def testLoadWholeConfig(self): text = """\ # a a = b b = 三 <a block> a = b </a> a b <a a block> c "d d" </a> # a """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader( ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual( config, { 'b': '三', 'a': ['b', {'block': {'a': 'b'}}, 'b', {'a block': {'c': 'd d'}}] } )
def testNamedBlocks(self): text = """\ <a /> c = 1 </a /> <a b c> d = 1 </a b c> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'a': [{ '/': { 'c': '1' } }, { 'b c': { 'd': '1' } }]})
def testDisabledNamedBlocks(self): text = """\ <a /> c = 1 </a /> <a b c> d = 1 </a b c> """ options = { 'namedblocks': False } ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader( ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual( config, { 'a /': {'c': '1'}, 'a b c': {'d': '1'} } )
def testAutoTrue(self): text = """\ a 1 a on a true b 0 b off b false """ options = { 'autotrue': True } ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader( ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual( config, { 'a': ['1', '1', '1'], 'b': ['0', '0', '0'] } )
def testQuotedBlockTag(self): text = """\ <"a b"> c = 1 </"a b"> <'d e'> f = 1 </'d e'> <g 'h i'> j = 1 </g 'h i'> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, { 'a b': { 'c': '1' }, 'd e': { 'f': '1' }, 'g': { 'h i': { 'j': '1' } } })
def testDefaultConfig(self): text = """\ a = 1 b = 2 """ options = { 'defaultconfig': { 'b': '4', 'c': '3' }, 'mergeduplicateoptions': False } ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader( ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual( config, { 'a': '1', 'b': ['4', '2'], 'c': '3' } )
def testNamedBlocksEmptyBlocksDisabled(self): text = """\ <hello/> </hello/> <a A/> </a A/> <b B /> </b B /> """ options = {'disableemptyelementtags': True} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, [ 'contents', ['block', ('hello/', ), [], 'hello/'], ['block', ( 'a', ' ', 'A/', ), [], 'a A/'], ['block', ( 'b', ' ', 'B /', ), [], 'b B /'] ])
def testFlagBits(self): text = """\ mode = CLEAR | UNSECURE """ options = { 'flagbits': { 'mode': { 'CLEAR': 1, 'STRONG': 1, 'UNSECURE': '32bit' } } } ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual( config, {'mode': { 'CLEAR': 1, 'STRONG': None, 'UNSECURE': '32bit' }})
def testNoStripValues(self): text = """\ <aA> Bb Cc \ key value \\# 123 \t \ </aA> """ options = {'nostripvalues': True} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, [ 'contents', [ 'block', ('aA', ), [ 'contents', ['statement', 'Bb', 'Cc '], ['statement', 'key', 'value \\# 123 \t '] ], 'aA' ] ])
def testUnicodeSupport(self): ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='statement') ast = parser.parse('a = 三') self.assertEqual(ast, ['statement', 'a', '三'])
def testLineContinuationInNestedBlock(self): text = """\ <a> b abc \\ pqr\\ <aa> c value2 </aa> </a> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'a': { 'b': 'abc pqr', 'aa': { 'c': 'value2' } }})
def testOptionAndValueSet(self): text = """\ a b a = b a b a= b a =b a b a "b" a = "b" a = 'b' """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, [ 'contents', ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'], ['statement', 'a', 'b'] ])
def testDumpWholeConfig(self): text = """\ # a a = b <a block> a = b </a> a b <a a block> c "d d" b = 三 </a> # a """ expect_text = """\ a b <a> <block> a b </block> </a> a b <a> <a block> c "d d" b 三 </a block> </a> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) gen_text = loader.dumps(config) try: self.assertEqual(expect_text, gen_text) except AssertionError: # Account for non-deterministic ordering of dict items; # swap lines `b 三` and `c "d d"` lines = expect_text.split('\n') lines[9], lines[10] = lines[10], lines[9] expect_text = "\n".join(lines) self.assertEqual(expect_text, gen_text) # Testing dump(filepath, config) tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp() filepath = os.path.join(tmpd, "config") loader.dump(filepath, config) with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = shutil.rmtree(tmpd) self.assertEqual(expect_text, text)
def testEmptyConfig(self): text = " \n " ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='config') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, ['config', []])
def testLoadEmptyText(self): text = "" ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {})
def testMergeListsWithSameValues(self): options = {} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) self.assertEqual(loader._merge_lists([1], [1]), [1])
def testMergeEmptyLists(self): options = {} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) self.assertEqual(loader._merge_lists([], []), [])
def testContentsWhitespace(self): ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') tests = ['a b', 'a b\n', '\n a b', '\n a b \n', '\n a \\\n b \n'] for test in tests: ast = parser.parse(test) self.assertEqual(ast, ['contents', ['statement', 'a', 'b']])
def testMultilineBlocks(self): text = "<long \\\n bloc \\\n name\\\n>\n</long>" ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, [ 'contents', ['block', ('long', ' \\\n ', 'bloc name '), [], 'long'] ])
def testEscape(self): text = """\ a = \\$b """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'a': '$b'})
def testKeyOnlyOption(self): text = """\ key2 key value """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'key2': None, 'key': 'value'})
def testLineContinuation(self): text = """\ a = \\ b """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'a': 'b'})
def testDumpWholeConfig(self): text = """\ # a a = b <a block> a = b </a> a b <a a block> c "d d" b = 三 </a> # a """ expect_text = """\ a b <a> <block> a b </block> </a> a b <a> <a block> c "d d" b 三 </a block> </a> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader( ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer())) config = loader.loads(text) gen_text = loader.dumps(config) self.assertEqual(expect_text, gen_text) # Testing dump(filepath, config) tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp() filepath = os.path.join(tmpd, "config") loader.dump(filepath, config) with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = shutil.rmtree(tmpd) self.assertEqual(expect_text, text)
def testIncludes(self): text = """\ include first.conf <<include second.conf>> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, [ 'contents', ['include', 'first.conf'], ['include', 'second.conf'] ])
def testForceArray(self): text = """\ b = [1] """ options = {'forcearray': True} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'b': ['1']})
def testEmptyBlocks(self): text = """\ <a/> <b/> """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual(ast, [ 'contents', ['block', ('a', ), [], 'a'], ['block', ('b', ), [], 'b'] ])
def testInterpolateVarsIgnoreUndefined(self): text = """\ b = '${a}' """ options = {'interpolatevars': True, 'strictvars': False} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'b': '${a}'})
def testNoEscape(self): text = """\ a = \\$b """ options = {'noescape': True} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer(**options) ApacheConfigParser = make_parser(**options) loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) config = loader.loads(text) self.assertEqual(config, {'a': '\\$b'})
def testCStyleComments(self): text = """\ /*a*/ /* # b */ """ ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() parser = ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer(), start='contents') ast = parser.parse(text) self.assertEqual( ast, ['contents', ['comment', 'a'], ['comment', '\n# b\n']])
def testDuplicateOptionsDenied(self): text = """\ a = 1 <b/> a = 2 """ options = {'allowmultioptions': False} ApacheConfigLexer = make_lexer() ApacheConfigParser = make_parser() loader = ApacheConfigLoader(ApacheConfigParser(ApacheConfigLexer()), **options) self.assertRaises(ApacheConfigError, loader.loads, text)