Example #1
def process_2mass_vot(input_file, out_dir=dirconfig.proc_2mass):
    This function reads the votable 2MASS catalogs and extract sources that are
    in the region of the respective tile and also select sources with Qflag = AAA.

    :type out_dir: string
    :param input_file: path to the 2MASS file (in vot format)
    :param out_dir: output path

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(input_file):
        print(f'Processing file {input_file}')

    table = Table.read(input_file, format='votable')

    # Extract tile name and number
    filename = path.splitext(path.split(input_file)[-1])[0]
    tile_name = filename.split("_")[0]
    tile_num = tile_name.replace('t', '')
    tile = objects.all_tiles[tile_name]

    # Unique Object ID
    object_id = np.arange(len(table), dtype=np.int32) + 1
    table['id'] = [f'2mass-{tile_name}_{oid:07d}' for oid in object_id]

    # Add columns with magnitudes in VVV photometric system

    # Select objects in the area of interest
    table['RAJ2000'].unit = u.deg
    table['DEJ2000'].unit = u.deg
    aux = SkyCoord(ra=table['RAJ2000'], dec=table['DEJ2000']).galactic
    table['l'] = aux.l
    table['b'] = aux.b

    lmin, lmax = tile.lmin, tile.lmax
    bmin, bmax = tile.bmin, tile.bmax

    l_filter = (table['l'] >= lmin) * (table['l'] <= lmax)
    b_filter = (table['b'] >= bmin) * (table['b'] <= bmax)

    q_filter = table['Qflg'] == 'AAA'
    match = l_filter * b_filter * q_filter

    date_time = datetime.utcnow()

    table.meta = {'TILE': int(tile_num),
                  'F2MASS': input_file,
                  'STAGE': 'process_2mass_vot',
                  'CATYPE': '2mass',
                  'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                  'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
                  'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'}

    filename += '.fits'
    out_path = path.join(out_dir, filename)

    write_fits_table(table[match], out_path)
Example #2
def process_gaia_vot(input_file, out_dir=dirconfig.proc_gaia, features=None):
    This function transform extract relevant features from vo-table (from gaia query)
    in order to produce more easily manageable files.

    :param features: A list with desired features from Gaia
    :param input_file:
    :param out_dir:

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(input_file):
        print(f'Processing file {input_file}')

    # Read table
    tbl = Table.read(input_file, format='votable')

    tile_name = path.basename(input_file).replace('_gaia.vot.gz', '')
    tile_num = tile_name.replace('t', '')

    # Unique Object ID
    object_id = np.arange(len(tbl), dtype=np.int32) + 1
    tbl['id'] = [f'gaia-{tile_name}_{oid:07d}' for oid in object_id]

    # Extract only sources with parallax
    mask = ~tbl['parallax'].mask
    tbl = tbl[mask]

    # Default features to be extracted from gaia votable
    if features is None:
        features = ['id', 'ra', 'ra_error', 'dec', 'dec_error', 'l', 'b',
                    'parallax', 'parallax_error', 'parallax_over_error',
                    'pmra', 'pmra_error', 'pmdec', 'pmdec_error',
                    'phot_g_mean_flux', 'phot_g_mean_flux_error', 'phot_g_mean_flux_over_error', 'phot_g_mean_mag',
                    'phot_bp_mean_flux', 'phot_bp_mean_flux_error', 'phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error', 'phot_bp_mean_mag',
                    'phot_rp_mean_flux', 'phot_rp_mean_flux_error', 'phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error', 'phot_rp_mean_mag',
                    'phot_bp_rp_excess_factor', 'bp_rp', 'bp_g', 'g_rp',
                    'radial_velocity', 'radial_velocity_error', 'source_id']

    filtered_tbl = tbl[features]

    filename_out = path.basename(input_file).replace('.vot.gz', '') + '.fits'
    filename_out = path.join(out_dir, filename_out)
    print(f'Writing file: {filename_out}')
    date_time = datetime.utcnow()
    filtered_tbl.meta = {'TILE': int(tile_num),
                         'FGAIA': input_file,
                         'STAGE': 'process_gaia_vot',
                         'CATYPE': 'gaia',
                         'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                         'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
                         'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'}

    write_fits_table(filtered_tbl, filename_out)
Example #3
def process_combis_csv(input_file, out_dir=dirconfig.proc_combis, combis_phot=False):
    This function simply transform combis catalogs (with proper motions) from a csv file
    to a fits file.

