def testGraphDisplay(self):
            import networkx
            import matplotlib
        except ImportError as error:

        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 2
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)

        graph = generator.generate(graph)


        nxGraph = graph.toNetworkXGraph()
        nodePositions = networkx.spring_layout(nxGraph)
        nodesAndEdges = networkx.draw_networkx(nxGraph, pos=nodePositions)
    def testGraphDisplay(self):
            import networkx
            import matplotlib
        except ImportError as error:

        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        p = 0.2
        generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)

        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        nxGraph = graph.toNetworkXGraph()
        nodePositions = networkx.spring_layout(nxGraph)
        nodesAndEdges = networkx.draw_networkx(nxGraph, pos=nodePositions)
        ax = matplotlib.pyplot.axes()
Example #3
    def testWriteToFile3(self):
        We will test out writing out some random graphs to Pajek
        numVertices = 20
        numFeatures = 0 
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        p = 0.1
        generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        pw = PajekWriter()
        directory = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "test/"
        pw.writeToFile(directory + "erdosRenyi20", graph)

        #Now write a small world graph
        p = 0.2
        k = 3

        generator = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        pw.writeToFile(directory + "smallWorld20", graph)
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
     numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=numpy.nan, linewidth=100)
     #Use the example in the document
     self.numVertices = 10 
     self.numFeatures = 2 
     self.graph1 = SparseGraph(VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
     self.graph1.setVertices(range(self.numVertices), numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
     edges = numpy.array([[0,1], [0, 2], [0,4], [0,5], [0,8], [0,9]])
     edges = numpy.array([[1,3], [1, 5], [1,6], [1,8], [2,9], [3,4], [3,5], [3,6], [3,7], [3,8], [3,9]])
     edges = numpy.array([[4,2], [4, 7], [4,9], [5,8], [6, 7]])
     self.graph2 = SparseGraph(VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
     self.graph2.setVertices(range(self.numVertices), numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
     edges = numpy.array([[0,3], [0, 4], [0,5], [0,8], [0,9], [1,2]])
     edges = numpy.array([[1,3], [1,5], [1, 7], [1,8], [1,9], [2,3], [2,5], [3,5], [4,5], [4,6]])
     edges = numpy.array([[4,9], [6, 8], [7,8], [7,9], [8, 9]])
Example #5
    def testNormalisedLaplacianRw(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 2
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        k = 10
        W = graph.getSparseWeightMatrix()
        L = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianRw(W)

        L2 = graph.normalisedLaplacianRw()

        tol = 10**-6
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(L - L2) < tol)

        #Test zero rows/cols 
        W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((5, 5))
        W[1, 0] = 1
        W[0, 1] = 1
        L = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianRw(W)
        for i in range(2, 5): 
            self.assertEquals(L[i, i], 0)
 def testGenerate2(self): 
     numVertices = 20
     graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
     p = 0.2
     generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
     graph = generator.generate(graph)
     self.assertTrue((graph.getNumEdges() - p*numVertices*numVertices/2) < 8)
Example #7
    def setUp(self):
        #Let's set up a very simple graph 
        numVertices = 5    
        numFeatures = 1    
        edges = []

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        #An undirected dense graph 
        self.dGraph1 = DenseGraph(vList, True)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(3, 4, 1)
        #A directed sparse graph 
        self.dGraph2 = DenseGraph(vList, False)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(3, 4, 1)
        #Now try sparse graphs 
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        self.sGraph1 = SparseGraph(vList, True)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(3, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph2 = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #Finally, try DictGraphs
        self.dctGraph1 = DictGraph(True)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 2)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 8)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(12, 4, 1)

        self.dctGraph2 = DictGraph(False)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(12, 4, 1)
    def testSequenceVectorStats(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 10
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)

        subgraphIndices = [[0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]]

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        statsList = growthStatistics.sequenceVectorStats(graph, subgraphIndices)
    def cvModelSelection(self, graph, paramList, paramFunc, folds, errorFunc):
        ParamList is a list of lists of parameters and paramFunc
        is a list of the corresponding functions to call with the parameters
        as arguments. Note that a parameter can also be a tuple which is expanded
        out before the function is called. 

        paramList = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [12, 1]]
        paramFunc = [predictor.setC, predictor.setD]

        inds = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, graph.getNumEdges())
        errors = numpy.zeros((len(paramList), folds))
        allEdges = graph.getAllEdges()

        for i in range(len(paramList)):
            paramSet = paramList[i]
            logging.debug("Using paramSet=" + str(paramSet))

            for j in range(len(paramSet)):
                if type(paramSet[j]) == tuple:

            predY = numpy.zeros(0)
            y = numpy.zeros(0)
            j = 0 

            for (trainInds, testInds) in inds:
                trainEdges = allEdges[trainInds, :]
                testEdges = allEdges[testInds, :]

                trainGraph = SparseGraph(graph.getVertexList(), graph.isUndirected())
                trainGraph.addEdges(trainEdges, graph.getEdgeValues(trainEdges))

                testGraph = SparseGraph(graph.getVertexList(), graph.isUndirected())
                testGraph.addEdges(testEdges, graph.getEdgeValues(testEdges))


                predY = self.predictEdges(testGraph, testGraph.getAllEdges())
                y = testGraph.getEdgeValues(testGraph.getAllEdges())
                #Note that the order the edges is different in testGraphs as
                #opposed to graph when calling getAllEdges()

                errors[i, j] = errorFunc(y, predY)
                j = j+1 

  "Error of current fold: " + str(numpy.mean(errors[i, :])))

        meanErrors = numpy.mean(errors, 1)
        strErrors = numpy.std(errors, 1)

        return meanErrors, strErrors
    def testGraphInfuence(self):
        #We test the influence using a real graph 
        numVertices = 5
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        sGraph.addEdge(0, 1, 0.1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 2, 0.5)
        sGraph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.9)
        sGraph.addEdge(2, 3, 0.7)
        sGraph.addEdge(2, 4, 0.8)

        P = sGraph.maxProductPaths()

        self.assertTrue((P[0, :] == numpy.array([0,0.1, 0.5, 0.35, 0.4])).all())
        self.assertTrue((P[1, :] == numpy.array([0,0,0,0.9,0])).all())
        self.assertTrue((P[2, :] == numpy.array([0,0,0,0.7,0.8])).all())
        self.assertTrue((P[3, :] == numpy.array([0,0,0,0,0])).all())
        self.assertTrue((P[4, :] == numpy.array([0,0,0,0,0])).all())

        k = 5
        influence = GreedyInfluence()
        inds = influence.maxInfluence(P, k)
    def testDegreeDistribution(self):
        numFeatures = 0
        numVertices = 100

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        alpha = 10.0
        p = 0.01
        dim = 2
        generator = GeometricRandomGenerator(graph)
        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha, p, dim)

    def testGenerate2(self):
        Make sure that the generated degree is less than or equal to the given degree
        numVertices = 10

        for i in range(10): 
            degSequence = numpy.random.randint(0, 3, numVertices)
            generator = ConfigModelGenerator(degSequence)
            graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
            graph = generator.generate(graph)


        #We try to match an evolving degree sequence 
        degSequence1 = numpy.array([0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3, 4])
        degSequence2 = numpy.array([2,0,3,1,2,2,2,2,3, 4])
        degSequence3 = numpy.array([2,1,4,1,2,2,2,2,3, 6])

        generator = ConfigModelGenerator(degSequence1)
        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertTrue((degSequence1>= graph.outDegreeSequence()).all())

        deltaSequence = degSequence2 - graph.outDegreeSequence()
        generator = ConfigModelGenerator(deltaSequence)
        graph = generator.generate(graph, False)
        self.assertTrue((degSequence2>= graph.outDegreeSequence()).all())

        deltaSequence = degSequence3 - graph.outDegreeSequence()
        generator = ConfigModelGenerator(deltaSequence)
        graph = generator.generate(graph, False)
        self.assertTrue((degSequence3>= graph.outDegreeSequence()).all())
Example #13
    def findInfoDecayGraph(self, egoTestFileName, alterTestFileName, egoIndicesR, alterIndices, egoIndicesNR, alterIndicesNR, egoFileName, alterFileName, missing=0):
        (egoTestArray, egoTitles) = self.readFile(egoTestFileName, self.egoTestIds, missing=0)
        (alterTestArray, alterTitles) = self.readFile(alterTestFileName, self.alterTestIds, missing=0)

        egoMarks = numpy.zeros(egoTestArray.shape[0])
        alterMarks = numpy.zeros(alterTestArray.shape[0])
        decays = numpy.zeros(egoIndicesR.shape[0])

        correctAnswers = numpy.array([1,2,4,5,8,9,10,12])
        wrongAnswers = numpy.array([3, 6, 7, 11])

        for i in range(egoTestArray.shape[0]):
            egoMarks[i] = numpy.intersect1d(egoTestArray[i], correctAnswers).shape[0]
            egoMarks[i] += wrongAnswers.shape[0] - numpy.intersect1d(egoTestArray[i], wrongAnswers).shape[0]

        for i in range(alterMarks.shape[0]):
            alterMarks[i] = numpy.intersect1d(alterTestArray[i], correctAnswers).shape[0]
            alterMarks[i] += wrongAnswers.shape[0] - numpy.intersect1d(alterTestArray[i], wrongAnswers).shape[0]

