Example #1
def process(oid, opts):
    src_type = api.retrieve("src_type", oid)
    source = src_type["source"]
    header_oid = oid
    if source != "files":
        return False
    file_data = api.get_field(source, oid, "data")
    header = api.get_field("object_header", [header_oid], "header")
    # do not disassemble under certain conditions
    if not header:
        logging.info("Not processing oid %s: unrecognized file type", oid)
        return False
        logger.info ("calling (python-based) disassemble_first_run on %s", oid)
        entries = header.get_entries()
        if not entries:
            logger.info("No entry points found for %s", oid)
            return False
        entry_address = entries.pop()
        functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)
        if functions and entry_address in functions:
            insns = functions[entry_address]["insns"]        
            insns = disassemble_entry.disassemble_entry(file_data, header, entry_address, logger)
        data = {"type":src_type["type"], "insns":insns,
                "num_insns":len(insns), "insn_mode":header.insn_mode}
    api.store(name, oid, data, opts)
    return True
Example #2
def process(oid, opts):
    ifs = 0
    loops = 0
    conditionals = []
    insns = []
    features = {}
    variables = []
    asm = api.retrieve("function_extract", [oid])
    if not asm:
        return False
    basic_blocks = api.retrieve("basic_blocks", [oid])
    for func_addresses, blocks in sorted(basic_blocks.iteritems()):
        features[func_addresses] = {}
        for block in blocks:
            features[func_addresses].update({block["first_insn"]: {"functions": [], "conditional_structure": []}})
    for address, dicts in sorted(asm.iteritems()):
        previousAddr = 0
        nesting = []
        insns = dicts["insns"]
        for line in insns:
            block_address = max([block_index for block_index in features[address] if block_index <= line["addr"]])
            if line["mnem"] == "call":
                analyzeCall(oid, features[address], address, block_address, insns, line)
            # if line['group'] == 'cond':
            #    analyzeConditionals(oid, features[address], block_address, insns, line, nesting)
        conditionals = [instr for instr in insns if instr["group"] == "cond" and correctCMP(instr)]
        loops = len([instr for instr in conditionals if not forwardJump(nextJump(insns, instr["addr"]), instr["addr"])])
        ifs = len([instr for instr in conditionals if forwardJump(nextJump(insns, instr["addr"]), instr["addr"])])
        maths = len([instr for instr in insns if instr["group"] == "arith"])
        features[address].update({"conditionals": len(conditionals), "loops": loops, "ifs": ifs, "math": maths})
    checkDynamicCalls(oid, features)
    api.store(name, oid, features, opts)
    return True
Example #3
def caseRetrieve():
    questions = [{
        'type': 'input',
        'name': 'hash',
        'message': 'Please input the transaction hash',
    answer = prompt(questions)
Example #4
def extract_osx(args, opts):
        Imports objects from an OSX Universal Binary
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    if not valid:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("No valid oids found")
    args = api.expand_oids(valid)
    for oid in args:
        meta = api.retrieve("file_meta", oid)
        name = meta["names"].pop()
        src_type = api.retrieve("src_type", oid)
        if src_type["type"] != "OSX Universal Binary":
            print "  - %s (%s) is not an OSX Universal binary file, skipping" % (name, oid)

