def extract_intersection(args): ''' Process selected intersections listed in a given CSV file. :param args: Dictionary with function arguments: args['city_name'] = Name of the city. E.g., 'San Francisco, California, USA'. args['osm_file'] = Name of the OSM file. args['cross_streets'] = List [<street_name_1>, <street_name_2>, ...] pointing to an intersection. args['crop_radius'] = Crop radius for intersection extraction. Default = 80. args['debug'] = (Optional) Boolean parameter indicating whether DEBUG info must be logged. :returns res: Dictionary with resulting info: res['intersection'] = Dictionary with intersection data. ''' if args == None: return None city_name = args['city_name'] osm_file = args['osm_file'] cross_streets = args['cross_streets'] crop_radius = 80 if 'crop_radius' in args.keys(): crop_radius = args['crop_radius'] debug = False if 'debug' in args.keys(): debug = args['debug'] #city_area = api.get_data(file_name=osm_file) city_area = api.get_data(city_name=city_name) intersecting_streets = api.get_intersecting_streets(city_area) intersection_addr = None for ia in intersecting_streets: isin = True for cs in cross_streets: isin &= cs in ia if isin: intersection_addr = ia intersection = api.get_intersection(intersection_addr, city_area, crop_radius=crop_radius) res = {'intersection': intersection} return res
def main(argv): print(__doc__) city_name = "Berkeley, California, USA" osm_file = "maps/ComponentDr_NorthFirstSt_SJ.osm" city = api.get_data(city_name=city_name) city = api.get_data(file_name=osm_file) cross_streets = api.get_intersecting_streets(city) sz = len(cross_streets) x_section_addr = cross_streets[0] x_section_addr = ('University Avenue', 'Acton Street') x_section_addr = ('North 1st Street', 'Component Drive') x_section = api.get_intersection(x_section_addr, city, crop_radius=50.0) guideways = api.get_guideways(x_section) crosswalks = api.get_crosswalks(x_section) #fig = api.get_intersection_image(x_section) #fig.savefig("intersection.jpg") fig = api.get_guideway_image(guideways, x_section) fig.savefig("guideways.jpg") #print(x_section_addr) #print(guideways) #print(crosswalks) my_gw, my_rw, my_bw = [], [], [] for g in guideways: if g['type'] == 'drive': my_gw.append(g) if g['type'] == 'railway': my_rw.append(g) if g['type'] == 'bicycle': my_bw.append(g) kml_file = 'GG0.kml' my_kml = KML() my_kml.crosswalk_medians(crosswalks, width=3) my_kml.guideway_medians(my_rw, color="ff00BBBB", width=3) my_kml.guideway_medians(my_bw, color="ff00DD00", width=2) my_kml.guideway_medians(my_gw, width=3) main_idx = [1101] c_idx = [35, 36, 37] g_idx = [1301, 1007, 1714, 1202] r_idx = [2321, 2422] b_idx = [3225, 3229] main_gw, my_cw, my_gw, my_rw, my_bw = [], [], [], [], [] bz_gw_id = 0 # crosswalks for cw in crosswalks: if cw['id'] in c_idx: my_cw.append(cw) for gw in guideways: my_id = "{}-{}".format(gw['origin_lane']['path_id'], gw['destination_lane']['path_id']) if gw['id'] in main_idx: main_gw.append(gw) continue if gw['type'] == 'drive' and gw['id'] in g_idx: my_gw.append(gw) continue if gw['type'] == 'railway' and gw['id'] in r_idx: my_rw.append(gw) continue if gw['type'] == 'bicycle' and gw['id'] in b_idx: my_bw.append(gw) continue conflict_zones = api.get_conflict_zones(main_gw[0], my_gw + my_rw + my_bw + my_cw) my_cz = conflict_zones[6] for cz in conflict_zones: if cz['guideway2_id'] == bz_gw_id: my_cz = cz break blocking_guideways = my_gw point_of_view = (0.1, 0.5) blind_zone = api.get_blind_zone(point_of_view, main_gw[0], my_cz, blocking_guideways, guideways) data = { 'main_gw': main_gw[0], 'vehicle_gw': my_gw, 'bicycle_gw': my_bw, 'rail_gw': my_rw, 'crosswalks': crosswalks, 'conflict_zones': conflict_zones, 'blind_zones': [blind_zone] } fname = "intersection_data" fig = api.get_conflict_zone_image(conflict_zones, x_section) fig.savefig("conflict_zones.jpg") with open(fname + ".pickle", 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(data, fp) fp.close() with open(fname + ".json", 'w') as fp: json.dump(data, fp, cls=SetEncoder) fp.close() with open(fname + ".yaml", 'w') as fp: yaml.dump(data, fp) fp.close() #fig = api.get_blind_zone_image(blind_zone, main_gw[0], x_section, blocks=blocking_guideways) #fig.savefig("blind_zone.jpg") kml_file = 'GG.kml' my_kml = KML() my_kml.crosswalks(my_cw) my_kml.guideways(my_rw, color="ff00BBBB") my_kml.guideways(my_bw, color="ff00DD00") my_kml.guideways(my_gw, color="ffff0000") my_kml.guideways(main_gw, color="ffffff00") my_kml.conflict_zones(conflict_zones) my_kml.blind_zones([blind_zone])
