Example #1
def handler(req):

    conf = req.get_config()

    # get module name to be published
    dir, file = os.path.split(req.filename)
    module_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)

    # if autoreload is on, we will check dates
    # and reload the module if the source is newer
    apache.import_module(module_name, req)

    # setup CGI environment
    env, si, so = apache.setup_cgi(req)

        ZPublisher.publish_module(module_name, stdin=sys.stdin,
                                  stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr,
        apache.restore_nocgi(env, si, so)

    return apache.OK
Example #2
def handler(req):

    req.allow_methods(["GET", "POST"])
    if req.method not in ["GET", "POST"]:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

    func_path = req.path_info[1:] # skip first /
    func_path = func_path.replace("/", ".")
    if func_path[-1:] == ".":
        func_path = func_path[:-1] 

    # default to 'index' if no path_info was given
    if not func_path:
        func_path = "index"

    # if any part of the path begins with "_", abort
    if func_path[0] == '_' or func_path.count("._"):
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # process input, if any
    fs = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
    req.form = fs

    args = {}

    # step through fields
    for field in fs.list:
        # if it is a file, make File()
        if field.filename:
            val = File(field)
            val = field.value

        if args.has_key(field.name):
            args[field.name] = [val]

    # at the end, we replace lists with single values
    for arg in args.keys():
        if len(args[arg]) == 1:
            args[arg] = args[arg][0]

    # add req
    args["req"] = req

    ## import the script
    path, module_name =  os.path.split(req.filename)

    # get rid of the suffix
    #   explanation: Suffixes that will get stripped off
    #   are those that were specified as an argument to the
    #   AddHandler directive. Everything else will be considered
    #   a package.module rather than module.suffix
    exts = req.get_addhandler_exts()
    if exts:
        suffixes = exts.strip().split()
        exp = "\\." + "$|\\.".join(suffixes)
        suff_matcher = re.compile(exp) # python caches these, so its fast
        module_name = suff_matcher.sub("", module_name)

    # import module (or reload if needed)
    # the [path] argument tells import_module not to allow modules whose
    # full path is not in [path] or below.
    module = apache.import_module(module_name, req.get_config(), [path])

    # does it have an __auth__?
    realm, user, passwd = process_auth(req, module)

    # resolve the object ('traverse')
        object = resolve_object(req, module, func_path, realm, user, passwd)
    except AttributeError:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
    # not callable, a class or an aunbound method
    if not callable(object) or \
       str(type(object)) == "<type 'class'>" \
       or (hasattr(object, 'im_self') and not object.im_self):

        result = str(object)
        # callable, (but not a class or unbound method)

        # we need to weed out unexpected keyword arguments
        # and for that we need to get a list of them. There
        # are a few options for callable objects here:

        if str(type(object)) == "<type 'instance'>":
            # instances are callable when they have __call__()
            object = object.__call__

        if hasattr(object, "func_code"):
            # function
            fc = object.func_code
            expected = fc.co_varnames[0:fc.co_argcount]
        elif hasattr(object, 'im_func'):
            # method
            fc = object.im_func.func_code
            expected = fc.co_varnames[1:fc.co_argcount]

        # remove unexpected args unless co_flags & 0x08,
        # meaning function accepts **kw syntax
        if not (fc.co_flags & 0x08):
            for name in args.keys():
                if name not in expected:
                    del args[name]
        result = apply(object, (), args)

    if result:
        result = str(result)

        # unless content_type was manually set, we will attempt
        # to guess it
        if not req._content_type_set:
            # make an attempt to guess content-type
            if result[:100].strip()[:6].lower() == '<html>' \
               or result.find('</') > 0:
                req.content_type = 'text/html'
                req.content_type = 'text/plain'

        if req.method != "HEAD":
        return apache.OK
        return apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
Example #3
def handler(req):

    # use direct access to _req for speed
    _req = req._req

    args = {}

    # get the path PATH_INFO (everthing after script)
    if not _req.subprocess_env.has_key("PATH_INFO"):
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    func_path = _req.subprocess_env["PATH_INFO"][1:]  # skip fist /
    func_path = string.replace(func_path, "/", ".")
    if func_path[-1] == ".":
        func_path = func_path[:-1]

