def get_user_likes(event_body, context): f""" Handles retrieval of list of photos a user has liked. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: Array of photo ids that the user has liked if successful, under "user_likes" key """ # get user information user_info = USER_TABLE.get_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) try: return APIResponseSuccess( response_content={ "user_likes": user_info['Item'][USER_PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] }).send() except KeyError: return APIResponseSuccess(message="User has liked no photos", response_content={ "user_likes": [] }).send()
def get_photo_info(event_body, context): f""" Handles request for all information about a particular photo. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_PHOTO_ID}: (Req) ID fo photo to fetch all information for :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: dictionary with photo information under "photo_info" key. """ photo_info_raw = PHOTOS_TABLE.get_item( Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]}) try: photo_info_raw['Item'] except KeyError: return APIResponse(status_code=404, message="Photo doesn't exist for this ID").send() photo_info = dict() # convert data types from DynamDB to Python and JSON-friendly for k, v in photo_info_raw['Item'].items(): if isinstance(v, set): photo_info[k] = list(v) elif isinstance(v, boto3.dynamodb.types.Decimal): photo_info[k] = int(v) else: photo_info[k] = v return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={ "photo_info": photo_info }).send()
def set_user_preferences(event_body, context): f""" Handles setting of additional user information / preferences. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_USER_AGE}: (Req) User age to be stored in DB (empty string if none) :param {API_USER_GENDER}: (Req) User gender to be stored in DB (M/F/O, empty string if none) :param {API_USER_SIZE}: (Req) User size ot be stored in DB (S/M/L/etc, empty string if none) :param {API_USER_NAME}: (Req) Name of user to be displayed (empty string if none) :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: User information if update successful """ # update user age, size, gender, name USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}, UpdateExpression= f"""SET {USER_AGE_FIELD} = :user_age, {USER_SIZE_FIELD} = :user_size, {USER_GENDER_FIELD} = :user_gender, {USER_NAME_FIELD} = :user_name""", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':user_age': event_body[API_USER_AGE], ':user_size': event_body[API_USER_SIZE], ':user_gender': event_body[API_USER_GENDER], ':user_name': event_body[API_USER_NAME] }) # return success message, getting fresh user info from database for response return APIResponseSuccess( message="User preferences updated.", response_content={ "user_info": json.loads(get_user_preferences(event_body, context)['body'])['user_info'] }).send()
def user_submit_petition(event_body, context): f""" Handles user petitioning for a location to add offers. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_LOCATION_ID}: (Req) Google Location ID for petition location :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: number of petitions under location ID key if successful """ # get user's current petitions user_info = USER_TABLE.get_item(Key={USER_EMAIL_FIELD: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) try: user_petitioned_locations_list = user_info['Item'][USER_PETITIONED_LOCATIONS_FIELD] except KeyError: user_petitioned_locations_list = [] # check user hasn't already petitioned location if event_body[API_LOCATION_ID] in user_petitioned_locations_list: return APIResponse(status_code=409, message="User has already petitioned this location.").send() # update user petitions user_petitioned_locations_list.append(event_body[API_LOCATION_ID]) USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={USER_EMAIL_FIELD: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}, UpdateExpression=f'SET {USER_PETITIONED_LOCATIONS_FIELD} = :user_petitioned_locations', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':user_petitioned_locations': user_petitioned_locations_list }) postgres_db = psycopg2.connect(dbname=AWS_POSTGRES_DB, user=AWS_POSTGRES_USER, password=AWS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD, host=AWS_POSTGRES_URL) postgres_db.autocommit = True postgres_db_cursor = postgres_db.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) # save petition to petitions table postgres_db_cursor.execute(f"select {PETITION_COUNT_FIELD} from {PETITION_TABLE_NAME} where " f"{LOCATION_ID_FIELD} = %(loc_id)s", {'loc_id': event_body[API_LOCATION_ID]}) r = postgres_db_cursor.fetchall() if len(r) == 0: new_petition_count = 1 postgres_db_cursor.execute(f"insert into {PETITION_TABLE_NAME} values (%(loc_id)s, %(new_count)s);", {'new_count': new_petition_count, 'loc_id': event_body[API_LOCATION_ID]}) else: new_petition_count = r[0][LOCATION_ID_FIELD] + 1 postgres_db_cursor.execute(f"update {PETITION_TABLE_NAME} set {PETITION_COUNT_FIELD} = %(new_count)s where " f"{LOCATION_ID_FIELD} = %(loc_id)s;", {'new_count': new_petition_count, 'loc_id': event_body[API_LOCATION_ID]}) postgres_db_cursor.close() postgres_db.close() return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={event_body[API_LOCATION_ID]: str(new_petition_count)}).send()
