), len(times)))

    ######### WRITE THE SWW FILE #############

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_w)

    #Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'Converted from XXX'

    #For sww compatibility
    outfile.smoothing = 'Yes'
    outfile.order = 1

    #Start time in seconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/1970)
    outfile.starttime = starttime = times[0]

    # dimension definitions
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_volumes', number_of_volumes)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_vertices', 3)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', number_of_points)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', number_of_times)

    # variable definitions
    outfile.createVariable('x', precision, ('number_of_points', ))
    outfile.createVariable('y', precision, ('number_of_points', ))
    outfile.createVariable('elevation', precision, ('number_of_points', ))

    #FIXME: Backwards compatibility
    #outfile.createVariable('z', precision, ('number_of_points',))

    outfile.createVariable('volumes', netcdf_int,
                           ('number_of_volumes', 'number_of_vertices'))

    outfile.createVariable('time', precision, ('number_of_timesteps', ))

    outfile.createVariable('stage', precision,
                           ('number_of_timesteps', 'number_of_points'))

    outfile.createVariable('xmomentum', precision,
                           ('number_of_timesteps', 'number_of_points'))

    outfile.createVariable('ymomentum', precision,
                           ('number_of_timesteps', 'number_of_points'))

    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn

    x = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  #Easting
    y = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  #Northing

    if verbose: log.critical('Making triangular grid')

    #Get zone of 1st point.
    refzone, _, _ = redfearn(latitudes[0], longitudes[0])

    vertices = {}
    i = 0
    for k, lat in enumerate(latitudes):
        for l, lon in enumerate(longitudes):
            vertices[l, k] = i

            zone, easting, northing = redfearn(lat, lon)

            #msg = 'Zone boundary crossed at longitude =', lon
            #assert zone == refzone, msg
            #print '%7.2f %7.2f %8.2f %8.2f' %(lon, lat, easting, northing)
            x[i] = easting
            y[i] = northing
            i += 1

    #Construct 2 triangles per 'rectangular' element
    volumes = []
    for l in range(number_of_longitudes - 1):  #X direction
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes - 1):  #Y direction
            v1 = vertices[l, k + 1]
            v2 = vertices[l, k]
            v3 = vertices[l + 1, k + 1]
            v4 = vertices[l + 1, k]

            #Note, this is different to the ferrit2sww code
            #since the order of the lats is reversed.
            volumes.append([v1, v3, v2])  #Upper element
            volumes.append([v4, v2, v3])  #Lower element

    volumes = num.array(volumes,  #array default#

    geo_ref = Geo_reference(refzone, min(x), min(y))

    # This will put the geo ref in the middle
    #geo_ref = Geo_reference(refzone, (max(x)+min(x))/2., (max(x)+min(y))/2.)

    if verbose:
        log.critical('More Statistics:')
        log.critical('  Extent (/lon):')
        log.critical('    x in [%f, %f], len(lat) == %d' %
                     (min(x), max(x), len(x)))
        log.critical('    y in [%f, %f], len(lon) == %d' %
                     (min(y), max(y), len(y)))
        log.critical('geo_ref: ', geo_ref)

    z = num.resize(bath_grid, outfile.variables['elevation'][:].shape)
    outfile.variables['x'][:] = x - geo_ref.get_xllcorner()
    outfile.variables['y'][:] = y - geo_ref.get_yllcorner()
    # FIXME (Ole): Remove once viewer has been recompiled and changed
    #              to use elevation instead of z
    #outfile.variables['z'][:] = z
    outfile.variables['elevation'][:] = z
    outfile.variables['volumes'][:] = volumes.astype(
        num.int32)  # On Opteron 64

    stage = outfile.variables['stage']
    xmomentum = outfile.variables['xmomentum']
    ymomentum = outfile.variables['ymomentum']

    outfile.variables['time'][:] = times  #Store time relative

    if verbose: log.critical('Converting quantities')

    n = number_of_times
    for j in range(number_of_times):
        # load in files
        elevation_meta, elevation_grid = \
            _read_asc(elevation_dir + os.sep + elevation_files[j])

        _, u_momentum_grid = _read_asc(ucur_dir + os.sep + ucur_files[j])
        _, v_momentum_grid = _read_asc(vcur_dir + os.sep + vcur_files[j])

        #cut matrix to desired size
        elevation_grid = elevation_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
        u_momentum_grid = u_momentum_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
        v_momentum_grid = v_momentum_grid[kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]

        # handle missing values
        missing = (elevation_grid == elevation_meta['NODATA_value'])
        if num.sometrue(missing):
            if fail_on_NaN:
                msg = 'File %s contains missing values' \
                      % (elevation_files[j])
                raise_(DataMissingValuesError, msg)
                elevation_grid = elevation_grid*(missing==0) \
                                 + missing*elevation_NaN_filler

        if verbose and j % (old_div((n + 10), 10)) == 0:
            log.critical('  Doing %d of %d' % (j, n))

        i = 0
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes):  #Y direction
            for l in range(number_of_longitudes):  #X direction
                w = zscale * elevation_grid[k, l] + mean_stage
                stage[j, i] = w
                h = w - z[i]
                xmomentum[j, i] = u_momentum_grid[k, l] * h
                ymomentum[j, i] = v_momentum_grid[k, l] * h
                i += 1

Example #9
def _dem2pts(name_in,
    """Read Digitial Elevation model from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

    Internal function. See public function dem2pts for details.

    # FIXME: Can this be written feasibly using write_pts?

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    root = name_in[:-4]

    if name_in[-4:] == '.asc':
        intermediate = root + '.dem'
        if verbose:
            log.critical('Preconvert %s from asc to %s' % \
                                    (name_in, intermediate))
        name_in = intermediate
    elif name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem.' %

    if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != '.pts':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .pts.' % name_out)

    # Get NetCDF
    infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading DEM from %s' % (name_in))

    ncols = int(infile.ncols)
    nrows = int(infile.nrows)
    xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
    yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
    cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
    NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

    dem_elevation = infile.variables['elevation']

    zone = int(
    false_easting = float(infile.false_easting)
    false_northing = float(infile.false_northing)

    #print ncols, nrows, xllcorner,yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value, zone

    # Text strings
    projection = infile.projection
    datum = infile.datum
    units = infile.units

    #print projection, datum, units

    # Get output file
    if name_out is None:
        ptsname = root + '.pts'
        ptsname = name_out

    if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % ptsname)

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(ptsname, netcdf_mode_w)

    # Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF pts format for compact and portable ' \
                          'storage of spatial point data'

    # Assign default values
    if easting_min is None: easting_min = xllcorner
    if easting_max is None: easting_max = xllcorner + ncols * cellsize
    if northing_min is None: northing_min = yllcorner
    if northing_max is None: northing_max = yllcorner + nrows * cellsize

    #print easting_min, easting_max, northing_min, northing_max

    # Compute offsets to update georeferencing
    easting_offset = xllcorner - easting_min
    northing_offset = yllcorner - northing_min

    # Georeferencing = zone
    outfile.xllcorner = easting_min  # Easting of lower left corner
    outfile.yllcorner = northing_min  # Northing of lower left corner
    outfile.false_easting = false_easting
    outfile.false_northing = false_northing

    outfile.projection = projection
    outfile.datum = datum
    outfile.units = units

    # Grid info (FIXME: probably not going to be used, but heck)
    outfile.ncols = ncols
    outfile.nrows = nrows

    #dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))
    totalnopoints = nrows * ncols