    :param combis_phot: Consider only data with complete photometrical information in bands mj, mh and mk
    :param input_file: String. Path to the combi catalog (*.csv file)
    :param out_dir: String. Output directory

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(input_file):
        print(f'Processing file {input_file}')

    table = Table.read(input_file, format='csv')

    # Filename and tile number
    filename = path.splitext(path.basename(input_file))[0]
    tile_num = filename.split('_')[0].replace('d', '')

    # Unique Object ID
    object_id = np.arange(len(table), dtype=np.int32) + 1
    table['id'] = [f'combi-t{tile_num}_{oid:07d}' for oid in object_id]

    # Create l and b columns
    table['ra'].unit = u.deg
    table['dec'].unit = u.deg
    aux = SkyCoord(ra=table['ra'], dec=table['dec']).galactic
    table['l'] = aux.l
    table['b'] = aux.b

    # Remove sources with missing data
    mask = ~table['pmra'].mask * ~table['pmdec'].mask

    if combis_phot:
        # Special case, Only consider rows with complete photometric info
        mask *= ~table['mj'].mask * ~table['mh'].mask * ~table['mk'].mask

    aux = table[mask]

    # Create colors
    aux['mh-mk'] = aux['mh'] - aux['mk']
    aux['mj-mk'] = aux['mj'] - aux['mk']
    aux['mj-mh'] = aux['mj'] - aux['mh']

    if combis_phot:
        # Replace column names with vvv-like ones
        original_col_names = ('mj', 'mh', 'mk', 'mh-mk', 'mj-mk', 'mj-mh')
        vvvlike_col_names = ('mag_J', 'mag_H', 'mag_Ks', 'H-Ks', 'J-Ks', 'J-H')
        for original_col_name, vvvlike_col_name in zip(original_col_names, vvvlike_col_names):
            aux.rename_column(original_col_name, vvvlike_col_name)

    out = path.join(out_dir, filename + '.fits')
    date_time = datetime.utcnow()

    aux.meta = {'TILE': int(tile_num),
                'FCOMBI': input_file,
                'STAGE': 'process_combis_csv',
                'CATYPE': 'combi',
                'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
                'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'}

    if combis_phot:
        aux.meta.update({'CATYPE': 'combisphot'})

    write_fits_table(aux, out)
Example #4
def process_vvv_cals(input_file, out_dir=dirconfig.proc_vvv):
    This function take a raw PSF tile in plain text format (.cals) and transform it to a fits file,
    removing sources that does not contain all J, H and Ks data.
    Fits files are handled with much better performance in python than plain-text files.
    For some reason, reading .cals files uses a lot of memory (~6 gb).

    :param input_file: String. Path to the .cals file
    :param out_dir: output directory

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(input_file):
        print(f'Processing file {input_file}')

    table = Table.read(input_file, format='ascii')

    # Check if all the columns exist in table
    expected_cols = ['ra', 'dec', 'mag_Z', 'er_Z', 'mag_Y', 'er_Y', 'mag_J', 'er_J', 'mag_H', 'er_H', 'mag_Ks', 'er_Ks']
    if not all(_ in table.columns for _ in expected_cols):
        raise KeyError(f'Table does not contain all expected columns: {expected_cols}')

    # Filename and tile number
    input_filename = path.basename(input_file)
    tile_num = path.splitext(input_filename.replace('zyjhk', ''))[0]

