Example #1
        raise OAuthError("Unable to find oauth_map from request token during authorization.")

    # Get user from oauth map using either FB or Google access token
    user_data = oauth_map.get_user_data()
    if not user_data:
        return oauth_error_response(OAuthError("User not logged in during authorize_token process."))

        # For now we don't require user intervention to authorize our tokens,
        # since the user already authorized FB/Google. If we need to do this
        # for security reasons later, there's no reason we can't.
        token = oauth_server.authorize_token(token, user_data.user)
        oauth_map.verifier = token.verifier

        return custom_scheme_redirect(oauth_map.callback_url_with_request_token_params(include_verifier=True))

    except OAuthError, e:
        return oauth_error_response(e)

# Access token endpoint
# Flask-friendly version of oauth_providers.oauth_request.AccessTokenHandler
# that creates our access token and then hands off to Google/Facebook to let them
# create theirs before associating the two.
@route("/api/auth/access_token", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def access_token():

    oauth_server, oauth_request = initialize_server_request(request)

    if oauth_server is None: