Example #1
    def getAction(self, state):
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        target = api.food(state)[0]
        print target

        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        print "Pacman position: ", pacman
        if self.backsteps == 0:
            if pacman[0] >= target[0]:
                if Directions.WEST in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
                if Directions.EAST in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.EAST, legal)

            if pacman[1] >= target[1]:
                if Directions.SOUTH in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.SOUTH, legal)
                if Directions.NORTH in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.NORTH, legal)
            self.backstep_direction = random.choice(legal)

        self.backsteps -= 1
        return api.makeMove(self.backstep_direction, legal)
Example #2
 def getAction(self, state):
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if not Directions.WEST in legal:
         if Directions.EAST in legal:
         return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
     return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
Example #3
 def move_pacman(self, pac_dir, axis, legal, pacman, target):
     if pacman[axis] > target[axis]:
         if pac_dir in legal:
             return api.makeMove(pac_dir, legal)
     elif pacman[axis] < target[axis]:
         if pac_dir in legal:
             return api.makeMove(pac_dir.REVERSE, legal)
Example #4
        def getToCornersOrFood():
            # if all corners are visited then visit the food which was left beforehand
            if (len(self.visitedCorners) > 4):
                value = 1000000
                for food in self.allFood:
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(pacman, food)
                    if (distance < value):
                        self.corner = food

            #find the path toward the corner or food
            path = breadth_first_search(pacman, self.corner, walls)
            if (pacman == self.corner):
                self.corner = getNearestCorner(pacman, corners)
                path = breadth_first_search(pacman, self.corner, walls)
                if path:
                    return path.pop(0)
                    pick = random.choice(legal)
                    return api.makeMove(pick, legal)

                if path:
                    return path.pop(0)
                    pick = random.choice(legal)
                    return api.makeMove(pick, legal)
Example #5
 def getAction(self, state):
     value_list = []
     legal = api.legalActions(state)	
     corner = api.corners(state)
     pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
     pacman_x = pacman[0]
     pacman_y = pacman[1]
     legal_width = corner[3][0]
     legal_height = corner[3][1]
     # policy iteration and evaluation
     # get the value of four directions and select the direction corresponding to
     # the maximum value as Pacman's decision.
     map_effect = gridworld().map_valuegeneration(state, (legal_width, legal_height))
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x-1, pacman_y)])
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x+1, pacman_y)])
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x, pacman_y + 1)])
     value_list.append(map_effect[(pacman_x, pacman_y - 1)])
     max_value = value_list.index(max(value_list))
     # print 'map_effect'
     # print map_effect
     # print 'value_list'
     # print value_list
     # print 'max_value'
     # print max_value
     if max_value == 0:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
     if max_value == 1:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.EAST, legal)
     if max_value == 2:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.NORTH, legal)
     if max_value == 3:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.SOUTH, legal)
Example #6
    def getAction(self, state):

        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        target = (1, 1)
        print target

        print "Food locations: "
        print len(api.food(state))

        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        print "Pacman position: ", pacman
        if self.backsteps == 0:
            if pacman[0] >= target[0]:
                if Directions.WEST in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
                if Directions.EAST in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.EAST, legal)

            if pacman[1] >= target[1]:
                if Directions.SOUTH in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.SOUTH, legal)
                if Directions.NORTH in legal:
                    return api.makeMove(Directions.NORTH, legal)
            self.backsteps = 2
            self.backstep_direction = random.choice(legal)

