Example #1
def myCorr(data, maxlag, plot=False):
    """This function takes ndimensional *data* array, computes the cross-correlation in the frequency domain
    and returns the cross-correlation function between [-*maxlag*:*maxlag*].

    :type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: This array contains the fft of each timeseries to be cross-correlated.
    :type maxlag: int
    :param maxlag: This number defines the number of samples (N=2*maxlag + 1) of the CCF that will be returned.

    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :returns: The cross-correlation function between [-maxlag:maxlag]

    normalized = True
    allCpl = False

    maxlag = np.round(maxlag)
    #~ print "np.shape(data)",np.shape(data)
    if data.shape[0] == 2:
        #~ print "2 matrix to correlate"
        if allCpl:
            # Skipped this unused part
            K = data.shape[0]
            #couples de stations
            couples = np.concatenate((np.arange(0, K), K + np.arange(0, K)))

    Nt = data.shape[1]
    Nc = 2 * Nt - 1
    Nfft = 2 ** nextpow2(Nc)

    # corr = scipy.fftpack.fft(data,int(Nfft),axis=1)
    corr = data

    if plot:
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(corr[0])) * 0.05, np.abs(corr[0]))
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(corr[1])) * 0.05, np.abs(corr[1]))

    corr = np.conj(corr[couples[0]]) * corr[couples[1]]
    corr = np.real(scipy.fftpack.ifft(corr)) / Nt
    corr = np.concatenate((corr[-Nt + 1:], corr[:Nt + 1]))

    if plot:

    E = np.sqrt(np.mean(scipy.fftpack.ifft(data, axis=1) ** 2, axis=1))
    normFact = E[0] * E[1]

    if normalized:
        corr /= np.real(normFact)

    if maxlag != Nt:
        tcorr = np.arange(-Nt + 1, Nt)
        dN = np.where(np.abs(tcorr) <= maxlag)[0]
        corr = corr[dN]

    del data
    return corr
Example #2
def mwcs(ccCurrent,

    :type ccCurrent: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param ccCurrent: The "Current" timeseries
    :type ccReference: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param ccReference: The "Reference" timeseries
    :type fmin: float
    :param fmin: The lower frequency bound to compute the dephasing
    :type fmax: float
    :param fmax: The higher frequency bound to compute the dephasing
    :type sampRate: float
    :param sampRate: The sample rate of the input timeseries
    :type tmin: float
    :param tmin: The leftmost time lag (used to compute the "time lags array")
    :type windL: float
    :param windL: The moving window length
    :type step: float
    :param step: The step to jump for the moving window
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: If True, plots the MWCS result for each window. Defaults to

    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :returns: [Taxis,deltaT,deltaErr,deltaMcoh]. Taxis contains the central
        times of the windows. The three other columns contain dt, error and
        mean coherence for each window.

    windL = np.int(windL * sampRate)
    step = np.int(step * sampRate)
    count = 0
    deltaT = []
    deltaErr = []
    deltaMcoh = []
    Taxis = []
    padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL) + 2)

    # Tentative checking if enough point are used to compute the FFT
    freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(int(padd), 1. / sampRate)[:int(padd) / 2]
    indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax))
    if len(indRange) < 2:
        padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL) + 3)

    tp = cosTaper(windL, .85)

    timeaxis = (np.arange(len(ccCurrent)) / float(sampRate)) + tmin
    minind = 0
    maxind = windL
    while maxind <= len(ccCurrent):
        ind = minind

        cci = ccCurrent[ind:(ind + windL)].copy()
        cci = scipy.signal.detrend(cci, type='linear')
        cci -= cci.min()
        cci /= cci.max()
        cci -= np.mean(cci)
        cci *= tp

        cri = ccReference[ind:(ind + windL)].copy()
        cri = scipy.signal.detrend(cri, type='linear')
        cri -= cri.min()
        cri /= cri.max()
        cri -= np.mean(cri)
        cri *= tp

        Fcur = scipy.fftpack.fft(cci, n=int(padd))[:int(padd) / 2]
        Fref = scipy.fftpack.fft(cri, n=int(padd))[:int(padd) / 2]

        Fcur2 = np.real(Fcur)**2 + np.imag(Fcur)**2
        Fref2 = np.real(Fref)**2 + np.imag(Fref)**2

        smoother = 5

        dcur = np.sqrt(smooth(Fcur2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother))
        dref = np.sqrt(smooth(Fref2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother))

        # Calculate the cross-spectrum
        X = Fref * (Fcur.conj())
        X = smooth(X, window='hanning', half_win=smoother)
        dcs = np.abs(X)

        # Find the values the frequency range of interest
        freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(X) * 2,
                                        1. / sampRate)[:int(padd) / 2]
        indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin,
                                              freqVec <= fmax))