    #    #=======================================================================
    #    # Calculating number of NODATA_values for each row in clipped region
    #    # FIXME: use array operations to do faster
    #    nn = 0
    #    k = 0
    #    i1_0 = 0
    #    j1_0 = 0
    #    thisj = 0
    #    thisi = 0
    #    for i in range(nrows):
    #        y = (nrows-i-1)*cellsize + yllcorner
    #        for j in range(ncols):
    #            x = j*cellsize + xllcorner
    #            if easting_min <= x <= easting_max \
    #               and northing_min <= y <= northing_max:
    #                thisj = j
    #                thisi = i
    #                if dem_elevation_r[i,j] == NODATA_value:
    #                    nn += 1
    #                if k == 0:
    #                    i1_0 = i
    #                    j1_0 = j
    #                k += 1
    #    index1 = j1_0
    #    index2 = thisj
    #    # Dimension definitions
    #    nrows_in_bounding_box = int(round((northing_max-northing_min)/cellsize))
    #    ncols_in_bounding_box = int(round((easting_max-easting_min)/cellsize))
    #    clippednopoints = (thisi+1-i1_0)*(thisj+1-j1_0)
    #    nopoints = clippednopoints-nn
    #    clipped_dem_elev = dem_elevation_r[i1_0:thisi+1,j1_0:thisj+1]
    #    if verbose:
    #        log.critical('There are %d values in the elevation' % totalnopoints)
    #        log.critical('There are %d values in the clipped elevation'
    #                     % clippednopoints)
    #        log.critical('There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped elevation' % nn)
    #    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nopoints)
    #    outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2) #This is 2d data
    #    # Variable definitions
    #    outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',
    #                                                    'number_of_dimensions'))
    #    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',))
    #    # Get handles to the variables
    #    points = outfile.variables['points']
    #    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']
    #    # Number of points
    #    N = points.shape[0]
    #    lenv = index2-index1+1
    #    # Store data
    #    global_index = 0
    #    # for i in range(nrows):
    #    for i in range(i1_0, thisi+1, 1):
    #        if verbose and i % ((nrows+10)/10) == 0:
    #            log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows))
    #        lower_index = global_index
    #        v = dem_elevation_r[i,index1:index2+1]
    #        no_NODATA = num.sum(v == NODATA_value)
    #        if no_NODATA > 0:
    #            newcols = lenv - no_NODATA  # ncols_in_bounding_box - no_NODATA
    #        else:
    #            newcols = lenv              # ncols_in_bounding_box
    #        telev = num.zeros(newcols, num.float)
    #        tpoints = num.zeros((newcols, 2), num.float)
    #        local_index = 0
    #        y = (nrows-i-1)*cellsize + yllcorner
    #        #for j in range(ncols):
    #        for j in range(j1_0,index2+1,1):
    #            x = j*cellsize + xllcorner
    #            if easting_min <= x <= easting_max \
    #               and northing_min <= y <= northing_max \
    #               and dem_elevation_r[i,j] != NODATA_value:
    #                #print [x-easting_min, y-northing_min]
    #                #print x , y
    #                #print easting_min, northing_min
    #                #print xllcorner, yllcorner
    #                #print cellsize
    #                tpoints[local_index, :] = [x-easting_min, y-northing_min]
    #                telev[local_index] = dem_elevation_r[i, j]
    #                global_index += 1
    #                local_index += 1
    #        upper_index = global_index
    #        if upper_index == lower_index + newcols:
    #            # Seems to be an error with the windows version of
    #            # Netcdf. The following gave errors
    #            try:
    #                points[lower_index:upper_index, :] = tpoints
    #                elevation[lower_index:upper_index] = telev
    #            except:
    #                # so used the following if an error occurs
    #                for index in range(newcols):
    #                    points[index+lower_index, :] = tpoints[index,:]
    #                    elevation[index+lower_index] = telev[index]
    #    assert global_index == nopoints, 'index not equal to number of points'

    # Do the preceeding with numpy
    y = num.arange(nrows, dtype=num.float)
    y = yllcorner + (nrows - 1) * cellsize - y * cellsize

    x = num.arange(ncols, dtype=num.float)
    x = xllcorner + x * cellsize

    xx, yy = num.meshgrid(x, y)

    xx = xx.flatten()
    yy = yy.flatten()

    flag = num.logical_and(
        num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max), (xx >= easting_min)),
        num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max), (yy >= northing_min)))

    dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

    id = num.where(flag)[0]

    xx = xx[id]
    yy = yy[id]
    dem = dem[id]

    clippednopoints = len(dem)
    #print clippedpoints

    #print xx
    #print yy
    #print dem

    data_flag = dem != NODATA_value

    data_id = num.where(data_flag)

    xx = xx[data_id]
    yy = yy[data_id]
    dem = dem[data_id]

    nn = clippednopoints - len(dem)

    nopoints = len(dem)

    if verbose:
        log.critical('There are %d values in the elevation' % totalnopoints)
        log.critical('There are %d values in the clipped elevation' %
        log.critical('There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped elevation' %

    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nopoints)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2)  #This is 2d data

    # Variable definitions
    outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float,
                           ('number_of_points', 'number_of_dimensions'))
    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points', ))

    # Get handles to the variables
    points = outfile.variables['points']
    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']

    points[:, 0] = xx - easting_min
    points[:, 1] = yy - northing_min
    elevation[:] = dem

Example #10
def _dem2pts(name_in, name_out=None, verbose=False,
            easting_min=None, easting_max=None,
            northing_min=None, northing_max=None):
    """Read Digitial Elevation model from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

    Internal function. See public function dem2pts for details.

    # FIXME: Can this be written feasibly using write_pts?

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    root = name_in[:-4]

    if name_in[-4:] == '.asc':
        intermediate = root + '.dem'
        if verbose:
            log.critical('Preconvert %s from asc to %s' % \
                                    (name_in, intermediate))
        name_in = intermediate
    elif name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem.' % name_in)

    if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != '.pts':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .pts.' % name_out)

    # Get NetCDF
    infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r) 

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading DEM from %s' % (name_in))

    ncols = int(infile.ncols)
    nrows = int(infile.nrows)
    xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
    yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
    cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
    NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

    dem_elevation = infile.variables['elevation']

    zone = int(
    false_easting = float(infile.false_easting)
    false_northing = float(infile.false_northing)

    #print ncols, nrows, xllcorner,yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value, zone

    # Text strings
    projection = infile.projection
    datum = infile.datum
    units = infile.units

    #print projection, datum, units

    # Get output file
    if name_out == None:
        ptsname = root + '.pts'
        ptsname = name_out

    if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % ptsname)

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(ptsname, netcdf_mode_w)

    # Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF pts format for compact and portable ' \
                          'storage of spatial point data'

    # Assign default values
    if easting_min is None: easting_min = xllcorner
    if easting_max is None: easting_max = xllcorner + ncols*cellsize
    if northing_min is None: northing_min = yllcorner
    if northing_max is None: northing_max = yllcorner + nrows*cellsize

    #print easting_min, easting_max, northing_min, northing_max

    # Compute offsets to update georeferencing
    easting_offset = xllcorner - easting_min
    northing_offset = yllcorner - northing_min

    # Georeferencing = zone
    outfile.xllcorner = easting_min # Easting of lower left corner
    outfile.yllcorner = northing_min # Northing of lower left corner
    outfile.false_easting = false_easting
    outfile.false_northing = false_northing

    outfile.projection = projection
    outfile.datum = datum
    outfile.units = units

    # Grid info (FIXME: probably not going to be used, but heck)
    outfile.ncols = ncols
    outfile.nrows = nrows

    #dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))
    totalnopoints = nrows*ncols