        We just return how much the alter understood, since this represents the
        decay in understanding of the ego and transmission.
        for i in range(decays.shape[0]):
            decays[i] = alterMarks[alterIndices[i]]

        #A lot of people could not be bothered to fill the questions and hence
        #get 4 correct by default 
        decays = (decays) / float(self.numTestQuestions)
        defaultDecay = 10**-6

        #Finally, put the data into a graph
        (egoArray, egoTitles) = self.readFile(egoFileName, self.egoQuestionIds, missing)
        (alterArray, alterTitles) = self.readFile(alterFileName, self.alterQuestionIds, missing)

        V = egoArray
        V = numpy.r_[V, alterArray[alterIndices, :]]
        V = numpy.r_[V, egoArray[alterIndicesNR, :]]
        vList = VertexList(V.shape[0], V.shape[1])
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        edgesR = numpy.c_[egoIndicesR, egoArray.shape[0]+numpy.arange(alterIndices.shape[0])]
        graph.addEdges(edgesR, decays)

        edgesNR = numpy.c_[egoIndicesNR, egoArray.shape[0]+alterIndices.shape[0]+numpy.arange(alterIndicesNR.shape[0])]
        graph.addEdges(edgesNR, numpy.ones(edgesNR.shape[0]) * defaultDecay)

        return graph
        def readFromFile(self, fileName):
            Read vertices and edges of the graph from the given file name. The file
            must have as its first line "Vertices" followed by a list of
            vertex indices (one per line). Then the lines following "Arcs" or "Edges"
            have a list of pairs of vertex indices represented directed or undirected
            infile = open(fileName, "r")
            line = infile.readline()
            line = infile.readline()
            ind = 0
            vertexIdDict = {}

            while infile and line != "Edges" and line != "Arcs":
                vertexIdDict[int(line)] = ind
                line = infile.readline().strip()
                ind += 1 

            if line == "Edges":
                undirected = True
            elif line == "Arcs":
                undirected = False
                raise ValueError("Unknown edge types: " + line)

            numVertices = len(vertexIdDict)
            numFeatures = 0
            vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
            sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, undirected)
            line = infile.readline()

            while line:
                s = line.split()
                    i = vertexIdDict[int(s[0].strip(',').strip())]
                    j = vertexIdDict[int(s[1].strip(',').strip())]
                    k = float(s[2].strip(',').strip())
                except KeyError:
                    print("Vertex not found in list of vertices.")

                sGraph.addEdge(i, j, k)
                line = infile.readline()

  "Read graph with " + str(numVertices) + " vertices and " + str(sGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

            return sGraph
   def testGenerate(self):
       k = 2
       numVertices = 1000
       numFeatures = 0
       vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
       initialGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
       initialGraph.addEdge(0, 1)
       initialGraph.addEdge(1, 2)
       for i in range(numVertices):
           initialGraph.addEdge(i, i)
       generator = KroneckerGenerator(initialGraph, k)
       graph = generator.generate()
       print (graph.size)
    def generate(self):
        Generate a Kronecker graph using the adjacency matrix of the input graph.
        :returns: The generate graph as a SparseGraph object.
        W = self.initialGraph.adjacencyMatrix()
        Wi = W
        for i in range(1, self.k):
            Wi = np.kron(Wi, W)
        vList = VertexList(Wi.shape[0], 0)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, self.initialGraph.isUndirected())
        return graph
    def testDegreeDistribution(self):
        #We want to see how the degree distribution changes with kronecker powers

        numVertices = 3
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        initialGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
        initialGraph.addEdge(0, 1)
        initialGraph.addEdge(1, 2)

        for i in range(numVertices):
            initialGraph.addEdge(i, i)


        k = 2
        generator = StochasticKroneckerGenerator(initialGraph, k)
        graph = generator.generateGraph()


        k = 3
        generator = StochasticKroneckerGenerator(initialGraph, k)
        graph = generator.generateGraph()

    def testSequenceScalarStats(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 10
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)

        subgraphIndices = [[0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]]

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        statsArray = growthStatistics.sequenceScalarStats(graph, subgraphIndices)

        self.assertTrue(statsArray[0, 0] == 3.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[1, 0] == 4.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[0, 1] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[1, 1] == 2.0)
    def generateGraph(self):
        Generate a Kronecker graph
        W = self.initialGraph.getWeightMatrix()
        Wi = W

        for i in range(1, self.k):
            Wi = numpy.kron(Wi, W)

        P = numpy.random.rand(Wi.shape[0], Wi.shape[0])
        Wi = numpy.array(P < Wi, numpy.float64)

        vList = VertexList(Wi.shape[0], 0)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, self.initialGraph.isUndirected())

        return graph
 def setUp(self):    
     numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=200, precision=5)
     self.numVertices = 10; 
     self.numFeatures = 2; 
     self.vList = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
     self.graph = SparseGraph(self.vList)
     self.p = 0.1 
     self.erg = ErdosRenyiGenerator(self.p)
Example #21
    def testFullTransGraph(self):
        transGraph = self.egoSimulator.fullTransGraph()

        #Create a simple graph and deterministic classifier
        numExamples = 10
        numFeatures = 3

        #Here, the first element is gender (say) with female = 0, male = 1
        vList = VertexList(numExamples, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertex(0, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(1, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(2, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(3, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(4, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(5, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(6, numpy.array([0,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(7, numpy.array([1,0,0]))
        vList.setVertex(8, numpy.array([0,0,1]))
        vList.setVertex(9, numpy.array([1,0,0]))

        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(0, 3, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(4, 5, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(4, 6, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 7, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 8, 1)
        sGraph.addEdge(6, 9, 1)

        simulator = EgoSimulator(sGraph, self.dc)
        logging.debug("Writing out full transmission graph")
        transGraph = simulator.fullTransGraph()

        self.assertEquals(transGraph.isUndirected(), False)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getNumEdges(), 11)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(0,1), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(0,2), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(0,3), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(4,5), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(4,6), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(5,4), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,4), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,7), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,8), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(6,9), 1)
        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getEdge(8,6), 1)

        self.assertEquals(transGraph.getVertexList(), vList)
Example #22
    def testTreeDepth(self):
        numVertices = 4
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.treeDepth(graph), 2)

        numVertices = 5
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.treeDepth(graph), 3)
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        inFile = open(fileName,"r")
        numFeatures = 1

        graphList = []
        line = inFile.readline()

        while line != "":
            #First 3 lines are useless

            #4th line has edge information
            line = inFile.readline()
            valueList = line.split(None)
            numVertices = int(valueList[0])
            #Not strictly the number of edges, as molecules can have multiple edges
            #between a pair of atoms 
            numEdges = int(valueList[1])

            vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

            for i in range(numVertices):
                line = inFile.readline()
                valueList = line.split(None)
                vList.setVertex(i, numpy.array([self.atomDict[valueList[3]]]))

            graph = SparseGraph(vList)

            for i in range(numEdges):
                line = inFile.readline()
                valueList = line.split(None)
                graph.addEdge(int(valueList[0])-1, int(valueList[1])-1)

            #Ignore next two lines
            line = inFile.readline()

        return graphList 
Example #24
    def fullTransGraph(self):
        This function will return a new graph which contains a directed edge if
        a transmission will occur between two vertices. 
        if self.iteration != 0:
            raise ValueError("Must run fullTransGraph before advanceGraph")

        #First, find all the edges in the graph and create an ExampleList
        numEdges = self.edges.shape[0]
        X = numpy.zeros((numEdges*2, self.numPersonFeatures*2))
        ind = 0 

        for i in range(numEdges):
            vertex1 = self.graph.getVertex(self.edges[i,0])
            vertex2 = self.graph.getVertex(self.edges[i,1])