        self.backsteps -= 1
        return api.makeMove(self.backstep_direction, legal)
Example #7
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if Directions.WEST in legal:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
     # Random choice between the legal options.
     return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
Example #8
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
         # Always go West if it is an option
     if Directions.WEST in legal:
         return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
     # Otherwise pick any other legal action
     return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
Example #9
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
     # Get current location of pacman
     pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
     # Get list of food locations
     food = api.food(state)
     # Compute manhattan distance to each food location
     foodDistances = []
     for i in range(len(food)):
         foodDistances.append(util.manhattanDistance(pacman, food[i]))
     # print foodDistances
     minDistance = min(foodDistances)
     # print "Min Distance: ", minDistance
     minDistanceIndex = foodDistances.index(minDistance)
     # print "Min Food index: ", minDistanceIndex
     nearestFood = food[minDistanceIndex]
     # print "Pacman: ", pacman
     # print "Nearest Food: ", nearestFood
     diffX = pacman[0] - nearestFood[0]
     diffY = pacman[1] - nearestFood[1]
     # print "legal", legal
     # print diffX, diffY
     moveX = Directions.STOP
     moveY = Directions.STOP
     # Determine whether to move east or west
     if diffX >= 0:
         # print "Go left"
         moveX = Directions.WEST
     elif diffX < 0:
         # print "Go right"
         moveX = Directions.EAST
     # Determine whether to move north or south
     if diffY >= 0:
         # print "Go down"
         moveY = Directions.SOUTH
     elif diffY < 0:
         # print "Go up"
         moveY = Directions.NORTH
     # Determine whether to move in X or Y
     # print "diffX: ", diffX, " diffY", diffY
     if abs(diffX) >= abs(diffY) and moveX in legal:
         # print moveX
         return api.makeMove(moveX, legal)
     elif abs(diffY) >= 0 and moveY in legal:
         # print moveY
         return api.makeMove(moveY, legal)
     elif abs(diffX) >= 0 and moveX in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveX, legal)
         # print "Random"
         return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
Example #10
	def getAction(self,state):
		legal = state.getLegalPacmanActions() #get a list of pacman's legal actions
		if Directions.STOP in legal:
			legal.remove(Directions.STOP) #make it so that pacman won't stop even though it is legal to

		#if going west is in the list of legal moves, then go west
		#else pick a random direction to move
		if Directions.WEST in legal:
			return api.makeMove('West', legal)
			pick = random.choice(legal)
			return api.makeMove(pick, legal)
Example #11
    def findPath(self, state):
        #print "findPath"
        #initialize the queue for a Depth First Seach
        bfsQueue = self.getBFSQueue(state)
        #copy of the current state of internal map to mark searched nodes
        copyMap = deepcopy(self.map)

        #conducts bfs search
        while len(bfsQueue) != 0:
            #pop the element from the queue
            nextCheck = bfsQueue.pop(0)
            #get the position stored at element
            nextCheckPosition = nextCheck[0]
            #extract x position from position
            possibleX = nextCheckPosition[0]
            #extract y position from position
            possibleY = nextCheckPosition[1]
            #if the position contains food, a capsule, or is unknown, pacman will visit it
            if self.map[possibleX][possibleY] == "F" or self.map[possibleX][possibleY] == "?" or self.map[possibleX][possibleY] == "C":
                #print "next move"
                #pop the first step of the path stored in the currently searching element
                nextMove = nextCheck[1].pop(0)
                #set the internal path of pacman to the one found by the BFS
                self.path = nextCheck[1]
                #mark the position on the map as "P" to mark visited positions
                self.map[nextMove[0][0]][nextMove[0][1]] = "P"
                #set lastDir as the next move
                self.lastDir = nextMove[1]
                #return the popped direction stored at the frist step above as the next move
                return api.makeMove(self.lastDir, api.legalActions(state))
                #if position does not contain food, capsule, or unknown information, continue the BFS search
                #print "searching bfs"
                #check all possibleMoves from the current popped from the queue in the current iteration of the BFS algorithm
                for move in self.possibleMoves:
                    #get the next position in the search
                    nextPosition = self.sumPair(move[0], nextCheckPosition)
                    #if this postion is neither a wall nor a location already searched by the algorithm, add it to the search
                    if self.map[nextPosition[0]][nextPosition[1]] != "W" and copyMap[nextPosition[0]][nextPosition[1]] != "X":
                        #mark this location as searched by the BFS algorithm
                        copyMap[nextPosition[0]][nextPosition[1]] = "X"
                        #copy the existing path from the search into a new variable
                        path = deepcopy(nextCheck[1])
                        #add in the new loation and the direction to move to said location to the path
                        path.append((nextPosition, move[1]))
                        #add the path to the bfsQueue
                        bfsQueue.append((nextPosition, path))