        data = api.retrieve("files", oid)["data"] 
        if not data:
            print "  - No data for this file %s (%s) " % (name, oid)
        oh = api.retrieve("object_header", oid)
        num = oh["header"].num_embedded
        print "  - Found %s files embedded in file %s (%s)" % (num, name, oid)
        oids = []
        newfiles = 0
        for f in oh["header"].embedded:
            beg = f.header_offset
            end = f.file_end
            print "    + Extracting bytes %s:%s of file type %s" % (beg, end, f.machine) 
            fname = name + "_" + f.machine
            fpath = os.path.join(api.scratch_dir, fname)
            print "    + Writing temp file to %s" % (fpath)
            fd = file(fpath, 'wb')
            print "    + Importing file %s" % (fpath)
            oid, newfile = api.import_file(fpath)
            if newfile: newfiles += 1
            print "    + Removing temp file from the scratch directory"
        print "  - Extracted and imported %s files, %s were new" % (len(oids), newfiles) 
        # Return a list of the oids corresponding to the files extracted
        return oids
Example #5
def process(oid, opts):
    opcode_histogram = api.retrieve("opcode_histogram", oid, {})
    opcode_ngrams = api.retrieve("opcode_ngrams", oid, {"n":2})
    if not opcode_histogram or not opcode_ngrams:
        return False
    colls = collocations(opcode_histogram, opcode_ngrams)
    api.store(name, oid, colls, opts)
    return True
Example #6
def process(oid, opts):
    basic_blocks = api.retrieve("basic_blocks", oid)
    functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)
    if not basic_blocks or not functions:
		return False
    hashes = set()        
    for f in functions:
        for b in basic_blocks[f]:
            mnems = "".join( [i["mnem"] for i in functions[f]["insns"] if i["addr"] >= b["first_insn"] and i["addr"] <= b["last_insn"]] )
            mnem_hash = hashlib.sha1(mnems).hexdigest() 
    api.store(name, oid, {"hashes":hashes}, opts)
    return True

Example #7
def size_filter(args, opts):
        Filter files by size in bytes
        Syntax: size_filter %<oid> --min=<size> --max=<size>
    if not args:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("File name not specified")
    min_size = 0
    max_size = None
    if "min" in opts:
        min_size = int(opts["min"])
    if "max" in opts:
        max_size = int(opts["max"])
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    oids = api.expand_oids(valid)
    filtered_oids = []
    for oid in oids:
        meta = api.retrieve("file_meta", oid)
        size = meta["size"]
        if size > min_size and ((not max_size) or size < max_size):
    return filtered_oids
Example #8
def graph_stats(args, opts):
    """ Plugin: Prints a set of statistics about the call and control flow graphs
        Syntax: graph_stats <oid_1> <oid_2> ... <oid_n>
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    if not valid:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("No valid oids found")
    args = api.expand_oids(valid)

    for o in args:
        cg = api.get_field("call_graph", o, "graph")
        if not cg:
        size = len(cg.nodes())
        in_histo = build_freq_histo(cg.in_degree())
        out_histo = build_freq_histo(cg.out_degree())
        cfgs = api.retrieve("cfg", o)
        size_dict = {i: cfgs[i].size() for i in cfgs if cfgs[i]}
        size_histo = build_freq_histo(size_dict)
        bbs = 0
        for s in size_histo:
            bbs += s * size_histo[s]
        name = api.get_field("file_meta", o, "names").pop()
        print "-----------------"
        print " Graph stats for ", name
        print " Functions = ", size
        print " Basic Blocks = ", bbs
        print " Call graph in-degree: "
        print " Call graph out-degree: "
        print " CFG sizes: "
    return []
Example #9
 def handle(self):
     """handle the retrieving of a already created pastebin from
     a existant connexion, then close the connexion"""
     #handle the get request
     uid = list()
     while 1:
         buf = self.request.recv(GeneralHandler.BUF_SIZE).decode("UTF-8")
         logging.debug("Uid buffer is :|%s|" % buf)
         #if buf == b'\xff\xec':
             #telnet support
         #    break
         if '\x0a' in buf:
             #netcat support
             uid += buf
         uid += buf
     decoded_uid = "".join(uid).rstrip()
     logging.debug("Uid decoded is |%s|" % decoded_uid)
         data = api.retrieve(decoded_uid)
     except db.NonExistentUID:
         data = "Uid %s not found" % decoded_uid
     state = self.request.sendall(data.encode("UTF-8"))
     if state:
         logging.debug('Data not fully transmitted')
         logging.warning('The data sent have not been transmitted properly')
     logging.debug('Data retrieved')
Example #10
    def display_file_data(self, oid, fnames):
        meta = api.retrieve('file_meta', oid)
        size = meta['size']
        if size > 1000000000:
            formatted_size = "(%dG)" % (size / 1000000000) 
        elif size > 1000000:
            formatted_size = "(%dM)" % (size / 1000000) 
        elif size > 1000:
            formatted_size = "(%dK)" % (size / 1000)
            formatted_size = ''
        file_type = api.get_field("src_type", oid, 'type')
        file_description = "File Names: " + fnames + '\n'
        file_description += "Size: %7d %s\n" % (size, formatted_size)
        file_description +=  "File Type: " + file_type + '\n'
        file_description +=  "Oxide ID: " + oid + '\n'
        self.metadata_display.delete(index1='1.0', index2=tk.END)
        self.metadata_display.insert(index='1.0', chars=file_description)

