async def echo(bot, update: Message): if in AUTH_USERS: await update.delete() return # # await bot.send_chat_action( #, # action="typing" # ) url, _, youtube_dl_username, youtube_dl_password = get_link(update) if HTTP_PROXY is not None: command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "--no-warnings", "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest", "-j", url, "--proxy", HTTP_PROXY ] else: command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "--no-warnings", "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest", "-j", url ] if youtube_dl_username is not None: command_to_exec.append("--username") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_username) if youtube_dl_password is not None: command_to_exec.append("--password") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_password) # t_response, e_response = await run_shell_command(command_to_exec) # if e_response and "nonnumeric port" not in e_response: # logger.warn("Status : FAIL", exc.returncode, exc.output) error_message = e_response.replace(Translation.YTDL_ERROR_MESSAGE, "") if Translation.ISOAYD_PREMIUM_VIDEOS in error_message: error_message += Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD await update.reply_text(text=Translation.NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND.format( str(error_message)), quote=True, parse_mode="html", disable_web_page_preview=True) return False if t_response: # x_reponse = t_response if "\n" in x_reponse: x_reponse, _ = x_reponse.split("\n") response_json = json.loads(x_reponse) save_ytdl_json_path = DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + \ "/" + str( + ".json" with open(save_ytdl_json_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: json.dump(response_json, outfile, ensure_ascii=False) # inline_keyboard = [] duration = None if "duration" in response_json: duration = response_json["duration"] if "formats" in response_json: for formats in response_json["formats"]: format_id = formats.get("format_id") format_string = formats.get("format_note") if format_string is None: format_string = formats.get("format") format_ext = formats.get("ext") approx_file_size = "" if "filesize" in formats: approx_file_size = humanbytes(formats["filesize"]) cb_string_video = "{}|{}|{}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_file = "{}|{}|{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) if format_string and "audio only" not in format_string: ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( f"S {format_string} video {format_ext} ", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( f"D {format_string} video {approx_file_size} ", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ] else: # special weird case :\ ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo [" + "] ( " + approx_file_size + " )", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile [" + "] ( " + approx_file_size + " )", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ] inline_keyboard.append(ikeyboard) if duration is not None: cb_string_64 = "{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "64k", "mp3") cb_string_128 = "{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "128k", "mp3") cb_string = "{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "320k", "mp3") inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "64 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_64.encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "128 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_128.encode("UTF-8")) ]) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "320 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string.encode("UTF-8")) ]) else: format_id = response_json["format_id"] format_ext = response_json["ext"] cb_string_file = "{}|{}|{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}|{}|{}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "video", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "file", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) # thumbnail = DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S thumbnail_image = DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S if "thumbnail" in response_json: if response_json["thumbnail"] is not None: thumbnail = response_json["thumbnail"] thumbnail_image = response_json["thumbnail"] thumb_image_path = DownLoadFile( thumbnail_image, DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str( + ".jpg", 128, None, # bot, Translation.DOWNLOAD_START, update.message_id, await update.reply_photo( photo=thumb_image_path, quote=True, caption=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(thumbnail) + "\n" + Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode="html") else: # fallback for nonnumeric port a.k.a inline_keyboard = [] cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", "LFO", "NONE") cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", "OFL", "ENON") inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) await update.reply_photo( photo=DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S, quote=True, caption=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(""), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode="html", reply_to_message_id=update.message_id)