#    #=======================================================================
#    # Calculating number of NODATA_values for each row in clipped region
#    # FIXME: use array operations to do faster
#    nn = 0
#    k = 0
#    i1_0 = 0
#    j1_0 = 0
#    thisj = 0
#    thisi = 0
#    for i in range(nrows):
#        y = (nrows-i-1)*cellsize + yllcorner
#        for j in range(ncols):
#            x = j*cellsize + xllcorner
#            if easting_min <= x <= easting_max \
#               and northing_min <= y <= northing_max:
#                thisj = j
#                thisi = i
#                if dem_elevation_r[i,j] == NODATA_value:
#                    nn += 1
#                if k == 0:
#                    i1_0 = i
#                    j1_0 = j
#                k += 1
#    index1 = j1_0
#    index2 = thisj
#    # Dimension definitions
#    nrows_in_bounding_box = int(round((northing_max-northing_min)/cellsize))
#    ncols_in_bounding_box = int(round((easting_max-easting_min)/cellsize))
#    clippednopoints = (thisi+1-i1_0)*(thisj+1-j1_0)
#    nopoints = clippednopoints-nn
#    clipped_dem_elev = dem_elevation_r[i1_0:thisi+1,j1_0:thisj+1]
#    if verbose:
#        log.critical('There are %d values in the elevation' % totalnopoints)
#        log.critical('There are %d values in the clipped elevation'
#                     % clippednopoints)
#        log.critical('There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped elevation' % nn)
#    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nopoints)
#    outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2) #This is 2d data
#    # Variable definitions
#    outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',
#                                                    'number_of_dimensions'))
#    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',))
#    # Get handles to the variables
#    points = outfile.variables['points']
#    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']
#    # Number of points
#    N = points.shape[0]
#    lenv = index2-index1+1
#    # Store data
#    global_index = 0
#    # for i in range(nrows):
#    for i in range(i1_0, thisi+1, 1):
#        if verbose and i % ((nrows+10)/10) == 0:
#            log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows))
#        lower_index = global_index
#        v = dem_elevation_r[i,index1:index2+1]
#        no_NODATA = num.sum(v == NODATA_value)
#        if no_NODATA > 0:
#            newcols = lenv - no_NODATA  # ncols_in_bounding_box - no_NODATA
#        else:
#            newcols = lenv              # ncols_in_bounding_box
#        telev = num.zeros(newcols, num.float)
#        tpoints = num.zeros((newcols, 2), num.float)
#        local_index = 0
#        y = (nrows-i-1)*cellsize + yllcorner
#        #for j in range(ncols):
#        for j in range(j1_0,index2+1,1):
#            x = j*cellsize + xllcorner
#            if easting_min <= x <= easting_max \
#               and northing_min <= y <= northing_max \
#               and dem_elevation_r[i,j] != NODATA_value:
#                #print [x-easting_min, y-northing_min]
#                #print x , y
#                #print easting_min, northing_min
#                #print xllcorner, yllcorner
#                #print cellsize
#                tpoints[local_index, :] = [x-easting_min, y-northing_min]
#                telev[local_index] = dem_elevation_r[i, j]
#                global_index += 1
#                local_index += 1
#        upper_index = global_index
#        if upper_index == lower_index + newcols:
#            # Seems to be an error with the windows version of
#            # Netcdf. The following gave errors
#            try:
#                points[lower_index:upper_index, :] = tpoints
#                elevation[lower_index:upper_index] = telev
#            except:
#                # so used the following if an error occurs
#                for index in range(newcols):
#                    points[index+lower_index, :] = tpoints[index,:]
#                    elevation[index+lower_index] = telev[index]
#    assert global_index == nopoints, 'index not equal to number of points'

    # Do the preceeding with numpy
    y = num.arange(nrows,dtype=num.float)
    y = yllcorner + (nrows-1)*cellsize - y*cellsize

    x = num.arange(ncols,dtype=num.float)
    x = xllcorner + x*cellsize

    xx,yy = num.meshgrid(x,y)

    xx = xx.flatten()
    yy = yy.flatten()

    flag = num.logical_and(num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max),(xx >= easting_min)),
                           num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max),(yy >= northing_min)))

    dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

    id = num.where(flag)[0]

    xx = xx[id]
    yy = yy[id]
    dem = dem[id]

    clippednopoints = len(dem)
    #print clippedpoints
    #print xx
    #print yy
    #print dem

    data_flag = dem != NODATA_value

    data_id = num.where(data_flag)

    xx = xx[data_id]
    yy = yy[data_id]
    dem = dem[data_id]

    nn = clippednopoints - len(dem)

    nopoints = len(dem)

    if verbose:
        log.critical('There are %d values in the elevation' % totalnopoints)
        log.critical('There are %d values in the clipped elevation'
                     % clippednopoints)
        log.critical('There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped elevation' % nn)

    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nopoints)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2) #This is 2d data

    # Variable definitions
    outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',
    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',))

    # Get handles to the variables
    points = outfile.variables['points']
    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']

    points[:,0] = xx - easting_min
    points[:,1] = yy - northing_min
    elevation[:] = dem

Example #11
def _convert_dem_from_llasc2pts(name_in, name_out = None,
    """Read Digital Elevation model from the following LL ASCII format (.asc)

    Internal function. See public function convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf
    for details.

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    #Read DEM data
    datafile = open(name_in)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading DEM from %s' % (name_in))

    lines = datafile.readlines()

    if verbose: log.critical('Got %d lines' % len(lines))

    ncols = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())
    nrows = int(lines[1].split()[1].strip())

    # Do cellsize (line 4) before line 2 and 3
    cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[1].strip())

    xref = lines[2].split()
    if xref[0].strip() == 'xllcorner':
        xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip()) 
    elif xref[0].strip() == 'xllcenter':
        xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip()) # - 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % xref[0].strip()
        raise_(Exception, msg)

    yref = lines[3].split()
    if yref[0].strip() == 'yllcorner':
        yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip()) 
    elif yref[0].strip() == 'yllcenter':
        yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip()) # - 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % yref[0].strip()
        raise_(Exception, msg)

    NODATA_value = float(lines[5].split()[1].strip())

    assert len(lines) == nrows + 6

    dem_elevation = num.loadtxt(lines, skiprows=6, dtype=float)

    totalnopoints = nrows*ncols

    y = num.arange(nrows,dtype=num.float)
    y = yllcorner + (nrows-1)*cellsize - y*cellsize

    x = num.arange(ncols,dtype=num.float)
    x = xllcorner + x*cellsize



    xx,yy = num.meshgrid(x,y)

    xx = xx.flatten()
    yy = yy.flatten()
    dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()
    # ====================
    # remove NODATA points
    # ====================
    data_flag = dem != NODATA_value

    data_id = num.where(data_flag)

    xx = xx[data_id]
    yy = yy[data_id]
    dem = dem[data_id]

    nn = totalnopoints - len(dem)

    nopoints = len(dem)

    # =====================================
    # Convert xx and yy to UTM
    # =====================================
    points_UTM, zone = convert_from_latlon_to_utm(latitudes=yy, longitudes=xx, show_progress=show_progress)

    points_UTM = num.asarray(points_UTM, dtype=float)

    corners, zone_c = convert_from_latlon_to_utm(latitudes=yllcorner, longitudes=xllcorner)

    xllcorner = corners[0][0]
    yllcorner = corners[0][1]

    assert zone == zone_c

    points_UTM = points_UTM - corners

    # ===============================
    # Step up for writing to pts file
    # ===============================

    if name_out is None:
        netcdfname = name_in[:-4]+'.pts'
        netcdfname = name_out + '.pts'

    if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % netcdfname)

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(netcdfname, netcdf_mode_w)

    # Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF pts format for compact and portable ' \
                          'storage of spatial point data'

    # Georeferencing = zone
    outfile.xllcorner = xllcorner # Easting of lower left corner
    outfile.yllcorner = yllcorner # Northing of lower left corner
    # Default settings
    outfile.false_easting = 500000.0
    outfile.false_northing = 10000000.0
    outfile.projection = 'UTM'
    outfile.datum = 'WGS84'
    outfile.units = 'METERS'

    # Grid info (FIXME: probably not going to be used, but heck)
    outfile.ncols = ncols
    outfile.nrows = nrows

    if verbose:
        log.critical('There are %d values in the elevation' % totalnopoints)
        log.critical('There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped elevation' % nn)

    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nopoints)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2) #This is 2d data

    # Variable definitions
    outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',
    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',))

    # Get handles to the variables
    points = outfile.variables['points']
    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']

    points[:,:]= points_UTM
    elevation[:] = dem

Example #12
def dem2dem(name_in, stencil, cellsize_new, name_out=None, verbose=False):
    """Read Digitial Elevation model from the following NetCDF format (.dem)


    ncols         3121
    nrows         1800
    xllcorner     722000
    yllcorner     5893000
    cellsize      25
    NODATA_value  -9999
    138.3698 137.4194 136.5062 135.5558 ..........

    Decimate data to cellsize_new using stencil and write to NetCDF dem format.