            X[ind, :] = numpy.r_[vertex1[0:self.numPersonFeatures], vertex2[0:self.numPersonFeatures]]
            X[ind+numEdges, :] = numpy.r_[vertex2[0:self.numPersonFeatures], vertex1[0:self.numPersonFeatures]]
            ind = ind + 1

        name = "X"
        examplesList = ExamplesList(X.shape[0])
        examplesList.addDataField(name, X)

        if self.preprocessor != None:
            X = self.preprocessor.process(examplesList.getDataField(examplesList.getDefaultExamplesName()))
            examplesList.overwriteDataField(examplesList.getDefaultExamplesName(), X)

        y = self.egoPairClassifier.classify(examplesList.getSampledDataField(name))
        fullTransmissionGraph = SparseGraph(self.graph.getVertexList(), False)

        transIndices = numpy.nonzero(y==1)[0]

        #Now, write out the transmission graph 
        for i in range(len(transIndices)):
            if transIndices[i] < numEdges:
                fullTransmissionGraph.addEdge(self.edges[transIndices[i],0], self.edges[transIndices[i],1])
                fullTransmissionGraph.addEdge(self.edges[transIndices[i]-numEdges,1], self.edges[transIndices[i]-numEdges,0])

        return fullTransmissionGraph
Example #25
    def testShiftLaplacian(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 2
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        k = 10
        W = graph.getSparseWeightMatrix()
        L = GraphUtils.shiftLaplacian(W)

        L2 = 2*numpy.eye(numVertices) - graph.normalisedLaplacianSym()

        tol = 10**-6
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(L - L2) < tol)
Example #26
    def testFitDiscretePowerLaw2(self):
            import networkx
        except ImportError:
            logging.debug("Networkx not found, can't run test")

        nxGraph = networkx.barabasi_albert_graph(1000, 2)
        graph = SparseGraph.fromNetworkXGraph(nxGraph)
        degreeSeq = graph.outDegreeSequence()

        output = Util.fitDiscretePowerLaw(degreeSeq)
Example #27
    def testLearnModel(self):
        numVertices = 100
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        p = 0.2
        generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        vertexIndices = list(range(0, numVertices))

        k = 2
        learner = GrowthLearner(k)

        tol = 10**-1

        #Lets test the values of alpha on a series of Erdos-Renyi graphs 
        for i in range(1, 6):
            p = float(i)/10
            graph = generator.generate(graph)

            alpha = learner.learnModel(graph, vertexIndices)
            logging.debug((numpy.linalg.norm(alpha - numpy.array([p, 0]))))
            #self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(alpha - numpy.array([p, 0])) < tol)

        #Now test the learning on some preferencial attachment graphs
        ell = 10
        m = 8

        vertexIndices = list(range(ell, numVertices))
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        alpha = learner.learnModel(graph, vertexIndices)
    def clusterFromIterator(self, graphListIterator, timeIter=False):
        Find a set of clusters for the graphs given by the iterator. 
        clustersList = []
        timeList = [] 

        for subW in graphListIterator:
            logging.debug("Clustering graph of size " + str(subW.shape))
            #Create a SparseGraph
            startTime = time.time()
            graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(subW.shape[0]))
            iGraph = graph.toIGraph()

            vertexCluster = iGraph.community_leading_eigenvector(self.k)

        if timeIter:
            return clustersList, timeList
            return clustersList
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        X = numpy.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=1, converters=self.converters)
        vertexIds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]*2)
        #First, we will map the vertex Ids to a set of numbers
        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertexIds[2*i] = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertexIds[2*i+1] = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]

        vertexIds = numpy.unique(vertexIds)

        numVertices = vertexIds.shape[0]
        numFeatures = len(self.vertex1Indices)
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, self.undirected)

        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertex1Id = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertex2Id = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]
            vertex1 = X[i, self.vertex1Indices]
            vertex2 = X[i, self.vertex2Indices]

            vertex1VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds==vertex1Id)[0]
            vertex2VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds==vertex2Id)[0]

            vertex1VListId = int(vertex1VListId)
            vertex2VListId = int(vertex2VListId)
            vList.setVertex(vertex1VListId, vertex1)
            vList.setVertex(vertex2VListId, vertex2)

            sGraph.addEdge(vertex1VListId, vertex2VListId, self.edgeWeight)"Read " + fileName + " with " + str(sGraph.getNumVertices()) + " vertices and " + str(sGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

        return sGraph 
    def testGenerateGraph(self):
        k = 2
        numVertices = 3
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        initialGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
        initialGraph.addEdge(0, 1)
        initialGraph.addEdge(1, 2)

        for i in range(numVertices):
            initialGraph.addEdge(i, i)

        d = initialGraph.diameter()
        degreeSequence = initialGraph.outDegreeSequence()
        generator = StochasticKroneckerGenerator(initialGraph, k)

        graph = generator.generateGraph()
        d2 = graph.diameter()
        degreeSequence2 = graph.outDegreeSequence()

        self.assertTrue((numpy.kron(degreeSequence, degreeSequence) == degreeSequence2).all())
        self.assertTrue(graph.getNumVertices() == numVertices**k)
        self.assertTrue(graph.getNumDirEdges() == initialGraph.getNumDirEdges()**k)
        self.assertEquals(d, d2)

        #Try different k
        k = 3
        graph = generator.generateGraph()
        d3 = graph.diameter()
        degreeSequence3 = graph.outDegreeSequence()

        self.assertTrue((numpy.kron(degreeSequence, degreeSequence2) == degreeSequence3).all())
        self.assertTrue(graph.getNumVertices() == numVertices**k)
        self.assertTrue(graph.getNumDirEdges() == initialGraph.getNumDirEdges()**k)
        self.assertEquals(d, d3)

        #Test the multinomial degree distribution
    def readFromFile(self, fileName):
        X = numpy.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=1, converters=self.converters)
        vertexIds = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0] * 2)

        #First, we will map the vertex Ids to a set of numbers
        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertexIds[2 * i] = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertexIds[2 * i + 1] = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]

        vertexIds = numpy.unique(vertexIds)

        numVertices = vertexIds.shape[0]
        numFeatures = len(self.vertex1Indices)

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        sGraph = SparseGraph(vList, self.undirected)

        for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
            vertex1Id = X[i, self.vertex1IdIndex]
            vertex2Id = X[i, self.vertex2IdIndex]

            vertex1 = X[i, self.vertex1Indices]
            vertex2 = X[i, self.vertex2Indices]

            vertex1VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds == vertex1Id)[0]
            vertex2VListId = numpy.nonzero(vertexIds == vertex2Id)[0]

            vertex1VListId = int(vertex1VListId)
            vertex2VListId = int(vertex2VListId)
            vList.setVertex(vertex1VListId, vertex1)
            vList.setVertex(vertex2VListId, vertex2)

            sGraph.addEdge(vertex1VListId, vertex2VListId, self.edgeWeight)"Read " + fileName + " with " +
                     str(sGraph.getNumVertices()) + " vertices and " +
                     str(sGraph.getNumEdges()) + " edges")

        return sGraph
    def setUp(self):
        self.tol = 10**-4
        self.numVertices = 5
        self.numFeatures = 2

        vertexList1 = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        vertexList1.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 1]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(1, numpy.array([1, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(2, numpy.array([3, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(3, numpy.array([4, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(4, numpy.array([2, 6]))

        vertexList2 = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        vertexList2.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 3]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(1, numpy.array([7, 2]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(2, numpy.array([3, 22]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(3, numpy.array([54, 2]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(4, numpy.array([2, 34]))

        self.sGraph1 = SparseGraph(vertexList1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 2)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 3)

        self.sGraph2 = SparseGraph(vertexList2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 3)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(3, 4)

        self.sGraph3 = SparseGraph(vertexList2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(4, 1)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(4, 2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(1, 0)
    return dia_matrix( (np.array( [np.array([2]*5),np.array([1]*5), np.array([1]*5)] ),np.array([0,1,-1]) ),shape=(5,5))

dx = np.linspace(0,1,5)
x = populatematrix1(len(dx))
print (x.shape, type(x))
y = populatematrix2(len(dx))
print (y.shape, type(y))
z = kron(x,y)
print (z.shape)

# Generating simple graph

numVertices = 5000

weightMatrix = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
graph = SparseGraph(numVertices, W=weightMatrix)
graph[0, 1] = 1
graph[0, 2] = 1