    # Unique Object ID
    object_id = np.arange(len(table), dtype=np.int32) + 1
    table['id'] = [f'vvv-t{tile_num}_{oid:07d}' for oid in object_id]

    # Create l and b columns
    table['ra'].unit = u.deg
    table['dec'].unit = u.deg
    aux = SkyCoord(ra=table['ra'], dec=table['dec']).galactic
    table['l'] = aux.l
    table['b'] = aux.b

    # Print some stats of the tile (before removing sources)
    # table.info('stats')

    # Create colors
    mask = ~table['mag_J'].mask * ~table['mag_H'].mask * ~table['mag_Ks'].mask
    aux = table[mask]
    aux['H-Ks'] = aux['mag_H'] - aux['mag_Ks']
    aux['J-Ks'] = aux['mag_J'] - aux['mag_Ks']
    aux['J-H'] = aux['mag_J'] - aux['mag_H']
    # print(f'Number of remaining sources: {len(aux)}')

    # Save aux table as fits file with metadata
    date_time = datetime.utcnow()
    aux.meta = {'TILE': int(tile_num),
                'FVVV': input_file,
                'STAGE': 'VVV cals file to fits',
                'CATYPE': 'vvv',
                'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
                'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'}
    out_fn = 't' + tile_num + '_vvv.fits'
    out_path = path.join(out_dir, out_fn)

    output_table = aux['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'l', 'b', 'mag_Z', 'er_Z', 'mag_Y', 'er_Y', 'mag_J', 'er_J',
                       'mag_H', 'er_H', 'mag_Ks', 'er_Ks', 'H-Ks', 'J-Ks', 'J-H']
    write_fits_table(output_table, out_path)
Example #5
def add_proper_motions(phot_file, pm_file, out_dir=dirconfig.test_knowncl):
    Function that match proper motion catalog and VVV clean catalogs.
    :param pm_file:
    :param phot_file:
    :param out_dir:

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(pm_file, phot_file):
        print(f'Processing files:', phot_file, pm_file)

    # Read tables
    tbl_phot = read_fits_table(phot_file)
    tbl_pm = read_fits_table(pm_file)

    # Check if tile numbers match
    if not tbl_phot.meta['TILE'] == tbl_pm.meta['TILE']:
        raise ValueError(f'Files do not correspond to the same tile')

    # Cross-match
    cphot = SkyCoord(tbl_phot['ra'], tbl_phot['dec'])
    cpm = SkyCoord(tbl_pm['ra'], tbl_pm['dec'])
    idx, d2d, d3d = cphot.match_to_catalog_sky(cpm)
    match = d2d < 0.34 * u.arcsec

    # Remove duplicated matches
    # In this case we prefer to omit sources with duplicated matches
    unique_idx, count = np.unique(idx[match], return_counts=True)
    duplicated_idxs = unique_idx[count > 1]
    for i in duplicated_idxs:
        match[idx == i] = False

    # join table of matched sources
    join_table = hstack([tbl_phot, tbl_pm[idx]],
                        table_names=['', '_pm'])
    match_table = join_table[match]

    # Setup names and output file
    tile_number = tbl_phot.meta['TILE']
    catype = tbl_phot.meta['CATYPE'] + '-' + tbl_pm.meta['CATYPE']
    date_time = datetime.utcnow()
    match_table.meta = {
        'TILE': tile_number,
        'FCOMBI': pm_file,
        'FPHOT': phot_file,
        'STAGE': 'add_proper_motions',
        'CATYPE': catype,
        'NPHOT': len(tbl_phot),
        'NCOMBI': len(tbl_pm),
        'NDUPL': len(idx[match]) - len(np.unique(idx[match])),
        'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
        'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'

    # Save file
    fname = f't{tile_number:03d}_{catype}.fits'
    outfile = path.join(out_dir, fname)
    write_fits_table(match_table, outfile)
Example #6
def gaia_cleaning(fname_phot,
    This function matches gaia sources against VVV sources. Sources with a distance
    less than 1 kpc are considered contaminants and are removed from vvv catalog.
    This function generate two tables, one with the cleaned table and the other
    with the contaminants.