        #if no moves are available, pacman will not move
        self.lastDir = Directions.STOP
        return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP,  api.legalActions(state))
Example #12
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
     # If we can repeat the last action, do it. Otherwise make a
     # random choice.
     if self.last in legal:
         return api.makeMove(self.last, legal)
         pick = random.choice(legal)
         # Since we changed action, record what we did
         self.last = pick
         return api.makeMove(pick, legal)
Example #13
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
     # Get current location of pacman
     pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
     # Get list of ghost locations
     ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
     # Compute manhattan distance to each ghost location
     ghostsDistances = []
     for i in range(len(ghosts)):
         ghostsDistances.append(util.manhattanDistance(pacman, ghosts[i]))
     minDistance = min(ghostsDistances)
     print "Min Distance: ", minDistance
     minDistanceIndex = ghostsDistances.index(minDistance)
     print "Min Ghosts index: ", minDistanceIndex
     nearestGhost = ghosts[minDistanceIndex]
     print "Pacman: ", pacman
     print "Nearest Ghost: ", nearestGhost
     diffX = pacman[0] - nearestGhost[0]
     diffY = pacman[1] - nearestGhost[1]
     print "legal", legal
     print diffX, diffY
     moveX = Directions.STOP
     moveY = Directions.STOP
     # Determine whether to move east or west
     if diffX >= 0:
         print "Go right"
         moveX = Directions.EAST
     elif diffX < 0:
         print "Go left"
         moveX = Directions.WEST
     # Determine whether to move north or south
     if diffY >= 0:
         print "Go up"
         moveY = Directions.NORTH
     elif diffY < 0:
         print "Go down"
         moveY = Directions.SOUTH
     # Determine whether to move in X or Y
     print "diffX: ", diffX, " diffY", diffY
     if abs(diffX) >= abs(diffY) and moveX in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveX, legal)
     elif abs(diffY) >= 0 and moveY in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveY, legal)
     elif abs(diffX) >= 0 and moveX in legal:
         return api.makeMove(moveX, legal)
         return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)
Example #14
 def getAction(self, state):
     # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
     legal = state.getLegalPacmanActions()
     if Directions.STOP in legal:
     # Get the current score
     current_score = state.getScore()
     # Get the last action
     last = state.getPacmanState().configuration.direction
     # If we can repeat the last action, do it. Otherwise make a
     # random choice.
     if last in legal:
         return api.makeMove(last, legal)
         pick = random.choice(legal)
         return api.makeMove(pick, legal)
Example #15
    def getAction(self, state):

        #current possible moves
        legal = state.getLegalPacmanActions()

        #get current position
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        pacmanX = pacman[0]
        pacmanY = pacman[1]

        #get food locations
        food = api.food(state)

        foodLoc = []

        # get Distance
        for loc in food:
            foodLoc.append((abs(loc[0]-pacmanX + loc[1]-pacmanY),(loc[0]-pacmanX, loc[1]-pacmanY)))

        print foodLoc

        #Prevent it from stopping
        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        pick = random.choice(legal)
        return api.makeMove(pick, legal)
Example #16
    def getAction(self, state):

        #current possible moves
        legal = state.getLegalPacmanActions()

        #Prevent it from stopping
        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        #if it can go west, go west
        if Directions.WEST in legal:
            return api.makeMove(Directions.WEST, legal)
        #else pick a random direction
            pick = random.choice(legal)
            return api.makeMove(pick, legal)
Example #17
    def getAction(self, state):
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        corners = api.corners(state)

        return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal)
Example #18
        def getAction(self, state):

            # Get legal actions
            legal = api.legalActions(state)

            # Get location of Pacman
            pacman = api.whereAmI(state)

            # Get location of Ghosts
            locGhosts = api.ghosts(state)
            #print "locGhosts: ", locGhosts

            # Get distance between pacman and the ghosts
            for i in locGhosts:
                p_g_dist = util.manhattanDistance(pacman, i)

            # Get distance between ghosts
            g_g_dist = util.manhattanDistance(locGhosts[0], locGhosts[1])
            #print "g_g_dist:", g_g_dist