#Output the number of vertices

# PLotting Graph
a = np.reshape(np.random.random_integers(0,1,size=100),(10,10))
G= nx.DiGraph(a)

# Computing Matrix Exponetaial 

Mat_Exp = scipy.linalg.expm(a, q=None)
    def testModularity(self):
        numVertices = 6
        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))

        graph.addEdge(0, 0)
        graph.addEdge(1, 1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 1)

        graph.addEdge(3, 4, 2)
        graph.addEdge(3, 5, 2)
        graph.addEdge(4, 5, 2)
        graph.addEdge(3, 3, 2)
        graph.addEdge(4, 4, 2)
        graph.addEdge(5, 5, 2)

        W = graph.getWeightMatrix()
        clustering = numpy.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])

        #This is the same as the igraph result
        Q = GraphUtils.modularity(W, clustering)
        self.assertEquals(Q, 4.0 / 9.0)

        Ws = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)
        Q = GraphUtils.modularity(Ws, clustering)
        self.assertEquals(Q, 4.0 / 9.0)

        W = numpy.ones((numVertices, numVertices))
        Q = GraphUtils.modularity(W, clustering)

        self.assertEquals(Q, 0.0)

        Ws = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)
        Q = GraphUtils.modularity(Ws, clustering)
        self.assertEquals(Q, 0.0)
Name: Generate Graph:
Author: Jia_qiu Wang(王佳秋)
Data: December, 2016

import numpy
import scipy.sparse as sps
from apgl.graph.GeneralVertexList import GeneralVertexList
from apgl.graph.SparseGraph import SparseGraph

numVertices = 10
vList = GeneralVertexList(numVertices)
wght = sps.csc_matrix(numVertices, numVertices)
graph = SparseGraph(vList, W=wght, undirected=False)

graph[0, 1] = 1
graph[0, 2] = 1
graph.setVertex(0, "abc")
graph.setVertex(1, 123)

    def cvModelSelection(self, graph, paramList, paramFunc, folds, errorFunc):
        ParamList is a list of lists of parameters and paramFunc
        is a list of the corresponding functions to call with the parameters
        as arguments. Note that a parameter can also be a tuple which is expanded
        out before the function is called. 

        paramList = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [12, 1]]
        paramFunc = [predictor.setC, predictor.setD]

        inds = Sampling.crossValidation(folds, graph.getNumEdges())
        errors = numpy.zeros((len(paramList), folds))
        allEdges = graph.getAllEdges()

        for i in range(len(paramList)):
            paramSet = paramList[i]
            logging.debug("Using paramSet=" + str(paramSet))

            for j in range(len(paramSet)):
                if type(paramSet[j]) == tuple:

            predY = numpy.zeros(0)
            y = numpy.zeros(0)
            j = 0

            for (trainInds, testInds) in inds:
                trainEdges = allEdges[trainInds, :]
                testEdges = allEdges[testInds, :]

                trainGraph = SparseGraph(graph.getVertexList(),

                testGraph = SparseGraph(graph.getVertexList(),
                testGraph.addEdges(testEdges, graph.getEdgeValues(testEdges))


                predY = self.predictEdges(testGraph, testGraph.getAllEdges())
                y = testGraph.getEdgeValues(testGraph.getAllEdges())
                #Note that the order the edges is different in testGraphs as
                #opposed to graph when calling getAllEdges()

                errors[i, j] = errorFunc(y, predY)
                j = j + 1

  "Error of current fold: " +
                         str(numpy.mean(errors[i, :])))

        meanErrors = numpy.mean(errors, 1)
        strErrors = numpy.std(errors, 1)

        return meanErrors, strErrors
    def testKwayNormalisedCut(self):
        numVertices = 6
        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))

        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 1)

        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        graph.addEdge(3, 5)
        graph.addEdge(5, 4)

        W = graph.getWeightMatrix()
        clustering = numpy.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])

        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(W, clustering), 0.0)

        #Try sparse W
        Ws = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(Ws, clustering), 0.0)

        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        W = graph.getWeightMatrix()
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(W, clustering), 1.0 / 7)

        Ws = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(Ws, clustering),
                          1.0 / 7)

        clustering = numpy.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2])
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(W, clustering),
                          61.0 / 105)

        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(Ws, clustering),
                          61.0 / 105)

        #Test two vertices without any edges
        W = numpy.zeros((2, 2))
        clustering = numpy.array([0, 1])
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(W, clustering), 0.0)

        Ws = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.kwayNormalisedCut(Ws, clustering), 0.0)
Example #38
from apgl.graph.SparseGraph import SparseGraph
from apgl.graph.VertexList import VertexList
from apgl.generator.SmallWorldGenerator import SmallWorldGenerator
from import PajekWriter
import unittest
import cProfile
import pstats

profileFileName = "profile.cprof"

p = 0.5
k = 15

numVertices = 200
numFeatures = 5

vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
sGraph = SparseGraph(vList)
swg = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)

cProfile.runctx('swg.generate(sGraph)', globals(), locals(), profileFileName)
stats = pstats.Stats(profileFileName)
Example #39
Name: Generate Graph:
Author: Jia_qiu Wang(王佳秋)
Data: December, 2016

from apgl.graph.GeneralVertexList import GeneralVertexList
from apgl.graph.SparseGraph import SparseGraph

numVertices = 10
graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))

graph[0, 1] = 1
graph[0, 2] = 1

P = graph.floydWarshall()
print("geodesicDistance:", graph.geodesicDistance(P=P))
print("harmonicGeodesicDistance:", graph.harmonicGeodesicDistance(P=P))

    def testConcat(self):
        numVertices = 5
        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
        graph.addEdge(1, 1, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.5)
        graph.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, 2)
        graph.setVertex(0, "abc")

        graph2 = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
        graph2.addEdge(1, 1)
        graph2.addEdge(1, 4)
        graph2.setVertex(1, "def")

        graph3 = graph.concat(graph2)

        self.assertTrue(graph3.getNumVertices, 10)
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getVertex(0), "abc")
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getVertex(6), "def")
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getEdge(1, 1), 0.1)
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getEdge(1, 3), 0.5)
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getEdge(2, 4), 1)
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getEdge(2, 3), 2)

        self.assertEquals(graph3.getEdge(6, 6), 1)
        self.assertEquals(graph3.getEdge(6, 9), 1)
    def testGenerate(self):
        degSequence = numpy.array([2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
        generator = ConfigModelGenerator(degSequence)

        numVertices = 10
        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        tol = 3
            numpy.linalg.norm(degSequence - graph.degreeSequence()) < tol)

        degSequence = numpy.array([2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1])
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

            numpy.linalg.norm(degSequence - graph.degreeSequence()) < tol)

        #Test using a non-empty graph
        degSequence = numpy.array([0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
        oldDegSequence = graph.degreeSequence()

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, generator.generate, graph, True)
        graph = generator.generate(graph, False)

        diffSequence = graph.degreeSequence() - oldDegSequence
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(degSequence - diffSequence) < tol)

        #Test the case where we also have an in-degree sequence
        degSequence = numpy.array([2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
        inDegSequence = numpy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
        generator = ConfigModelGenerator(degSequence, inDegSequence)

        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, generator.generate, graph)

        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices), False)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

            numpy.linalg.norm(degSequence - graph.outDegreeSequence()) < tol)
            numpy.linalg.norm(inDegSequence - graph.inDegreeSequence()) < tol)

        outDegSequence = numpy.array([2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1])
        inDegSequence = numpy.array([1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1])
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

            numpy.linalg.norm(outDegSequence -
                              graph.outDegreeSequence()) < tol)
            numpy.linalg.norm(inDegSequence - graph.inDegreeSequence()) < tol)

        #In the case that the in-degree sequence sum larger than that of the out-degree it is
        #not satisfied, but the out-degree should be.
        inDegSequence = numpy.array([1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 6])
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
            numpy.linalg.norm(outDegSequence -
                              graph.outDegreeSequence()) < tol)

        #Now try the other way around
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
            numpy.linalg.norm(outDegSequence - graph.inDegreeSequence()) < tol)

        #Test growing graph
        outDegSequence = numpy.array([2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1])
        inDegSequence = numpy.array([1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1])

        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        newOutDegreeSequence = numpy.array([2, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1])
        newInDegreeSequence = numpy.array([2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1])
        diffOutSequence = newOutDegreeSequence - graph.outDegreeSequence()
        diffInSequence = newInDegreeSequence - graph.inDegreeSequence()
        graph = generator.generate(graph, False)

            numpy.linalg.norm(newOutDegreeSequence -
                              graph.outDegreeSequence()) < tol)
            numpy.linalg.norm(newInDegreeSequence -
                              graph.inDegreeSequence()) < tol)
Example #42
class PajekWriterTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        #Let's set up a very simple graph
        numVertices = 5
        numFeatures = 1
        edges = []

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)