        # Get Coherence and its mean value
        coh = getCoherence(dcs, dref, dcur)
        mcoh = np.mean(coh[indRange])

        # Get Weights
        w = 1.0 / (1.0 / (coh[indRange]**2) - 1.0)
        w[coh[indRange] >= 0.99] = 1.0 / (1.0 / 0.9801 - 1.0)
        w = np.sqrt(w * np.sqrt(dcs[indRange]))
        # w /= (np.sum(w)/len(w)) #normalize
        w = np.real(w)

        # Frequency array:
        v = np.real(freqVec[indRange]) * 2 * np.pi
        vo = np.real(freqVec) * 2 * np.pi

        # Phase:
        phi = np.angle(X)
        phi[0] = 0.
        phi = np.unwrap(phi)
        #phio = phi.copy()
        phi = phi[indRange]

        # Calculate the slope with a weighted least square linear regression
        # forced through the origin
        # weights for the WLS must be the variance !
        res = sm.regression.linear_model.WLS(phi, v, w**2).fit()

        # print "forced", np.real(res.params[0])
        # print "!forced", np.real(res2.params[0])

        m = np.real(res.params[0])

        # print phi.shape, v.shape, w.shape
        e = np.sum((phi - m * v)**2) / (np.size(v) - 1)
        s2x2 = np.sum(v**2 * w**2)
        sx2 = np.sum(w * v**2)
        e = np.sqrt(e * s2x2 / sx2**2)
        # print w.shape
        if plot:
            plt.suptitle('%.1fs' % (timeaxis[ind + windL / 2]))
            ax = plt.subplot(312)
            plt.plot(vo / (2 * np.pi), phio)
            plt.scatter(v / (2 * np.pi),
            plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax)
            plt.plot(v / (2 * np.pi), coh[indRange])
            plt.axhline(mcoh, c='r')
            plt.axhline(1.0, c='k', ls='--')
            plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.5)
            plt.ylim(0, 1.5)

        Taxis.append(timeaxis[ind + windL / 2])
        count += 1

        minind += step
        maxind += step
        del Fcur, Fref
        del X
        del freqVec
        del indRange
        del w, v, e, s2x2
        del res

    if maxind > len(ccCurrent) + step:
        logging.warning("The last window was too small, but was computed")

    return np.array([Taxis, deltaT, deltaErr, deltaMcoh]).T
Example #3
def myCorr(data, maxlag, plot=False):
    """This function takes ndimensional *data* array, computes the cross-correlation in the frequency domain
    and returns the cross-correlation function between [-*maxlag*:*maxlag*].

    :type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: This array contains the fft of each timeseries to be cross-correlated.
    :type maxlag: int
    :param maxlag: This number defines the number of samples (N=2*maxlag + 1) of the CCF that will be returned.

    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :returns: The cross-correlation function between [-maxlag:maxlag]

    normalized = True
    allCpl = False

    maxlag = np.round(maxlag)
    #~ print "np.shape(data)",np.shape(data)
    if data.shape[0] == 2:
        #~ print "2 matrix to correlate"
        if allCpl:
            # Skipped this unused part
            K = data.shape[0]
            #couples de stations
            couples = np.concatenate((np.arange(0, K), K + np.arange(0, K)))

    Nt = data.shape[1]
    Nc = 2 * Nt - 1
    Nfft = 2**nextpow2(Nc)

    # corr = scipy.fftpack.fft(data,int(Nfft),axis=1)
    corr = data

    if plot:
        plt.plot(np.arange(len(corr[0])) * 0.05, np.abs(corr[0]))
        plt.plot(np.arange(len(corr[1])) * 0.05, np.abs(corr[1]))

    corr = np.conj(corr[couples[0]]) * corr[couples[1]]
    corr = np.real(scipy.fftpack.ifft(corr)) / Nt
    corr = np.concatenate((corr[-Nt + 1:], corr[:Nt + 1]))

    if plot:

    E = np.sqrt(np.mean(scipy.fftpack.ifft(data, axis=1)**2, axis=1))
    normFact = E[0] * E[1]

    if normalized:
        corr /= np.real(normFact)

    if maxlag != Nt:
        tcorr = np.arange(-Nt + 1, Nt)
        dN = np.where(np.abs(tcorr) <= maxlag)[0]
        corr = corr[dN]

    del data
    return corr
Example #4
def mwcs(ccCurrent, ccReference, fmin, fmax, sampRate, tmin, windL, step,

    :type ccCurrent: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param ccCurrent: The "Current" timeseries
    :type ccReference: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param ccReference: The "Reference" timeseries
    :type fmin: float
    :param fmin: The lower frequency bound to compute the dephasing
    :type fmax: float
    :param fmax: The higher frequency bound to compute the dephasing
    :type sampRate: float
    :param sampRate: The sample rate of the input timeseries
    :type tmin: float
    :param tmin: The leftmost time lag (used to compute the "time lags array")
    :type windL: float
    :param windL: The moving window length
    :type step: float
    :param step: The step to jump for the moving window
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: If True, plots the MWCS result for each window. Defaults to

