def user_login(): try: data = request.get_json() email = data['email'] password = data['password'] except KeyError: abort(utils.response_fn(400, "error", "Should be email & password")) # check for the validity of the email v2utils.isEmailValid(email) # check if both values are stirngs utils.check_for_strings(data, ["email", "password"]) # check for whitespaces. utils.check_for_whitespace(data, ["email", "password"]) # try to get the record of the user by email. try: user = UserModel.get_user_by_mail(email) if not user: abort(utils.response_fn(404, "error", "User does not exist")) id = user[0][0] username = user[0][1] hashed_password = user[0][2] is_admin_prop = user[0][4] password = UserModel.check_if_password_n_hash_match( hashed_password, password) if not password: abort( utils.response_fn(400, "error", "The password is wrong, try again")) token = jwt.encode({ "email": email, "isAdmin": is_admin_prop }, KEY, algorithm='HS256') return utils.response_fn( 200, "data", { "message": "Logged in successfully", "token": token.decode('UTF-8'), "user": { "id": id, "username": username } }) except psycopg2.DatabaseError as _error: abort(utils.response_fn(500, "error", "Server error"))
def authorize_user_to_admin(user, user_id): try: adminprop = user[0][2] except: return utils.response_fn(401, "error", "You don't have an account. Create One") isUserAdmin(adminprop) userToBeElevated = UserModel.get_user_by_id(user_id) if userToBeElevated: UserModel.make_admin(userToBeElevated[0][0]) return utils.response_fn(200, "data", [{ "message": "Admin has been set" }]) return utils.response_fn( 404, "message", "The user you are trying to elevate is not registered")
def update_password(): try: data = request.get_json() email = data['email'] password = data['password'] except KeyError: abort(utils.response_fn(400, "error", "Should be email & password")) v2utils.check_password_format(password) user = UserModel.get_user_by_mail(email) if not user: abort(utils.response_fn(404, "error", "User does not exist")) UserModel.update_password(email, password) return utils.response_fn( 200, "data", { "message": "Password reset successfully. Login with new password", })
def secure_reset(): """ this endpoint is to be requested from the server only via the /auth/reset view. Client browsers accessing this view will be forbidden and hence the mail will not be sent view for more details on the reasons this implementation is necessary """ try: data = request.get_json() email = data["email"] except KeyError: abort(utils.response_fn(400, "error", "Should be email")) # check if email is valid v2utils.isEmailValid(email) UserModel.sendmail(email) return utils.response_fn(200, "data", [{ "message": "Check your email for password reset link", "email": email }])
def register_candidate_to_office(userobj, office_id): """ this is where we check if the candidates information is eligible so that it can be registered to an office. """ try: userAdminProperty = userobj[0][2] except: abort( utils.response_fn(401, "error", "You don't have an account Create one")) try: data = request.get_json() user = data["user"] except KeyError: abort(utils.response_fn(400, "error", "User key should be present")) # check if details are for an admin. isUserAdmin(userAdminProperty) # check if fields are integers. utils.check_for_ints(data, ["user"]) # does the candidate & office exist in the db. candidate = UserModel.get_user_by_id(user) office = OfficesModel.get_specific_office(office_id) if candidate and office: is_candidate_registered = CandidateModel.check_if_candidate_is_already_registered( user, office_id) if is_candidate_registered: abort( utils.response_fn( 400, "error", "Candidate is already registered in this office")) # register the politician a certain office. CandidateModel.register_politician_user_to_office(office_id, user) return utils.response_fn(201, "data", [{ "office": office_id, "user": user }]) else: return utils.response_fn( 404, "error", "Either candidate or office is missing in the database")
def create_vote(user): """ a voter can vote for a particular office if he has hasn't voted for it yet """ try: user_id = user[0][1] except: return utils.response_fn(401, "error", "You don't have an account") try: data = request.get_json() office = data["office"] candidate = data["candidate"] except KeyError: abort(utils.response_fn(400, "error", "Should be office & candidate, enter all fields")) utils.check_for_ints(data, ["office", "candidate"]) try: iscandidatePresent = UserModel.get_user_by_id(candidate) isOfficePresent = OfficesModel.get_specific_office(office) if iscandidatePresent and isOfficePresent: isCandidateRegistered = CandidateModel.check_if_candidate_is_already_registered( candidate, office) if isCandidateRegistered: voted = VotesModel.check_if_user_already_voted(user_id, office) if voted: return utils.response_fn(401, "error", "You have already voted") newvote = VotesModel(office, candidate, user_id) newvote.save_vote() return utils.response_fn(201, "data", [{ "office": office, "candidate": candidate, "voter": user_id }]) return utils.response_fn(400, "error", "This candidate is not registered for the office.") return utils.response_fn(404, "error", "Either Candidate or party doesn't exist") except psycopg2.DatabaseError as _error: abort(utils.response_fn(500, "error", "Server error"))
def signup(): """ Sign a user up """ try: data = request.get_json() firstname = data['firstname'] lastname = data['lastname'] username = data["username"] othername = data.get("othername", "") email = data["email"] phone = data["phone"] # doesnt have to fail because of absence of this value passportUrl = data.get("passportUrl", "") password = data["password"] retypedpassword = data["retypedpassword"] except: return abort( utils.response_fn( 400, "error", 'Check your json keys. ' 'username, firstname, lastname,' 'phone, email, password')) utils.check_for_strings(data, [ "firstname", "lastname", "username", "othername", "passportUrl", "email", "phone" ]) utils.check_for_whitespace( data, ["firstname", "lastname", "username", "email", "phone"]) utils.check_for_bools(data, ["isAdmin", "isPolitician"]) # check the passwords. v2utils.doPasswordsMatch(password, retypedpassword) # check the email provided v2utils.isEmailValid(email) # Check if phone number is valid v2utils.is_phone_number_valid(phone) v2utils.check_matching_items_in_db_table({"username": username}, "users") v2utils.check_matching_items_in_db_table({"email": email}, "users") newuser = UserModel(username=username, email=email, password=password, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, phone=phone, passportUrl=passportUrl, othername=othername) newuser.save_user() token = jwt.encode({ "email": email, "isAdmin": False }, KEY, algorithm='HS256') return utils.response_fn(201, "data", [{ "user": { "email":, "username": newuser.username }, "token": token.decode('UTF-8') }])
def get_all_users(): return utils.response_fn(200, "data", UserModel.get_all_users())