async def echo(bot, update): if not in AUTH_USERS: await update.delete() return # # await bot.send_chat_action( #, # action="typing" # ) url = update.text youtube_dl_username = None youtube_dl_password = None file_name = None if "|" in url: url_parts = url.split("|") if len(url_parts) == 2: url = url_parts[0] file_name = url_parts[1] elif len(url_parts) == 4: url = url_parts[0] file_name = url_parts[1] youtube_dl_username = url_parts[2] youtube_dl_password = url_parts[3] else: for entity in update.entities: if entity.type == "text_link": url = entity.url elif entity.type == "url": o = entity.offset l = entity.length url = url[o:o + l] if url is not None: url = url.strip() if file_name is not None: file_name = file_name.strip() # if youtube_dl_username is not None: youtube_dl_username = youtube_dl_username.strip() if youtube_dl_password is not None: youtube_dl_password = youtube_dl_password.strip() else: for entity in update.entities: if entity.type == "text_link": url = entity.url elif entity.type == "url": o = entity.offset l = entity.length url = url[o:o + l] if HTTP_PROXY is not None: command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "--no-warnings", "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest", "-j", url, "--proxy", HTTP_PROXY ] else: command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "--no-warnings", "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest", "-j", url ] if youtube_dl_username is not None: command_to_exec.append("--username") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_username) if youtube_dl_password is not None: command_to_exec.append("--password") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_password) # process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command_to_exec, # stdout must a pipe to be accessible as process.stdout stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) # Wait for the subprocess to finish stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() e_response = stderr.decode().strip() # t_response = stdout.decode().strip() # # if e_response and "nonnumeric port" not in e_response: # logger.warn("Status : FAIL", exc.returncode, exc.output) error_message = e_response.replace( "please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.", "") if "This video is only available for registered users." in error_message: error_message += Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD await update.reply_text(text=Translation.NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND.format( str(error_message)), quote=True, parse_mode="html", disable_web_page_preview=True) return False if t_response: # x_reponse = t_response if "\n" in x_reponse: x_reponse, _ = x_reponse.split("\n") response_json = json.loads(x_reponse) save_ytdl_json_path = DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + \ "/" + str( + ".json" with open(save_ytdl_json_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: json.dump(response_json, outfile, ensure_ascii=False) # inline_keyboard = [] duration = None if "duration" in response_json: duration = response_json["duration"] if "formats" in response_json: for formats in response_json["formats"]: format_id = formats.get("format_id") format_string = formats.get("format_note") if format_string is None: format_string = formats.get("format") format_ext = formats.get("ext") approx_file_size = "" if "filesize" in formats: approx_file_size = humanbytes(formats["filesize"]) cb_string_video = "{}|{}|{}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_file = "{}|{}|{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) if format_string is not None and not "audio only" in format_string: ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "S " + format_string + " video " + approx_file_size + " ", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "D " + format_ext + " " + approx_file_size + " ", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ] """if duration is not None: cb_string_video_message = "{}|{}|{}".format( "vm", format_id, format_ext) ikeyboard.append( pyrogram.InlineKeyboardButton( "VM", callback_data=( cb_string_video_message).encode("UTF-8") ) )""" else: # special weird case :\ ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo [" + "] ( " + approx_file_size + " )", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile [" + "] ( " + approx_file_size + " )", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ] inline_keyboard.append(ikeyboard) if duration is not None: cb_string_64 = "{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "64k", "mp3") cb_string_128 = "{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "128k", "mp3") cb_string = "{}|{}|{}".format("audio", "320k", "mp3") inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "64 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_64.encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "128 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_128.encode("UTF-8")) ]) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "320 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string.encode("UTF-8")) ]) else: format_id = response_json["format_id"] format_ext = response_json["ext"] cb_string_file = "{}|{}|{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}|{}|{}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "video", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "file", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) # thumbnail = DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S thumbnail_image = DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S if "thumbnail" in response_json: if response_json["thumbnail"] is not None: thumbnail = response_json["thumbnail"] thumbnail_image = response_json["thumbnail"] thumb_image_path = DownLoadFile( thumbnail_image, DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str( + ".jpg", 128, None, # bot, Translation.DOWNLOAD_START, update.message_id, await update.reply_photo( photo=thumb_image_path, quote=True, caption=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(thumbnail) + "\n" + Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode="html") else: # fallback for nonnumeric port a.k.a inline_keyboard = [] cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", "LFO", "NONE") cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", "OFL", "ENON") inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) await update.reply_photo( photo=DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S, quote=True, caption=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(""), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode="html", reply_to_message_id=update.message_id)
async def echo(bot, update): if not in AUTH_USERS: await update.delete() return # # await bot.send_chat_action( #, # action="typing" # ) url = update.text if url.count("|") == 2: shomar = random.randint(1, 10000) # youtube_dl extractors youtube_dl_url, custom_file_name, youtube_dl_format = url.split(" | ") tg_send_type = "file" if ") FullHD" in custom_file_name: await bot.send_message( text=Translation.DOWNLOAD_START,, reply_to_message_id=update.message_id, ) description = "@BachehayeManoto FullHD" custom_file_name = custom_file_name + ".mp4" tmp_directory_for_each_user = DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str(shomar) if not os.path.isdir(tmp_directory_for_each_user): os.makedirs(tmp_directory_for_each_user) download_directory = tmp_directory_for_each_user + "/" + custom_file_name command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "-c", "--max-filesize", str(TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE), "--embed-subs", "-f", youtube_dl_format, "--hls-prefer-ffmpeg", youtube_dl_url, "-o", download_directory ] command_to_exec.append("--no-warnings") # command_to_exec.append("--quiet") command_to_exec.append("--restrict-filenames") start = process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command_to_exec, # stdout must a pipe to be accessible as process.stdout stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) # Wait for the subprocess to finish stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() e_response = stderr.decode().strip() t_response = stdout.decode().strip() ad_string_to_replace = "please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output." if e_response and ad_string_to_replace in e_response: error_message = e_response.replace(ad_string_to_replace, "") await bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=update.message_id + 1, text=error_message) return False if t_response: # end_one = time_taken_for_download = (end_one - start).seconds file_size = TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE + 1 download_directory_dirname = os.path.dirname( download_directory) download_directory_contents = os.listdir( download_directory_dirname) for download_directory_c in download_directory_contents: current_file_name = os.path.join( download_directory_dirname, download_directory_c) file_size = os.stat(current_file_name).st_size if file_size > TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE: await bot.edit_message_text(, text=Translation.RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT.format( time_taken_for_download, humanbytes(file_size)), message_id=update.message_id + 1) else: is_w_f = False images = await generate_screen_shots( current_file_name, tmp_directory_for_each_user, is_w_f, "", 300, 9) await bot.edit_message_text( text=Translation.UPLOAD_START,, message_id=update.message_id + 1) # get the correct width, height, and duration for videos greater than 10MB # ref: message from @BotSupport width = 0 height = 0 duration = 0 start_time = time.time() # try to upload file if tg_send_type == "file": await bot.send_document(, document=download_directory, #thumb=thumb_image_path, caption=description, parse_mode="HTML", # reply_markup=reply_markup, reply_to_message_id=update.message_id + 1, progress=progress_for_pyrogram, progress_args=(Translation.UPLOAD_START, update, start_time)) else:"Did this happen? :\\") end_two = time_taken_for_upload = (end_two - end_one).seconds media_album_p = [] if images is not None: i = 0 #caption = "© @AnyDLBot" if is_w_f: caption = "/upgrade to Plan D to remove the watermark\n© @AnyDLBot" for image in images: if os.path.exists(image): if i == 0: media_album_p.append( InputMediaPhoto(media=image, caption=caption, parse_mode="html")) else: media_album_p.append( InputMediaPhoto(media=image)) i = i + 1 await bot.send_media_group(, disable_notification=True, reply_to_message_id=update.message_id + 1, media=media_album_p) # try: shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory_for_each_user) except: pass await bot.edit_message_text( text= "Downloaded in {} seconds. \nUploaded in {} seconds.". format(time_taken_for_download, time_taken_for_upload),, message_id=update.message_id + 1, disable_web_page_preview=True) if ") HD" in custom_file_name: await bot.send_message( text=Translation.DOWNLOAD_START,, reply_to_message_id=update.message_id, ) description = "@BachehayeManoto HD" custom_file_name = custom_file_name + ".mp4" tmp_directory_for_each_user = DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str(shomar) if not os.path.isdir(tmp_directory_for_each_user): os.makedirs(tmp_directory_for_each_user) download_directory = tmp_directory_for_each_user + "/" + custom_file_name command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "-c", "--max-filesize", str(TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE), "--embed-subs", "-f", youtube_dl_format, "--hls-prefer-ffmpeg", youtube_dl_url, "-o", download_directory ] command_to_exec.append("--no-warnings") # command_to_exec.append("--quiet") command_to_exec.append("--restrict-filenames") start = process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command_to_exec, # stdout must a pipe to be accessible as process.stdout stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) # Wait for the subprocess to finish stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() e_response = stderr.decode().strip() t_response = stdout.decode().strip() ad_string_to_replace = "please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output." if e_response and ad_string_to_replace in e_response: error_message = e_response.replace(ad_string_to_replace, "") await bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=update.message_id + 1, text=error_message) return False if t_response: # end_one = time_taken_for_download = (end_one - start).seconds file_size = TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE + 1 download_directory_dirname = os.path.dirname( download_directory) download_directory_contents = os.listdir( download_directory_dirname) for download_directory_c in download_directory_contents: current_file_name = os.path.join( download_directory_dirname, download_directory_c) file_size = os.stat(current_file_name).st_size if file_size > TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE: await bot.edit_message_text(, text=Translation.RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT.format( time_taken_for_download, humanbytes(file_size)), message_id=update.message_id + 1) else: is_w_f = False images = await generate_screen_shots( current_file_name, tmp_directory_for_each_user, is_w_f, "", 300, 9) await bot.edit_message_text( text=Translation.UPLOAD_START,, message_id=update.message_id + 1) # get the correct width, height, and duration for videos greater than 10MB # ref: message from @BotSupport width = 0 height = 0 duration = 0 start_time = time.time() # try to upload file if tg_send_type == "file": await bot.send_document(, document=download_directory, #thumb=thumb_image_path, caption=description, parse_mode="HTML", # reply_markup=reply_markup, reply_to_message_id=update.message_id + 1, progress=progress_for_pyrogram, progress_args=(Translation.UPLOAD_START, update, start_time)) else:"Did this happen? :\\") end_two = time_taken_for_upload = (end_two - end_one).seconds media_album_p = [] if images is not None: i = 0 #caption = "© @AnyDLBot" if is_w_f: caption = "/upgrade to Plan D to remove the watermark\n© @AnyDLBot" for image in images: if os.path.exists(image): if i == 0: media_album_p.append( InputMediaPhoto(media=image, caption=caption, parse_mode="html")) else: media_album_p.append( InputMediaPhoto(media=image)) i = i + 1 await bot.send_media_group(, disable_notification=True, reply_to_message_id=update.message_id + 1, media=media_album_p) # try: shutil.rmtree(tmp_directory_for_each_user) except: pass await bot.edit_message_text( text= "Downloaded in {} seconds. \nUploaded in {} seconds.". format(time_taken_for_download, time_taken_for_upload),, message_id=update.message_id + 1, disable_web_page_preview=True) else: youtube_dl_username = None youtube_dl_password = None file_name = None if "|" in url: url_parts = url.split("|") if len(url_parts) == 2: url = url_parts[0] file_name = url_parts[1] elif len(url_parts) == 4: url = url_parts[0] file_name = url_parts[1] youtube_dl_username = url_parts[2] youtube_dl_password = url_parts[3] else: for entity in update.entities: if entity.type == "text_link": url = entity.url elif entity.type == "url": o = entity.offset l = entity.length url = url[o:o + l] if url is not None: url = url.strip() if file_name is not None: file_name = file_name.strip() # if youtube_dl_username is not None: youtube_dl_username = youtube_dl_username.strip() if youtube_dl_password is not None: youtube_dl_password = youtube_dl_password.strip() else: for entity in update.entities: if entity.type == "text_link": url = entity.url elif entity.type == "url": o = entity.offset l = entity.length url = url[o:o + l] if HTTP_PROXY is not None: command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "--no-warnings", "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest", "-j", url, "--proxy", HTTP_PROXY ] else: command_to_exec = [ "youtube-dl", "--no-warnings", "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest", "-j", url ] if youtube_dl_username is not None: command_to_exec.append("--username") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_username) if youtube_dl_password