def btc_notification(address, symbol, type_id): print("ashgajhghgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg") ret = BTC_balance.replace("{{address}}", '' + address + '') ret1 = ret.replace("{{symbol}}", '' + symbol + '') print(ret1) response_user_token = requests.get(url=ret1) transaction = response_user_token.json() total_current_tx = transaction['transaction_count'] print('25') mycursor.execute( 'SELECT total_tx_calculated FROM sws_address WHERE address="' + str(address) + '"') current_tx = mycursor.fetchone() tx_count = current_tx[0] print('29') print("tx_count") print(tx_count) print("total_current_tx") print(total_current_tx) if tx_count is None or total_current_tx > tx_count: mycursor.execute('UPDATE sws_address SET total_tx_calculated ="' + str(total_current_tx) + '" WHERE address = "' + str(address) + '"') mycursor.execute( 'SELECT FROM db_safename.sws_address as a left join db_safename.sws_user as u on a.cms_login_name = u.username where a.address="' + str(address) + '"') email = mycursor.fetchone() email_id = email[0] print('35') if email_id is not None: message = Mail( from_email=Sendgrid_default_mail, to_emails=email_id, subject= 'SafeName - New Transaction Notification In Your Account', html_content= '<h3> You got a new transaction on your BTC address</h3>') sg = SendGridAPIClient(SendGridAPIClient_key) response = sg.send(message) print(response.status_code, response.body, response.headers) else: print("email is none") else: print("no new transaction") ''' transactions = transaction['txs'] array=[] total_current_tx=len(transactions)s ''' '''
def profile_risk_score(): print("asdasndas,na") mycursor.execute('SELECT username FROM sws_user') sws_users = mycursor.fetchall() for user in sws_users: user_name=user[0] mycursor.execute('SELECT address_risk_score FROM sws_address WHERE cms_login_name="'+str(user_name)+'"') risk_scores = mycursor.fetchall() list_of_scores=[] for risk_score in risk_scores: score = risk_score[0] list_of_scores.append(score) if list_of_scores: avrage = np.mean(list_of_scores) mycursor.execute('SELECT profile_risk_score_by_kyc_options FROM sws_user WHERE username="******"') risk_scores = mycursor.fetchone() risk_score_kyc = risk_scores[0] final_profile_riskscore=risk_score_kyc+avrage mycursor.execute('UPDATE sws_user SET profile_risk_score="'+str(final_profile_riskscore)+'" WHERE username = "******"')
def auto_fetch(): print("runing") response_user_token = requests.get(url=ETH_SCAM_URL) mycursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sws_heist_address` ( id INT,coin varchar(100),tag_name varchar(100),status varchar(100),address varchar(100),source varchar(1000),subcategory varchar(100),description varchar(1500),also_known_as varchar(1000))""") response = response_user_token.json() result = response['result'] if result: for record in result: if "addresses" in record: coin = record['coin'] category = record['category'] status = record['status'] url = record['url'] if "subcategory" in record: subcate = record['subcategory'] else: subcate = "" subcategory = subcate if "description" in record: description = record['description'] else: description = "" addr = record['addresses'] for add in addr: addresses = add mycursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sws_heist_address WHERE address="'+str(addresses)+'"') check = mycursor.fetchall() if not check: print("added") mycursor.execute('''SELECT MAX(id) FROM sws_heist_address''') maxid = mycursor.fetchone() check=maxid[0] if check is None: ids = 1 else: ids=(maxid[0]+1) print(ids) conversion =description.replace('"','') mycursor.execute('INSERT INTO sws_heist_address (id,coin,tag_name,status,address,source,subcategory,description,also_known_as) VALUES ("'+str(ids)+'","'+str(coin)+'","'+str(category)+'","'+str(status)+'","'+str(addresses)+'","","'+str(subcategory)+'","'+str(conversion)+'","'+str(url)+'")') mydb.commit() else: print("already_exist")