def user_session_leave(event_body, context): f""" Handles deletion of session key for a particular user if requested (manual ending of session). :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :return: "API key destroyed" message if successful """ if session_authoriser(event_body[API_USER_EMAIL], event_body[API_USER_SESSION_KEY], context): USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}, UpdateExpression=f'REMOVE {USER_SESSION_KEYS_FIELD}') return APIResponseSuccess(message="API key destroyed").send() else: return APIResponseUnauthorized().send()
def user_delete_photo(event_body, context): f""" Handles user deletion of photo, removing from S3, user and photos databases. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_PHOTO_ID}: (Req) ID of photo to be deleted :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: "Photo deleted" message if successful """ # get list of current user photos -- run this first to check that user originally uploaded the photo to be deleted current_user_data = USER_TABLE.get_item(Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) try: user_photos_list = current_user_data['Item'][USER_PHOTOS_FIELD] # remove image filename from list of user photos user_photos_list.remove(event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]) except (KeyError, ValueError): return APIResponseForbidden(message="User has not posted this image.").send() USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={ API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL] }, UpdateExpression=f'SET {USER_PHOTOS_FIELD} = :user_photos_list', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':user_photos_list': user_photos_list }) # remove image from photos table PHOTOS_TABLE.delete_item( Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]} ) # delete photo from storage r = S3_STORAGE.delete_object( Bucket=S3_IMAGE_UPLOAD_BUCKET, Key=event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]) return APIResponseSuccess(message="Photo deleted").send()
def get_user_preferences(event_body, context): f""" Handles retrieval of additional user information / preferences on demand. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: User information if request successful """ # get user information user_info = USER_TABLE.get_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) # remove sensitive fields that shouldn't be returned cleaned_user_info = user_info['Item'] cleaned_user_info.pop(USER_SESSION_KEYS_FIELD) cleaned_user_info.pop(USER_PASSWORD_FIELD) cleaned_user_info.pop(USER_EMAIL_FIELD) return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={ "user_info": cleaned_user_info }).send()
def search_photos(event_body, context): f""" Core photo search function, handling search and display of user-relevant photos. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_USER_LAT}: (Req) Latitude to search around :param {API_USER_LON}: (Req) Longitude to search around :param {API_USER_RADIUS}: (Req) Radius (in walking minutes) to search around current location :param {API_FILTER_TERMS}: (Req) Array of terms to limit results to. If blank, will search for all results. :param {API_SEARCH_SIZE}: (Req) Number of results to return. :param {API_SEARCH_START}: (Req) Hit number to return for given query. :param {API_LIGHTWEIGHT_FLAG}: (Optional) Flag whether or not to return only list of relevant photo IDs instead of all info (speed gains and data savings). :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: list of photo ids and fields with core data according to search results """ try: if event_body[API_LIGHTWEIGHT_FLAG] == "True": lightweight_return_flag = True else: lightweight_return_flag = False except KeyError: lightweight_return_flag = False # determine reasonable user_radius walking distance to degree conversion degree_mile_conversion = 69 walking_speed_mph = 3 degrees_per_minute = walking_speed_mph / degree_mile_conversion / 60 preferred_degree_radius = degrees_per_minute * float( event_body[API_USER_RADIUS]) # build polygon