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    if name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .dem.' % name_in)

    if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .dem.' % name_out)

    #Open existing netcdf file to read
    infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading DEM from %s' % inname)

    # Read metadata (convert from numpy.int32 to int where appropriate)
    ncols = int(infile.ncols)
    nrows = int(infile.nrows)
    xllcorner = infile.xllcorner
    yllcorner = infile.yllcorner
    cellsize = int(infile.cellsize)
    NODATA_value = int(infile.NODATA_value)
    zone = int(
    false_easting = infile.false_easting
    false_northing = infile.false_northing
    projection = infile.projection
    datum = infile.datum
    units = infile.units

    dem_elevation = infile.variables['elevation']

    #Get output file name
    if name_out == None:
        outname = name_in[:-4] + '_' + repr(cellsize_new) + '.dem'
        outname = name_out

    if verbose: log.critical('Write decimated NetCDF file to %s' % outname)

    #Determine some dimensions for decimated grid
    (nrows_stencil, ncols_stencil) = stencil.shape
    x_offset = ncols_stencil / 2
    y_offset = nrows_stencil / 2
    cellsize_ratio = int(cellsize_new / cellsize)
    ncols_new = 1 + (ncols - ncols_stencil) / cellsize_ratio
    nrows_new = 1 + (nrows - nrows_stencil) / cellsize_ratio

    #print type(ncols_new), ncols_new

    #Open netcdf file for output
    outfile = NetCDFFile(outname, netcdf_mode_w)

    #Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable ' \
                          'storage of spatial point data'

    #Georeferencing = zone
    outfile.projection = projection
    outfile.datum = datum
    outfile.units = units

    outfile.cellsize = cellsize_new
    outfile.NODATA_value = NODATA_value
    outfile.false_easting = false_easting
    outfile.false_northing = false_northing

    outfile.xllcorner = xllcorner + (x_offset * cellsize)
    outfile.yllcorner = yllcorner + (y_offset * cellsize)
    outfile.ncols = ncols_new
    outfile.nrows = nrows_new

    # dimension definition
    #print nrows_new, ncols_new, nrows_new*ncols_new
    #print type(nrows_new), type(ncols_new), type(nrows_new*ncols_new)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nrows_new * ncols_new)

    # variable definition
    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points', ))

    # Get handle to the variable
    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']

    dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))

    #Store data
    global_index = 0
    for i in range(nrows_new):
        if verbose: log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows_new))

        lower_index = global_index
        telev = num.zeros(ncols_new, num.float)
        local_index = 0
        trow = i * cellsize_ratio

        for j in range(ncols_new):
            tcol = j * cellsize_ratio
            tmp = dem_elevation_r[trow:trow + nrows_stencil,
                                  tcol:tcol + ncols_stencil]

            #if dem contains 1 or more NODATA_values set value in
            #decimated dem to NODATA_value, else compute decimated
            #value using stencil
            if num.sum(num.sum(num.equal(tmp, NODATA_value))) > 0:
                telev[local_index] = NODATA_value
                telev[local_index] = num.sum(num.sum(tmp * stencil))

            global_index += 1
            local_index += 1

        upper_index = global_index

        elevation[lower_index:upper_index] = telev

    assert global_index == nrows_new*ncols_new, \
           'index not equal to number of points'

Example #13
def _generic_dem2pts(name_in,
    """Read raster from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

    Internal function. See public function generic_dem2pts for details.

    # FIXME: Can this be written feasibly using write_pts?

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    root = name_in[:-4]

    if name_in[-4:] == '.asc':
        intermediate = root + '.dem'
        if verbose:
            log.critical('Preconvert %s from asc to %s' % \
                                    (name_in, intermediate))
        name_in = intermediate
    elif name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem.' %

    if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != '.pts':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .pts.' % name_out)

    # Get NetCDF
    infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading raster from %s' % (name_in))

    ncols = int(infile.ncols)
    nrows = int(infile.nrows)
    xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
    yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
    cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
    NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

    dem_elevation = infile.variables[quantity_name]

    zone = int(
    false_easting = float(infile.false_easting)
    false_northing = float(infile.false_northing)

    #print ncols, nrows, xllcorner,yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value, zone

    # Text strings
    projection = infile.projection
    datum = infile.datum
    units = infile.units

    #print projection, datum, units

    # Get output file
    if name_out == None:
        ptsname = root + '.pts'
        ptsname = name_out

    if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % ptsname)

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(ptsname, netcdf_mode_w)

    # Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF pts format for compact and portable ' \
                          'storage of spatial point data'

    # Assign default values
    if easting_min is None: easting_min = xllcorner
    if easting_max is None: easting_max = xllcorner + ncols * cellsize
    if northing_min is None: northing_min = yllcorner
    if northing_max is None: northing_max = yllcorner + nrows * cellsize

    #print easting_min, easting_max, northing_min, northing_max

    # Compute offsets to update georeferencing
    easting_offset = xllcorner - easting_min
    northing_offset = yllcorner - northing_min

    # Georeferencing = zone
    outfile.xllcorner = easting_min  # Easting of lower left corner
    outfile.yllcorner = northing_min  # Northing of lower left corner
    outfile.false_easting = false_easting
    outfile.false_northing = false_northing

    outfile.projection = projection
    outfile.datum = datum
    outfile.units = units

    # Grid info (FIXME: probably not going to be used, but heck)
    outfile.ncols = ncols
    outfile.nrows = nrows

    dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))
    totalnopoints = nrows * ncols

    # Do the preceeding with numpy
    y = num.arange(nrows, dtype=num.float)
    y = yllcorner + (nrows - 1) * cellsize - y * cellsize

    x = num.arange(ncols, dtype=num.float)
    x = xllcorner + x * cellsize

    xx, yy = num.meshgrid(x, y)

    xx = xx.flatten()
    yy = yy.flatten()

    flag = num.logical_and(
        num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max), (xx >= easting_min)),
        num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max), (yy >= northing_min)))

    dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

    id = num.where(flag)[0]

    xx = xx[id]
    yy = yy[id]
    dem = dem[id]

    clippednopoints = len(dem)
    #print clippedpoints

    #print xx
    #print yy
    #print dem

    data_flag = dem != NODATA_value

    data_id = num.where(data_flag)

    xx = xx[data_id]
    yy = yy[data_id]
    dem = dem[data_id]

    nn = clippednopoints - len(dem)

    nopoints = len(dem)

    if verbose:
        log.critical('There are %d values in the raster' % totalnopoints)
        log.critical('There are %d values in the clipped raster' %
        log.critical('There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped raster' % nn)

    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nopoints)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2)  #This is 2d data

    # Variable definitions
    outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float,
                           ('number_of_points', 'number_of_dimensions'))
    outfile.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float, ('number_of_points', ))

    # Get handles to the variables
    points = outfile.variables['points']
    elevation = outfile.variables[quantity_name]

    points[:, 0] = xx - easting_min
    points[:, 1] = yy - northing_min
    elevation[:] = dem

Example #14
def dem2dem(name_in, stencil, cellsize_new, name_out=None,
    """Read Digitial Elevation model from the following NetCDF format (.dem)


    ncols         3121
    nrows         1800
    xllcorner     722000
    yllcorner     5893000
    cellsize      25
    NODATA_value  -9999
    138.3698 137.4194 136.5062 135.5558 ..........

    Decimate data to cellsize_new using stencil and write to NetCDF dem format.

