class LocationType(db.Document): '''Stores the type describing the administrative level of a Location :attr ancestors_ref: This stores a list references to ancestor loction types as documented in''' name = db.StringField() ancestors_ref = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField( 'LocationType', reverse_delete_rule=db.PULL)) ancestor_count = db.IntField() is_administrative = db.BooleanField(default=False) is_political = db.BooleanField(default=False) has_registered_voters = db.BooleanField(db_field='has_rv', default=False) has_political_code = db.BooleanField(db_field='has_pc', default=False) has_other_code = db.BooleanField(db_field='has_oc', default=False) metafields = db.ListField(db.StringField()) slug = db.StringField() deployment = db.ReferenceField(Deployment) meta = { 'indexes': [ ['deployment'] ] } @classmethod def get_root_for_event(cls, event): return cls.objects.get(events=event, __raw__={'ancestors_ref': []}) @classmethod def root(cls): return cls.objects.get(__raw__={'ancestors_ref': []}) def clean(self): if not self.slug: self.slug = slugify_unicode( self.ancestor_count = len(self.ancestors_ref) return super(LocationType, self).clean() @property def children(self): """Returns a list of descendants sorted by the length of the `attr`ancestors_ref. """ temp = LocationType.objects(ancestors_ref=self) return sorted(temp, None, lambda x: len(x.ancestors_ref)) def __unicode__(self): return or u''
class User(db.Document, UserMixin): email = db.EmailField() password = db.StringField(max_length=255) active = db.BooleanField(default=True) confirmed_at = db.DateTimeField() current_login_at = db.DateTimeField() last_login_at = db.DateTimeField() current_login_ip = db.StringField(max_length=45) last_login_ip = db.StringField(max_length=45) login_count = db.IntField(default=0) roles = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField(Role, reverse_delete_rule=db.PULL), default=[]) deployment = db.ReferenceField(Deployment) meta = { 'indexes': [ ['deployment'], ['deployment', 'email'], ['deployment', 'email', 'password'] ] } def __unicode__(self): return or u''
class CustomDataField(db.EmbeddedDocument): name = ParticipantPropertyName() label = db.StringField() listview_visibility = db.BooleanField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): return or u''
class PhoneContact(db.EmbeddedDocument): number = db.StringField() verified = db.BooleanField(default=False) last_seen = db.DateTimeField() def __unicode__(self): return self.number or u''
class Deployment(db.Document): name = db.StringField(required=True) hostnames = db.ListField(db.StringField()) administrative_divisions_graph = db.StringField() participant_extra_fields = db.ListField( db.EmbeddedDocumentField(CustomDataField)) allow_observer_submission_edit = db.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name='Allow editing of Participant submissions?') logo = db.StringField() include_rejected_in_votes = db.BooleanField(default=False) is_initialized = db.BooleanField(default=False) dashboard_full_locations = db.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name='Show all locations for dashboard stats?') meta = {'indexes': [['hostnames']]} def __unicode__(self): return or u''
class FormField(db.EmbeddedDocument): '''A :class:`mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument` used in storing the Checklist/Critical Incident form questions in a :class:`core.documents.Form` model. Each :class:`core.documents.FormField` has attributes for specifying various behaviour for the form field. :attr:`analysis_type` which specifies the sort of data analysis to be performed on the field and is defined by the values stored in :attr:`ANALYSIS_TYPES` :attr:`represents_boolean` which is either True for a FormField that accepts only one value (e.g. Critical Incident form fields) :attr:`options` which is a dictionary that has keys representing field option values and values representing the option description. (e.g. {'1': 'Yes'}) :attr:`allows_multiple_values` which is a boolean field specifying whether the field will accept multiple values as correct responses :attr:`min_value` which specifies the minimum accepted value and :attr:`max_value` for specifying the maximum valid value. :attr:`description` stores the textual description of the field. :attr:`name` is the question code used to identify the field (e.g. AA)''' ANALYSIS_TYPES = (('N/A', _('Not Applicable')), ('PROCESS', _('Process Analysis')), ('RESULT', _('Results Analysis'))) name = FormFieldNameField(required=True) description = db.StringField(required=True) max_value = db.IntField(default=9999) min_value = db.IntField(default=0) allows_multiple_values = db.BooleanField(default=False) is_comment_field = db.BooleanField(default=False) options = db.DictField() represents_boolean = db.BooleanField(default=False) analysis_type = db.StringField(choices=ANALYSIS_TYPES, default='N/A')
