Example #1
    def _validate_image(http_request):
        request_files = http_request.files
        if "file" not in request_files:
            raise CustomValidationError("Debe enviar el archivo con la imagen del concurso")

        image_filename = validate_required_string(request_files["file"].filename, "Debe enviar el nombre del archivo de la imagen del concurso")
        if not files.allowed_image(image_filename):
            raise CustomValidationError(f"Archivo de imagen '{image_filename}' debe ser de tipo: f{files.get_supported_images()}")

        return request_files["file"]
Example #2
def validate_media(http_request, allowed_media_validator, get_allowed_media, error_message):
    request_files = http_request.files
    if "file" not in request_files:
        raise CustomValidationError(error_message)

    media_filename = validate_required_string(request_files["file"].filename, error_message)
    if not allowed_media_validator(media_filename):
        raise CustomValidationError(f"Archivo '{media_filename}' debe ser de tipo: {get_allowed_media()}")

    return request_files["file"]
Example #3
    def validate_pay(self, key, value):
        error_message = f"El pago es requerido y debe ser un entero no negativo: '{value}'"
            pay = int(value)
        except ValueError:
            raise CustomValidationError(error_message)

        if pay < 0:
            raise CustomValidationError(error_message)
        return value
Example #4
    def _get_required_date(value, date_label):
        if isinstance(value, date):
            return value

        sanitized_value = value.strip()
        if len(sanitized_value) == 0:
            raise CustomValidationError(f"Debe proporcionar la {date_label}")

            parsed_date = datetime.strptime(sanitized_value, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        except ValueError:
            raise CustomValidationError(f"El formato de {date_label} debe ser: 'YYYY-MM-DD'")
        return parsed_date
def create_contest_voice(email, contest_id):
    # Create the voice entity, which will validate the supplied attributes
        model_voice = Voice.from_api(request, contest_id, email)
    except OSError as ose:
        error_msg = str(ose)
        raise CustomValidationError(error_msg)

    voice_json = dict(model_voice.to_json_obj())
    path = voice_json['source_path']
    del voice_json['source_path']
    voice_json['rel_source_path'] = path
    path = voice_json['target_path']
    del voice_json['target_path']
    voice_json['rel_target_path'] = path

    # TODO call "model_voice.remove_audio()" if dynamo operation fails
        'pk': 'CONTEST#' + contest_id,
        'sk': 'VOICE#' + model_voice.id,
        'type': 'voice'

    # send message to the queue:

    return model_voice.to_json_obj()
def delete_contest(email, contest_id):
    model_contest = Contest.find_by_id_and_email(contest_id, email)
    if model_contest is None:
        raise CustomValidationError("Concurso no existe", 404)

    model_contest = Contest(
        id=model_contest.get("id", ""),
        name=model_contest.get("name", ""),
        rel_image_path=model_contest.get("rel_image_path", ""),
        url=model_contest.get("url", ""),
        start_date=model_contest.get("start_date", ""),
        end_date=model_contest.get("end_date", ""),
        pay=model_contest.get("pay", ""),
        script=model_contest.get("script", ""),
        recommendations=model_contest.get("recommendations", ""),
        user_ref=model_contest.get("user_ref", ""))

    # delete contest (from user)
        'pk': 'USER#' + email,
        'sk': 'CONTEST#' + contest_id

    # delete voices in contest (first query voices, then delete them)
    contest_voices = table.query(
        KeyConditionExpression=Key('pk').eq('CONTEST#' + contest_id))['Items']
    for contest_voice in contest_voices:
            'pk': contest_voice['pk'],
            'sk': contest_voice['sk']

    model_contest.delete_media()  # Only delete if commit succeeded
    return model_contest.to_json_obj()
Example #7
 def validate_names(self, name_type, value):
     sanitized_name = value.strip()
     if len(sanitized_name) == 0:
         field_name = "nombre"
         if name_type == "last_name":
             field_name = "apellido"
         raise CustomValidationError(f"Debe proporcionar su {field_name}")
     return sanitized_name
Example #8
 def validate_status(self, key, value):
     sanitized_status = value.strip()
     except ValueError:
         accepted_statuses = VoiceStatus.get_possible_statuses()
         raise CustomValidationError(f"Debe proporcionar un estado válido: {accepted_statuses}")    
     return sanitized_status
def login(email):
    secret = _get_secret(
        request.json)  # Check secret was specified before going to the DB

    # Fetch user:
    model_user = table.get_item(
            'pk': 'USER#' + email,
            'sk': 'PROFILE'
        AttributesToGet=['email', 'secret', 'first_name',
    if model_user is None:
        raise CustomValidationError("Usuario no existe", 404)

    # Validate provided secret
    model_user = User.from_dict(model_user)
    authorized = model_user.check_secret(secret)
    if not authorized:
        raise CustomValidationError("Credenciales inválidas", 401)

