def connect(self, socket_serv, address, cb_func, cb_param): """ This method has the same semantics as the ``connect`` method of ``TcpSymbianSocket``. In the BT case, ``address`` must be of the form ("hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh", port). """ address, port = address check_mac(address) if self.connected: raise AsyncSocketAlreadyOpen if self.connecting: raise AsyncSocketRequestPending if self.inited: self.close() self.native = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() self.inited = True try: self.native.set_socket_serv(socket_serv.native) self.native.open_bt() self.native.connect_bt(unicode(address), port, self.connect_cb, (cb_func, cb_param)) self.connecting = True except: self.close() raise
def listen(self, socket_serv, address, queue_size, service_id, service_name): """ This method has the same semantics as the ``listen`` method of ``TcpSymbianSocket``. Note that no listening address needs to be specified in the BT case, as it is determined automatically. """ if self.inited: raise AsyncSocketAlreadyOpen self.native = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() self.inited = True try: port = address[1] except IndexError: port = None try: self.native.set_socket_serv(socket_serv.native) self.native.open_bt() if not port: port = self.get_available_port() self.native.listen_bt(port, queue_size, service_id, service_name) self.connected = True except: self.close() raise
def listen(self, socket_serv, address, queue_size): """ A synchronous method that may throw an exception. Opens the still closed socket, has it bound to the specified ``address``, and has it start listening to connections at that address. The maximum number of connections are allowed in the accept queue is set to ``queue_size``. The ``socket_serv`` parameter must be a handle to an open socket session. The listening socket will then belong to that session. """ if self.inited: raise AsyncSocketAlreadyOpen self.native = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() self.inited = True try: self.native.set_socket_serv(socket_serv.native) self.native.open_tcp() self.native.listen_tcp(unicode(address[0]), address[1], queue_size) self.connected = True except: self.close() raise
def connect(self, socket_serv, address, cb_func, cb_param): """ An asynchronous method that may throw an exception. Connects the still closed socket into a server at ``address``. The ``socket_serv`` parameter must be a handle to an open socket server session. The connected socket will then belong to that session. Once the request completes, an event will be delivered to the thread that made the request. The event will be delivered by calling ``cb_func`` with the following parameters: * a Symbian-specific error code * ``cb_param`` An exception in the callback will be handled by the ``handle_callback_error`` method. """ if self.connected: raise AsyncSocketAlreadyOpen if self.connecting: raise AsyncSocketRequestPending if self.inited: self.close() self.native = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() self.inited = True try: self.native.set_socket_serv(socket_serv.native) self.native.open_tcp() self.native.connect_tcp(unicode(address[0]), address[1], self.connect_cb, (cb_func, cb_param)) self.connecting = True except: self.close() raise
def cl_thread_func(main_lock): try: tell("(client thread)") global cl_socket_serv cl_socket_serv = aosocketnativenew.AoSocketServ() cl_socket_serv.connect() tell("created socket server") cl_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() tell("created socket") tell("initialized socket") cl_socket.close() # should free here, but do not #cl_socket_serv.close() tell("client now all done, releasing main thread") thread_finish_logging() main_lock.signal() except: log_exception()
def blank(self, socket_serv): """ A synchronous method that may throw an exception. Turns the closed socket into a blank socket, which is the type of socket that the ``accept`` method requires as a parameter. The ``socket_serv`` parameter must be a handle to an open socket session. The blank socket will then belong to that session. This method returns the object instance being operated upon. """ if self.inited: raise AsyncSocketAlreadyOpen self.native = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() self.inited = True try: self.native.set_socket_serv(socket_serv.native) self.native.blank() except: self.close() raise return self
def cl_thread_func(main_lock): def cl_read(error, data, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("read " + data) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) cl_loop.stop() except: log_exception() def cl_written(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("sent request") cl_socket.read_some(1024, cl_read, None) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) cl_loop.stop() except: log_exception() def cl_connected(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("connected to server") cl_socket.write_data("GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n", cl_written, None) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) cl_loop.stop() except: log_exception() try: tell("(client thread)") cl_socket_serv = aosocketnativenew.AoSocketServ() cl_socket_serv.connect() tell("created socket server") cl_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() tell("created socket") tell("initialized socket") tell("attempting connect") cl_socket.connect_bt(unicode(address), cl_connected, None) tell("connect request made") except: log_exception() cl_loop = aosocketnativenew.AoLoop() cl_loop.start() cl_loop.close() cl_socket.close() cl_socket_serv.close() tell("client now all done, releasing main thread") thread_finish_logging() main_lock.signal()
def sv_thread_func(main_lock): def sv_written(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("sent reply") else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) sv_loop.stop() except: log_exception() def sv_read(error, data, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("got request " + data) sv_socket.write_data(data + " World!", sv_written, None) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() def sv_accepted(error, sv_socket, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("accepted client") sv_socket.read_some(1024, sv_read, None) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() def ac_configured(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("socket configured") tell("now making accept request") ac_socket.accept_client(sv_socket, sv_accepted, None) tell("did accept request") else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() try: tell("(server thread)") sv_socket_serv = aosocketnativenew.AoSocketServ() sv_socket_serv.connect() tell("created socket server") ac_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() tell("created socket") tell("initialized socket") tell("creating blank socket") sv_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() sv_socket.blank() tell("created blank socket") tell("calling listen") ac_socket.listen_bt() tell("socket bound -- now configuring") ac_socket.config_bt(ac_configured, None) tell("did config request") except: log_exception() sv_loop = aosocketnativenew.AoLoop() sv_loop.start() sv_loop.close() sv_socket.close() ac_socket.close() sv_socket_serv.close() tell("server now all done, releasing main thread") thread_finish_logging() main_lock.signal()
def sv_thread_func(main_lock): def sv_written(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("sent reply") else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) sv_loop.stop() except: log_exception() def sv_read(error, data, dummy): try: if error == 0: qty = len(data) tell("got request of size " + str(qty)) global amount_read amount_read += qty if amount_read < data_amount: log_heap_status("sv") sv_socket.read_some(data_amount - amount_read, sv_read, None) log_heap_status("sv") else: sv_socket.write_data("thanks", sv_written, None) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() def sv_accepted(error, sv_socket, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("accepted client") log_heap_status("sv") sv_socket.read_some(100000, sv_read, None) log_heap_status("sv") else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() try: tell("(server thread with heap %d)" % miso.heap_base_address()) log_heap_status("sv") logwrite("heap avail %d" % test_heap_avail()) log_heap_status("sv") #bigdata = gen_data(999999) sv_socket_serv = aosocketnativenew.AoSocketServ() sv_socket_serv.connect() tell("created socket server") ac_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() tell("created socket") ac_socket.set_socket_serv(sv_socket_serv) ac_socket.open_tcp() tell("initialized socket") tell("creating blank socket") sv_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() sv_socket.set_socket_serv(sv_socket_serv) sv_socket.blank() tell("created blank socket") ac_socket.listen_tcp(unicode(address[0]), address[1], 5) tell("now listening -- doing an accept") ac_socket.accept_client(sv_socket, sv_accepted, None) tell("did accept request") except: log_exception() sv_loop = aosocketnativenew.AoLoop() sv_loop.start() sv_loop.close() sv_socket.close() ac_socket.close() sv_socket_serv.close() tell("server now all done, releasing main thread") thread_finish_logging() main_lock.signal()
def cl_thread_func(main_lock): def cl_read(error, data, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("read " + data) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) cl_loop.stop() except: log_exception() def cl_written(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("sent request") cl_socket.read_some(1024, cl_read, None) else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() def cl_connected(error, dummy): try: if error == 0: tell("connected to server") log_heap_status("cl") cl_socket.write_data(gen_data(data_amount), cl_written, None) log_heap_status("cl") else: tell("failed with code %d" % error) except: log_exception() try: tell("(client thread with heap %d)" % miso.heap_base_address()) log_heap_status("cl") logwrite("heap avail %d" % test_heap_avail()) log_heap_status("cl") #bigdata = gen_data(999999) cl_socket_serv = aosocketnativenew.AoSocketServ() cl_socket_serv.connect() tell("created socket server") cl_socket = aosocketnativenew.AoSocket() tell("created socket") cl_socket.set_socket_serv(cl_socket_serv) cl_socket.open_tcp() tell("initialized socket") tell("attempting connect") cl_socket.connect_tcp(unicode(address[0]), address[1], cl_connected, None) tell("connect request made") except: log_exception() cl_loop = aosocketnativenew.AoLoop() cl_loop.start() cl_loop.close() cl_socket.close() cl_socket_serv.close() tell("client now all done, releasing main thread") thread_finish_logging() main_lock.signal()