class Submission(db.DynamicDocument): '''Submissions represent data collected by participants in response to questions in Checklist and Critical Incident forms. Submissions are created prior to data input and are updated whenever data is received. The only exception is for the storage of Critical Incident reports which create submissions when data input is received. The :class:`core.documents.Submission` model is a :class:`mongoengine.DynamicDocument` and hence, most of it's functionality isn't stored within the model and gets defined at run time depending on the configuration of forms, form groups and form fields. :attr:`updated` is a :class:`mongoengine.db.DateTimeField` that stores the last time the submission was updated. :attr:`created` is a :class:`mongoengine.db.DateTimeField` that stores the date of creation for the submission. :attr:`contributor` stores the contributing participant for this submission. :attr:`form` provides a reference to the form that the submission was made for. :attr:`completion` is a dictionary whose keys are the names of the groups defined on :attr:`form` (if any) and whose values are (as at the time of writing this) are Complete, Partial or Missing, based on if all fields within that group have been filled out. Please see the method _update_completion_status() for details. :attr:`location_name_path` is a dictionary with location type names as keys and actual location names as values. Since MongoDB doesn't support joins, it was created to be a precomputed shortcut to using the location hierarchy in queries and views without needing several database lookups. :attr:`sender_verified` is set to True if the sender of a submission has been verified. For instance, if it was received from a known phone number in the case of SMS, or a known user account (either via the UI or API). :attr:`quality_checks` stores the precomputed value of different logical checks (created at runtime, so we can't predict in advance). An example logical check would be: for this submission, was the total number of votes greater than the total number of registered voters? :attr:`verification_status` stores the overall result of all the logical checks: are there problems with this data, or is everything ok, or not enough data to have an opinion? see STATUS_CHOICES for the full list of possible values. IMPORTANT: submissions for incident forms get a few more dynamic fields: - status: whether the incident was confirmed/rejected etc ''' SUBMISSION_TYPES = ( ('O', _(u'Observer Submission')), ('M', _(u'Master Submission')), ) QUARANTINE_STATUSES = (('', _(u'None')), ('A', _(u'All')), ('R', _(u'Results'))) VERIFICATION_STATUSES = (('', _('Unconfirmed')), ('4', _('Confirmed'))) VERIFICATION_OPTIONS = {'VERIFIED': '4', 'REJECTED': '5'} form = db.ReferenceField(Form) contributor = db.ReferenceField(Participant) location = db.ReferenceField(Location) created = db.DateTimeField() updated = db.DateTimeField() completion = db.DictField() location_name_path = db.DictField() sender_verified = db.BooleanField(default=True) quality_checks = db.DictField() confidence = db.DictField() verification_status = db.StringField(choices=VERIFICATION_STATUSES, required=False) overridden_fields = db.ListField(db.StringField()) submission_type = db.StringField(choices=SUBMISSION_TYPES, default='O', required=True) quarantine_status = db.StringField(choices=QUARANTINE_STATUSES, required=False) deployment = db.ReferenceField(Deployment) event = db.ReferenceField(Event) meta = { 'indexes': [['location'], ['form'], ['contributor'], ['completion'], ['quality_checks'], ['submission_type'], ['deployment'], ['deployment', 'event'], ['quality_checks', 'submission_type', 'event', 'form', 'deployment']], 'queryset_class': SubmissionQuerySet, } @classmethod def init_submissions(cls, deployment, event, form, role, location_type): if form.form_type != 'CHECKLIST': return for participant in Participant.objects(deployment=deployment, event=event, role=role): if == participant.location.location_type: location = participant.location else: location = next((a for a in participant.location.ancestors_ref if a.location_type ==, None) if not location: return submission, _ = cls.objects.get_or_create(form=form, contributor=participant, location=location, created=event.start_date, deployment=deployment, event=event, submission_type='O') # force creation