Example #1
    def put(self, request):
        body_data = decode_body(request)
        update_geo(body_data, request.user)

        return Response({
            "status": "success",
            "msg": "updated geo position",
Example #2
 def post(self, request):
     body_data = decode_body(request)
     long, lat, city = update_geo(body_data, request.user)
     drivers = ds.find_nearest(city, long, lat)
     ds.add_geo(city, long, lat, request.user)
     ds.set_driver_seats(request.user, 4)
     return Response({"status": "success", "msg": "you are in queue we are searching for rider near you"})
Example #3
 def post(self, request, format=None):
     body_data = decode_body(request)
     if not body_data.get('to_long') or not body_data.get('to_lat') or \
             not body_data.get('city') or not body_data.get('seats'):
         return Response({"status": "fail", "msg": "to_lang, to_lat, seats, city params require"})
     if int(body_data.get('seats')) > 2:
         return Response({"status": "fail", "msg": "for pool only 2 seats are allowed"})
     long, lat, city = update_geo(body_data, request.user)
     to_long = body_data.get('to_long')
     to_lat = body_data.get('to_lat')
     drivers = ds.find_nearest(city, long, lat)
     if len(drivers) == 0:
         return Response({"status": "fail", "error": "no driver near you"})
     for i in drivers:
         seats = int(ds.get_driver_seats(i[0]) or 0)
         if seats >= int(body_data.get('seats')):
             distance = ds.find_distance(city, i[0], to_long, to_lat)
             serial = {
                 "from_long_position": long,
                 "from_lat_position": lat,
                 "to_long_position": to_long,
                 "to_lat_position": to_lat,
                 "status": "start",
                 "distance": distance,
                 "fair": get_fair(distance, pool=True),
                 "driver": i[0],
                 "rider": request.user,
                 "seats": int(body_data.get('seats'))
             booking = BookingSerializer(data=serial)
             if booking.is_valid(raise_exception=ValueError):
                 booking = booking.create(serial)
             if booking and seats - int(body_data.get('seats')) == 0:
                 ds.del_geo(city, i[0])
             elif booking and seats - int(body_data.get('seats')) > 0:
                 ds.add_geo(booking.driver.city, booking.to_long_position, booking.to_lat_position, booking.driver)
                 ds.set_driver_seats(i[0], seats - int(body_data.get('seats')))
             return Response(
                     "status": "success",
                     "msg": "Driver is on the way",
                     "driver": i[0],
                     "fair": booking.fair,
                     "distance": booking.distance
     return Response({"status": "fail", "error": "no driver near you"})
Example #4
 def post(self, request):
     body_data = decode_body(request)
     err, booking = end_ride_rider(request.user)
     long, lat, city = update_geo(body_data, request.user)
     current_seats = ds.get_driver_seats(request.user)
     ds.add_geo(city, long, lat, request.user)
     ds.set_driver_seats(request.user, int(current_seats or 0) + booking.seats)
     if not booking:
         return Response({
             "status": "fail",
             "error": err
     return Response({
         "status": "success",
         "msg": "Thank You for choosing us",
         "fair": booking.fair
Example #5
 def post(self, request):
     body_data = decode_body(request)
     if not body_data.get('to_long') and not body_data.get('to_lat'):
         return Response({"status": "fail", "error": "no destination specified"})
     long, lat, city = update_geo(body_data, request.user)
     to_long = body_data.get('to_long')
     to_lat = body_data.get('to_lat')
     drivers = ds.find_nearest(city, long, lat)
     if len(drivers) == 0:
         return Response({"status": "fail", "error": "no driver near you"})
     for i in drivers:
         distance = ds.find_distance(city, i[0], to_long, to_lat)
         if int(ds.get_driver_seats(i[0]) or 0) == 4:
             serial = {
                 "from_long_position": long,
                 "from_lat_position": lat,
                 "to_long_position": to_long,
                 "to_lat_position": to_lat,
                 "status": "start",
                 "driver": i[0],
                 "rider": request.user,
                 "distance": distance,
                 "seats": 4,
                 "fair": get_fair(distance)
             booking = BookingSerializer(data=serial)
             if booking.is_valid(raise_exception=ValueError):
                 booking = booking.create(serial)
             selected_driver = i[0]
             return Response({
                 "status": "success",
                 "msg": "Driver is on the way",
                 "driver": selected_driver,
                 "fair": booking.fair
     return Response({"status": "fail", "error": "no driver near you"})
Example #6
 def put(self, request):
     body_data = decode_body(request)
     long, lat, city = update_geo(body_data, request.user)
     if len(ds.match(city, request.user)[1]) != 0:
         ds.add_geo(city, long, lat, request.user)
     return Response({"status": "success", "msg": "location updated"})