            # Get distance between pacman and first Ghost
            dist = []
            dist.append(locGhosts[0][0] - pacman[0])
            dist.append(locGhosts[0][1] - pacman[1])

            return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, legal)
Example #19
    def getMove(self, state):

        scores = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        #searches all adjacent squares
        for i in range(len(self.possibleMoves)):
            direction = self.possibleMoves[i][1]
            #see if surrounding locations are legal moves. if so, add it to the search
            if direction in self.legal:
                deltaPosition = self.possibleMoves[i][0]
                nextPosition = self.sumPair(self.pacman, deltaPosition)
                positionScore = self.map[nextPosition[0]][nextPosition[1]]
                scores[i] = positionScore
                scores[i] = -1

        cumulativeScore = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        for i in range(len(scores)):
            if self.possibleMoves[i][1] in self.legal:
                cumulativeScore[i] = .1 * scores[
                    (i + 4) % 4] + .8 * scores[i] + .1 * scores[(i + 1) % 4]
                cumulativeScore[i] = -100

        max = -100
        index = 0
        for i in range(len(cumulativeScore)):
            if cumulativeScore[i] > max:
                index = i
                max = cumulativeScore[i]

        return api.makeMove(self.possibleMoves[index][1], self.legal)
Example #20
 def getMove(self,state):
     #print "getmove"
     #calculate the scores from all possible moves
     scores = self.calcAdjUtility(self.pacman[0], self.pacman[1])
     #get the maximum value from calculated utilities
     maxUtility = max(scores)
     #get the imdex of the move
     index = scores.index(maxUtility)
     #get the direction that orresponds to the highest utility
     direction = self.possibleMoves[index][1]
     #if staying still can provide higher utility, then stay still
     if self.utility[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] >= maxUtility:
         #print "dont move"
         return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, self.legal)
     #otherwise move in the previously found direction
     return api.makeMove(direction, self.legal)
    def getAction(self, state):

        start = api.whereAmI(state)

        # generate rewards for map locations in each game cycle to reflect changing conditions

        # create the dictionary of states at the start of the game
        if not self.stateDict:

        # get converged utilities from value iteration
        gridVals = self.valueIteration(state)

        # get and assign the utility values and their associated locations to the Grid object, then print this map
        # representation to the console
        valKeys = gridVals.keys()
        valVals = gridVals.values()

        for i in range(len(gridVals)):
            y = valKeys[i][0]
            x = valKeys[i][1]
            val = '{:3.2f}'.format(valVals[i])
            self.map.setValue(y, x, val)


        # optimal policy for Pacman: get the location of the optimal utility from his current position
        sPrime = self.bestMove(state, gridVals)

        # required argument for makeMove()
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        # return a move based on the direction returned by singleMove() and sPrime
        return api.makeMove(self.singleMove(start, sPrime), legal)
Example #22
    def getAction(self, state):
        #if the internal map of the environment has yet to be initialized, initialize it
        if not self.init:
        #update the legal moves for this move

        #if pacman can detect a ghost nearby pacman needs to run away
        if api.ghosts(state):
            return self.runAway(state)

        #if a route has been found, pacman will follow it instead of searching again
        if len(self.path) != 0:
            #pop off the first move in the path
            nextMove = self.path.pop(0)
            #check that the move is legal
            if nextMove[1] in self.legal:
                #mark that position as visited with "P"
                self.map[nextMove[0][0]][nextMove[0][1]] = "P"
                self.lastDir = nextMove[1]
                #return the move
                return api.makeMove(self.lastDir, self.legal)
            #if the move is not legal, find a new path
                return self.findPath(state)
        #otherwise find a path
            return self.findPath(state)
Example #23
    def getAction(self, state):
        """ This function is used to make pacman move.

        state: the state of pacman.

        Returns the move of pacman.

        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        # Get the size of layout
        rows,columns = self.map_size(state) 

        # Judge the map_type is mediumClass or smallGrid
        map_type = 'mediumClass'
        if rows >= 10 and columns >= 10:   
            map_type = 'mediumClass'
            map_type = 'smallGrid'

        # Update the value map once pacman moved
        value_map = self.map_update(state)

        # Update the value map with value_iteration
        value_map = self.value_iteration(state, value_map, map_type)
        # Make move
        return api.makeMove(self.where_to_move(state,value_map), legal)
Example #24
    def getAction(self, state):
        """Get Action of pacman

            state: The state of an agent (configuration, speed, scared, etc).
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        if Directions.STOP in legal:

        cols,rows = self.mapSize(state) # Get the layout size
        # Judge the layout type medium or small
        map_type = 'medium'
        if cols >= 10 and rows >= 10:   
            map_type = 'medium'
            map_type = 'small'