def generate_intersection_list(args): ''' Generate the list of intersections for a given city. :param args: Dictionary with function arguments: args['city_name'] = Name of the city. E.g., 'San Francisco, California, USA'. args['data_dir'] = Name of the data directory where the output should be placed. args['crop_radius'] = Crop radius for intersection extraction. Default = 80. args['debug'] = (Optional) Boolean parameter indicating whether DEBUG info must be logged. :returns res: Dictionary with resulting info: res['intersections_signalized'] = List of signalized intersections. res['intersections_other'] = List of all other intersections. res['failed'] = List of intersections, for which data could not be extracted. ''' if args == None: return None city_name = args['city_name'] data_dir = args['data_dir'] output_signalized = "{}/{}_signalized.csv".format(data_dir, city_name) output_other = "{}/{}_other.csv".format(data_dir, city_name) output_nosignal = "{}/{}_nosignal.csv".format(data_dir, city_name) output_failed = "{}/{}_failed.csv".format(data_dir, city_name) pickle_res = "{}/{}.pickle".format(data_dir, city_name) crop_radius = 80 if 'crop_radius' in args.keys(): crop_radius = args['crop_radius'] debug = False if 'debug' in args.keys(): debug = args['debug'] city = api.get_data(city_name=city_name) cross_streets = api.get_intersecting_streets(city) #cross_streets = random.sample(cross_streets, 50) fp_s = open(output_signalized, 'w') fp_n = open(output_nosignal, 'w') fp_o = open(output_other, 'w') fp_f = open(output_failed, 'w') first_s, first_n, first_o, first_f = True, True, True, True header = "Intersection,Longitude,Latitude" meta_keys = [] key_count = 0 res = { 'intersections_signalized': [], 'intersections_nosignal': [], 'intersections_other': [], 'failed': [] } idx = 1 cnt_s, cnt_n, cnt_o, cnt_f = 0, 0, 0, 0 prct = 0 sz = len(cross_streets) for cs in cross_streets: try: intersection = api.get_intersection(cs, city, crop_radius=crop_radius) lon, lat = intersection['center_x'], intersection['center_y'] meta = intersection['meta_data'] signalized, other = False, False if meta['signal_present'] == "yes": signalized = True if meta['signal_present'] == None: other = True if len(meta_keys) == 0: for k in meta.keys(): if k != "timestamp": if k == 'approach_counts': header += ",oneway_approach_count,twoway_approach_count,singleway_approach_count" elif k == 'exit_counts': header += ",oneway_exit_count,twoway_exit_count,singleway_exit_count" else: header += ",{}".format(k) meta_keys.append(k) key_count += 1 header += "\n" buf = "\"{}\",{},{}".format(cs, lon, lat) for k in range(key_count): if meta_keys[k] == 'approach_counts' or meta_keys[ k] == 'exit_counts': buf += ",{},{},{}".format(meta[meta_keys[k]]['oneway'], meta[meta_keys[k]]['twoway'], meta[meta_keys[k]]['singleway']) elif meta_keys[k] == 'approach_street_types' or meta_keys[ k] == 'exit_street_types': buf += ",\"{}\"".format(meta[meta_keys[k]]) elif meta_keys[k] == 'approach_max_speed_limit' or meta_keys[ k] == 'approach_min_speed_limit' or meta_keys[ k] == 'exit_max_speed_limit' or meta_keys[ k] == 'exit_min_speed_limit': val_str = meta[meta_keys[k]].split() buf += ",{}".format(val_str[0]) else: buf += ",{}".format(meta[meta_keys[k]]) buf += "\n" if signalized: res['intersections_signalized'].append(intersection) if first_s: fp_s.write(header) first_s = False fp_s.write(buf) cnt_s += 1 elif other: res['intersections_other'].append(intersection) if first_o: fp_o.write(header) first_o = False fp_o.write(buf) cnt_o += 1 else: res['intersections_nosignal'].append(intersection) if first_n: fp_n.write(header) first_n = False fp_n.write(buf) cnt_n += 1 except: res['failed'].append(cs) if first_f: fp_f.write("Intersection\n") first_f = False fp_f.write("\"{}\"\n".format(cs)) cnt_f += 1 new_prct = 100 * idx / sz print(cs, cnt_s, cnt_n, cnt_o, cnt_f, idx, sz, new_prct, prct) if new_prct - prct >= 1: prct = new_prct if debug: logging.debug( "process_intersections.generate_intersection_list(): Generated {}% ({} signalized, {} without signal, {} other, {} failed out of {})." .format(int(prct), cnt_s, cnt_n, cnt_o, cnt_f, sz)) idx += 1 fp_s.close() fp_n.close() fp_o.close() fp_f.close() if False: f = open(pickle_res, 'wb') pickle.dump(res, f) f.close() return res