        # calculate and display the histogram
        display_option = self.file_display_type_str.get()
        if display_option ==   '              ':
        elif display_option == 'byte histogram':
            hist = self.get_byte_hist(oid)
        elif display_option == 'opcode histogram':
            hist = self.get_opcode_hist(oid, cutoff=20)
Example #11
def process(oid, opts):
    logger.debug("Processing file %s", oid)
    import_time = int(time.time())
    import_name = os.path.basename(opts["file_location"]) # strip dir from name
    file_stat   = opts["stat"]
    size        = file_stat["size"]
    data = None
    # Get the existing file info - if any
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        data = api.retrieve(name, oid, opts, True)
    # If file info doesn't exist create new
    if not data:  
        metadata = {import_time:{import_name:file_stat}}
        data = {"metadata":metadata, "names":set([import_name]), "size":size}
    # If data already exists append
        if "size" not in data: data["size"] = size
        data["metadata"][import_time] = {import_name:file_stat}
    api.store(name, oid, data, opts)
    # Add import time tag
    tags = {"import_time":import_time}
    api.apply_tags(oid, tags)

    return True
Example #12
def print_internal_functions(names):
    oid = current_file
    functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)       
    if functions:
        fbreaks = get_fbreaks(functions)
        name_to_offset = {}
        for offset in functions:
            name_to_offset[functions[offset]["name"]] = offset