        # Update value map after pacman moved
        updated_map = self.mapUpdate(state)
        # Update value map with iteration
        updated_map = self.Iteration(state,updated_map,map_type)
        # Make move
        return api.makeMove(self.whichToMove(state,updated_map), legal)
Example #25
    def getAction(self, state):

        # How we access the features.
        features = api.getFeatureVector(
        )  # first 4: walls, next 4: food, next 8: ghosts, next 1: ghost infront, next 1: class

        # *****************************************************
        # Here you should insert code to call the classifier to
        # decide what to do based on features and use it to decide
        # what action to take.
        # *******************************************************

        # from collected 'features' vector, classify as any of 0-3.
        # this gives your move

        # Get class from model and convert to action
        number = self.model.predict(features)
        action = self.convertNumberToMove(number)

        # Get the actions we can try.
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        return api.makeMove(action, legal)
Example #26
    def getAction(self, state):
        # Get the actions we can try, and remove "STOP" if that is one of them.
        pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        legal = api.legalActions(state)
        ghosts = api.ghosts(state)
        corners = api.corners(state)
        layoutHeight = self.getLayoutHeight(corners)
        layoutWidth = self.getLayoutWidth(corners)
        if (layoutHeight-1)<8 and (layoutWidth-1)<8:
            for i in range (100):
            for i in range (50):
        plannedMove = self.plannedMove(pacman[0],pacman[1])
        #Feel free to uncomment this if you like to see the values generated

        if Directions.STOP in legal:
        #Input the calculated move for our next move
        return api.makeMove(plannedMove, legal)
Example #27
	def getAction(self, state):
		print "-" * 30 #divider
		ghosts = api.ghosts(state) #get state of ghosts
		legal = state.getLegalPacmanActions() #Again, get a list of pacman's legal actions
		last = state.getPacmanState().configuration.direction #store last move
		pacman = api.whereAmI(state) #retrieve location of pacman
		food = api.food(state) #retrieve location of food
		walls = api.walls(state)

		#how to call getfoodvalmap method.
		#In reality, the reward should be the final value-iteration of the grid.
		foodVal = self.getValueMap(state, 10)

		print foodVal

		#example on how to use getPacMEU function
		currentUtil = self.getPacMEU(pacman[0], pacman[1], foodVal, legal)
		print "Utility values: "
		print currentUtil
		print max(currentUtil.values())
		#example on how to use getMEU function
		foodUtil = self.getMEU((18, 3), foodVal, walls)
		print "max utility for (18, 3) is: "
		print foodUtil

		if Directions.STOP in legal:
		# Random choice between the legal options.
		return api.makeMove(random.choice(legal), legal)

Example #28
 def getAction(self, state):
     pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
     legal = api.legalActions(state)
     move = self.policy[pacman]
     return api.makeMove(move, legal)
Example #29
    def getAction(self, state):

        # How we access the features.
        features = api.getFeatureVector(state)

        # *****************************************************
        # Here you should insert code to call the classifier to
        # decide what to do based on features and use it to decide
        # what action to take.
        # *******************************************************

        nn = self.nn

        # use the trained neural network to predict
        y_pred = nn.predict(features)

        # transform the output value from a list of 0 and 1 to a single value
        n = 0
        for i in range(len(y_pred)):
            if y_pred[i] > y_pred[n]:
                n = i

        # Get the actions we can try.
        legal = api.legalActions(state)

        # getAction has to return a move. Here we pass "STOP" to the
        # API to ask Pacman to stay where they are. We need to pass
        # the set of legal moves to teh API so it can do some safety
        # checking.
        return api.makeMove(self.convertNumberToMove(n), legal)
Example #30
    def getAction(self, state):

        self.pacman = api.whereAmI(state)
        self.legal = api.legalActions(state)

        if not self.init:
            #    if self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] < 10:
            #        self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] = self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] - 1
            #    else:
            self.reward[self.pacman[0]][self.pacman[1]] = -1

        print "reward"
        for row in self.reward:
            print row


        #print "\nreward"
        #for row in self.reward:
        #    print row


        #print "utility"
        #for row in self.utility:
        #    print row
        return self.getMove(state)
        return api.makeMove(Directions.STOP, self.legal)