is not None: command_to_exec.append("--password") command_to_exec.append(youtube_dl_password) # process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command_to_exec, # stdout must a pipe to be accessible as process.stdout stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) # Wait for the subprocess to finish stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() e_response = stderr.decode().strip() # t_response = stdout.decode().strip() # # if e_response and "nonnumeric port" not in e_response: # logger.warn("Status : FAIL", exc.returncode, exc.output) error_message = e_response.replace( "please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.", "") if "This video is only available for registered users." in error_message: error_message += Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD await update.reply_text( text=Translation.NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND.format( str(error_message)), quote=True, parse_mode="html", disable_web_page_preview=True) return False if t_response: # x_reponse = t_response if "\n" in x_reponse: x_reponse, _ = x_reponse.split("\n") response_json = json.loads(x_reponse) save_ytdl_json_path = DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + \ "/" + str( + ".json" with open(save_ytdl_json_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: json.dump(response_json, outfile, ensure_ascii=False) # inline_keyboard = [] duration = None if "duration" in response_json: duration = response_json["duration"] if "formats" in response_json: for formats in response_json["formats"]: format_id = formats.get("format_id") format_string = formats.get("format_note") if format_string is None: format_string = formats.get("format") format_ext = formats.get("ext") approx_file_size = "" if "filesize" in formats: approx_file_size = humanbytes(formats["filesize"]) cb_string_video = "{}-{}-{}".format( "video", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_file = "{}-{}-{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) if format_string is not None and not "audio only" in format_string: ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "S " + format_string + " video " + approx_file_size + " ", callback_data=( cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "D " + format_ext + " " + approx_file_size + " ", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ] """if duration is not None: cb_string_video_message = "{}|{}|{}".format( "vm", format_id, format_ext) ikeyboard.append( pyrogram.InlineKeyboardButton( "VM", callback_data=( cb_string_video_message).encode("UTF-8") ) )""" else: # special weird case :\ ikeyboard = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo [" + "] ( " + approx_file_size + " )", callback_data=( cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile [" + "] ( " + approx_file_size + " )", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ] inline_keyboard.append(ikeyboard) if duration is not None: cb_string_64 = "{}-{}-{}".format("audio", "64k", "mp3") cb_string_128 = "{}-{}-{}".format("audio", "128k", "mp3") cb_string = "{}-{}-{}".format("audio", "320k", "mp3") inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "64 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_64.encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "128 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string_128.encode("UTF-8")) ]) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "MP3 " + "(" + "320 kbps" + ")", callback_data=cb_string.encode("UTF-8")) ]) else: format_id = response_json["format_id"] format_ext = response_json["ext"] cb_string_file = "{}-{}-{}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}-{}-{}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", format_id, format_ext) cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", format_id, format_ext) inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "video", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "file", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) # thumbnail = DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S thumbnail_image = DEF_THUMB_NAIL_VID_S if "thumbnail" in response_json: if response_json["thumbnail"] is not None: thumbnail = response_json["thumbnail"] thumbnail_image = response_json["thumbnail"] thumb_image_path = DownLoadFile( thumbnail_image, DOWNLOAD_LOCATION + "/" + str( + ".jpg", 128, None, # bot, Translation.DOWNLOAD_START, update.message_id, await update.reply_text( text=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(thumbnail) + "\n" + Translation.SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD, quote=True, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode="html", disable_web_page_preview=True) else: # fallback for nonnumeric port a.k.a inline_keyboard = [] cb_string_file = "{}={}={}".format("file", "LFO", "NONE") cb_string_video = "{}={}={}".format("video", "OFL", "ENON") inline_keyboard.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "SVideo", callback_data=(cb_string_video).encode("UTF-8")), InlineKeyboardButton( "DFile", callback_data=(cb_string_file).encode("UTF-8")) ]) reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard) await update.reply_text( text=Translation.FORMAT_SELECTION.format(""), quote=True, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode="html", disable_web_page_preview=True)