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    if name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .dem.' % name_in)

    if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != '.dem':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .dem.' % name_out)

    #Open existing netcdf file to read
    infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading DEM from %s' % inname)

    # Read metadata (convert from numpy.int32 to int where appropriate)
    ncols = int(infile.ncols)
    nrows = int(infile.nrows)
    xllcorner = infile.xllcorner
    yllcorner = infile.yllcorner
    cellsize = int(infile.cellsize)
    NODATA_value = int(infile.NODATA_value)
    zone = int(
    false_easting = infile.false_easting
    false_northing = infile.false_northing
    projection = infile.projection
    datum = infile.datum
    units = infile.units

    dem_elevation = infile.variables['elevation']

    #Get output file name
    if name_out == None:
        outname = name_in[:-4] + '_' + repr(cellsize_new) + '.dem'
        outname = name_out

    if verbose: log.critical('Write decimated NetCDF file to %s' % outname)

    #Determine some dimensions for decimated grid
    (nrows_stencil, ncols_stencil) = stencil.shape
    x_offset = ncols_stencil / 2
    y_offset = nrows_stencil / 2
    cellsize_ratio = int(cellsize_new / cellsize)
    ncols_new = 1 + (ncols - ncols_stencil) / cellsize_ratio
    nrows_new = 1 + (nrows - nrows_stencil) / cellsize_ratio

    #print type(ncols_new), ncols_new
    #Open netcdf file for output
    outfile = NetCDFFile(outname, netcdf_mode_w)

    #Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable ' \
                          'storage of spatial point data'

    #Georeferencing = zone
    outfile.projection = projection
    outfile.datum = datum
    outfile.units = units

    outfile.cellsize = cellsize_new
    outfile.NODATA_value = NODATA_value
    outfile.false_easting = false_easting
    outfile.false_northing = false_northing

    outfile.xllcorner = xllcorner + (x_offset * cellsize)
    outfile.yllcorner = yllcorner + (y_offset * cellsize)
    outfile.ncols = ncols_new
    outfile.nrows = nrows_new

    # dimension definition
    #print nrows_new, ncols_new, nrows_new*ncols_new
    #print type(nrows_new), type(ncols_new), type(nrows_new*ncols_new)
    outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', nrows_new*ncols_new)

    # variable definition
    outfile.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',))

    # Get handle to the variable
    elevation = outfile.variables['elevation']

    dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))

    #Store data
    global_index = 0
    for i in range(nrows_new):
        if verbose: log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows_new))

        lower_index = global_index
        telev = num.zeros(ncols_new, num.float)
        local_index = 0
        trow = i * cellsize_ratio

        for j in range(ncols_new):
            tcol = j * cellsize_ratio
            tmp = dem_elevation_r[trow:trow+nrows_stencil,

            #if dem contains 1 or more NODATA_values set value in
            #decimated dem to NODATA_value, else compute decimated
            #value using stencil
            if num.sum(num.sum(num.equal(tmp, NODATA_value))) > 0:
                telev[local_index] = NODATA_value
                telev[local_index] = num.sum(num.sum(tmp * stencil))

            global_index += 1
            local_index += 1

        upper_index = global_index

        elevation[lower_index:upper_index] = telev

    assert global_index == nrows_new*ncols_new, \
           'index not equal to number of points'

Example #15
def timefile2netcdf(file_text, file_out = None, quantity_names=None, \
    """Template for converting typical text files with time series to
    NetCDF tms file.

    The file format is assumed to be either two fields separated by a comma:

        time [DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss], value0 value1 value2 ...


      31/08/04 00:00:00, 1.328223 0 0
      31/08/04 00:15:00, 1.292912 0 0

    or time (seconds), value0 value1 value2 ...

      0.0, 1.328223 0 0
      0.1, 1.292912 0 0

    will provide a time dependent function f(t) with three attributes

    filename is assumed to be the rootname with extensions .txt/.tms and .sww

    import time, calendar
    from anuga.config import time_format
    from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric

    if file_text[-4:] != '.txt':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .txt.' % file_text)

    if file_out is None:
        file_out = file_text[:-4] + '.tms'

    fid = open(file_text)
    line = fid.readline()

    fields = line.split(',')
    msg = "File %s must have the format 'datetime, value0 value1 value2 ...'" \
          % file_text
    assert len(fields) == 2, msg

    if not time_as_seconds:
            starttime = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(fields[0], time_format))
        except ValueError:
            msg = 'First field in file %s must be' % file_text
            msg += ' date-time with format %s.\n' % time_format
            msg += 'I got %s instead.' % fields[0]
            raise DataTimeError, msg
            starttime = float(fields[0])
        except Exception:
            msg = "Bad time format"
            raise DataTimeError, msg

    # Split values
    values = []
    for value in fields[1].split():

    q = ensure_numeric(values)

    msg = 'ERROR: File must contain at least one independent value'
    assert len(q.shape) == 1, msg

    # Read times proper
    from anuga.config import time_format
    import time, calendar

    fid = open(file_text)
    lines = fid.readlines()

    N = len(lines)
    d = len(q)

    T = num.zeros(N, num.float)  # Time
    Q = num.zeros((N, d), num.float)  # Values

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        fields = line.split(',')
        if not time_as_seconds:
            realtime = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(fields[0], time_format))
            realtime = float(fields[0])
        T[i] = realtime - starttime

        for j, value in enumerate(fields[1].split()):
            Q[i, j] = float(value)

    msg = 'File %s must list time as a monotonuosly ' % file_text
    msg += 'increasing sequence'
    assert num.alltrue(T[1:] - T[:-1] > 0), msg

    #Create NetCDF file
    fid = NetCDFFile(file_out, netcdf_mode_w)

    fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    fid.description = 'Time series'

    #Reference point
    #Start time in seconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/1970)
    #FIXME: Use Georef
    fid.starttime = starttime

    # dimension definitions
    #fid.createDimension('number_of_volumes', self.number_of_volumes)
    #fid.createDimension('number_of_vertices', 3)

    fid.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', len(T))

    fid.createVariable('time', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps', ))

    fid.variables['time'][:] = T

    for i in range(Q.shape[1]):
            name = quantity_names[i]
            name = 'Attribute%d' % i

        fid.createVariable(name, netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps', ))
        fid.variables[name][:] = Q[:, i]

Example #16
def _write_msh_file(file_name, mesh):
    """Write .msh NetCDF file

    WARNING: This function mangles the mesh data structure

    # FIXME(Ole and John): We ran into a problem on Bogong (64 bit)
    # where integers appeared as arrays.  This may be similar to
    # problem seen by Steve in changeset:2778 where he had to wrap
    # them in int.  Now we are trying with the native Integer format
    # (Int == 'l' == Int64). However, that caused casting errors, when
    # 64bit arrays are to be assigned to their NetCDF counterparts. It
    # seems that the NetCDF arrays are 32bit even though they are
    # created with the type Int64. Need to look at the NetCDF library
    # in more detail.

    IntType = num.int32
    #IntType = Int

    #print 'mesh vertices',mesh['vertices'].shape

    #the triangulation
    mesh['vertices'] = num.array(mesh['vertices'], num.float)
    mesh['vertex_attribute_titles'] = \
        num.array(string_to_char(mesh['vertex_attribute_titles']), num.character)

    num_attributes = len(mesh['vertex_attribute_titles'])
    num_vertices = mesh['vertices'].shape[0]
    #print 'num_attrib ',num_attributes
    if mesh['vertex_attributes'] != None:
        mesh['vertex_attributes'] = \
            num.array(mesh['vertex_attributes'], num.float)

    if num_attributes > 0 :
        mesh['vertex_attributes'] = \

    mesh['segments'] = num.array(mesh['segments'], IntType)
    mesh['segment_tags'] = num.array(string_to_char(mesh['segment_tags']),
    mesh['triangles'] = num.array(mesh['triangles'], IntType)
    mesh['triangle_tags'] = num.array(string_to_char(mesh['triangle_tags']),
    mesh['triangle_neighbors'] = \
        num.array(mesh['triangle_neighbors'], IntType)

    #the outline
    mesh['points'] = num.array(mesh['points'], num.float)
    mesh['point_attributes'] = num.array(mesh['point_attributes'], num.float)
    mesh['outline_segments'] = num.array(mesh['outline_segments'], IntType)
    mesh['outline_segment_tags'] = \
        num.array(string_to_char(mesh['outline_segment_tags']), num.character)
    mesh['holes'] = num.array(mesh['holes'], num.float)
    mesh['regions'] = num.array(mesh['regions'], num.float)
    mesh['region_tags'] = num.array(string_to_char(mesh['region_tags']), num.character)
    mesh['region_max_areas'] = num.array(mesh['region_max_areas'], num.float)

    # NetCDF file definition
        outfile = NetCDFFile(file_name, netcdf_mode_w)
    except IOError:
        msg = 'File %s could not be created' % file_name
        raise Exception, msg

    #Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF format for compact and portable storage ' + \
                          'of spatial point data'