of master submission.master def _update_completion_status(self): '''Computes the completion status of each form group for a submission. Should be called automatically on save, preferably in the `clean` method.''' if self.master != self: for group in self.form.groups: completed = [ getattr(self.master,, None) is not None for f in group.fields ] if all(completed): self.completion[] = 'Complete' elif any(completed): self.completion[] = 'Partial' else: self.completion[] = 'Missing' elif self.master == self: # update sibling submissions for group in self.form.groups: completed = [ getattr(self,, None) is not None for f in group.fields ] if all(completed): self.completion[] = 'Complete' elif any(completed): self.completion[] = 'Partial' else: self.completion[] = 'Missing' for group in self.form.groups: fields_to_check = filter( lambda f: f not in self.overridden_fields, [ for f in group.fields]) observer_submissions = list(self.siblings) not_quarantined = filter(lambda s: not s.quarantine_status, observer_submissions) if not not_quarantined: self.quarantine_status = 'A' # quarantine all records for submission in observer_submissions: # check for conflicting values in the submissions for field in fields_to_check: field_values = set( map( lambda x: frozenset(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x, filter(lambda value: value is not None, [ getattr(s, field, None) for s in not_quarantined ]))) if len(field_values) > 1: # there are different values submission.completion[] = 'Conflict' break else: # if there's no conflicting fields then compute the # the normal completion status completed = [ getattr(submission,, None) is not None for f in group.fields ] if all(completed): submission.completion[] = 'Complete' elif any(completed): submission.completion[] = 'Partial' else: submission.completion[] = 'Missing' def _update_confidence(self): '''Computes the confidence score for the fields in the master. Should be called automatically on save, preferably in the `clean` method.''' if self.submission_type == 'M': siblings = list( self.siblings.filter(quarantine_status__nin=map( lambda i: i[0], filter(lambda s: s[0], self.QUARANTINE_STATUSES)))) for group in self.form.groups: for field in group.fields: score = None name = # if the field has been overridden then we trust the # data manager/clerk and we have 100% confidence in the # data if name in self.overridden_fields: score = 1 self.confidence[name] = score continue values = map( lambda value: frozenset(value) if isinstance(value, list) else value, [ getattr(submission, name, None) for submission in siblings ]) unique = list(set(values)) # if all values were reported and are the same then # we have 100% confidence in the reported data if (values and len(unique) == 1 and unique[0] is not None): score = 1 # if no values were reported then we resort to the default elif (values and len(unique) == 1 and unique[0] is None): score = None else: # filter out only reported values n_values = filter(lambda v: v is not None, values) n_unique = list(set(n_values)) # if there are different reported values then our score # is zero (we have no confidence in the data) if (len(n_unique) > 1): score = 0 # we compute the score based on the reported over # the total expected else: try: score = float(len(n_values)) / float( len(values)) except ZeroDivisionError: score = 0 self.confidence[name] = score def _update_data_fields(self): '''This little utility simply sets any boolean fields to None. Have found that having boolean fields have the value False causes problems in analysis.''' fields = [ field for group in self.form.groups for field in group.fields ] boolean_fields = [ field for field in fields if field.represents_boolean ] single_value_fields = [ field for field in fields if field.options is not None and field.allows_multiple_values is False ] multi_value_fields = [ field for field in fields if field.options is not None and field.allows_multiple_values is True ] for field in boolean_fields: if not getattr(self,, None): # dictionary-style access will fail. it's a MongoEngine issue # self[] = None setattr(self,, None) for field in single_value_fields: value = getattr(self,, '') if value == '': setattr(self,, None) elif isinstance(value, int): setattr(self,, value) elif isinstance(value, str) and value.isdigit(): setattr(self,, int(value)) for field in multi_value_fields: value = getattr(self,, '') if value == '': setattr(self,, None) elif isinstance(value, list): setattr(self,, sorted(value)) def _update_master(self): master = self.master if master and master != self: # fetch only fields that have not been overridden fields = filter(lambda f: not in master.overridden_fields, [ field for group in self.form.groups for field in group.fields ]) siblings = self.siblings.filter(quarantine_status__nin=map( lambda i: i[0], filter(lambda s: s[0], self.QUARANTINE_STATUSES))) for field in fields: submission_field_value = getattr(self,, None) sibling_field_values = [ getattr(sibling,, None) for sibling in siblings ] if self.quarantine_status: submission_field_value = None all_values = [submission_field_value] + sibling_field_values non_null_values = filter(lambda val: val is not None, all_values) # important to make the values hashable since "set" doesn't # like to work directly with lists as they aren't hashable hashable = map( lambda v: frozenset(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v, non_null_values) unique_values = set(hashable) # depending on the length of unique non-null values, the # following will apply: # a length of 1 indicates the same non-null values # a length of 0 indicates all null values # a length greater than 1 indicatees several non-null values if len(unique_values) == 1: v = unique_values.pop() v = list(v) if isinstance(v, frozenset) else v setattr(master,, v) else: # caters for both conditions where len > 1 or = 0 setattr(master,, None) master._compute_data_quality() master._update_completion_status() master._update_confidence() master.updated = datetime.utcnow() def _compute_data_quality(self): '''Precomputes the logical checks on the submission.''' if self.submission_type != 'M': # only for master submissions return observer_submissions = list(self.siblings) evaluator = grammar_factory(self) comparator = Comparator() for flag in self.form.quality_checks: # skip processing if this has either been verified if (self.quality_checks.get(flag['name'], None) == QUALITY_STATUSES['VERIFIED']): continue try: lvalue = evaluator(flag['lvalue']).expr() rvalue = evaluator(flag['rvalue']).expr() # the comparator setting expresses the relationship between # lvalue and rvalue comparator.param = lvalue ok = comparator.eval('{} {}'.format(flag['comparator'], rvalue)) if not ok: self.quality_checks[flag['name']] = \ QUALITY_STATUSES['FLAGGED'] for submission in observer_submissions: submission.quality_checks[flag['name']] = \ QUALITY_STATUSES['FLAGGED'] else: self.quality_checks[flag['name']] = \ QUALITY_STATUSES['OK'] for submission in observer_submissions: submission.quality_checks[flag['name']] = \ QUALITY_STATUSES['OK'] except (AttributeError, TypeError, NameError, ParseError): # no sufficient data # setattr(self, flag['storage'], None) try: self.quality_checks.pop(flag['name']) except KeyError: pass for submission in observer_submissions: try: submission.quality_checks.pop(flag['name']) except KeyError: pass for submission in observer_submissions: # hack to prevent clashes in saves quality_check and sub keys of # quality_check. e.g. you cannot update quality_check and # quality_check.flag_1 in the same operation. This hack removes the # need to update the subkeys and update the entire dictionary at # once but we need to first ensure that quality_checks is # added to _changed_fields before removing subkeys if (filter(lambda f: f.startswith('quality_checks.'), submission._changed_fields) and 'quality_checks' not in submission._changed_fields): submission._changed_fields.append('quality_checks') submission._changed_fields = filter( lambda f: not f.startswith('quality_checks.'), submission._changed_fields) submission.verification_status = self.verification_status self._changed_fields = filter( lambda f: not f.startswith('quality_checks.'), self._changed_fields) def clean(self): # update location name path if it does not exist. # unlike for participants, submissions aren't 'mobile', that is, # there doesn't seem to be a use case for transferring submissions. # at least, not at the time of writing if not self.location_name_path: self.location_name_path = compute_location_path(self.location) # cleanup data fields self._update_data_fields() # save the submission without cleaning to prevent an infinite loop # update the master submission self._update_master() if self.master == self: # update completion status self._update_completion_status() # and compute the verification self._compute_data_quality() # update the confidence self._update_confidence() # update the `updated` timestamp self.updated = datetime.utcnow() @property def master(self): # a master submission is its own master if self.submission_type == 'M': return self if not hasattr(self, '_master'): if self.form.form_type == 'INCIDENT': self._master = None return self._master try: self._master = Submission.objects.get( form=self.form, location=self.location, created__gte=self.created.combine(self.created, self.created.min.time()), created__lte=self.created.combine(self.created, self.created.max.time()), submission_type='M', deployment=self.deployment, event=self.event) except self.DoesNotExist: self._master = Submission.objects.create( form=self.form, location=self.location, created=self.created, submission_type='M', deployment=self.deployment, event=self.event) return self._master @property def siblings(self): if not hasattr(self, '_siblings'): if self._siblings = Submission.objects( form=self.form, location=self.location, created__gte=self.created.combine(self.created, self.created.min.time()), created__lte=self.created.combine(self.created, self.created.max.time()), submission_type='O', # exclude master deployment=self.deployment, event=self.event, else: self._siblings = Submission.objects( form=self.form, location=self.location, created__gte=self.created.combine(self.created, self.created.min.time()), created__lte=self.created.combine(self.created, self.created.max.time()), submission_type='O', # exclude master deployment=self.deployment, event=self.event) return self._siblings @property def versions(self): return SubmissionVersion.objects(submission=self) @property def comments(self): return SubmissionComment.objects(submission=self) def verify_phone(self, number): latest_sms_version = self.versions.filter(channel='SMS').first() if not latest_sms_version: return False if latest_sms_version.identity == number: return True return False def to_xml(self): document = self.form.to_xml() data = document.xpath('//model/instance/data')[0] data.set('id', unicode( for tag in self.form.tags: value = getattr(self, tag, None) value = '' if value is None else unicode(value) element = data.xpath('//{}'.format(tag))[0] element.text = value return document @property def flagged_fields(self): if hasattr(self, '_flagged_fields') and self._flagged_fields: return self._flagged_fields self._flagged_fields = set() pattern = re.compile('^[A-Z]+$', re.I) for criterion in self.form.quality_checks: if (criterion['name'] in self.quality_checks.keys() and self.quality_checks[criterion['name']] == QUALITY_STATUSES['FLAGGED']): for found in re.sub('[\+\-\*\/\^]\s*', '', criterion['lvalue']).split(' '): if pattern.match(found): self._flagged_fields.add(found) for found in re.sub('[\+\-\*\/\^]\s*', '', criterion['rvalue']).split(' '): if pattern.match(found): self._flagged_fields.add(found) return self._flagged_fields @property def flagged_criteria(self): if hasattr(self, '_flagged_criteria') and self._flagged_criteria: return self._flagged_criteria self._flagged_criteria = [] for criterion in self.form.quality_checks: if (criterion['name'] in self.quality_checks.keys() and self.quality_checks[criterion['name']] == QUALITY_STATUSES['FLAGGED']): self._flagged_criteria.append(criterion['description']) return self._flagged_criteria
class Form(db.Document): '''Primary storage for Checklist/Incident Forms. Defines the following attributes: :attr:`events` a list of references to :class:`core.documents.Event` objects defining which events this form is to be used in. :attr:`groups` storage for the form groups in the form. :attr:`form_type` for specifying the type of the form as described by :attr:`FORM_TYPES`. :attr:`prefix` determines the prefix for the form. This prefix is used in identifying which form is to be used in parsing incoming submissions. :attr:`name` is the name for this form. :attr:`party_mappings` uses field names as keys, party identifiers as values. :attr:`calculate_moe` is true if Margin of Error calculations are going to be computed on results for this form.''' FORM_TYPES = (('CHECKLIST', _('Checklist Form')), ('INCIDENT', _('Incident Form'))) name = db.StringField(required=True) prefix = db.StringField() form_type = db.StringField(choices=FORM_TYPES) require_exclamation = db.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name= _('Require exclamation (!) mark in text message? (Does not apply to Checklist Forms)' )) groups = db.ListField(db.EmbeddedDocumentField('FormGroup')) version_identifier = db.StringField() events = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField(Event, reverse_delete_rule=db.PULL)) deployment = db.ReferenceField(Deployment) quality_checks = db.ListField(db.DictField()) party_mappings = db.DictField() calculate_moe = db.BooleanField(default=False) accredited_voters_tag = db.StringField(verbose_name=_("Accredited Voters")) verifiable = db.