    system_calls = api.get_field("map_calls", oid, "system_calls")
    internal_functions = api.get_field("map_calls", oid, "internal_functions")
    if not system_calls:
        print "  No system calls found for %s %s" % (name(oid), oid)
    if not internal_functions:
        print "  No internal functions found for %s %s" % (name(oid), oid)
    function_calls = dict( system_calls.items() + internal_functions.items())
    for fn in names:
        if fn not in name_to_offset:
            print " %s not a function in %s %s" % (fn, name(oid), oid)
        print " Function %s for %s %s" % (fn, name(oid), oid)
        print "  -------------------------------------"
        print_disassembly(oid, functions[name_to_offset[fn]]['insns'], function_calls, fbreaks, start=0, stop=0, height=32)
        print "  -------------------------------------"
Example #13
 def build_hist_string(self, mod_name, oid, cutoff=200):
     str_list = []
     args = (mod_name, oid)
     if api.exists(mod_name=mod_name, oid=oid):
         hist = api.retrieve(mod_name=mod_name,oid_list=[oid,])
         hist_items = hist.items()
         hist_items.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
         hist_items = hist_items[:cutoff]
         if len(hist) == 0:
             str_list.append("No keys were found.")
         for key, value in hist_items:
             if mod_name == "byte_histogram":
                 formatted_pair = '%s\t%8d' % (hexlify(key),value)
                 formatted_pair = '%s\t%8d' % (key,value)
         if self.threads.has_key(args) and not self.threads[args].is_alive(): # Requested and returned NULL.
             str_list.append("%s file does not exist for:" % mod_name)
             str_list.append("\t%s" % oid)
             if self.threads.has_key(args) and self.threads[args].is_alive(): # Requested and still waiting.
                 str_list.append("It is still being created.")
             else:    # First time this has been requested.
                 str_list.append("It is being created.")
                 creation_thread = threading.Thread(target=api.process, args=args)
                 self.threads[args] = creation_thread
     return str_list
Example #14
 def display_file_data(self, oid, fnames):
     data_list = []
     self.file_display.delete(index1='1.0', index2=tk.END)
     meta = api.retrieve('file_meta', oid)
     size = meta['size']
     if size > 1000000000:
         formatted_size = "(%dG)" % (size / 1000000000) 
     elif size > 1000000:
         formatted_size = "(%dM)" % (size / 1000000) 
     elif size > 1000:
         formatted_size = "(%dK)" % (size / 1000)
         formatted_size = ''
     file_type = api.get_field("src_type", oid, 'type')
     file_description = "File Names: " + fnames + '\n'
     file_description += "Size: %7d %s\n" % (size, formatted_size)
     file_description +=  "File Type: " + file_type + '\n'
     file_description +=  "Oxide ID: " + oid + '\n'
     self.metadata_display.delete(index1='1.0', index2=tk.END)
     self.metadata_display.insert(index='1.0', chars=file_description)
     display_option = self.file_display_type_str.get()
     if display_option ==   'hex           ':
         data_list = self.build_hex_str(oid)
     elif display_option == 'header        ':
         data_list = self.build_header_string(oid)
     elif display_option == 'imports       ':
         data_list = self.build_imports_string(oid)
     elif display_option == 'byte histogram':
         data_list = self.build_hist_string('byte_histogram', oid)
     elif display_option == 'opcode histogram':
         data_list = self.build_hist_string('opcode_histogram', oid)
     for line in data_list:
         self.file_display.insert(index=tk.END, chars=line+ "\n")
Example #15
def checkDynamicCalls(oid, features):
    strs = api.retrieve("strings", [oid])
    strs = "".join([strs[addr] for addr in sorted(strs)])
    for callType, funcs in callTypes.iteritems():
        for func in funcs:
            if func in strs.lower():
                features.update({"dynamic_" + callType: True})
Example #16
 def test_preferred_uid_clash(self):
     pref_uid = "rtt"
     uid = api.post(ApiTest.CONTENT, preferred_uid=pref_uid)
     self.assertEqual(uid, pref_uid)
     ret_content = api.retrieve(pref_uid)
     self.assertEqual(ret_content, ApiTest.CONTENT)
     uid2 = api.post(ApiTest.CONTENT, preferred_uid=pref_uid)
     self.assertNotEqual(uid2, uid)
Example #17
def get_tags(oid):
    if not isinstance(oid, str):
        logger.error("get_tags must be called with a single OID")
        return None
    elif not api.exists("tags", oid):
        return None
        return api.retrieve("tags", oid)
Example #18
def summarize(args, opts):
        Gives a summary of a set of files, including types, extensions, etc.  If no argument
                is passed, gives a summary for the entire datastore (may be very slow).
        Syntax: summarize %<oid>
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    valid = set(api.expand_oids(valid))
    types = defaultdict(int)
    extensions = defaultdict(int)
    sizes = [0,0,0,0,0,0]

    if not args:
        valid = set(api.retrieve_all_keys("file_meta"))
    for oid in valid:
        meta = api.retrieve("file_meta", oid)
        names = meta["names"]
        if names:
            for name in names:
                parts = name.split(".")
                if len(parts) > 1:
                    extensions[parts[-1]] += 1
                    extensions["None"] += 1
        t = api.get_field("src_type", oid, "type")
        if t: types[t] += 1
        size = meta["size"]
        if size < 1024: sizes[0] += 1
        elif size < 10*1024: sizes[1] += 1
        elif size < 100*1024: sizes[2] += 1
        elif size < 1024*1024: sizes[3] += 1
        elif size < 10*1024*1024: sizes[4] += 1
        else: sizes[5] += 1

