def start_gmsh(angle_start, angle_stop, angles, nodes, levels): ''' start_gmsh run gmsh with arguments then converts the .msh files created by gmsh to .xml with fenics dolfin. One .xml file is uploaded for every level. Args: angle_start (str) : smallest anglemof attack (degrees) angle_stop (str) : biggest angle of attack (degrees) angles (str) : split angle_stop - angle_start into angles parts nodes (str) : number of nodes on one side of airfoil levels (str) : number of refinement steps in meshing 0=no refinement 1=one time 2=two times etc... Returns: None ''' os.chdir(git_dir) try: call(['./', angle_start, angle_stop, angles, nodes, levels]) except CalledProcessError as e: print e call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/msh', shell=True) call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/geo', shell=True) for level in range(int(levels) + 1): path = '/home/ubuntu/msh/' filename = '/home/ubuntu/msh/r{}a{}n{}.msh'.format(level, angle_start, nodes) filename_xml = filename[:-3] filename_xml += 'xml' try: check_call('sudo dolfin-convert {} {}'.format(filename, filename_xml), shell=True) except CalledProcessError as e: print e try: with open(filename_xml) as f: conn.put_object(container, filename_xml[len(path):],, content_type='text/plain') except IOError as e: print e
def start_airfoil(samples, viscocity, speed, time_step, filename): ''' Start_airfoil runs naca_airfoil with supplied arguments and uploads the created file by naca_airfoil drag_ligt.m to the container specified in config. Args: samples (str) : number of samples saved viscocity (str) : the air's viscosity speed (str) : movement speed of wing time (str) : total amount of time filename (str): xml file served to naca_airfoil Returns: None ''' call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/msh', shell=True) call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/geo', shell=True) os.chdir(git_dir) filename_path = '/home/ubuntu/msh/{}'.format(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename_path): os.chdir('/home/ubuntu/msh') response, data = conn.get_object(container, filename) filename_path = filename call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/msh', shell=True) call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/geo', shell=True) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(data) os.chdir(git_dir) airfoil_path = '/home/ubuntu/naca_airfoil/navier_stokes_solver/airfoil' u = str(uuid.uuid4()) root_dir = '/home/ubuntu' result_dir = '{}/{}/{}'.format(root_dir, filename[:-4], u) if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.makedirs(result_dir) os.chdir(result_dir) try: check_call(['sudo', '/home/ubuntu/naca_airfoil/navier_stokes_solver/airfoil', samples, viscocity, speed, time_step, filename_path]) except CalledProcessError as e: print e object_name = '{}/s{}v{}s{}t{}/drag_lift.m'.format(filename, samples, viscocity, speed, time_step) plot_path = '{}/s{}v{}s{}t{}'.format(filename, samples, viscocity, speed, time_step) result_file = '{}/results/drag_ligt.m'.format(result_dir) try: call('sudo python /home/ubuntu/test/ {}'.format(result_file) + " {}".format(result_dir), shell=True) with open(result_file) as f: conn.put_object(container, object_name,, content_type='text/plain') with open(result_dir + '/plot_lift.png') as f: conn.put_object(container, object_name[:-11]+"plot_lift.png",, content_type='text/plain') with open(result_dir + '/plot_drag.png') as f: conn.put_object(container, object_name[:-11]+"plot_drag.png",, content_type='text/plain') except IOError as e: print e
def gmsh_convert_airfoil(angle_start, angle_stop, angles, nodes, levels, samples, viscocity, speed, time_step): ''' gmsh_convert_airfoil run gmsh with arguments then converts the .msh files created by gmsh to .xml with fenics dolfin. The xml files are passed as a argument to naca_airfoil. naca_airfoil run once for each level and each time produces a drag_ligt.m file. All xml and drag_ligt.m files are uploaded to the container specified in config. Args: angle_start (str) : smallest anglemof attack (degrees) angle_stop (str) : biggest angle of attack (degrees) angles (str) : split angle_stop - angle_start into angles parts nodes (str) : number of nodes on one side of airfoil levels (str) : number of refinement steps in meshing 0=no refinement 1=one time 2=two times etc... samples (str) : number of samples saved viscocity (str) : the air's viscosity speed (str) : movement speed of wing time (str) : total amount of time Returns: None ''' os.chdir(git_dir) try: call(['./', angle_start, angle_stop, angles, nodes, levels]) except CalledProcessError as e: print e call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/msh', shell=True) call('sudo chown -R ubuntu /home/ubuntu/geo', shell=True) for level in range(int(levels) + 1): path = '/home/ubuntu/msh/' filename = '/home/ubuntu/msh/r{}a{}n{}.msh'.format(level, angle_start, nodes) filename_xml = filename[:-3] filename_xml += 'xml' try: check_call('sudo dolfin-convert {} {}'.format(filename, filename_xml), shell=True) except CalledProcessError as e: print e with open(filename_xml) as f: conn.put_object(container, filename_xml[len(path):],, content_type='text/plain') airfoil_path = '/home/ubuntu/naca_airfoil/navier_stokes_solver/airfoil' for level in range(int(levels) + 1): u = str(uuid.uuid4()) root_dir = '/home/ubuntu' result_dir = '{}/r{}a{}n{}/{}'.format(root_dir, level, angle_start, nodes, u) filename_xml = '/home/ubuntu/msh/r{}a{}n{}.xml'.format(level, angle_start, nodes) if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.makedirs(result_dir) os.chdir(result_dir) try: check_call(['sudo', '/home/ubuntu/naca_airfoil/navier_stokes_solver/airfoil', samples, viscocity, speed, time_step, filename_xml]) except CalledProcessError as e: print e filename = '{}/s{}v{}s{}t{}/drag_lift.m'.format(filename_xml[len(path):], samples, viscocity, speed, time_step) result_file = '{}/results/drag_ligt.m'.format(result_dir) call('sudo python /home/ubuntu/test/ {}'.format(result_file) + " {}".format(result_dir), shell=True) try: with open(result_file) as f: conn.put_object(container, filename,, content_type='text/plain') with open(result_dir + '/plot_lift.png') as f: conn.put_object(container, filename[:-11]+"plot_lift.png",, content_type='text/plain') with open(result_dir + '/plot_drag.png') as f: conn.put_object(container, filename[:-11]+"plot_drag.png",, content_type='text/plain') except IOError as e: print e