Example #1
def create_sale_record():
    """ Creates a new sale record"""
    user = User()
    data = request.get_json()
    date_sold = datetime.now()
    price = product.fetch_product_price(data['product_name'])
    current_user = user.fetch_current_user()
    total_amount = int(price) * int(data['product_quantity'])
    fetched_token = request.headers['Authorization']
    token = fetched_token.split(" ")[1]
    if user.validate_token(token):
        return jsonify({"message": "Token blacklisted, login again"}), 400
    if validate.check_permission(token) is False:
        return jsonify({"message": "Permission Denied, Not an Attendant"}), 400
    valid = validate.validate_sale(data)
        if valid == "Sale_valid":
            if product.check_if_product_exists(data['product_name']) is False:
                return jsonify({"message": "Product does not exist"}), 400
            if int(price) != int(data['price']):
                return jsonify({"message": "Enter correct price"}), 400
            if product.compute_stock_balance(data['product_quantity'],
                                             data['product_name']) is False:
                return jsonify(
                     "Stock balance less than requested quantity"}), 400
            salerecord.make_a_sale(total_amount, current_user,
                                   data['product_quantity'], price, date_sold)
            return jsonify({"message": "record created successfully"}), 201
        return jsonify({"message": valid}), 400
    except ValueError:
        return jsonify({"message": "Invalid"})
Example #2
def get_single_record(sale_id):
    user = User()
    fetched_token = request.headers['Authorization']
    token = fetched_token.split(" ")[1]
    if user.validate_token(token):
        return jsonify({"message": "Token blacklisted, login again"}), 400
    if user.fetch_current_user() != salerecord.fetch_user_from_sale(sale_id)\
            and validate.check_permission(token):
        return jsonify({"message": "Not authorised to view this sale!"})
        if sale_id != 0 or salerecord.check_sale_id_exists(sale_id):
            single_sale = salerecord.view_sale_by_id(sale_id)
            return jsonify({"Record": single_sale}), 200
        return jsonify({"message": "Index out of range!"}), 400
    except Exception:
        return jsonify({"message": "Sale not found"}), 404