    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :returns: [Taxis,deltaT,deltaErr,deltaMcoh]. Taxis contains the central
        times of the windows. The three other columns contain dt, error and
        mean coherence for each window.

    windL = np.int(windL*sampRate)
    step = np.int(step*sampRate)
    count = 0
    deltaT = []
    deltaErr = []
    deltaMcoh = []
    Taxis = []
    padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL)+2)

    # Tentative checking if enough point are used to compute the FFT
    freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(int(padd), 1./sampRate)[:int(padd)/2]
    indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin,
                                          freqVec <= fmax))
    if len(indRange) < 2:
        padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL)+3)

    tp = cosTaper(windL, .85)

    timeaxis = (np.arange(len(ccCurrent)) / float(sampRate))+tmin
    minind = 0
    maxind = windL
    while maxind <= len(ccCurrent):
        ind = minind

        cci = ccCurrent[ind:(ind+windL)].copy()
        cci = scipy.signal.detrend(cci, type='linear')
        cci -= cci.min()
        cci /= cci.max()
        cci -= np.mean(cci)
        cci *= tp

        cri = ccReference[ind:(ind+windL)].copy()
        cri = scipy.signal.detrend(cri, type='linear')
        cri -= cri.min()
        cri /= cri.max()
        cri -= np.mean(cri)
        cri *= tp

        Fcur = scipy.fftpack.fft(cci, n=int(padd))[:int(padd)/2]
        Fref = scipy.fftpack.fft(cri, n=int(padd))[:int(padd)/2]

        Fcur2 = np.real(Fcur)**2 + np.imag(Fcur)**2
        Fref2 = np.real(Fref)**2 + np.imag(Fref)**2

        smoother = 5

        dcur = np.sqrt(smooth(Fcur2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother))
        dref = np.sqrt(smooth(Fref2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother))

        # Calculate the cross-spectrum
        X = Fref*(Fcur.conj())
        X = smooth(X, window='hanning', half_win=smoother)
        dcs = np.abs(X)

        # Find the values the frequency range of interest
        freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(X)*2, 1./sampRate)[:int(padd)/2]
        indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin,
                                              freqVec <= fmax))

        # Get Coherence and its mean value
        coh = getCoherence(dcs, dref, dcur)
        mcoh = np.mean(coh[indRange])

        # Get Weights
        w = 1.0 / (1.0 / (coh[indRange]**2) - 1.0)
        w[coh[indRange] >= 0.99] = 1.0 / (1.0 / 0.9801 - 1.0)
        w = np.sqrt(w * np.sqrt(dcs[indRange]))
        # w /= (np.sum(w)/len(w)) #normalize
        w = np.real(w)

        # Frequency array:
        v = np.real(freqVec[indRange]) * 2 * np.pi
        vo = np.real(freqVec) * 2 * np.pi

        # Phase:
        phi = np.angle(X)
        phi[0] = 0.
        phi = np.unwrap(phi)
        #phio = phi.copy()
        phi = phi[indRange]

        # Calculate the slope with a weighted least square linear regression
        # forced through the origin
        # weights for the WLS must be the variance !
        res = sm.regression.linear_model.WLS(phi, v, w**2).fit()

        # print "forced", np.real(res.params[0])
        # print "!forced", np.real(res2.params[0])

        m = np.real(res.params[0])

        # print phi.shape, v.shape, w.shape
        e = np.sum((phi-m*v)**2) / (np.size(v)-1)
        s2x2 = np.sum(v**2 * w**2)
        sx2 = np.sum(w * v**2)
        e = np.sqrt(e*s2x2 / sx2**2)
        # print w.shape
        if plot:
            plt.suptitle('%.1fs' % (timeaxis[ind + windL/2]))
            ax = plt.subplot(312)
            plt.plot(vo/(2*np.pi), phio)
            plt.scatter(v/(2*np.pi), phi, c=w, edgecolor='none',
                        vmin=0.6, vmax=1)
            plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax)
            plt.plot(v/(2*np.pi), coh[indRange])
            plt.axhline(mcoh, c='r')
            plt.axhline(1.0, c='k', ls='--')
            plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.5)
            plt.ylim(0, 1.5)

        Taxis.append(timeaxis[ind + windL/2])
        count += 1

        minind += step
        maxind += step
        del Fcur, Fref
        del X
        del freqVec
        del indRange
        del w, v, e, s2x2
        del res

    if maxind > len(ccCurrent)+step:
        logging.warning("The last window was too small, but was computed")

    return np.array([Taxis, deltaT, deltaErr, deltaMcoh]).T