    # dimension definitions - fixed
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_dimensions', 2)     # This is 2d data
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_segment_ends', 2)   # Segs have two points
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_triangle_vertices', 3)
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_triangle_faces', 3)
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_region_max_area', 1)

    # Create dimensions, variables and set the variables

    # trianglulation
    # vertices
    if (mesh['vertices'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_vertices', mesh['vertices'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('vertices', netcdf_float, ('num_of_vertices',
        outfile.variables['vertices'][:] = mesh['vertices']

        #print 'mesh vertex attributes', mesh['vertex_attributes'].shape
        if (mesh['vertex_attributes'] is not None and
            (mesh['vertex_attributes'].shape[0] > 0 and
             mesh['vertex_attributes'].shape[1] > 0)):
            outfile.variables['vertex_attributes'][:] = \
            outfile.variables['vertex_attribute_titles'][:] = \

    # segments
    if (mesh['segments'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_segments', mesh['segments'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('segments', netcdf_int,
                               ('num_of_segments', 'num_of_segment_ends'))
        outfile.variables['segments'][:] = mesh['segments']
        if (mesh['segment_tags'].shape[1] > 0):
            outfile.variables['segment_tags'][:] = mesh['segment_tags']

    # triangles
    if (mesh['triangles'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_triangles', mesh['triangles'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('triangles', netcdf_int,
                               ('num_of_triangles', 'num_of_triangle_vertices'))
        outfile.createVariable('triangle_neighbors', netcdf_int,
                               ('num_of_triangles', 'num_of_triangle_faces'))
        outfile.variables['triangles'][:] = mesh['triangles']
        outfile.variables['triangle_neighbors'][:] = mesh['triangle_neighbors']
        if (mesh['triangle_tags'] is not None and
            (mesh['triangle_tags'].shape[1] > 0)):
            outfile.createVariable('triangle_tags', netcdf_char,
            outfile.variables['triangle_tags'][:] = mesh['triangle_tags']

    # outline
    # points
    if (mesh['points'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_points', mesh['points'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_points', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.variables['points'][:] = mesh['points']
        if mesh['point_attributes'].shape[0] > 0  \
           and mesh['point_attributes'].shape[1] > 0:
            outfile.createVariable('point_attributes', netcdf_float,
                                   ('num_of_points', 'num_of_point_attributes'))
            outfile.variables['point_attributes'][:] = mesh['point_attributes']

    # outline_segments
    if mesh['outline_segments'].shape[0] > 0:
        outfile.createVariable('outline_segments', netcdf_int,
        outfile.variables['outline_segments'][:] = mesh['outline_segments']
        if mesh['outline_segment_tags'].shape[1] > 0:
            outfile.createVariable('outline_segment_tags', netcdf_char,
            outfile.variables['outline_segment_tags'][:] = \

    # holes
    if (mesh['holes'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_holes', mesh['holes'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('holes', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_holes', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.variables['holes'][:] = mesh['holes']

    # regions
    if (mesh['regions'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_regions', mesh['regions'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('regions', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_regions', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.createVariable('region_max_areas', netcdf_float,
        outfile.variables['regions'][:] = mesh['regions']
        outfile.variables['region_max_areas'][:] = mesh['region_max_areas']
        if (mesh['region_tags'].shape[1] > 0):
            outfile.createVariable('region_tags', netcdf_char,
            outfile.variables['region_tags'][:] = mesh['region_tags']

    # geo_reference info
    if mesh.has_key('geo_reference') and not mesh['geo_reference'] == None:

def timefile2netcdf(file_text, file_out = None, quantity_names=None, \
    """Template for converting typical text files with time series to
    NetCDF tms file.

    The file format is assumed to be either two fields separated by a comma:

        time [DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss], value0 value1 value2 ...


      31/08/04 00:00:00, 1.328223 0 0
      31/08/04 00:15:00, 1.292912 0 0

    or time (seconds), value0 value1 value2 ...

      0.0, 1.328223 0 0
      0.1, 1.292912 0 0

    will provide a time dependent function f(t) with three attributes

    filename is assumed to be the rootname with extensions .txt/.tms and .sww

    import time, calendar
    from anuga.config import time_format
    from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric

    if file_text[-4:] != '.txt':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .txt.' % file_text)

    if file_out is None:
        file_out = file_text[:-4] + '.tms'

    fid = open(file_text)
    line = fid.readline()

    fields = line.split(',')
    msg = "File %s must have the format 'datetime, value0 value1 value2 ...'" \
          % file_text
    assert len(fields) == 2, msg

    if not time_as_seconds:
            starttime = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(fields[0], time_format))
        except ValueError:
            msg = 'First field in file %s must be' % file_text
            msg += ' date-time with format %s.\n' % time_format
            msg += 'I got %s instead.' % fields[0]
            raise DataTimeError, msg
            starttime = float(fields[0])
        except Error:
            msg = "Bad time format"
            raise DataTimeError, msg

    # Split values
    values = []
    for value in fields[1].split():

    q = ensure_numeric(values)

    msg = 'ERROR: File must contain at least one independent value'
    assert len(q.shape) == 1, msg

    # Read times proper
    from anuga.config import time_format
    import time, calendar

    fid = open(file_text)
    lines = fid.readlines()

    N = len(lines)
    d = len(q)

    T = num.zeros(N, num.float)       # Time
    Q = num.zeros((N, d), num.float)  # Values

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        fields = line.split(',')
        if not time_as_seconds:
            realtime = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(fields[0], time_format))
            realtime = float(fields[0])
        T[i] = realtime - starttime

        for j, value in enumerate(fields[1].split()):
            Q[i, j] = float(value)

    msg = 'File %s must list time as a monotonuosly ' % file_text
    msg += 'increasing sequence'
    assert num.alltrue(T[1:] - T[:-1] > 0), msg

    #Create NetCDF file
    fid = NetCDFFile(file_out, netcdf_mode_w)

    fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    fid.description = 'Time series'

    #Reference point
    #Start time in seconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/1970)
    #FIXME: Use Georef
    fid.starttime = starttime

    # dimension definitions
    #fid.createDimension('number_of_volumes', self.number_of_volumes)
    #fid.createDimension('number_of_vertices', 3)

    fid.createDimension('number_of_timesteps', len(T))

    fid.createVariable('time', netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps',))

    fid.variables['time'][:] = T

    for i in range(Q.shape[1]):
            name = quantity_names[i]
            name = 'Attribute%d' % i

        fid.createVariable(name, netcdf_float, ('number_of_timesteps',))
        fid.variables[name][:] = Q[:,i]

Example #18
def _convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(name_in, name_out = None,
                                   verbose = False):
    """Read Digital Elevation model from the following ASCII format (.asc)

    Internal function. See public function convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf
    for details.

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    root = name_in[:-4]

    # Read Meta data
    if verbose: log.critical('Reading METADATA from %s' % (root + '.prj'))

    metadatafile = open(root + '.prj')
    metalines = metadatafile.readlines()

    L = metalines[0].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection'
    projection = L[1].strip()                   #TEXT

    L = metalines[1].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone'
    zone = int(L[1].strip())

    L = metalines[2].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum'
    datum = L[1].strip()                        #TEXT

    L = metalines[3].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits'     #IGNORE
    zunits = L[1].strip()                       #TEXT

    L = metalines[4].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units'
    units = L[1].strip()                        #TEXT

    L = metalines[5].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid'   #IGNORE
    spheroid = L[1].strip()                     #TEXT

    L = metalines[6].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift'
    false_easting = float(L[1].strip())

    L = metalines[7].strip().split()
    assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift'
    false_northing = float(L[1].strip())

    if name_in[-4:] != '.asc':
        raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc.' % name_in)

    #Read DEM data
    datafile = open(name_in)

    if verbose: log.critical('Reading DEM from %s' % (name_in))

    lines = datafile.readlines()

    if verbose: log.critical('Got %d lines' % len(lines))

    ncols = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())
    nrows = int(lines[1].split()[1].strip())