    print "\nTotal files in set: ", len(valid)

    print "\nExtensions (files with multiple names counted more than once):"
    exts = extensions.keys()
    exts = sorted(exts, key=lambda val: extensions[val], reverse=True)
    for e in exts:
        print "  ", e, "   \t\t  :\t\t  ", extensions[e]
    print "\nTypes:"
    ts = types.keys()
    ts = sorted(ts, key=lambda val: types[val], reverse=True)
    for t in ts:
        print "  ", t, "   \t\t  :\t\t  ", types[t]

    print "\nSizes: "
    print "   Under 1k   :", sizes[0]
    print "   1k - 10k   :", sizes[1]
    print "   10k - 100k :", sizes[2]
    print "   100k - 1MB :", sizes[3]
    print "   1MB - 10MB :", sizes[4]
    print "   over 10 MB :", sizes[5]

    return None
Example #19
def reducer(intermediate_output, opts, jobid):
    out_histo = defaultdict(int)
    for oid in intermediate_output:
        if oid:
            histo = api.retrieve(name, oid, opts)
            out_histo = merge_histo(histo, out_histo)
    api.store(name, jobid, out_histo, opts)
    return out_histo          
Example #20
def process(oid, opts):
    logger.debug("Processing oid %s", oid)
    src_type = api.get_field("src_type", oid, "type")
    if src_type != "ELF":
        return False
    header = api.retrieve("elf_parse", oid)
    if not header:
        return False
    api.store(name, oid, {"header":elf_repr(header)}, opts)
    return True
Example #21
def mapper(oid, opts, jobid=False):
    src = api.source(oid)
    if api.documentation(src)["set"]:
        return None
    if api.exists(name, oid, opts):
        return oid
    out_histo = build_ngrams(api.retrieve(src, oid, opts)["data"], opts["n"])
    api.store(name, oid, out_histo, opts)
    return oid
Example #22
def process(oid, opts):
    logger.debug("Processing oid %s", oid)
    src_type = api.get_field("src_type", oid, "type")
    if src_type == "MACHO":
        header = api.retrieve("macho_parse", oid)
        if not header:
            return False
        api.store(name, oid, {"header":macho_repr(header)}, opts)
        return True
    elif src_type == "OSX Universal Binary":
        header = api.retrieve("macho_parse", oid)
        if not header:
            return False
        api.store(name, oid, {"header":universal_repr(header)}, opts)
        return True
        return False
Example #23
def disassembly(args, opts):
        Displays the disassembly for a file
        Syntax: disassembly <oid> [--slice=<beg>:<end>]
    args, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    args = api.expand_oids(args)
    if not args:
        if current_file:
            args = [current_file]
            raise ShellSyntaxError("Must provide an oid")
    start = stop = 0
    height = default_height
    if "slice" in opts:
        start, stop = get_slice(opts)
    if "height" in opts:
            width = int(opts["height"])
        except ValueError:
            raise ShellSyntaxError("Invalid height")
    mod_opts = {}
    if "module" in opts:
        mod_opts["module"] = opts["module"]
    for oid in args:
        disasm = api.get_field("disassembly", [oid], "insns", mod_opts)
        #comments = api.get_field("disassembly", [oid], "comments", mod_opts)
        functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)
        if not functions:
            print "  No functions found for %s %s" % (name(oid), oid)
        fbreaks = get_fbreaks(functions)
        system_calls = api.get_field("map_calls", oid, "system_calls")
        internal_functions = api.get_field("map_calls", oid, "internal_functions")
        function_calls = dict()
        if system_calls is None:
            print "  System calls could not be determined for %s %s" % (name(oid), oid)
        if internal_functions is None:
            print "  Internal functions could not be determined for %s %s" % (name(oid), oid)

