Example #1
 def testRescaleGrid(self):
   test_grid = grids.Grid(grids.GridSpec((2, 2), (1., 1.)))
   x = np.array([[-.5, .5]] * 2)
   y = np.array([[-.5] * 2, [.5] * 2])
   rescaled_test_grid = grids.rescale_grid(test_grid, (3., 2.))
   np.testing.assert_allclose([rescaled_test_grid.x, rescaled_test_grid.y],
                              [x * 3, y * 2])
Example #2
 def testPolarGrid(self):
   r = [[.5 * np.sqrt(2)] * 2 ] * 2
   theta = [[np.pi * - 3 / 4, np.pi * - 1 / 4],
            [np.pi * 3 / 4, np.pi * 1 / 4]]
   test_grid = grids.Grid(grids.GridSpec((2, 2), (1., 1.)))
   test_r, test_theta = test_grid.polar()
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_r, r)
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_theta, theta)
Example #3
 def testInvalidGridPitchY(self):
   with self.assertRaisesRegex(
       ValueError, "Pixel size must be greater than 0 in all dimensions"):
     grids.GridSpec((2, 3), (1., 0))
Example #4
 def testInvalidGridSizeY(self):
   with self.assertRaisesRegex(
       ValueError, "Logical size must be greater than 0 in all dimensions"):
     grids.GridSpec((2, 0), (.3, 1.))
Example #5
 def testGridnonequalPixels(self):
   x = [[-.6, -.3, 0., .3, .6]] * 3
   y = [[-1.] * 5, [0.] * 5, [1.] * 5]
   test_grid = grids.Grid(grids.GridSpec((5, 3), (.3, 1.)))
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x, test_grid.x)
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, test_grid.y)
Example #6
 def testGridEvenSize(self):
   x = [[-.5, .5]] * 2
   y = [[-.5] * 2, [.5] * 2]
   test_grid = grids.Grid(grids.GridSpec((2, 2), (1., 1.)))
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x, test_grid.x)
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, test_grid.y)
Example #7
 def testGrid(self):
   x = [[-1., 0., 1.]] * 3
   y = [[-1.] * 3, [0.] * 3, [1.] * 3]
   test_grid = grids.Grid(grids.GridSpec((3, 3), (1., 1.)))
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x, test_grid.x)
   np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, test_grid.y)