array around user point -- 45-45-90 triangle rule move_dist = preferred_degree_radius * sqrt(2) loc_bottom_right_bound = ', '.join([ str(float(event_body[API_USER_LAT]) - move_dist), str(float(event_body[API_USER_LON]) + move_dist) ]) loc_top_left_bound = ', '.join([ str(float(event_body[API_USER_LAT]) + move_dist), str(float(event_body[API_USER_LON]) - move_dist) ]) if len(list(event_body[API_FILTER_TERMS])) == 0: text_query = "matchall" else: text_query = "(or '{}')".format("' '".join( list(event_body[API_FILTER_TERMS]))) # Execute CloudSearch query -- return will be sorted according to ranking expression on domain photos_return = size=int(event_body[API_SEARCH_SIZE]), start=int(event_body[API_SEARCH_START]), queryParser="structured", filterQuery= f"{PHOTO_LATLON_FIELD}:['{loc_top_left_bound}', '{loc_bottom_right_bound}']", query=text_query, sort=CLOUD_SEARCH_SORT_EXPRESSION + ' desc', ) # filter out all except photo ID field if lightweight flag in call if lightweight_return_flag: photos_list_return = [{ 'id': _['id'] } for _ in photos_return['hits']['hit']] else: photos_list_return = photos_return['hits']['hit'] # invoke function to update photo views (without waiting for return) LAMBDA_CLIENT.invoke(FunctionName="UpdatePhotoViews", InvocationType="Event", Payload=json.dumps({"photos": photos_list_return})) return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={ "photos": photos_list_return }).send()
def user_like_photo(event_body, context): f""" Handles user photo likes, updating photo like count, user record of liked photos, and logging of like event. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_PHOTO_ID}: (Req) ID of photo to be liked :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: number of likes under photo ID key if successful """ # get photo information from database, throwing error if the item doesn't exist try: photo_info = PHOTOS_TABLE.get_item(Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]})['Item'] except KeyError: return APIResponseError(message=f"PHOTO_DOESNT_EXIST", status_code=404) # check attempted like isn't from photo owner if photo_info[PHOTO_OWNER_FIELD] == event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]: return APIResponseForbidden(message="USER_CANNOT_LIKE_OWN").send() # check user hasn't already liked photo current_user_data = USER_TABLE.get_item(Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) try: if event_body[API_PHOTO_ID] in current_user_data['Item'][USER_PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD]: return APIResponseForbidden(message="LIKED_PHOTO_ALREADY", status_code=409).send() # catch KeyError (could occur if user has no liked photos, as is not a required field on user account creation) except KeyError: pass # increment photo like count -- this is set to 0 on photo upload like_count = photo_info[PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] + 1 # update likes on photo in photo table PHOTOS_TABLE.update_item( Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]}, UpdateExpression=f'SET {PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD} = :new_like_count', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':new_like_count': like_count }) # save like to user in user table try: user_photo_likes_list = current_user_data['Item'][USER_PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] except KeyError: user_photo_likes_list = [] user_photo_likes_list.append(event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]) USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={ API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL] }, UpdateExpression=f'SET {USER_PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD} = :user_photo_likes_list', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':user_photo_likes_list': user_photo_likes_list }) # save like activity to history table postgres_db = psycopg2.connect(dbname=AWS_POSTGRES_DB, user=AWS_POSTGRES_USER, password=AWS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD, host=AWS_POSTGRES_URL) postgres_db.autocommit = True postgres_db_cursor = postgres_db.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) postgres_db_cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO {LIKE_HISTORY_TABLE_NAME} ({LIKE_HISTORY_PHOTO_ID_FIELD}, {LIKE_HISTORY_USER_ID_FIELD}, {LIKE_TYPE_FIELD}, {LIKE_HISTORY_DT_FIELD}) VALUES (%(photo)s, %(user)s, %(type)s, %(dt)s);""", {'photo': event_body[API_PHOTO_ID], 'user': event_body[API_USER_EMAIL], 'type': 'like', 'dt': int(dt.datetime.strftime(dt.datetime.utcnow(), DT_FORMAT))}) postgres_db_cursor.close() postgres_db.close() return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]: like_count}).send()
def user_upload_photo(event_body, context): f""" Handles user photo upload, saving file to S3, adding record to photo and user databases (and triggering update of CloudSearch index to make photo available for viewing). :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_PHOTO_DATE}: (Req) photo capture timestamp, formatted as an integer (e.g. 20180131235959) :param {API_PHOTO_DATA}: (Req) Base64-encoded string of photo :param {API_PHOTO_LAT}: (Req) Latitude of photo capture location :param {API_PHOTO_LON}: (Req) Longitude of photo capture location :param {API_LOCATION_ID}: (Req) Google Location ID indicating where the photo was taken. :param {API_PHOTO_COMMENT}: (Optional) User-provided comments to accompany photo. :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: photo ID if successful (usable as pointer to S3 image location for display) """ current_user_data = USER_TABLE.get_item(Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) # generate photo filename (unique user id + photo timestamp) photo_filename = current_user_data['Item'][USER_ID_FIELD] + '_' + str(event_body[API_PHOTO_DATE]) + '.jpg' try: # check that photo doesn't look like a duplicate based on user ID and photo timestamp photo_info = PHOTOS_TABLE.get_item(Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: photo_filename})['Item'] except KeyError: pass else: return APIResponse(status_code=409, message="Duplicate photo detected.").send() # decode from base64 and upload photo to s3 bucket, make publicly available photo_data_decoded = base64.b64decode(event_body[API_PHOTO_DATA]) S3_STORAGE.upload_fileobj(Fileobj=io.BytesIO(photo_data_decoded), Bucket=S3_IMAGE_UPLOAD_BUCKET, Key=photo_filename, ExtraArgs={'ACL': 'public-read'}) photo_info_upload = dict() photo_info_upload[PHOTO_ID_FIELD] = photo_filename photo_info_upload[PHOTO_OWNER_FIELD] = event_body[API_USER_EMAIL] photo_info_upload[PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] = 0 photo_info_upload[PHOTO_DT_FIELD] = int(event_body[API_PHOTO_DATE]) photo_info_upload[PHOTO_LATLON_FIELD] = f"{str(event_body[API_PHOTO_LAT])}, {str(event_body[API_PHOTO_LON])}" photo_info_upload[PHOTO_LOCATION_ID_FIELD] = event_body[API_LOCATION_ID] photo_info_upload[PHOTO_VIEWS_FIELD] = 0 # load optional parameters once session authentication confirmed (exit function earlier if not) try: if event_body[PHOTO_COMMENTS_FIELD] != "": photo_info_upload[PHOTO_COMMENTS_FIELD] = str(event_body[PHOTO_COMMENTS_FIELD]) except (KeyError, IndexError, json.JSONDecodeError): pass # don't add a photo comments field # get list of photo tags from AWS Rekognition try: image_tag_response_raw = REKO_CLIENT.detect_labels(Image={"S3Object": { "Bucket": S3_IMAGE_UPLOAD_BUCKET, "Name": photo_filename}}) # build list of labels from Rekognition response # Add tags as a set so that CloudSearch can search field as text-array photo_info_upload[PHOTO_TAGS_FIELD] = {re.sub("[^a-z]", "", label['Name'].lower()) for label in image_tag_response_raw['Labels']} except ClientError as e: print("Couldn't get image tags") print(e) photo_info_upload[PHOTO_TAGS_FIELD] = {"None"} try: # add photo details to photos table PHOTOS_TABLE.put_item( Item=photo_info_upload ) except Exception as e: print(e) print(photo_info_upload) return APIResponseError(message="Error uploading the attached photo to DynamoDB", response_content=photo_info_upload).send() # add image filename to list of user photos try: user_photos_list = current_user_data['Item'][USER_PHOTOS_FIELD] except KeyError: user_photos_list = [] user_photos_list.append(photo_filename) # update user profile with record of photo USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={ API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL] }, UpdateExpression='SET {up_field} = :user_photos_list'.format(up_field=USER_PHOTOS_FIELD), ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':user_photos_list': user_photos_list } ) return APIResponseSuccess(status_code=201, response_content={"photo_id": photo_filename}).send()
