Example #1
    def register(self, firstname: str, lastname: str, username: str, emailaddress: str, password: str, companyname: str) -> dict:
        errors = {}

        # Validate all arguments

        # First Name
        if firstname == "":
            errors['firstname'] = "First name cannot be empty"
        elif not validate("firstname", firstname):
            errors['firstname'] = "First name contains invalid characters and/or it should be more than 2 and less then 20 characters long."

        # Last Name
        if lastname == "":
            errors['lastname'] = "Last name cannot be empty"
        elif not validate("lastname", lastname):
            errors['lastname'] = "Last name contains invalid characters and/or it should be more than 2 and less then 20 characters long."

        # password
        if password == "":
            errors['password'] = "******"
        elif not validate("password", password):
            errors['password'] = "******"

        # Username
        if username == "":
            errors['username'] = "******"
        elif not validate("username", username):
                'username'] = "******"
        elif self.username_exists(username):
            errors['username'] = "******"

        # Email
        if emailaddress == "":
            errors['emailaddress'] = "Email Address cannot be empty."
        elif not validate("email", emailaddress):
            errors['emailaddress'] = "Please provide a valid email address."
        elif self.emailaddress_exists(emailaddress):
            errors['emailaddress'] = "Email Address already registered."

        # Comapny Name
        if companyname == "":
            errors['companyname'] = "Compnay name cannot be empty."
        elif not validate("companyname", companyname):
            errors['companyname'] = "Company name contains invalid characters and/or it should be more than 2 and less then 64 characters long."
        # if there are errors return
        if errors != {}:
            return {'success': False, 'errors': errors}

        # All validation tests passed now create a user in database
        user = User(firstName=firstname, lastName=lastname, companyName=companyname,
                    password=APIUtils.encrypt_password(password), username=username,
                    emailAddress=emailaddress, emailVerified=False
        # TODO check for error returned by generateRecoveryCode
        self.generateRecoveryCode(user, "verifyEmail")
        # return with successful message
        return {'success': True, 'message': "Your account has successfully been created"}
Example #2
 def change_password(self, username: str, new_password: str) -> dict:
     if not self.username_exists(username):
         return {'success': False, 'message': 'Invalid Username!'}
     user: User = User.objects(username=username)[0]
     if not validate("password", new_password):
         return {'success': False, 'error': "Password must contain 8 or more character with at least 1 lowercase, uppercase, numeric and special symbol character each."}
     user.password = APIUtils.encrypt_password(new_password)
     return {'success': True, 'message': 'Password updated successfully!'}
Example #3
 def recover_account(self, username: str, recovery_code: int, new_password: str):
     users = User.objects(username=username)
     if users.count() == 0:
         return {"success": False, "error": "Username does not exist."}
     elif validate("password", new_password):
         return {"success": False, "error": "Password does not meet the given criteria"}
         user: User = users[0]
         if user.codeFor is not None and user.recoveryCode is not None and user.recoveryCode == recovery_code and user.codeFor == "resetPassword":
             user.codeFor = None
             user.recoveryCode = None
             user.password = APIUtils.encrypt_password(new_password)
             return {"success": True, "message": "Password changed Successfully!"}
         return {"success": False, "error": "Invalid Code!"}