    :param fname_phot: String, path to the catalog to be cleaned
    :param fname_gaia: String, path to the gaia catalog
    :param clean_dir: String, output dir
    :param cont_dir: String, output dir for contaminants
    :param save_contam: Boolean
    :param distance: Float, distance in kpc

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(fname_phot, fname_gaia):
        print(f'Processing files: ', fname_phot, fname_gaia)

    # Load tables
    tbl_phot = read_fits_table(fname_phot)
    tbl_gaia = read_fits_table(fname_gaia)

    # Check if tile match
    if not tbl_phot.meta['TILE'] == tbl_gaia.meta['TILE']:
        raise ValueError(f'Files do not correspond to the same tile')

    tile_number = tbl_phot.meta['TILE']

    # Apply threshold to gaia data
    threshold = 1.0 / distance
    match_parallax = tbl_gaia['parallax'] >= threshold
    tbl_gaia_par = tbl_gaia[match_parallax]

    # Cross-match
    cphot = SkyCoord(tbl_phot['ra'], tbl_phot['dec'])
    cgaia = SkyCoord(tbl_gaia_par['ra'], tbl_gaia_par['dec'])
    idx, d2d, d3d = cphot.match_to_catalog_sky(cgaia)
    match = d2d < 0.34 * u.arcsec

    # Remove duplicated matches
    # We only consider sources with 1 to 1 match
    unique_idx, count = np.unique(idx[match], return_counts=True)
    duplicated_idxs = unique_idx[count > 1]
    for i in duplicated_idxs:
        match[idx == i] = False

    # join table of matched sources
    join_table = hstack([tbl_phot, tbl_gaia_par[idx]])

    # Catalog with contaminants (objects that are closer than "distance")
    contam_table = join_table[match]

    # Add metadata
    catype = tbl_phot.meta['CATYPE'] + '-' + tbl_gaia.meta['CATYPE']
    date_time = datetime.utcnow()
    contam_table.meta = {
        'TILE': int(tile_number),
        'FGAIA': fname_gaia,
        'FPHOT': fname_phot,
        'STAGE': 'gaia_cleaning',
        'CATYPE': catype + 'CONT',
        'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
        'DIST': distance,
        'SELECT': 'contaminants',
        'NDUPL': len(idx[match]) - len(np.unique(idx[match])),
        'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'

    # Cleaned catalog
    clean_catalog = tbl_phot[~match]
    clean_catalog.meta = {
        'TILE': int(tile_number),
        'FGAIA': fname_gaia,
        'FPHOT': fname_phot,
        'STAGE': 'gaia_cleaning',
        'CATYPE': catype,
        'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
        'DIST': distance,
        'SELECT': 'clean',
        'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'

    # Save clean catalog to a fits file
    filename = f't{tile_number:03d}_{catype}'
    path_out = path.join(clean_dir, filename + '_clean.fits')
    write_fits_table(clean_catalog, path_out)

    # Save contaminants
    if save_contam:
        path_out = path.join(cont_dir, filename + '_contaminants.fits')
        write_fits_table(contam_table, path_out)
Example #7
def combine_vvv_2mass(vvvpsf_file,
    This function add 2MASS sources to the VVV-PSF catalog

    :param twomass_file: string
    :param vvvpsf_file: string
    :param out_dir: string
    :param max_error: number

    # Check if files exist
    if files_exist(twomass_file, vvvpsf_file):
        print('Combining: ', vvvpsf_file, twomass_file)

    # Read catalogs
    twomass_table = read_fits_table(twomass_file)
    vvvpsf_table = read_fits_table(vvvpsf_file)

    # Check if tile match
    if not twomass_table.meta['TILE'] == vvvpsf_table.meta['TILE']:
        raise ValueError(f'Files do not correspond to the same tile')