    # Generate & return authorization token
    access_token = create_access_token(identity=str(model_user.email))
    return {"access_token": access_token}
Example #10
def get_contest(friendly_url):
    model_contests = Contest.find_by_url('/' + friendly_url)
    if len(model_contests) == 0:
        raise CustomValidationError("Concurso no existe", 404)

    model_contest = model_contests[0]
    model_contest = Contest(
        id=model_contest.get("id", ""),
        name=model_contest.get("name", ""),
        rel_image_path=model_contest.get("rel_image_path", ""),
        url=model_contest.get("url", ""),
        start_date=model_contest.get("start_date", ""),
        end_date=model_contest.get("end_date", ""),
        pay=model_contest.get("pay", ""),
        script=model_contest.get("script", ""),
        recommendations=model_contest.get("recommendations", ""),
        user_ref=model_contest.get("user_ref", ""))
    return model_contest.to_json_obj()
Example #11
def create_contest(email):
    # Create the contest entity, which will first validate the supplied attributes
        model_contest = Contest.from_api(request, email)
    except OSError as ose:
        error_msg = str(ose)
        raise CustomValidationError(error_msg)

    # If we made it here, contest img is in DB. Try to store the entity
    # and delete the image from the filesystem if there was a DB error
    contest_to_return = model_contest.to_json_obj()
    contest_json = dict(contest_to_return)
    path = contest_json["image_path"]
    del contest_json["image_path"]
    contest_json["rel_image_path"] = path
        'pk': 'USER#' + email,
        'sk': 'CONTEST#' + model_contest.id,
        'type': 'contest'

    return contest_to_return
Example #12
 def validate_secret(self, key, value):
     santized_secret = value.strip()
     if len(santized_secret) == 0:
         raise CustomValidationError("Debe proporcionar su contraseña")
     return santized_secret
Example #13
 def validate_email(self, key, value):
     sanitized_address = value.strip()
     if len(sanitized_address) == 0:
         raise CustomValidationError("Debe proporcionar su login")
     return sanitized_address
Example #14
 def _get_json_mapper(json_mapper):
     if json_mapper is None or not callable(json_mapper):
         raise CustomValidationError("El mapeador a json debe ser una función que se pueda ejecutar", 500)
     return json_mapper
Example #15
 def _get_pagination(pagination):
     if pagination is None:
         raise CustomValidationError("No se puede construir resultado paginado sin el objeto de paginación", 500)
     return pagination
Example #16
def update_contest(email, contest_id):
    # Check if the contest we want to update exists and is owned by the calling admin
    model_contest = Contest.find_by_id_and_email(contest_id, email)
    if model_contest is None:
        raise CustomValidationError("Concurso no existe", 404)

    model_contest = Contest(
        id=model_contest.get("id", ""),
        name=model_contest.get("name", ""),
        rel_image_path=model_contest.get("rel_image_path", ""),
        url=model_contest.get("url", ""),
        start_date=model_contest.get("start_date", ""),
        end_date=model_contest.get("end_date", ""),
        pay=model_contest.get("pay", ""),
        script=model_contest.get("script", ""),
        recommendations=model_contest.get("recommendations", ""),
        user_ref=model_contest.get("user_ref", ""))

    # Let the entity validate & update its attributes from the request data
    old_image_path = model_contest.update_from_api(request)

    # Try to update the entity
    # and delete the previous image if successful
    # TODO if dynamo update fails, remove the new image from s3
        'pk': 'USER#' + email,
        'sk': 'CONTEST#' + model_contest.id
                          'name': {
                              'Value': model_contest.name,
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'rel_image_path': {
                              'Value': model_contest.rel_image_path,
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'url': {
                              'Value': model_contest.url,
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'start_date': {
                          'end_date': {
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'pay': {
                              'Value': model_contest.pay,
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'script': {
                              'Value': model_contest.script,
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'recommendations': {
                              'Value': model_contest.recommendations,
                              'Action': 'PUT'
                          'user_ref': {
                              'Value': model_contest.user_ref,
                              'Action': 'PUT'

    if old_image_path is not None:  # this means a new image was uploaded & stored

    return model_contest.to_json_obj()
Example #17
 def _validate_date_range(start_date, end_date):
     if start_date > end_date:
         raise CustomValidationError("Fecha de inicio no puede ser mayor o igual que la fecha final")
Example #18
def validate_required_string(value, error_message):
    sanitized_value = value.strip()
    if len(sanitized_value) == 0:
        raise CustomValidationError(error_message)
    return sanitized_value
Example #19
def _get_credential(request_payload, credential_type, error_message):
    credential = request_payload.get(credential_type, "").strip()
    if len(credential) == 0:
        raise CustomValidationError(error_message)
    return credential
Example #20
 def validate_url(self, key, value):
     sanitized_url = validate_required_string(value, "Debe enviar la url del concurso")
     if sanitized_url == "/":
         raise CustomValidationError("La url del evento no puede ser la raíz '/'")
     return sanitized_url