        #An undirected dense graph
        self.dGraph1 = DenseGraph(vList, True)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dGraph1.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #A directed sparse graph
        self.dGraph2 = DenseGraph(vList, False)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dGraph2.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #Now try sparse graphs
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        self.sGraph1 = SparseGraph(vList, True)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        self.sGraph2 = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(3, 4, 1)

        #Finally, try DictGraphs
        self.dctGraph1 = DictGraph(True)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(0, 2, 2)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(2, 4, 8)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dctGraph1.addEdge(12, 4, 1)

        self.dctGraph2 = DictGraph(False)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(2, 4, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(2, 3, 1)
        self.dctGraph2.addEdge(12, 4, 1)

    def tearDown(self):

    def testInit(self):

    def testWriteToFile(self):
        pw = PajekWriter()
        directory = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "test/"

        #Have to check the files
        fileName1 = directory + "denseTestUndirected"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName1, self.dGraph1)

        fileName2 = directory + "denseTestDirected"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName2, self.dGraph2)

        fileName3 = directory + "sparseTestUndirected"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName3, self.sGraph1)

        fileName4 = directory + "sparseTestDirected"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName4, self.sGraph2)

        fileName5 = directory + "dictTestUndirected"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName5, self.dctGraph1)

        fileName6 = directory + "dictTestDirected"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName6, self.dctGraph2)

    def testWriteToFile2(self):
        pw = PajekWriter()
        directory = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "test/"

        def setVertexColour(vertexIndex, graph):
            colours = ["grey05", "grey10", "grey15", "grey20", "grey25"]
            return colours[vertexIndex]

        def setVertexSize(vertexIndex, graph):
            return vertexIndex

        def setEdgeColour(vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, graph):
            colours = ["grey05", "grey10", "grey15", "grey20", "grey25"]
            return colours[vertexIndex1]

        def setEdgeSize(vertexIndex1, vertexIndex2, graph):
            return vertexIndex1 + vertexIndex2

        fileName1 = directory + "vertexColourTest"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName1, self.dGraph1)

        fileName1 = directory + "vertexSizeTest"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName1, self.dGraph1)

        fileName1 = directory + "edgeColourTest"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName1, self.dGraph1)

        fileName1 = directory + "edgeSizeTest"
        pw.writeToFile(fileName1, self.dGraph1)

    def testWriteToFile3(self):
        We will test out writing out some random graphs to Pajek
        numVertices = 20
        numFeatures = 0
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        p = 0.1
        generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        pw = PajekWriter()
        directory = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "test/"
        pw.writeToFile(directory + "erdosRenyi20", graph)

        #Now write a small world graph
        p = 0.2
        k = 3

        generator = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        pw.writeToFile(directory + "smallWorld20", graph)
Example #43
    def testMatch(self):
        matcher = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=0.3)
        permutation, distance, time = matcher.match(self.graph1, self.graph2)

        #Checked output file - seems correct

        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[0], distance2)

        #Now test case in which alpha is different
        matcher = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=0.5)
        permutation, distance, time = matcher.match(self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[0], distance2)

        #Test normalised distance
        alpha = 0.0
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                     permutation, True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], distance2)

        alpha = 1.0
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                     permutation, True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], distance2, 5)

        #Test empty graph
        alpha = 0.0
        graph1 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))
        graph2 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))

        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     graph1, graph2)

        nptst.assert_array_equal(permutation, numpy.array([],
        self.assertEquals(distance, [0, 0, 0])

        #Test where 1 graph is empty
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     graph1, self.graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])
        self.assertEquals(distance[1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(distance[2], 1)

        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])
        self.assertEquals(distance[1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(distance[2], 1)

        alpha = 1.0
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     graph1, self.graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])

        V2 = self.graph1.vlist.getVertices()
        V1 = numpy.zeros(V2.shape)
        C = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=alpha).matrixSimilarity(V1, V2)
        dist = numpy.trace(C) / numpy.linalg.norm(C)

        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], -dist, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[2], -dist, 4)

        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], -dist, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[2], -dist, 4)

        #Test one graph which is a subgraph of another
        p = 0.2
        k = 10
        numVertices = 20
        generator = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)
        graph = SparseGraph(VertexList(numVertices, 2))
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        subgraphInds = numpy.random.permutation(numVertices)[0:10]
        subgraph = graph.subgraph(subgraphInds)

        matcher = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=0.0)
        permutation, distance, time = matcher.match(graph, subgraph)
        distance = matcher.distance(graph, subgraph, permutation, True, True)

        self.assertTrue(distance < 1)
    def testCvModelSelection(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        graph.addEdge(5, 6)
        graph.addEdge(4, 6)
        graph.addEdge(9, 8)
        graph.addEdge(9, 7)
        graph.addEdge(9, 6)

        windowSize = 3
        predictor = RandomEdgePredictor(windowSize)

        folds = 5
        paramList = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [12, 1]]
        paramFunc = [predictor.setC, predictor.setD]

        errors = predictor.cvModelSelection(graph, paramList, paramFunc, folds)

        self.assertTrue(errors.shape[0] == len(paramList))

        for i in range(errors.shape[0]): 
            self.assertTrue(errors[i]>= 0 and errors[i]<= 1)
Example #45
Name: Generate Graph:
Author: Jia_qiu Wang(王佳秋)
Data: December, 2016

from apgl.graph.DictGraph import DictGraph
from apgl.graph.SparseGraph import SparseGraph
from apgl.graph.GeneralVertexList import GeneralVertexList

graph = DictGraph()
graph.addEdge("a", "b")
graph.addEdge("a", "c")
graph.addEdge("a", "d")

edgeIndices = graph.getAllEdgeIndices()
graph2 = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(graph.getNumVertices()))

    def testNativeAdjacencyMatrix(self):
        numVertices = 10
        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))

        graph.addEdge(1, 1, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.5)
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, 1)
        graph.addEdge(7, 0, 2)

        A = graph.nativeAdjacencyMatrix()
        self.assertEquals(A[0, 7], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[7, 0], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[1, 3], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[3, 1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[1, 1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[2, 5], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[5, 2], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A.getnnz(), 7)

        graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices), False)
        graph.addEdge(1, 1, 0.1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, 0.5)
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, 1)

        A = graph.nativeAdjacencyMatrix()
        self.assertEquals(A[1, 3], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[1, 1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A[2, 5], 1)
        self.assertEquals(A.getnnz(), 3)
    def testUnNormSpectralClusterer(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 0

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        #We form two cliques with an edge between then
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)

        graph.addEdge(2, 4)

        graph.addEdge(4, 5)
        graph.addEdge(4, 6)
        graph.addEdge(4, 7)
        graph.addEdge(5, 6)
        graph.addEdge(5, 7)
        graph.addEdge(6, 7)
        graph.addEdge(7, 8)
        graph.addEdge(7, 9)

        #graph.addEdge(0, 4)

        k = 3
        clusterer = SpectralClusterer(k)
        clusters = clusterer.cluster(graph)

        self.assertEquals(clusters.shape[0], numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(numpy.unique(clusters).shape[0], k)

        realClusters = numpy.array([1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0, 2,2])

        similarityMatrix1 = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        similarityMatrix2 = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))

        for i in range(numVertices):
            for j in range(numVertices):
                if clusters[i] == clusters[j]:
                    similarityMatrix1[i, j] = 1

                if realClusters[i] == realClusters[j]:
                    similarityMatrix2[i, j] = 1     

        self.assertTrue((similarityMatrix1 == similarityMatrix2).all())
    def testTreeDepth(self):
        numVertices = 4
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.treeDepth(graph), 2)

        numVertices = 5
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        self.assertEquals(GraphUtils.treeDepth(graph), 3)
    def setUp(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 5

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        vList.setVertices(numpy.random.rand(numVertices, numFeatures))
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 4, -1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 5, -1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2, 1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 3, -1)
        graph.addEdge(1, 8, 1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 4, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, -1)
        graph.addEdge(2, 6, 1)

        self.graph = graph
Example #50
    def testDistance(self):
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist, 0.0)

        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(dist, 50.0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        permutation[8] = 9
        permutation[9] = 8
        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(dist, 54.0)

        #Try graphs of unequal size
        graph3 = self.graph1.subgraph(range(8))
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        dist1 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, graph3,
        dist1a = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(graph3, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist1, dist1a)

        graph3 = self.graph1.subgraph(range(5))
        dist2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, graph3,
        dist2a = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(graph3, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist2, dist2a)
        self.assertTrue(dist1 < dist2)

        #Test case where alpha!=0
        alpha = 1.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                    permutation, False)
        C = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).vertexSimilarities(self.graph1,
        distance2 = -numpy.trace(C)
        self.assertEquals(distance, distance2)

        #Check case where we want non negativve distance even when alpha!=0
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertTrue(distance >= 0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 0)

        #Check case where both graphs are empty
        graph1 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))
        graph2 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))

        permutation = numpy.array([],
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(graph1, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 0)

        #Now, just one graph is empty
        #Distance is always 1 due to normalisations
        alpha = 0.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph2, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        #distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, graph1, permutation, False, False)
        #self.assertEquals(distance, numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2)

        alpha = 0.9
        matcher = GraphMatch("U", alpha=alpha)
        permutation, distanceVector, time = matcher.match(self.graph2, graph1)
        distance = matcher.distance(self.graph2, graph1, permutation, True,
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        alpha = 1.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph2, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        alpha = 0.5
        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph2, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        #Test on unequal graphs and compare against distance from graphm
        alpha = 0.5
        matcher = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha)
        permutation, distanceVector, time = matcher.match(
            self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance = matcher.distance(self.graph1, self.graph2, permutation,
                                    True, False)

        self.assertAlmostEquals(distanceVector[1], distance, 3)
Example #51
import time
import numpy
import scipy.sparse.linalg
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from pyamg import smoothed_aggregation_solver
from apgl.generator.ErdosRenyiGenerator import ErdosRenyiGenerator
from apgl.graph.SparseGraph import SparseGraph
from apgl.graph.GeneralVertexList import GeneralVertexList

numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

p = 0.001
numVertices = 10000
generator = ErdosRenyiGenerator(p)
graph = SparseGraph(GeneralVertexList(numVertices))
graph = generator.generate(graph)

print("Num vertices = " + str(graph.getNumVertices()))
print("Num edges = " + str(graph.getNumEdges()))

L = graph.normalisedLaplacianSym(sparse=True)
#L = csr_matrix(L)
print("Created Laplacian")

#ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(L)
#M = ml.aspreconditioner()

start = time.clock()
w, V = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(L, k=20)
totalTime = time.clock() - start
Example #52
class GraphMatchTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
        numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=numpy.nan, linewidth=100)

        #Use the example in the document
        self.numVertices = 10
        self.numFeatures = 2
        self.graph1 = SparseGraph(
            VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
            numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))

        edges = numpy.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 8], [0, 9]])
        edges = numpy.array([[1, 3], [1, 5], [1, 6], [1, 8], [2, 9], [3, 4],
                             [3, 5], [3, 6], [3, 7], [3, 8], [3, 9]])
        edges = numpy.array([[4, 2], [4, 7], [4, 9], [5, 8], [6, 7]])

        self.graph2 = SparseGraph(
            VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))
            numpy.random.rand(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures))

        edges = numpy.array([[0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 8], [0, 9], [1, 2]])
        edges = numpy.array([[1, 3], [1, 5], [1, 7], [1, 8], [1, 9], [2, 3],
                             [2, 5], [3, 5], [4, 5], [4, 6]])
        edges = numpy.array([[4, 9], [6, 8], [7, 8], [7, 9], [8, 9]])

    def testMatch(self):
        matcher = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=0.3)
        permutation, distance, time = matcher.match(self.graph1, self.graph2)

        #Checked output file - seems correct

        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[0], distance2)

        #Now test case in which alpha is different
        matcher = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=0.5)
        permutation, distance, time = matcher.match(self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[0], distance2)

        #Test normalised distance
        alpha = 0.0
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                     permutation, True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], distance2)

        alpha = 1.0
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance2 = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                     permutation, True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], distance2, 5)

        #Test empty graph
        alpha = 0.0
        graph1 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))
        graph2 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))

        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     graph1, graph2)

        nptst.assert_array_equal(permutation, numpy.array([],
        self.assertEquals(distance, [0, 0, 0])

        #Test where 1 graph is empty
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     graph1, self.graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])
        self.assertEquals(distance[1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(distance[2], 1)

        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])
        self.assertEquals(distance[1], 1)
        self.assertEquals(distance[2], 1)

        alpha = 1.0
        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     graph1, self.graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])

        V2 = self.graph1.vlist.getVertices()
        V1 = numpy.zeros(V2.shape)
        C = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=alpha).matrixSimilarity(V1, V2)
        dist = numpy.trace(C) / numpy.linalg.norm(C)

        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], -dist, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[2], -dist, 4)

        permutation, distance, time = GraphMatch(algorithm="U",
                                                     self.graph1, graph1)
            numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2, distance[0])
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[1], -dist, 4)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(distance[2], -dist, 4)

        #Test one graph which is a subgraph of another
        p = 0.2
        k = 10
        numVertices = 20
        generator = SmallWorldGenerator(p, k)
        graph = SparseGraph(VertexList(numVertices, 2))
        graph = generator.generate(graph)

        subgraphInds = numpy.random.permutation(numVertices)[0:10]
        subgraph = graph.subgraph(subgraphInds)

        matcher = GraphMatch(algorithm="U", alpha=0.0)
        permutation, distance, time = matcher.match(graph, subgraph)
        distance = matcher.distance(graph, subgraph, permutation, True, True)

        self.assertTrue(distance < 1)

    def testDistance(self):
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist, 0.0)

        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(dist, 50.0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        permutation[8] = 9
        permutation[9] = 8
        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        self.assertAlmostEquals(dist, 54.0)

        #Try graphs of unequal size
        graph3 = self.graph1.subgraph(range(8))
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        dist1 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, graph3,
        dist1a = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(graph3, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist1, dist1a)

        graph3 = self.graph1.subgraph(range(5))
        dist2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, graph3,
        dist2a = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(graph3, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist2, dist2a)
        self.assertTrue(dist1 < dist2)

        #Test case where alpha!=0
        alpha = 1.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                    permutation, False)
        C = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).vertexSimilarities(self.graph1,
        distance2 = -numpy.trace(C)
        self.assertEquals(distance, distance2)

        #Check case where we want non negativve distance even when alpha!=0
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertTrue(distance >= 0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, self.graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 0)

        #Check case where both graphs are empty
        graph1 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))
        graph2 = SparseGraph(VertexList(0, 0))

        permutation = numpy.array([],
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(graph1, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 0)

        #Now, just one graph is empty
        #Distance is always 1 due to normalisations
        alpha = 0.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph2, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        #distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, graph1, permutation, False, False)
        #self.assertEquals(distance, numpy.linalg.norm(self.graph1.getWeightMatrix())**2)

        alpha = 0.9
        matcher = GraphMatch("U", alpha=alpha)
        permutation, distanceVector, time = matcher.match(self.graph2, graph1)
        distance = matcher.distance(self.graph2, graph1, permutation, True,
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        alpha = 1.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph1, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph2, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        alpha = 0.5
        permutation = numpy.arange(10,
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance(self.graph2, graph1,
                                                    permutation, True, True)
        self.assertEquals(distance, 1.0)

        #Test on unequal graphs and compare against distance from graphm
        alpha = 0.5
        matcher = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha)
        permutation, distanceVector, time = matcher.match(
            self.graph1, self.graph2)
        distance = matcher.distance(self.graph1, self.graph2, permutation,
                                    True, False)

        self.assertAlmostEquals(distanceVector[1], distance, 3)

    def testDistance2(self):
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(self.graph1, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist, 0.0)

        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        dist2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                               permutation, True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(dist, dist2)

        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        permutation[8] = 9
        permutation[9] = 8
        dist = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(self.graph1, self.graph2,
        dist2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance(self.graph1, self.graph2,
                                               permutation, True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(dist, dist2)

        #Try graphs of unequal size
        graph3 = self.graph1.subgraph(range(8))
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        dist1 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(self.graph1, graph3,
        dist1a = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(graph3, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist1, dist1a)

        graph3 = self.graph1.subgraph(range(5))
        dist2 = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(self.graph1, graph3,
        dist2a = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0).distance2(graph3, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(dist2, dist2a)
        self.assertTrue(dist1 < dist2)

        #Test case where alpha!=0
        alpha = 1.0
        permutation = numpy.arange(self.numVertices)
        distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance2(self.graph1, self.graph1,
        self.assertEquals(distance, 0.0)

        #Check distances are between 0 and 1
        for i in range(100):
            alpha = numpy.random.rand()
            permutation = numpy.random.permutation(self.numVertices)

            distance = GraphMatch(alpha=alpha).distance2(
                self.graph1, self.graph1, permutation)
            self.assertTrue(0 <= distance <= 1)

    def testVertexSimilarities(self):
        matcher = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0)
        C = matcher.vertexSimilarities(self.graph1, self.graph1)