    # Do cellsize (line 4) before line 2 and 3
    cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[1].strip())

    # Checks suggested by Joaquim Luis
    # Our internal representation of xllcorner
    # and yllcorner is non-standard.
    xref = lines[2].split()
    if xref[0].strip() == 'xllcorner':
        xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip()) # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
    elif xref[0].strip() == 'xllcenter':
        xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())
        msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % xref[0].strip()
        raise Exception, msg

    yref = lines[3].split()
    if yref[0].strip() == 'yllcorner':
        yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip()) # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
    elif yref[0].strip() == 'yllcenter':
        yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())
        msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % yref[0].strip()
        raise Exception, msg

    NODATA_value = int(float(lines[5].split()[1].strip()))

    assert len(lines) == nrows + 6

    if name_out == None:
        netcdfname = name_in[:-4]+'.dem'
        netcdfname = name_out + '.dem'

    if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % netcdfname)

    # NetCDF file definition
    fid = NetCDFFile(netcdfname, netcdf_mode_w)

    #Create new file
    fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable storage ' \
                      'of spatial point data'

    fid.ncols = ncols
    fid.nrows = nrows
    fid.xllcorner = xllcorner
    fid.yllcorner = yllcorner
    fid.cellsize = cellsize
    fid.NODATA_value = NODATA_value = zone
    fid.false_easting = false_easting
    fid.false_northing = false_northing
    fid.projection = projection
    fid.datum = datum
    fid.units = units

    # dimension definitions
    fid.createDimension('number_of_rows', nrows)
    fid.createDimension('number_of_columns', ncols)

    # variable definitions
    fid.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_rows',

    # Get handles to the variables
    elevation = fid.variables['elevation']

    #Store data
    import numpy

    datafile = open(name_in)
    elevation[:,:] = numpy.loadtxt(datafile, skiprows=6)

#    n = len(lines[6:])
#    for i, line in enumerate(lines[6:]):
#        fields = line.split()
#        if verbose and i % ((n+10)/10) == 0:
#            log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows))
#        if len(fields) != ncols:
#            msg = 'Wrong number of columns in file "%s" line %d\n' % (name_in, i)
#            msg += 'I got %d elements, but there should have been %d\n' % (len(fields), ncols)
#            raise Exception, msg
#        elevation[i, :] = num.array([float(x) for x in fields])

    def _generic_dem2pts(
        """Read raster from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

        Internal function. See public function generic_dem2pts for details.

        # FIXME: Can this be written feasibly using write_pts?

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        if name_in[-4:] == ".asc":
            intermediate = root + ".dem"
            if verbose:
                log.critical("Preconvert %s from asc to %s" % (name_in, intermediate))
            name_in = intermediate
        elif name_in[-4:] != ".dem":
            raise IOError("Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem." % name_in)

        if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != ".pts":
            raise IOError("Input file %s should be of type .pts." % name_out)

        # Get NetCDF
        infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r)

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Reading raster from %s" % (name_in))

        ncols = int(infile.ncols)
        nrows = int(infile.nrows)
        xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
        yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
        cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
        NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

        dem_elevation = infile.variables[quantity_name]

        zone = int(
        false_easting = float(infile.false_easting)
        false_northing = float(infile.false_northing)

        # print ncols, nrows, xllcorner,yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value, zone

        # Text strings
        projection = infile.projection
        datum = infile.datum
        units = infile.units

        # print projection, datum, units

        # Get output file
        if name_out == None:
            ptsname = root + ".pts"
            ptsname = name_out

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Store to NetCDF file %s" % ptsname)

        # NetCDF file definition
        outfile = NetCDFFile(ptsname, netcdf_mode_w)

        # Create new file
        outfile.institution = "Geoscience Australia"
        outfile.description = "NetCDF pts format for compact and portable " "storage of spatial point data"

        # Assign default values
        if easting_min is None:
            easting_min = xllcorner
        if easting_max is None:
            easting_max = xllcorner + ncols * cellsize
        if northing_min is None:
            northing_min = yllcorner
        if northing_max is None:
            northing_max = yllcorner + nrows * cellsize

        # print easting_min, easting_max, northing_min, northing_max

        # Compute offsets to update georeferencing
        easting_offset = xllcorner - easting_min
        northing_offset = yllcorner - northing_min

        # Georeferencing = zone
        outfile.xllcorner = easting_min  # Easting of lower left corner
        outfile.yllcorner = northing_min  # Northing of lower left corner
        outfile.false_easting = false_easting
        outfile.false_northing = false_northing

        outfile.projection = projection
        outfile.datum = datum
        outfile.units = units

        # Grid info (FIXME: probably not going to be used, but heck)
        outfile.ncols = ncols
        outfile.nrows = nrows

        dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))
        totalnopoints = nrows * ncols

        # ========================================
        # Do the preceeding with numpy
        # ========================================
        y = num.arange(nrows, dtype=num.float)
        y = yllcorner + (nrows - 1) * cellsize - y * cellsize

        x = num.arange(ncols, dtype=num.float)
        x = xllcorner + x * cellsize

        xx, yy = num.meshgrid(x, y)

        xx = xx.flatten()
        yy = yy.flatten()

        flag = num.logical_and(
            num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max), (xx >= easting_min)),
            num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max), (yy >= northing_min)),

        dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

        id = num.where(flag)[0]

        xx = xx[id]
        yy = yy[id]
        dem = dem[id]

        clippednopoints = len(dem)
        # print clippedpoints

        # print xx
        # print yy
        # print dem

        data_flag = dem != NODATA_value

        data_id = num.where(data_flag)

        xx = xx[data_id]
        yy = yy[data_id]
        dem = dem[data_id]

        nn = clippednopoints - len(dem)

        nopoints = len(dem)

        if verbose:
            log.critical("There are %d values in the raster" % totalnopoints)
            log.critical("There are %d values in the clipped raster" % clippednopoints)
            log.critical("There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped raster" % nn)

        outfile.createDimension("number_of_points", nopoints)
        outfile.createDimension("number_of_dimensions", 2)  # This is 2d data

        # Variable definitions
        outfile.createVariable("points", netcdf_float, ("number_of_points", "number_of_dimensions"))
        outfile.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float, ("number_of_points",))

        # Get handles to the variables
        points = outfile.variables["points"]
        elevation = outfile.variables[quantity_name]

        points[:, 0] = xx - easting_min
        points[:, 1] = yy - northing_min
        elevation[:] = dem

Example #20
def _write_msh_file(file_name, mesh):
    """Write .msh NetCDF file

    WARNING: This function mangles the mesh data structure

    # FIXME(Ole and John): We ran into a problem on Bogong (64 bit)
    # where integers appeared as arrays.  This may be similar to
    # problem seen by Steve in changeset:2778 where he had to wrap
    # them in int.  Now we are trying with the native Integer format
    # (Int == 'l' == Int64). However, that caused casting errors, when
    # 64bit arrays are to be assigned to their NetCDF counterparts. It
    # seems that the NetCDF arrays are 32bit even though they are
    # created with the type Int64. Need to look at the NetCDF library
    # in more detail.