        if disasm:
            print "  Disassembly for %s %s" % (name(oid), oid)
            print "  -------------------------------------"
            print_disassembly(oid, disasm, function_calls, fbreaks, start, stop, height)
            print "  -------------------------------------"
            print "  %s could not be disassembled." % name(oid)
Example #24
def get_heatmap(s, heatoid):
    n = 3
    histo = api.retrieve("byte_ngrams", heatoid, {"n":n})
    heatmap = [0]*len(s)
    for i in xrange(len(s)-n):
        gram = s[i]
        for j in xrange(1,n):
            gram += ","+s[i+j]
        if gram in histo:
            heatmap[i] = histo[gram]
    return heatmap
Example #25
def process(oid, opts):
    src_type = api.get_field("src_type", oid, "type")
    if src_type != "PE":
        return False
    header = api.retrieve("pe_parse", oid)
    if not header:
        return False
    api.store(name, oid, {"header":pe_repr(header)}, opts)
    return True
Example #26
def key_filter(args, opts):
        Use to match the results of a module (module name required). Specify key and optionally value.
        Syntax: key_filter %<oid> --module=<mod_name> --key=<key> [--value=<value>]
    if not "module" in opts or not "key" in opts:
        raise ShellSyntaxError("key_filter requires a --module=<mod_name> and a --key=<key> option")
    oids = []
    valid, invalid = api.valid_oids(args)
    valid = api.expand_oids(valid)
    if not args:
        valid = api.retrieve_all_keys("files")
    if "key" in opts and "value" in opts:
        oids = api.retrieve("substring_search", valid, 
            {"mod":opts["module"], "key":opts["key"], "value":opts["value"]})
    elif "key" in opts:
        oids = api.retrieve("key_search", valid, 
            {"mod":opts["module"], "key":opts["key"]})
    return oids
Example #27
 def launch_template_browser(self):
     dialog = TemplateSelectDialog(self)
     template_name = dialog.result
     if template_name:
         template_match = api.retrieve('alg_ident',self.oid,{'template':template_name})
         template_match = self.create_comments(template_match)
         for offset in self.offsets:
             if offset in template_match[self.oid]:
                 if self.auto_annotations[offset]:
                     self.auto_annotations[offset] += ', '
                 self.auto_annotations[offset] += template_match[self.oid][offset]
Example #28
def apply_tags(oid_list, new_tags):
    if isinstance(oid_list, list):
        for oid in oid_list:
            apply_tags(oid, new_tags)
        oid = oid_list
        if not api.exists("tags", oid):
            tags = {}
            tags = api.retrieve("tags", oid, {}, True)
        for tag in new_tags:
            tags[tag] = new_tags[tag]
        api.store("tags", oid, tags)
Example #29
def process(oid, opts):
    functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)
    if not functions:
        return False
    hashes = set()
    for f in functions:
        mnems = "".join([i["mnem"] for i in functions[f]["insns"]])
        mnem_hash = hashlib.sha1(mnems).hexdigest()

    api.store(name, oid, {"hashes": hashes}, opts)
    return True
Example #30
def results(oid_list, opts):
    disassembler = choose_disassembler(opts)
    if disassembler not in choices:
        logger.warn('disassembly only accepts (%r)' % choices)
        return None

        disasm = api.retrieve(disassembler, oid_list[0], opts)

    except Exception, msg:
        logger.error("disassembly failed for %s: %s", oid_list[0], msg)
        return None
Example #31
def process(oid, opts):
    functions = api.retrieve("function_extract", oid)
    if not functions:
		return False

    header = api.get_field("object_header", oid, "header")
    if not header:
		return False
    bbs = api.retrieve("basic_blocks", oid) 
    if not bbs:
        return False
    data = api.get_field(api.source(oid), oid, "data")
    if not data:
        return False
    g = build_cfg(functions, header, data, bbs)
    api.store(name, oid, g, opts)
    return True