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_("Quality Assurance")) invalid_votes_tag = db.StringField(verbose_name=_("Invalid Votes")) registered_voters_tag = db.StringField(verbose_name=_("Registered Voters")) blank_votes_tag = db.StringField(verbose_name=_("Blank Votes")) permitted_roles = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField( Role, reverse_delete_rule=db.PULL), verbose_name=_("Permitted Roles")) meta = { 'indexes': [['prefix'], ['events'], ['events', 'prefix'], ['events', 'form_type'], ['deployment'], ['deployment', 'events']] } def __unicode__(self): return or u'' @property def tags(self): if not hasattr(self, '_field_cache'): self._field_cache = { f for g in self.groups for f in g.fields } return sorted(self._field_cache.keys()) # added so we don't always have to iterate over everything # in the (admittedly rare) cases we need a specific field def get_field_by_tag(self, tag): if not hasattr(self, '_field_cache'): self._field_cache = { f for g in self.groups for f in g.fields } return self._field_cache.get(tag) # see comment on get_field_by_tag def get_group_by_name(self, name): if not hasattr(self, '_group_cache'): self._group_cache = { g for g in self.groups} return self._group_cache.get(name) def clean(self): '''Ensures all :class: `core.documents.FormGroup` instances for this document have their slug set.''' for group in self.groups: if not group.slug: group.slug = slugify_unicode( return super(Form, self).clean() def save(self, **kwargs): # overwrite version identifier self.version_identifier = uuid4().hex super(Form, self).save(**kwargs) # create permissions for roles Need.objects.filter(action='view_forms', items=self, deployment=self.deployment).delete() Need.objects.create(action='view_forms', items=[self], entities=self.permitted_roles, deployment=self.deployment) def update(self, **kwargs): # overwrite version identifier kwargs2 = kwargs.copy() kwargs2.update(set__version_identifier=uuid4().hex) return super(Form, self).update(**kwargs2) def hash(self): xform_data = etree.tostring(self.to_xml(), encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(xform_data) return "md5:%s" % m.hexdigest() def to_xml(self): root = HTML_E.html() head = HTML_E.head(HTML_E.title( data ='-1') # will be replaced with actual submission ID model = E.model(E.instance(data)) body = HTML_E.body() model.append(E.bind(nodeset='/data/form_id', readonly='true()')) model.append(E.bind(nodeset='/data/version_id', readonly='true()')) form_id = etree.Element('form_id') form_id.text = unicode( version_id = etree.Element('version_id') version_id.text = self.version_identifier data.append(form_id) data.append(version_id) # set up identifiers data.append(E.device_id()) data.append(E.subscriber_id()) data.append(E.phone_number()) device_id_bind = E.bind(nodeset='/data/device_id') device_id_bind.attrib['{%s}preload' % NSMAP['jr']] = 'property' device_id_bind.attrib['{%s}preloadParams' % NSMAP['jr']] = 'deviceid' subscriber_id_bind = E.bind(nodeset='/data/subscriber_id') subscriber_id_bind.attrib['{%s}preload' % NSMAP['jr']] = 'property' subscriber_id_bind.attrib['{%s}preloadParams' % NSMAP['jr']] = 'subscriberid' phone_number_bind = E.bind(nodeset='/data/phone_number') phone_number_bind.attrib['{%s}preload' % NSMAP['jr']] = 'property' phone_number_bind.attrib['{%s}preloadParams' % NSMAP['jr']] = 'phonenumber' model.append(device_id_bind) model.append(subscriber_id_bind) model.append(phone_number_bind) for group in self.groups: grp_element = for field in group.fields: data.append(etree.Element( path = '/data/{}'.format( # fields that carry options may be single- or multiselect if field.options: # sort options by value sorted_options = sorted(field.options.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1)) if field.allows_multiple_values: elem_fac = model.append(E.bind(nodeset=path, type='select')) else: elem_fac = E.select1 model.append(E.bind(nodeset=path, type='select1')) field_element = elem_fac(E.label(field.description), for key, value in sorted_options: field_element.append( E.item(E.label(key), E.value(unicode(value)))) else: if field.represents_boolean: field_element = E.select1( E.label(field.description), E.item(E.label('True'), E.value('1')), E.item(E.label('False'), E.value('0')), model.append(E.bind(nodeset=path, type='select1')) elif field.is_comment_field: field_element = E.input(E.label(field.description), model.append(E.bind(nodeset=path, type='string')) else: field_element = E.input(E.label(field.description), model.append( E.bind(nodeset=path, type='integer', constraint='. >= {} and . <= {}'.format( field.min_value, field.max_value))) grp_element.append(field_element) body.append(grp_element) head.append(model) root.append(head) root.append(body) return root