    IntType = num.int32
    #IntType = Int

    #print 'mesh vertices',mesh['vertices'].shape

    #the triangulation
    mesh['vertices'] = num.array(mesh['vertices'], num.float)
    mesh['vertex_attribute_titles'] = \
        num.array(string_to_char(mesh['vertex_attribute_titles']), num.character)

    num_attributes = len(mesh['vertex_attribute_titles'])
    num_vertices = mesh['vertices'].shape[0]
    #print 'num_attrib ',num_attributes
    if mesh['vertex_attributes'] != None:
        mesh['vertex_attributes'] = \
            num.array(mesh['vertex_attributes'], num.float)

    if num_attributes > 0:
        mesh['vertex_attributes'] = \

    mesh['segments'] = num.array(mesh['segments'], IntType)
    mesh['segment_tags'] = num.array(string_to_char(mesh['segment_tags']),
    mesh['triangles'] = num.array(mesh['triangles'], IntType)
    mesh['triangle_tags'] = num.array(string_to_char(mesh['triangle_tags']),
    mesh['triangle_neighbors'] = \
        num.array(mesh['triangle_neighbors'], IntType)

    #the outline
    mesh['points'] = num.array(mesh['points'], num.float)
    mesh['point_attributes'] = num.array(mesh['point_attributes'], num.float)
    mesh['outline_segments'] = num.array(mesh['outline_segments'], IntType)
    mesh['outline_segment_tags'] = \
        num.array(string_to_char(mesh['outline_segment_tags']), num.character)
    mesh['holes'] = num.array(mesh['holes'], num.float)
    mesh['regions'] = num.array(mesh['regions'], num.float)
    mesh['region_tags'] = num.array(string_to_char(mesh['region_tags']),
    mesh['region_max_areas'] = num.array(mesh['region_max_areas'], num.float)

    # NetCDF file definition
        outfile = NetCDFFile(file_name, netcdf_mode_w)
    except IOError:
        msg = 'File %s could not be created' % file_name
        raise Exception, msg

    #Create new file
    outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
    outfile.description = 'NetCDF format for compact and portable storage ' + \
                          'of spatial point data'

    # dimension definitions - fixed
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_dimensions', 2)  # This is 2d data
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_segment_ends', 2)  # Segs have two points
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_triangle_vertices', 3)
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_triangle_faces', 3)
    outfile.createDimension('num_of_region_max_area', 1)

    # Create dimensions, variables and set the variables

    # trianglulation
    # vertices
    if (mesh['vertices'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_vertices', mesh['vertices'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('vertices', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_vertices', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.variables['vertices'][:] = mesh['vertices']

        #print 'mesh vertex attributes', mesh['vertex_attributes'].shape

        if (mesh['vertex_attributes'] is not None
                and (mesh['vertex_attributes'].shape[0] > 0
                     and mesh['vertex_attributes'].shape[1] > 0)):
                'vertex_attributes', netcdf_float,
                ('num_of_vertices', 'num_of_vertex_attributes'))
            outfile.createVariable('vertex_attribute_titles', netcdf_char,
            outfile.variables['vertex_attributes'][:] = \
            outfile.variables['vertex_attribute_titles'][:] = \

    # segments
    if (mesh['segments'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_segments', mesh['segments'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('segments', netcdf_int,
                               ('num_of_segments', 'num_of_segment_ends'))
        outfile.variables['segments'][:] = mesh['segments']
        if (mesh['segment_tags'].shape[1] > 0):
                'segment_tags', netcdf_char,
                ('num_of_segments', 'num_of_segment_tag_chars'))
            outfile.variables['segment_tags'][:] = mesh['segment_tags']

    # triangles
    if (mesh['triangles'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_triangles', mesh['triangles'].shape[0])
            'triangles', netcdf_int,
            ('num_of_triangles', 'num_of_triangle_vertices'))
        outfile.createVariable('triangle_neighbors', netcdf_int,
                               ('num_of_triangles', 'num_of_triangle_faces'))
        outfile.variables['triangles'][:] = mesh['triangles']
        outfile.variables['triangle_neighbors'][:] = mesh['triangle_neighbors']
        if (mesh['triangle_tags'] is not None
                and (mesh['triangle_tags'].shape[1] > 0)):
                'triangle_tags', netcdf_char,
                ('num_of_triangles', 'num_of_triangle_tag_chars'))
            outfile.variables['triangle_tags'][:] = mesh['triangle_tags']

    # outline
    # points
    if (mesh['points'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_points', mesh['points'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('points', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_points', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.variables['points'][:] = mesh['points']
        if mesh['point_attributes'].shape[0] > 0  \
           and mesh['point_attributes'].shape[1] > 0:
                'point_attributes', netcdf_float,
                ('num_of_points', 'num_of_point_attributes'))
            outfile.variables['point_attributes'][:] = mesh['point_attributes']

    # outline_segments
    if mesh['outline_segments'].shape[0] > 0:
            'outline_segments', netcdf_int,
            ('num_of_outline_segments', 'num_of_segment_ends'))
        outfile.variables['outline_segments'][:] = mesh['outline_segments']
        if mesh['outline_segment_tags'].shape[1] > 0:
            outfile.createVariable('outline_segment_tags', netcdf_char,
            outfile.variables['outline_segment_tags'][:] = \

    # holes
    if (mesh['holes'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_holes', mesh['holes'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('holes', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_holes', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.variables['holes'][:] = mesh['holes']

    # regions
    if (mesh['regions'].shape[0] > 0):
        outfile.createDimension('num_of_regions', mesh['regions'].shape[0])
        outfile.createVariable('regions', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_regions', 'num_of_dimensions'))
        outfile.createVariable('region_max_areas', netcdf_float,
                               ('num_of_regions', ))
        outfile.variables['regions'][:] = mesh['regions']
        outfile.variables['region_max_areas'][:] = mesh['region_max_areas']
        if (mesh['region_tags'].shape[1] > 0):
                'region_tags', netcdf_char,
                ('num_of_regions', 'num_of_region_tag_chars'))
            outfile.variables['region_tags'][:] = mesh['region_tags']

    # geo_reference info
    if mesh.has_key('geo_reference') and not mesh['geo_reference'] is None:

Example #21
    def test_decimate_dem(self):
        """Test decimation of dem file

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        # Write test dem file
        root = "decdemtest"

        filename = root + ".dem"
        fid = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w)

        fid.institution = "Geoscience Australia"
        fid.description = "NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable " + "storage of spatial point data"

        nrows = 15
        ncols = 18

        fid.ncols = ncols
        fid.nrows = nrows
        fid.xllcorner = 2000.5
        fid.yllcorner = 3000.5
        fid.cellsize = 25
        fid.NODATA_value = -9999 = 56
        fid.false_easting = 0.0
        fid.false_northing = 0.0
        fid.projection = "UTM"
        fid.datum = "WGS84"
        fid.units = "METERS"

        fid.createDimension("number_of_points", nrows * ncols)

        fid.createVariable("elevation", netcdf_float, ("number_of_points",))

        elevation = fid.variables["elevation"]

        elevation[:] = num.arange(nrows * ncols)


        # generate the elevation values expected in the decimated file
        ref_elevation = [
            (0 + 1 + 2 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 36 + 37 + 38) / 9.0,
            (4 + 5 + 6 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 40 + 41 + 42) / 9.0,
            (8 + 9 + 10 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 44 + 45 + 46) / 9.0,
            (12 + 13 + 14 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 48 + 49 + 50) / 9.0,
            (72 + 73 + 74 + 90 + 91 + 92 + 108 + 109 + 110) / 9.0,
            (76 + 77 + 78 + 94 + 95 + 96 + 112 + 113 + 114) / 9.0,
            (80 + 81 + 82 + 98 + 99 + 100 + 116 + 117 + 118) / 9.0,
            (84 + 85 + 86 + 102 + 103 + 104 + 120 + 121 + 122) / 9.0,
            (144 + 145 + 146 + 162 + 163 + 164 + 180 + 181 + 182) / 9.0,
            (148 + 149 + 150 + 166 + 167 + 168 + 184 + 185 + 186) / 9.0,
            (152 + 153 + 154 + 170 + 171 + 172 + 188 + 189 + 190) / 9.0,
            (156 + 157 + 158 + 174 + 175 + 176 + 192 + 193 + 194) / 9.0,
            (216 + 217 + 218 + 234 + 235 + 236 + 252 + 253 + 254) / 9.0,
            (220 + 221 + 222 + 238 + 239 + 240 + 256 + 257 + 258) / 9.0,
            (224 + 225 + 226 + 242 + 243 + 244 + 260 + 261 + 262) / 9.0,
            (228 + 229 + 230 + 246 + 247 + 248 + 264 + 265 + 266) / 9.0,

        # generate a stencil for computing the decimated values
        stencil = num.ones((3, 3), num.float) / 9.0

        dem2dem(filename, stencil=stencil, cellsize_new=100)

        # Open decimated NetCDF file
        fid = NetCDFFile(root + "_100.dem", netcdf_mode_r)

        # Get decimated elevation
        elevation = fid.variables["elevation"]

        # Check values
        assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation)

        # Cleanup

        os.remove(root + ".dem")
        os.remove(root + "_100.dem")