def eth_notification(address, symbol, type_id): doc = ETH_transactions.replace("{{address}}", '' + address + '') response_user = requests.get(url=doc) res = response_user.json() transactions = res['result'] if transactions: total_current_tx = len(transactions) transaction = transactions[-1] timestamp = transaction['timeStamp'] first_date = int(timestamp) dt_object = datetime.fromtimestamp(first_date) fro = transaction['from'] too = transaction['to'] send_amount = (int(transaction['value']) / 1000000000000000000) tx_id = transaction['hash'] print("87") mycursor.execute( 'SELECT total_tx_calculated FROM sws_address WHERE address="' + str(address) + '"') current_tx = mycursor.fetchall() transactions_count = current_tx[0] tx_count = transactions_count[0] print("tx_count") print(tx_count) print("total_current_tx") print(total_current_tx) print("send_amount") print(send_amount) if tx_count is None or total_current_tx > tx_count: print("93") if send_amount != 0: print("105") mycursor.execute( 'UPDATE sws_address SET total_tx_calculated ="' + str(total_current_tx) + '" WHERE address = "' + str(address) + '"') print(address) mycursor.execute( 'SELECT FROM db_safename.sws_address as a left join db_safename.sws_user as u on a.cms_login_name = u.username where a.address="' + str(address) + '"') email = mycursor.fetchone() email_id = email[0] print(email_id) if email_id is not None: ''' print("sendinnnnnngggggggg") mycursor.execute('SELECT address_safename FROM sws_address WHERE address="'+str(fro)+'"') from_safename_tx = mycursor.fetchall() if from_safename_tx: frm_safenames=from_safename_tx[0] frm = frm_safenames[0] frm_safename=fro+'(safename:'+frm+')' else: frm_safename=fro mycursor.execute('SELECT address_safename FROM sws_address WHERE address="'+str(too)+'"') too_safenames_tx = mycursor.fetchall() if too_safenames_tx: too_safenames=too_safenames_tx[0] to = too_safenames[0] to_safename=too+'(safename:'+to+')' else: to_safename=too ''' frm_safename = fro to_safename = too message = Mail( from_email=Sendgrid_default_mail, to_emails=email_id, subject= 'SafeName - New Transaction Notification In Your Account', html_content= '<h3> You got a new transaction </h3><strong>Date:</strong> ' + str(dt_object) + ' <div><strong>From:</strong> ' + str(frm_safename) + ' </div><strong>To:</strong> ' + str(to_safename) + ' </div><div><strong>Amount:</strong> ' + str(send_amount) + ' </div><div><strong>Tx_id:</strong> ' + str(tx_id) + ' </div><div><strong>Coin Type:</strong> ' 'ETH' ' </div>') sg = SendGridAPIClient(SendGridAPIClient_key) response = sg.send(message) print(response.status_code, response.body, response.headers) else: print("email is not none") else: print("amount is 0") else: print("no new transaction") else: print("no transcations")
def invoice_notification(): print("asdasndas,na") dab = mongo.db.sws_pending_txs_from_app.find({"type": "invoice"}) dab = [serialize_doc(doc) for doc in dab] for data in dab: frm = data['from'] to = data['to'] symbol = data['symbol'] amount = data['amt'] notes = data['from_notes'] to_username = data['to_username'] print("from") print(frm) print("to") print(to) print(amount) dabb = mongo.db.sws_history.find( { "transactions": { '$elemMatch': { "from": { '$elemMatch': { "from": to, "send_amount": amount } }, "to": { '$elemMatch': { "to": frm } } } } }, {"transactions.$": 1}) dabb = [serialize_doc(doc) for doc in dabb] print(dabb) if dabb: for data in dabb: trans = data['transactions'] for tx_id in trans: transaction_id = tx_id['Tx_id'] docs = mongo.db.sws_pending_txs_from_app.remove({ "from": frm, "to": to, "amt": amount, "type": "invoice" }) report = mongo.db.sws_notes.insert_one({ "tx_id": transaction_id, "notes": notes, "from": frm, "to": to, "type": "invoice", "username": to_username, "update_at":, "created_at": }).inserted_id else: mycursor.execute( 'SELECT FROM db_safename.sws_address as a left join db_safename.sws_user as u on a.cms_login_name = u.username where a.address="' + str(to) + '"') email = mycursor.fetchone() print(email) if email is not None: email_id = email[0] print(email_id) message = Mail( from_email=Sendgrid_default_mail, to_emails='*****@*****.**', subject='SafeName - Invoice Notification In Your Account', html_content= '<h3> Your invoice is not clear please accept the request</h3>' ) sg = SendGridAPIClient(SendGridAPIClient_key) response = sg.send(message) print(response.status_code, response.body, response.headers)