    # Cross-match
    c2mass = SkyCoord(twomass_table['RAJ2000'],
    cvvv = SkyCoord(vvvpsf_table['ra'], vvvpsf_table['dec'], unit='deg')
    idx, d2d, d3d = c2mass.match_to_catalog_sky(cvvv)
    match = d2d > max_error * u.arcsec

    # In this case repeated sources are not removed (otherwise they will be included in the output catalog)

    unpaired_2mass_sources = twomass_table[match]

    # Create a new table to store combined data
    unp_table = Table()

    # Add unpaired 2MASS sources to new_catalog
    unp_table['ra'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['RAJ2000']
    unp_table['dec'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['DEJ2000']
    unp_table['l'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['l']
    unp_table['b'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['b']
    unp_table['mag_J'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['J_vista']
    unp_table['eJ'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['e_Jmag']
    unp_table['mag_H'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['H_vista']
    unp_table['eH'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['e_Hmag']
    unp_table['mag_Ks'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['Ks_vista']
    unp_table['eKs'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['e_Kmag']
    unp_table['H-Ks'] = unpaired_2mass_sources[
        'H_vista'] - unpaired_2mass_sources['Ks_vista']
    unp_table['J-Ks'] = unpaired_2mass_sources[
        'J_vista'] - unpaired_2mass_sources['Ks_vista']
    unp_table['J-H'] = unpaired_2mass_sources[
        'J_vista'] - unpaired_2mass_sources['H_vista']
    unp_table['catalog'] = [
        '2MASS' for _ in range(len(unpaired_2mass_sources))
    unp_table['id'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['id']

    # Aux catalog for VVV-PSF sources
    aux_table = Table()

    # Add VVV-PSF sources to new_catalog
    aux_table['ra'] = vvvpsf_table['ra']
    aux_table['dec'] = vvvpsf_table['dec']
    aux_table['l'] = vvvpsf_table['l']
    aux_table['b'] = vvvpsf_table['b']
    aux_table['mag_Z'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['mag_Z'].data,
    aux_table['er_Z'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['er_Z'].data,
    aux_table['mag_Y'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['mag_Y'].data,
    aux_table['er_Y'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['er_Y'].data,
    aux_table['mag_J'] = vvvpsf_table['mag_J']
    aux_table['eJ'] = vvvpsf_table['er_J']
    aux_table['mag_H'] = vvvpsf_table['mag_H']
    aux_table['eH'] = vvvpsf_table['er_H']
    aux_table['mag_Ks'] = vvvpsf_table['mag_Ks']
    aux_table['eKs'] = vvvpsf_table['er_Ks']
    aux_table['H-Ks'] = vvvpsf_table['H-Ks']
    aux_table['J-Ks'] = vvvpsf_table['J-Ks']
    aux_table['J-H'] = vvvpsf_table['J-H']
    aux_table['catalog'] = ['PSF-VVV' for _ in range(len(vvvpsf_table))]
    aux_table['id'] = vvvpsf_table['id']

    output_table = vstack([unp_table, aux_table])

    # Add metadata to the new file
    date_time = datetime.utcnow()
    tile = vvvpsf_table.meta['TILE']
    catype = vvvpsf_table.meta['CATYPE'] + '-' + twomass_table.meta['CATYPE']
    output_table.meta = {
        'TILE': tile,
        'F2MASS': twomass_file,
        'N2MASS': len(unp_table),
        'FVVV': vvvpsf_file,
        'NVVV': len(vvvpsf_table),
        'STAGE': 'combine_vvv_2mass',
        'CATYPE': catype,
        'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
        'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais'

    # Write output table
    fname = f't{tile:03d}_{catype}.fits'
    output_file = path.join(out_dir, fname)
    write_fits_table(output_table, output_file)