        Cdiag = numpy.diag(C)
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(Cdiag, numpy.ones(Cdiag.shape[0]))

        #Now compute trace(C)/||C||

        #Test use of feature inds
        matcher = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0, featureInds=numpy.array([0]))

        C = matcher.vertexSimilarities(self.graph1, self.graph2)

        #Now, let's vary the non-used feature
        self.graph1.vlist[:, 1] = 0
        C2 = matcher.vertexSimilarities(self.graph1, self.graph2)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(C, C2)

        self.graph2.vlist[:, 1] = 0
        C2 = matcher.vertexSimilarities(self.graph1, self.graph2)
        nptst.assert_array_equal(C, C2)

        #Vary used feature
        self.graph1.vlist[:, 0] = 0
        C2 = matcher.vertexSimilarities(self.graph1, self.graph2)
        self.assertTrue((C != C2).any())

    def testMatrixSimilarity(self):
        numExamples = 5
        numFeatures = 3
        V1 = numpy.random.rand(numExamples, numFeatures)

        matcher = GraphMatch(alpha=0.0)
        C = matcher.matrixSimilarity(V1, V1)
        Cdiag = numpy.diag(C)
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(Cdiag, numpy.ones(Cdiag.shape[0]))

        V1[:, 2] *= 10
        C2 = matcher.matrixSimilarity(V1, V1)
        Cdiag = numpy.diag(C2)
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(Cdiag, numpy.ones(Cdiag.shape[0]))
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(C, C2)

        #print("Running match")
        J = numpy.ones((numExamples, numFeatures))
        Z = numpy.zeros((numExamples, numFeatures))

        C2 = matcher.matrixSimilarity(J, Z)
        #This should be 1 ideally

        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(C2, numpy.ones(C2.shape))

        C2 = matcher.matrixSimilarity(J, J)
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(C2, numpy.ones(C2.shape))
    def testIndicesFromScores(self):
        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(1, 2)
        graph.addEdge(3, 4)
        graph.addEdge(5, 6)
        graph.addEdge(4, 6)
        graph.addEdge(9, 8)
        graph.addEdge(9, 7)
        graph.addEdge(9, 6)

        windowSize = 10
        predictor = RandomEdgePredictor(windowSize)
        scores = numpy.random.randn(numVertices)
        ind = 0 
        p, s = predictor.indicesFromScores(ind , scores)

        self.assertTrue(p.shape[0] == windowSize)
        self.assertTrue(s.shape[0] == windowSize)

        infIndices = p[numpy.nonzero(s==-float('Inf'))]

        self.assertTrue((numpy.sort(infIndices) == numpy.sort(graph.neighbours(ind))).all())
class PermutationGraphKernelTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tol = 10**-4
        self.numVertices = 5
        self.numFeatures = 2

        vertexList1 = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        vertexList1.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 1]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(1, numpy.array([1, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(2, numpy.array([3, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(3, numpy.array([4, 2]))
        vertexList1.setVertex(4, numpy.array([2, 6]))

        vertexList2 = VertexList(self.numVertices, self.numFeatures)
        vertexList2.setVertex(0, numpy.array([1, 3]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(1, numpy.array([7, 2]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(2, numpy.array([3, 22]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(3, numpy.array([54, 2]))
        vertexList2.setVertex(4, numpy.array([2, 34]))

        self.sGraph1 = SparseGraph(vertexList1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 1)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(0, 2)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph1.addEdge(2, 3)

        self.sGraph2 = SparseGraph(vertexList2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 1)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(0, 2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(2, 3)
        self.sGraph2.addEdge(3, 4)

        self.sGraph3 = SparseGraph(vertexList2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(4, 1)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(4, 2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(1, 2)
        self.sGraph3.addEdge(1, 0)

    def testEvaluate(self):
        tau = 1.0
        linearKernel = LinearKernel()

        graphKernel = PermutationGraphKernel(tau, linearKernel)
        First tests - if the graphs have identical edges then permutation is identity matrix
        provided that tau = 1. 

        (evaluation, f, P, SW1, SW2, SK1,
         SK2) = graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph1, True)
            numpy.linalg.norm(P - numpy.eye(self.numVertices)) <= self.tol)

        S1, U = numpy.linalg.eigh(self.sGraph1.getWeightMatrix())
        S2, U = numpy.linalg.eigh(self.sGraph2.getWeightMatrix())

        evaluation2 =, S1)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(SW1 - S1) <= self.tol)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(SW2 - S1) <= self.tol)
        self.assertTrue(abs(evaluation - evaluation2) <= self.tol)

        (evaluation, f, P, SW1, SW2, SK1,
         SK2) = graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph2, self.sGraph2, True)
            numpy.linalg.norm(P - numpy.eye(self.numVertices)) <= self.tol)

        evaluation2 =, S2)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(SW1 - S2) <= self.tol)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(SW2 - S2) <= self.tol)
        self.assertTrue(abs(evaluation - evaluation2) <= self.tol)

        #Test symmetry
        self.assertEquals(graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph2),
                          graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph2, self.sGraph1))

        #Now we choose tau != 1
        tau = 0.5
        graphKernel = PermutationGraphKernel(tau, linearKernel)

        (evaluation, f, P, SW1, SW2, SK1,
         SK2) = graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph1, True)
            numpy.linalg.norm(P - numpy.eye(self.numVertices)) <= self.tol)

        self.assertTrue(graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph1) >= 0)
        self.assertTrue(graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph2, self.sGraph2) >= 0)
            (graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph2) -
             graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph2, self.sGraph1)) <= self.tol)

        (evaluation, f, P, SW1, SW2, SK1,
         SK2) = graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph2, True)

            numpy.linalg.norm(, P) -
                              numpy.eye(self.numVertices)) <= self.tol)

        #Choose tau=0
        tau = 0.0
        graphKernel = PermutationGraphKernel(tau, linearKernel)

        (evaluation, f, P, SW1, SW2, SK1,
         SK2) = graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph1, True)
            numpy.linalg.norm(P - numpy.eye(self.numVertices)) <= self.tol)
            numpy.linalg.norm(, P) -
                              numpy.eye(self.numVertices)) <= self.tol)

        X1 = self.sGraph1.getVertexList().getVertices(
            list(range(0, (self.sGraph1.getNumVertices()))))
        X2 = self.sGraph2.getVertexList().getVertices(
            list(range(0, (self.sGraph2.getNumVertices()))))
        S1, U = numpy.linalg.eigh(, X1.T))
        S2, V = numpy.linalg.eigh(, X2.T))

        evaluation2 =, S1)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(SK1 - S1) <= self.tol)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(SK2 - S1) <= self.tol)
        self.assertTrue(abs(evaluation - evaluation2) <= self.tol)

            (graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph2) -
             graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph2, self.sGraph1)) <= self.tol)

    #Test value is zero when we have a graph which is a permutation of the next
    def testEvaluate2(self):
        tau = 1.0
        linearKernel = LinearKernel()

        graphKernel = PermutationGraphKernel(tau, linearKernel)

        (evaluation, f, P, SW1, SW2, SK1,
         SK2) = graphKernel.evaluate(self.sGraph1, self.sGraph3, True)

        W1 = self.sGraph1.getWeightMatrix()
        W2 = self.sGraph3.getWeightMatrix()

            numpy.linalg.norm(Util.mdot(P, W1, P.T) - W2) <= self.tol)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(f, 0, 7)
Name: Generate Graph:
Author: Jia_qiu Wang(王佳秋)
Data: December, 2016

import numpy

from apgl.graph.VertexList import VertexList
from apgl.graph.SparseGraph import SparseGraph

numVertex = 5
numFeature = 2  # vector labels of size 2
graph = SparseGraph(VertexList(numVertex, numFeature))

# Add some edges to the graph(method 1)
# Vertices are indexed starting from 0
# graph[0, 1] = 0.1
# graph[1, 2] = 1

# Add some edges to the graph(method 2 is identity to method 1)
edges = numpy.array([[0, 1], [1, 2]],
edgeValues = numpy.array([0.1, 1])
graph.addEdges(edges, edgeValues)

# Set the label of 0th vertex to [2, 3]
graph.setVertex(0, numpy.array([2, 3]))

# Displays edge weights
print(graph[1, 2])
    def testInit(self):
        numVertices = 0
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)
        self.assertEquals(graph.weightMatrixType(), scipy.sparse.csr_matrix)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SparseGraph, [])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SparseGraph, vList, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SparseGraph, vList, True, 1)

