Example #1
  def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(fn, type) and issubclass(fn, WithTypeHints):
      # Don't treat Fn class objects as callables.
      raise ValueError('Use %s() not %s.' % (fn.__name__, fn.__name__))
    self.fn = self.make_fn(fn)
    # Now that we figure out the label, initialize the super-class.
    super(PTransformWithSideInputs, self).__init__()

    if (any([isinstance(v, pvalue.PCollection) for v in args]) or
        any([isinstance(v, pvalue.PCollection) for v in kwargs.itervalues()])):
      raise error.SideInputError(
          'PCollection used directly as side input argument. Specify '
          'AsIter(pcollection) or AsSingleton(pcollection) to indicate how the '
          'PCollection is to be used.')
    self.args, self.kwargs, self.side_inputs = util.remove_objects_from_args(
        args, kwargs, pvalue.AsSideInput)
    self.raw_side_inputs = args, kwargs

    # Prevent name collisions with fns of the form '<function <lambda> at ...>'
    self._cached_fn = self.fn

    # Ensure fn and side inputs are picklable for remote execution.
    self.fn = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.fn))
    self.args = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.args))
    self.kwargs = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.kwargs))

    # For type hints, because loads(dumps(class)) != class.
    self.fn = self._cached_fn
Example #2
    def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
        # type: (WithTypeHints, *Any, **Any) -> None
        if isinstance(fn, type) and issubclass(fn, WithTypeHints):
            # Don't treat Fn class objects as callables.
            raise ValueError('Use %s() not %s.' % (fn.__name__, fn.__name__))
        self.fn = self.make_fn(fn, bool(args or kwargs))
        # Now that we figure out the label, initialize the super-class.
        super(PTransformWithSideInputs, self).__init__()

        if (any([isinstance(v, pvalue.PCollection) for v in args]) or any(
            [isinstance(v, pvalue.PCollection) for v in kwargs.values()])):
            raise error.SideInputError(
                'PCollection used directly as side input argument. Specify '
                'AsIter(pcollection) or AsSingleton(pcollection) to indicate how the '
                'PCollection is to be used.')
        self.args, self.kwargs, self.side_inputs = util.remove_objects_from_args(
            args, kwargs, pvalue.AsSideInput)
        self.raw_side_inputs = args, kwargs

        # Prevent name collisions with fns of the form '<function <lambda> at ...>'
        self._cached_fn = self.fn

        # Ensure fn and side inputs are picklable for remote execution.
            self.fn = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.fn))
        except RuntimeError as e:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to pickle fn %s: %s' % (self.fn, e))

        self.args = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.args))
        self.kwargs = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.kwargs))

        # For type hints, because loads(dumps(class)) != class.
        self.fn = self._cached_fn
Example #3
    def __init__(self, fn_or_label, *args, **kwargs):
        if fn_or_label is None or isinstance(fn_or_label, basestring):
            label = fn_or_label
            fn, args = args[0], args[1:]
            label = None
            fn = fn_or_label
        if isinstance(fn, type) and issubclass(fn, typehints.WithTypeHints):
            # Don't treat Fn class objects as callables.
            raise ValueError('Use %s() not %s.' % (fn.__name__, fn.__name__))
        self.fn = self.make_fn(fn)
        # Now that we figure out the label, initialize the super-class.
        super(PTransformWithSideInputs, self).__init__(label=label)

        if (any([isinstance(v, pvalue.PCollection) for v in args]) or any(
            [isinstance(v, pvalue.PCollection) for v in kwargs.itervalues()])):
            raise error.SideInputError(
                'PCollection used directly as side input argument. Specify '
                'AsIter(pcollection) or AsSingleton(pcollection) to indicate how the '
                'PCollection is to be used.')
        self.args, self.kwargs, self.side_inputs = util.remove_objects_from_args(
            args, kwargs, pvalue.PCollectionView)
        self.raw_side_inputs = args, kwargs

        # Prevent name collisions with fns of the form '<function <lambda> at ...>'
        self._cached_fn = self.fn

        # Ensure fn and side inputs are picklable for remote execution.
        self.fn = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.fn))
        self.args = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.args))
        self.kwargs = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(self.kwargs))

        # For type hints, because loads(dumps(class)) != class.
        self.fn = self._cached_fn
Example #4
 def test_remove_objects_from_args_nothing_to_remove(self):
     args, kwargs, objs = remove_objects_from_args([1, 2], {
         'x': 1,
         'y': 2
     }, (str, float))
     self.assertEqual([1, 2], args)
     self.assertEqual({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, kwargs)
     self.assertEqual([], objs)
Example #5
 def test_remove_objects_from_args(self):
     args, kwargs, objs = remove_objects_from_args([1, 'a'], {
         'x': 1,
         'y': 3.14
     }, (str, float))
     self.assertEqual([1, ArgumentPlaceholder()], args)
     self.assertEqual({'x': 1, 'y': ArgumentPlaceholder()}, kwargs)
     self.assertEqual(['a', 3.14], objs)
Example #6
 def test_remove_objects_from_args_nothing_to_remove(self):
   args, kwargs, objs = remove_objects_from_args(
       [1, 2], {'x': 1, 'y': 2}, (str, float))
   self.assertEquals([1, 2], args)
   self.assertEquals({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, kwargs)
   self.assertEquals([], objs)
Example #7
 def test_remove_objects_from_args(self):
   args, kwargs, objs = remove_objects_from_args(
       [1, 'a'], {'x': 1, 'y': 3.14}, (str, float))
   self.assertEquals([1, ArgumentPlaceholder()], args)
   self.assertEquals({'x': 1, 'y': ArgumentPlaceholder()}, kwargs)
   self.assertEquals(['a', 3.14], objs)