def main(argv): print(__doc__) maps_dir = "maps" city_name = "San Francisco, California, USA" data_dir = "intersections" input_file = "intersections.csv" #input_file = "intersections0.csv" ignored_directions = ['u_turn'] crop_radius = 80 debug = True args = { 'city_name': city_name, 'data_dir': data_dir, 'crop_radius': crop_radius, 'debug': debug } #generate_intersection_list(args) if False: return intersections_file = posixpath.join(maps_dir, input_file) id_list = [2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14] id_list = [4, 5, 6] args = { 'city_name': city_name, 'maps_dir': maps_dir, 'intersections_file': intersections_file, 'id_list': id_list, 'ignored_directions': ignored_directions, 'crop_radius': crop_radius, 'debug': debug } res = process_intersections(args) for k in res.keys(): kmlguideways = "{}/guideways_{}.kml".format(data_dir, k) args = { 'kmlfile': kmlguideways, 'guideways': res[k]['guideways'], 'crosswalks': res[k]['crosswalks'], 'debug': debug } geo.export_guideways_kml(args) kmltraces = "{}/traces_{}.kml".format(data_dir, k) args = { 'kmlfile': kmltraces, 'traces': res[k]['traces'], 'latlon': True, 'color': "FF990099", 'debug': debug } geo.export_traces_kml(args) if True: return city_name = "Berkeley, California, USA" osm_file = "../osm/ComponentDr_NorthFirstSt_SJ.osm" city = api.get_data(city_name=city_name) city = api.get_data(file_name=osm_file) cross_streets = api.get_intersecting_streets(city) sz = len(cross_streets) x_section_addr = cross_streets[0] x_section_addr = ('University Avenue', 'Acton Street') x_section_addr = ('North 1st Street', 'Component Drive') x_section = api.get_intersection(x_section_addr, city, crop_radius=50.0) guideways = api.get_guideways(x_section) crosswalks = api.get_crosswalks(x_section) #fig = api.get_intersection_image(x_section) #fig.savefig("intersection.jpg") fig = api.get_guideway_image(guideways, x_section) fig.savefig("guideways.jpg") #print(x_section_addr) #print(guideways) #print(crosswalks) main_gw = [guideways[0]] c_idx = [1, 3] g_idx = [1, 6, 9, 11] r_idx = [18, 19] b_idx = [25, 28] my_cw, my_gw, my_rw, my_bw = [], [], [], [] # crosswalks for idx in c_idx: my_cw.append(crosswalks[idx]) # vehicle guideways for idx in g_idx: my_gw.append(guideways[idx]) # railroads for idx in r_idx: my_rw.append(guideways[idx]) # bicycle routes for idx in b_idx: my_bw.append(guideways[idx]) conflict_zones = api.get_conflict_zones(main_gw[0], my_gw + my_rw + my_bw + my_cw) blocking_guideways = my_gw point_of_view = (0.1, 0.5) blind_zone = api.get_blind_zone(point_of_view, main_gw[0], conflict_zones[4], blocking_guideways, guideways) fig = api.get_conflict_zone_image(conflict_zones, x_section) fig.savefig("conflict_zones.jpg") fig = api.get_blind_zone_image(blind_zone, main_gw[0], x_section, blocks=blocking_guideways) fig.savefig("blind_zone.jpg") kml_file = 'GG.kml' my_kml = KML() #my_kml.crosswalk_medians(my_cw, width=15) #my_kml.guideway_medians(my_gw, width=20) #my_kml.guideway_medians(main_gw, color="ffffff00", width=20) my_kml.crosswalks(my_cw) my_kml.guideways(my_rw, color="ff00BBBB") my_kml.guideways(my_bw, color="ff00DD00") my_kml.guideways(my_gw, color="ffff0000") my_kml.guideways(main_gw, color="ffffff00") my_kml.conflict_zones(conflict_zones) my_kml.blind_zones([blind_zone])
import sys from api import get_data, get_intersecting_streets, get_intersection if __name__ == "__main__": city_name = 'Campbell, California, USA' street_tuple = ('Abbey Lane', 'Bucknall Road') print(" ".join(street_tuple)) sys.exit(0) city_data = get_data(city_name=city_name) cross_streets = get_intersecting_streets(city_data) i = 0 for s in cross_streets: i += 1 print(i, s) if i > 3: break x = get_intersection(street_tuple, city_data) print(x.keys()) for m in x['meta_data']: print(m, x['meta_data'][m])