    # if any part of the path begins with "_", abort
    if func_path[0] == "_" or string.count(func_path, "._"):
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # process input, if any
    fs = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
    req.form = fs

    # step through fields
    for field in fs.list:

        # if it is a file, make File()
        if field.filename:
            val = File(field)
            val = field.value

        if args.has_key(field.name):
            args[field.name] = [val]

    # at the end, we replace lists with single values
    for arg in args.keys():
        if len(args[arg]) == 1:
            args[arg] = args[arg][0]

    # add req
    args["req"] = req

    # import the script
    path, module_name = os.path.split(_req.filename)

    # get rid of the suffix
    module_name = suff_matcher.sub("", module_name)

    # import module (or reload if needed)
    module = apache.import_module(module_name, _req, [path])

    # does it have an __auth__?
    realm, user, passwd = process_auth(req, module)

    # resolve the object ('traverse')
        object = resolve_object(req, module, func_path, realm, user, passwd)
    except AttributeError:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # not callable, a class or an aunbound method
    if (
        not callable(object)
        or str(type(object)) == "<type 'class'>"
        or (hasattr(object, "im_self") and not object.im_self)

        result = str(object)

        # callable, (but not a class or unbound method)

        # we need to weed out unexpected keyword arguments
        # and for that we need to get a list of them. There
        # are a few options for callable objects here:

        if str(type(object)) == "<type 'instance'>":
            # instances are callable when they have __call__()
            object = object.__call__

        if hasattr(object, "func_code"):
            # function
            fc = object.func_code
            expected = fc.co_varnames[0 : fc.co_argcount]
        elif hasattr(object, "im_func"):
            # method
            fc = object.im_func.func_code
            expected = fc.co_varnames[1 : fc.co_argcount]

        # remove unexpected args
        for name in args.keys():
            if name not in expected:
                del args[name]

        result = apply(object, (), args)

    if result:
        result = str(result)

        # unless content_type was manually set, we will attempt
        # to guess it
        if not req._content_type_set:
            # make an attempt to guess content-type
            if string.lower(string.strip(result[:100])[:6]) == "<html>" or string.find(result, "</") > 0:
                req.content_type = "text/html"
                req.content_type = "text/plain"

        return apache.OK
        return apache.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
Example #4
def handler(req, auth=None):

    # be pessimistic
    result = apache.DECLINED


        opt = req.get_options()

        # get filename
        filename = req.filename

        # module names do not have to end with .py
        # they can have any extension or no extention at all
        # the extention will be discarded

        # find the module name by getting the string between the
        # last slash and the last dot, if any.

        slash = string.rfind(filename, "/")
        dot = string.rfind(filename, ".")

        if dot > slash:
            module_name = filename[slash + 1:dot]
            # this file has no extension
            module_name = filename[slash + 1:]

        # if we're using packages
        if opt.has_key("rootpkg"):
            module_name = opt["rootpkg"] + "." + module_name

        if opt.has_key("debug"):
            debug = opt["debug"]
            debug = 0
        if auth:
            module_name = opt["authhandler"]
            if opt.has_key("handler"):
                module_name = opt["handler"]

            # add the uri directory to pythonpath
            if os.path.isdir(filename):
                dir = filename
                dir = filename[:slash]
            if dir not in sys.path:
                sys.path[:0] = [dir]
        # import the module
        module = apache.import_module(module_name, req)

        # instantiate the handler class
        if auth:
            Class = module.AuthHandler
            Class = module.RequestHandler

        # backward compatibility objects - pb, sn, rq
        pb = NSAPI_ParameterBlock(req)
        rq = NSAPI_Request(req)
        sn = NSAPI_Session(req)

        # construct and return an instance of the handler class
        handler = Class(pb, sn, rq)
        handler.__req__ = req

        # do it
        if auth:
            result = handler.Handle()
            result = handler.Handle(debug=debug)

    except apache.SERVER_RETURN, value:
        # SERVER_RETURN indicates a non-local abort from below
        # with value as (result, status) or (result, None)
            (result, status) = value
            if status:
                req.status = status