Example #1
def main():
    # The below import module(s) were placed in the main function for backward compatibility
    from apicLogin import aaaLogin

    # Statically specify the APIC URL, if not executing script via CLI
    DefaultApicUrl = 'sandboxapicdc.cisco.com'
    login = '******'
    passwd = 'ciscopsdt'
    new_tenant = '20201113-01'
    # login = input('Enter username to connect with: ')
    # passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"The tenant to be created.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.tenant is not None:
        new_tenant = args.tenant

    base_url = f"https://{DefaultApicUrl}"

    # Get the authorization cookie from the APIC
    cookies = aaaLogin(DefaultApicUrl, login, passwd)

    # Create the tenant
    response_data = createtenant(base_url, cookies, new_tenant)
Example #2
def main():
    # The below import module(s) were placed in the main function for backward compatibility
    from apicLogin import aaaLogin

    # Statically specify the APIC URL, if not executing script via CLI
    DefaultApicUrl = 'sandboxapicdc.cisco.com'
    login = '******'
    passwd = '!v3G@!4@Y'

    ymlfilename = r'\vepgs.csv'

    #login = input('Enter username to connect with: ')
    #passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"Defines the name if the VLAN pool")
        "Defines if the VLAN Pool Type should be 'static' or 'dynamic' assigned"
        "The input file of VLANs. The file should only have VLAN numbers, each on a \
        different line with no seperator other than a line break")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Doing some arg magic so this can be ran with bACI.py or standalone
    if args.file == None:
        dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        ymlfile = dir_path + ymlfilename
        args.file = ymlfile
    if args.name == None:
        args.name = vlanpoolname
    if args.pooltype == None:
        args.pooltype = assignmethod

    base_url = f"https://{DefaultApicUrl}"

    # Build the JSON for the post to APIC
    #### CREATE ME!!###
    json_object = buildJSON(args)

    # Get the authorization cookie from the APIC
    cookies = aaaLogin(DefaultApicUrl, login, passwd)

    # Do the work
    deployEPG(base_url, cookies, args, json_object)
Example #3
def main():
    # The below import module(s) were placed in the main function for backward compatibility
    from apicLogin import aaaLogin

    # Statically specify the APIC URL, if not executing script via CLI
    DefaultApicUrl = 'sandboxapicdc.cisco.com'
    login = '******'
    passwd = 'ciscopsdt'

    # login = input('Enter username to connect with: ')
    # passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter password: "******"The IP or URL of the APIC controller. This should not include \
            http(s) or a trailing backslash.")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    apicUrl = args.apic

    if apicUrl is None:
        apicUrl = DefaultApicUrl
    base_url = f"https://{apicUrl}"

    # Get the login token
    cookies = aaaLogin(apicUrl, login, passwd)

    # Get the endpoints
    endpoint_data = getendpoints(base_url, cookies)

    # Cleanup the endpoint info
    clean_endpoint = cleanendpoints(endpoint_data)