class Companies(SyncModel): """Acts as a client to query and modify information from and to database""" def __init__(self, db_params: dict, table_names: dict): self.table = table_names.get('companies_table', 'tl_companies') = 'companies' self.postgresql_wrapper = PostgresqlWrapper(db_params) self.postgresql_wrapper.execute(Companies.create_table_sql(self.table))
class Users(SyncModel): """Acts as a client to query and modify information from and to DEEWEE""" def __init__(self, db_params: dict, table_names: dict): self.table = table_names.get('users_table', 'tl_users') = 'users' self.postgresql_wrapper = PostgresqlWrapper(db_params) self.postgresql_wrapper.execute(Users.create_table_sql(self.table))
def __init__(self, db_params: dict, table_names: dict): self.table = table_names.get('contacts_table', 'tl_contacts') = 'contacts' self.postgresql_wrapper = PostgresqlWrapper(db_params) self.postgresql_wrapper.execute( Contacts.create_table_sql(self.table) )
class TeamleaderAuth(): """Acts as a client to query and modify information from and to database""" def __init__(self, db_params: dict, table_names: dict): self.table = table_names.get('oauth_table', 'shared.tl_auth') self.postgresql_wrapper = PostgresqlWrapper(db_params) self.postgresql_wrapper.execute( TeamleaderAuth.create_table_sql(self.table)) def save(self, code='', auth_token='', refresh_token=''): print(f"Updating auth_token, refresh_token and code in {self.table}", flush=True) if self.count() == 0: self.postgresql_wrapper.execute(self.insert_tokens_sql(), (code, auth_token, refresh_token)) else: self.postgresql_wrapper.execute(self.update_tokens_sql(), (code, auth_token, refresh_token)) def read(self): row = self.postgresql_wrapper.execute( f'SELECT * FROM {self.table} LIMIT 1;')[0] code = row[1] token = row[2] refresh_token = row[3] return code, token, refresh_token @classmethod def create_table_sql(cls, table_name): return f'''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name}( id serial PRIMARY KEY, code VARCHAR, auth_token VARCHAR, refresh_token VARCHAR, created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now() ); ''' def reset(self): self.postgresql_wrapper.execute(f'TRUNCATE TABLE {self.table};') def count(self) -> int: count_sql = f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {self.table}' return self.postgresql_wrapper.execute(count_sql)[0][0] def insert_tokens_sql(self): return f''' INSERT INTO {self.table} (code, auth_token, refresh_token) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ''' def update_tokens_sql(self): return f'''
def postgresql_wrapper(self): """Returns a PostgresqlWrapper initiliazed by the parameters in config.yml""" return PostgresqlWrapper( ConfigParser().app_cfg['postgresql_teamleader'])
def __init__(self, db_params: dict, table_names: dict): self.table = table_names.get('oauth_table', 'shared.tl_auth') self.postgresql_wrapper = PostgresqlWrapper(db_params) self.postgresql_wrapper.execute( TeamleaderAuth.create_table_sql(self.table))
class Contacts(SyncModel): """Acts as a client to query and modify information from and to database""" def __init__(self, db_params: dict, table_names: dict): self.table = table_names.get('contacts_table', 'tl_contacts') = 'contacts' self.postgresql_wrapper = PostgresqlWrapper(db_params) self.postgresql_wrapper.execute( Contacts.create_table_sql(self.table) ) def parse_or_id(self, contact_json): # TODO: map this correctly somehow return contact_json.get('or_id') def parse_cp_name_catpro(self, contact_json): # TODO: map this correctly somehow return contact_json.get('cp_name_catpro') def parse_email(self, contact_json): emails = contact_json.get('emails', []) for em in emails: if em['type'] == 'primary': return em['email'] # return empty value if not found return '' def parse_phone(self, contact_json): telephones = contact_json.get('telephones', []) for p in telephones: if p['type'] == 'phone': return p['number'] # return empty value if not found return '' def parse_website(self, contact_json): return contact_json.get('website') def parse_form_url(self, contact_json): return contact_json.get('web_url') def parse_description(self, contact_json): # TODO: check if this is correct with Tine return contact_json.get('remarks') def parse_accountmanager(self, contact_json): # TODO: map this correctly somehow # i'm guessing this might be companies/position instead which can be # Consultant, Account manager, ...? return contact_json.get('accountmanager') def write_contacts_csv(self, csvfile): export = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='"') # write header export.writerow( [ "or_id", "cp_name_catpro", "email", "phone", "website", "form_url", "description", "accountmanager" ] ) # write contacts csv export rows based on tl_content json batch_size = 100 total_contacts = self.count() export_offset = 0 export_rows = 0 print(f"Contacts count in database = {total_contacts}", flush=True) while export_offset < total_contacts: contact_data = self.select_page(batch_size, export_offset) export_offset += batch_size for row in contact_data: # TODO: make dictionary cursor so we can use row['tl_content'] instead contact_json = row[2] export.writerow([ self.parse_or_id(contact_json), self.parse_cp_name_catpro(contact_json), self.parse_email(contact_json), self.parse_phone(contact_json), self.parse_website(contact_json), self.parse_form_url(contact_json), self.parse_description(contact_json), self.parse_accountmanager(contact_json) ]) export_rows += 1 print(f"Exported {export_rows} contacts to csv file.", flush=True) def export_csv(self, csv_path): with open(csv_path, 'w') as csvfile: self.write_contacts_csv(csvfile)