        #Now test invalid values of W
        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((numVertices + 1, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
        W[0, 1] = 1
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, W=W)

        self.assertEquals(graph.weightMatrixType(), scipy.sparse.lil_matrix)

        #Test intialising with non-empty graph
        numVertices = 10
        W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
        W[1, 0] = 1.1
        W[0, 1] = 1.1
        graph = SparseGraph(numVertices, W=W)

        self.assertEquals(graph[1, 0], 1.1)

        #Test just specifying number of vertices
        graph = SparseGraph(numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(graph.size, numVertices)

        #Try creating a sparse matrix of dtype int
        graph = SparseGraph(numVertices,
        graph[0, 0] = 1.2

        self.assertEquals(graph[0, 0], 1)

        #Test the different sparse matrix formats
        graph = SparseGraph(numVertices, frmt="lil")
        self.assertEquals(type(graph.W), scipy.sparse.lil_matrix)

        graph = SparseGraph(numVertices, frmt="csr")
        self.assertEquals(type(graph.W), scipy.sparse.csr_matrix)

        graph = SparseGraph(numVertices, frmt="csc")
        self.assertEquals(type(graph.W), scipy.sparse.csc_matrix)
    def testVectorStatistics(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 10
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        statsDict = growthStatistics.vectorStatistics(graph)

        self.assertTrue((statsDict["outDegreeDist"] == numpy.array([7,2,1])).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["inDegreeDist"] == numpy.array([7,2,1])).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["hopCount"] == numpy.array([10,14,16])).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["triangleDist"] == numpy.array([10])).all())

        W = graph.getWeightMatrix()
        W = (W + W.T)/2
        lmbda, V = numpy.linalg.eig(W)
        maxEigVector = V[:, numpy.argmax(lmbda)]
        lmbda = numpy.flipud(numpy.sort(lmbda[lmbda>0]))
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["maxEigVector"] == maxEigVector).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["eigenDist"] == lmbda).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["componentsDist"] == numpy.array([0, 7, 0, 1])).all())

        graph.addEdge(0, 3)
        graph.addEdge(0, 4)
        graph.addEdge(1, 4)

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        statsDict = growthStatistics.vectorStatistics(graph)

        self.assertTrue((statsDict["outDegreeDist"] == numpy.array([5,2,2,0,1])).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["inDegreeDist"] == numpy.array([5,2,2,0,1])).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["hopCount"] == numpy.array([10,20,30])).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["triangleDist"] == numpy.array([7, 0, 3])).all())

        W = graph.getWeightMatrix()
        W = (W + W.T)/2
        lmbda, V = numpy.linalg.eig(W)
        maxEigVector = V[:, numpy.argmax(lmbda)]
        lmbda = numpy.flipud(numpy.sort(lmbda[lmbda>0]))
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["maxEigVector"] == maxEigVector).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["eigenDist"] == lmbda).all())
        self.assertTrue((statsDict["componentsDist"] == numpy.array([0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1])).all())

        #Test on a directed graph and generating tree statistics 
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        graph.addEdge(0, 1)
        graph.addEdge(0, 2)
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)

        graph.addEdge(4, 5)
        statsDict = growthStatistics.vectorStatistics(graph, treeStats=True)

        self.assertTrue(( statsDict["inDegreeDist"] == numpy.array([6, 4]) ).all())
        self.assertTrue(( statsDict["outDegreeDist"] == numpy.array([7, 2, 1]) ).all())
        self.assertTrue(( statsDict["triangleDist"] == numpy.array([10]) ).all())
        self.assertTrue(( statsDict["treeSizesDist"] == numpy.array([0, 4, 1, 0, 1]) ).all())
        self.assertTrue(( statsDict["treeDepthsDist"] == numpy.array([4, 1, 1]) ).all())
    def testScalarStatistics(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 10
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)

        growthStatistics = GraphStatistics()
        statsArray = growthStatistics.scalarStatistics(graph)


        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.numVerticesIndex] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.numEdgesIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentSizeIndex] == 2.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentEdgesIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.numComponentsIndex] == 9.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanComponentSizeIndex], 10.0/9.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanDegreeIndex] == 0.2)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.diameterIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.effectiveDiameterIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.densityIndex] == 1.0/45)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistanceIndex], 1.0/55)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.harmonicGeoDistanceIndex], 55.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistMaxCompIndex], 1.0/3)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonComponentsIndex], 1.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numTriOrMoreComponentsIndex], 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.secondComponentSizeIndex], 1.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxCompMeanDegreeIndex], 1.0)

        graph.addEdge(0, 2)


        statsArray = growthStatistics.scalarStatistics(graph)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonComponentsIndex], 3.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numTriOrMoreComponentsIndex], 2.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.secondComponentSizeIndex], 3.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxCompMeanDegreeIndex], 1.5)

        #Test on a directed graph 
        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)
        graph.addEdge(0, 1)

        statsArray = growthStatistics.scalarStatistics(graph, treeStats=True)

        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.numVerticesIndex] == 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.numEdgesIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentSizeIndex] == -1)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentEdgesIndex] == -1)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.numComponentsIndex] == -1)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanComponentSizeIndex] == -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanDegreeIndex], 0.1)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.diameterIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.effectiveDiameterIndex] == 1.0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.densityIndex] == 1.0/90)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistanceIndex], 1.0/100)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.harmonicGeoDistanceIndex], 100)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanTreeSizeIndex], 10.0/9)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanTreeDepthIndex], 1.0/9)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxTreeSizeIndex], 2.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxTreeDepthIndex], 1.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numTreesIndex], 9.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonTreesIndex], 1.0)

        #Test that the max tree is decribed correctly
        graph.addEdge(2, 3)
        graph.addEdge(2, 4)
        graph.addEdge(3, 5)
        graph.addEdge(3, 6)

        statsArray = growthStatistics.scalarStatistics(graph, treeStats=True)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxTreeSizeIndex], 5.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxTreeDepthIndex], 2.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.secondTreeSizeIndex], 2.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.secondTreeDepthIndex], 1.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numTreesIndex], 5.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonTreesIndex], 2.0)

        #Try a zero size graph
        numFeatures = 0
        numVertices = 0
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        statsArray = growthStatistics.scalarStatistics(graph)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numVerticesIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numEdgesIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentSizeIndex], 0)
        self.assertTrue(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentEdgesIndex] == 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numComponentsIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanComponentSizeIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanDegreeIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.diameterIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.effectiveDiameterIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.densityIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistanceIndex], 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.harmonicGeoDistanceIndex], 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistMaxCompIndex], 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonComponentsIndex], 0.0)

        graph = SparseGraph(vList, False)

        statsArray = growthStatistics.scalarStatistics(graph)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numVerticesIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numEdgesIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentSizeIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numComponentsIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanComponentSizeIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.maxComponentEdgesIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanDegreeIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.diameterIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.effectiveDiameterIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.densityIndex], 0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistanceIndex], 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.harmonicGeoDistanceIndex], 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.geodesicDistMaxCompIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanTreeSizeIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.meanTreeDepthIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonComponentsIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numTreesIndex], -1)
        self.assertEquals(statsArray[growthStatistics.numNonSingletonTreesIndex], -1)
    def testGenerate(self):
        numFeatures = 1
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        ell = 2
        m = 0
        generator = BarabasiAlbertGenerator(ell, m)

        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), 0)

        ell = 5
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), 0)

        #Now test case where we m != 0
        ell = 2
        m = 1
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), (numVertices - ell) * m)

        m = 2
        graph = generator.generate(graph)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), (numVertices - ell) * m)
    def testGenerateGraph(self):
        numFeatures = 0
        numVertices = 20

        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = SparseGraph(vList)

        alpha1 = 10.0
        alpha2 = 20.0
        p = 0.001
        dim = 2
        generator = GeometricRandomGenerator(graph)

        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha1, p, dim)
        numEdges1 = graph.getNumEdges()

        #Check no self edges
        for i in range(numVertices):
            self.assertTrue(graph.getEdge(i, i) == None)

        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha2, p, dim)
        numEdges2 = graph.getNumEdges()

        #self.assertTrue(numEdges1 >= numEdges2)

        for i in range(numVertices):
            self.assertTrue(graph.getEdge(i, i) == None)

        #Test case with p=0 and alpha huge 
        p = 0.0
        alpha = 100.0
        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha, p, dim)

        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(),  0)

        #When alpha=0, should get max edges
        alpha = 0.0
        graph = generator.generateGraph(alpha, p, dim)

        #self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), int(0.5*(numVertices + numVertices**2) - numVertices))

        #TODO: Test variations in dimension 
