Example #1
    packCallString = basicCallString
    dlmCallString = basicCallString

    # Queries can either be handled by a pack/writeback, or by
    # a crState call, depending on whether the query is
    # server-dependent or not.
    if "serverdependent" in chromiumProps:
        needPack = 1
        needWriteback = 1
        needFlush = 1
        needThread = 1
        if return_type == 'void':
            packCallString = packCallString + ', &writeback'
            packCallString = packCallString + ', &return_val, &writeback'
    elif apiutil.IsQuery(func_name):
        needTrackState = 1
        needPack = 0

    # These functions have to check the display list state to see
    # whether they should be compiled or executed.
    if apiutil.CanCompile(func_name):
        needDL = 1
        needThread = 1

    if apiutil.UsesClientState(func_name):
        if needPack:
            needClientState = 1
            needThread = 1
            packCallString = basicCallString + ", &(clientState->unpack)"
        if needDL:
Example #2
#include "cr_spu.h"
#include "replicatespu.h"
#include "cr_packfunctions.h"

pack_specials = []

keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions("../../glapi_parser/APIspec.txt")

# Create prototypes for every function that we either implement
# or generate.  The ones we implement are easy: they're all in
# the file "replicate_special".  The others are harder; this
# code must be equivalent to the selection algorithm used in
# replicatespu_generate.py and in replicate.py.
for func_name in keys:
	if (apiutil.FindSpecial("replicate", func_name) or
		apiutil.IsQuery(func_name) or
		apiutil.CanCompile(func_name) or
		apiutil.FindSpecial("replicatespu_flush", func_name) or

		return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
		props = apiutil.Properties(func_name)
		params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
		print 'extern %s REPLICATESPU_APIENTRY replicatespu_%s( %s );' % ( return_type, func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params) )

print """
Example #3
    packSuffix = ""
    basicCallString = apiutil.MakeCallString(params)
    packCallString = basicCallString
    dlmCallString = basicCallString

    needThreadDeclaration = 0
    needClientStateDeclaration = 0

    # Only the main source needs to handle display lists
    if apiutil.CanCompile(func_name):
        needDL = 1
        needThreadDeclaration = 1
    if apiutil.SetsTrackedState(func_name):
        needState = 1
        needPack = 0
    if apiutil.UsesClientState(func_name) and not apiutil.IsQuery(func_name):
        dlmCallString = basicCallString + ", clientState"
        needThreadDeclaration = 1
        needClientStateDeclaration = 1
        packCallString = packCallString + ", &(clientState->unpack)"
    if apiutil.FindSpecial("tilesort_bbox", func_name):
        packSuffix = "BBOX_COUNT"
    if "serverdependent" in chromiumProps:
        needThreadDeclaration = 1
        needWriteback = 1
        needState = 0
        needPack = 0
        if return_type != 'void':
            packCallString += ", &return_value"
        packCallString += ", &writeback"
    if apiutil.FindSpecial("tilesort_unimplemented", func_name):
Example #4
print """
static void __fillin( int offset, char *name, SPUGenericFunction func )
	_cr_replicate_table[offset].name = crStrdup( name );
	_cr_replicate_table[offset].fn = func;

pack_specials = []

# The selection mechanism here must match the selection
# mechanisms used in replicatespu_proto.py and
# replicatespu_generate.py.
for func_name in keys:
    if (apiutil.FindSpecial("replicate", func_name)
            or apiutil.IsQuery(func_name) or apiutil.CanCompile(func_name)
            or apiutil.FindSpecial("replicatespu_flush", func_name)
            or apiutil.SetsTrackedState(func_name)):

print '\nvoid replicatespuCreateFunctions( void )'
print '{'
print '\tint i = 0;'
for index in range(num_funcs):
    func_name = keys[index]
    if func_name in pack_specials:
        print '\t__fillin( i++, "%s", (SPUGenericFunction) replicatespu_%s );' % (
            func_name, func_name)
        print '\t__fillin( i++, "%s", (SPUGenericFunction) (replicate_spu.swap ? crPack%sSWAP : crPack%s) );' % (
            func_name, func_name, func_name)