def aggregate_data(top_dir, file_pattern):
    '''Given the diretory path for top directory `top_dir` and the filename
    pattern to search, return a tuple of all required information to write to
    report. The report includes the following info:

        * how many bytes were sent
        * the top 100 largest cumulative size requests
        * the number of all unique host IP addresses per week
        * all 404-status requests sorted by its frequency
    Data = namedtuple('Data', 'total_sent, cumulative_size_requests, \
                      weekly_uniq_hosts, status_404_requests')

    total_sent              = 0
    cumulative_size_requests= {}
    status_404_requests     = {}
    weekly_uniq_hosts       = {}

    # +++your code here+++
    apache_data             = apache_log_infos(top_dir, file_pattern)
    total_sent              = get_bytes(apache_data)
    cumulative_size_request = get_cumulative_size_request(apache_data)
    status_404_request      = get_status_404_request(apache_data) 
    weekly_uniq_hosts       = get_weekly_uniq_hosts(apache_data)    
    return Data(total_sent, cumulative_size_requests,
                weekly_uniq_hosts, status_404_requests)
def aggregate_info(top_dir, file_pattern):
    '''Given the diretory path for top directory `top_dir` and the filename
    pattern to search, return a tuple of all required information to write to
    report. The report includes the following info:

        * how many bytes were sent
        * the top 100 largest cumulative size requests
        * the number of all unique host IP addresses per week
        * all 404-status requests sorted by its frequency
    Data = namedtuple('Data', 'total_sent, cumulative_size_requests, \
                      weekly_uniq_hosts, status_404_requests')
    total_sent = 0
    cumulative_size_requests = {}
    status_404_requests = {}
    weekly_uniq_hosts = {}
    #+++your code here+++
    newdict = apache_log_infos(top_dir, file_pattern)
    for info in newdict:
            total_sent += int(info['size'])
            #Find the 404 statuses
            if info['status'] == '404':
                if info['request'] in status_404_requests:
                    status_404_requests[info['request']] += 1
                    status_404_requests[info['request']] = 1
            #Get the unique hosts
            if info['week'] in weekly_uniq_hosts:
                weekly_uniq_hosts[info['week']] = {info['host']}
            #Get the cumulative size
            if info['request'] in cumulative_size_requests:
                cumulative_size_requests[info['request']] += int(info['size'])
                cumulative_size_requests[info['request']] = int(info['size'])

    cumulative_size_requests = sorted(cumulative_size_requests.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    status_404_requests  = sorted(status_404_requests.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

    return Data(total_sent, cumulative_size_requests,
                weekly_uniq_hosts, status_404_requests)