def heist_associated_fetch(): print("runningggggg") mycursor.execute('select coin, address from `sws_heist_address`') result = mycursor.fetchall() for res in result: coin = res[0] address= res[1] if coin == 'ETH': print("eth") url1=ETH_TRANSACTION_URL doc=url1.replace("{{address}}",''+address+'') response_user = requests.get(url=doc) res = response_user.json() if 'status' in res: status_code = res['status'] else: status_code = "1" if status_code != "0": transactions=res['result'] frm=[] to=[] for transaction in transactions: fro =transaction['from'] too=transaction['to'] to.append({"to":too}) frm.append({"from":fro}) for fund_trans in frm: address=fund_trans['from'] mycursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sws_heist_address WHERE address="'+str(address)+'"') check = mycursor.fetchall() if not check: print("added") mycursor.execute('''SELECT MAX(id) FROM sws_heist_address''') maxid = mycursor.fetchone() check=maxid[0] if check is None: ids = 1 else: ids=(maxid[0]+1) print(ids) category = "heist_associated" status = "Active" url = "" subcategory = "" conversion = "" mycursor.execute('INSERT INTO sws_heist_address (id,coin,tag_name,status,address,source,subcategory,description,also_known_as) VALUES ("'+str(ids)+'","'+str(coin)+'","'+str(category)+'","'+str(status)+'","'+str(address)+'","'+str(url)+'","'+str(subcategory)+'","'+str(conversion)+'","related to heist_address")') mydb.commit() else: print("already_exist") for fund_reci in to: address=fund_reci['to'] mycursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sws_heist_address WHERE address="'+str(address)+'"') check = mycursor.fetchall() if not check: print("to_added") mycursor.execute('''SELECT MAX(id) FROM sws_heist_address''') maxid = mycursor.fetchone() check=maxid[0] if check is None: ids = 1 else: ids=(maxid[0]+1) print(ids) name = "" category = "heist_associated" status = "Active" url = "" subcategory = "" conversion = "" mycursor.execute('INSERT INTO sws_heist_address (id,coin,tag_name,status,address,source,subcategory,description,also_known_as) VALUES ("'+str(ids)+'","'+str(coin)+'","'+str(category)+'","'+str(status)+'","'+str(address)+'","'+str(url)+'","'+str(subcategory)+'","'+str(conversion)+'","related to heist_address")') mydb.commit() else: print("already_exist") if coin == 'BTC': print("btc") url1=BTC_TRANSACTION doc=url1.replace("{{address}}",''+address+'') response_user = requests.get(url=doc) res = response_user.json() transactions = res['txs'] frm=[] for transaction in transactions: frmm=transaction['inputs'] for trans in frmm: fro=trans['address'] frm.append({"from":fro}) for fund_trans in frm: address=fund_trans['from'] mycursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sws_heist_address WHERE address="'+str(address)+'"') check = mycursor.fetchall() if not check: print("added") mycursor.execute('''SELECT MAX(id) FROM sws_heist_address''') maxid = mycursor.fetchone() check=maxid[0] if check is None: ids = 1 else: ids=(maxid[0]+1) print(ids) category = "heist_associated" status = "Active" url = "" subcategory = "" conversion = "" mycursor.execute('INSERT INTO sws_heist_address (id,coin,tag_name,status,address,source,subcategory,description,also_known_as) VALUES ("'+str(ids)+'","'+str(coin)+'","'+str(category)+'","'+str(status)+'","'+str(address)+'","'+str(url)+'","'+str(subcategory)+'","'+str(conversion)+'","related to heist_address")') mydb.commit() else: print("already_exist")