Example #1
 def test_card_can_create_deck_with_52_cards(self):
     cards = Card.create_deck_with_52_cards()
     assert len(cards) == 52
     assert cards[0] == Card(rank='2', suit='Hearts')
     assert cards[-1] == Card(rank='Ace', suit='Diamonds')
Example #2
from app.card import Card
from app.deck import Deck
from app.hand import Hand
from app.player import Player
from app.game import Game

# creates a deck of 52 cards
deck = Deck()
cards = Card.create_deck_with_52_cards()

# mock game with two players
hand1 = Hand(cards=[])
hand2 = Hand(cards=[])
player1 = Player(name='M', hand=hand1)
player2 = Player(name='Z', hand=hand2)
players = [player1, player2]

# game.play() shuffles deck and deals two cards to x num of players
game = Game(deck=deck, players=players)

# # # creates initial three card draw
# # table_hand = []
# # table_count = 0
# # for card in deck.cards:
# #     if table_count < 3:
# #         table_hand.append(card)
# #         deck.remove_cards(card)
# #         table_count += 1