def user_unlike_photo(event_body, context): f""" Handles user unliking of photo, updating photo like count, user record of liked photos, and logging of unlike event. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_SESSION_KEY}: (Req) Temporary user-specific session key for authentication :param {API_PHOTO_ID}: (Req) ID of photo to be liked :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: number of likes under photo ID key if successful """ # check that user has liked photo current_user_data = USER_TABLE.get_item(Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) try: user_photo_likes_list = current_user_data['Item'][USER_PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] user_photo_likes_list.remove(event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]) # KeyError or ValueError raised in case user doesn't have any liked photos or photo_id not in list except (KeyError, ValueError): return APIResponse(status_code=409, message="USER_HASNT_LIKED").send() # get photo info from database photo_info = PHOTOS_TABLE.get_item(Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]}) # decrement photo like count, catching case where likes are already at 0 (shouldn't be possible given above test) if photo_info['Item'][PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] <= 0: return APIResponseForbidden(message="LIKE_COUNT_0").send() like_count = photo_info['Item'][PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD] - 1 # update likes on photo in photo table PHOTOS_TABLE.update_item( Key={PHOTO_ID_FIELD: event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]}, UpdateExpression='SET {pl_field} = :new_like_count'.format(pl_field=PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD), ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':new_like_count': like_count }) # update user record to remove photo like USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={ API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL] }, UpdateExpression='SET {upl_field} = :user_photo_likes_list'.format(upl_field=USER_PHOTO_LIKES_FIELD), ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':user_photo_likes_list': user_photo_likes_list }) # save unlike activity to like history table postgres_db = psycopg2.connect(dbname=AWS_POSTGRES_DB, user=AWS_POSTGRES_USER, password=AWS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD, host=AWS_POSTGRES_URL) postgres_db.autocommit = True postgres_db_cursor = postgres_db.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) postgres_db_cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO {LIKE_HISTORY_TABLE_NAME} ({LIKE_HISTORY_PHOTO_ID_FIELD}, {LIKE_HISTORY_USER_ID_FIELD}, {LIKE_TYPE_FIELD}, {LIKE_HISTORY_DT_FIELD}) VALUES (%(photo)s, %(user)s, %(type)s, %(dt)s);""", {'photo': event_body[API_PHOTO_ID], 'user': event_body[API_USER_EMAIL], 'type': 'unlike', 'dt': int(dt.datetime.strftime(dt.datetime.utcnow(), DT_FORMAT))}) postgres_db_cursor.close() postgres_db.close() return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={event_body[API_PHOTO_ID]: like_count}).send()
def user_session_login(event_body, context): f""" Handles user session log-ins, generating temporary session key for further API requests. Keys auto-expire after a defined period, requiring a new session log in. :param event: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. :param {API_USER_EMAIL}: (Req) User identifier :param {API_USER_PASSWORD}: (Req) HASHED user password that will be directly stored in DB :param context: (Auto) JSON-encoded API Gateway pass-through. Not used. :return: Temporary session key under "session_key" key if successful """ # get stored password for email db_password_response = USER_TABLE.get_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) # verify password try: db_password = db_password_response['Item'][API_USER_PASSWORD] except KeyError: return APIResponseUnauthorized().send() if event_body[API_USER_PASSWORD] != db_password: return APIResponseUnauthorized().send() # get list of current session keys current_user_data = USER_TABLE.get_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}) try: session_keys_list = current_user_data['Item'][USER_SESSION_KEYS_FIELD] except KeyError: session_keys_list = [] # generate and store session key in user table new_session_key = generate_user_key(USER_KEY_LENGTH) session_keys_list.append(new_session_key) USER_TABLE.update_item( Key={API_USER_EMAIL: event_body[API_USER_EMAIL]}, UpdateExpression=f'SET {USER_SESSION_KEYS_FIELD} = :session_keys_list', ExpressionAttributeValues={':session_keys_list': session_keys_list}) # add login to user login history table postgres_db = psycopg2.connect(dbname=AWS_POSTGRES_DB, user=AWS_POSTGRES_USER, password=AWS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD, host=AWS_POSTGRES_URL) postgres_db.autocommit = True postgres_db_cursor = postgres_db.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) postgres_db_cursor.execute( f"""INSERT INTO {LOGIN_HISTORY_TABLE_NAME} ({LOGIN_HISTORY_DT_FIELD}, {LOGIN_HISTORY_USER_FIELD}) VALUES (%(dt)s, %(user)s)""", { 'dt': int(dt.datetime.strftime(dt.datetime.utcnow(), DT_FORMAT)), 'user': event_body[API_USER_EMAIL] }) postgres_db_cursor.close() postgres_db.close() return APIResponseSuccess(response_content={ "session_key": new_session_key }).send()