def segmentLesions3Dv2(pathInpNii, dirWithModel, pathOutNii=None, outSize=None, isDebug=False, threshold=None, path_lungs=None): if isinstance(pathInpNii, str): # or isinstance(pathInpNii, unicode): isInpFromFile = True if not os.path.isfile(pathInpNii): raise Exception('Cant find input file [%s]' % pathInpNii) else: isInpFromFile = False if not os.path.isdir(dirWithModel): raise Exception('Cant find directory with model [%s]' % dirWithModel) if pathOutNii is not None: outDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pathOutNii)) if not os.path.isdir(outDir): raise Exception( 'Cant find output directory [%s], create directory for output file before this call' % outDir) batcherInfer = InferencerLesion3Dv2() batcherInfer.load_model(path_model=dirWithModel) if isDebug: batcherInfer.model.summary() ret = batcherInfer.inference([pathInpNii], batchSize=1) outMsk = ret[0] if isInpFromFile: tmpNii = nib.load(pathInpNii) else: tmpNii = pathInpNii # outMskNii = nib.Nifti1Image(outMsk.copy().astype(np.uint8), tmpNii.affine, header=tmpNii.header) if outSize is not None: outMskNii = resizeNii(outMskNii, newSize=outSize, parOrder=0) if path_lungs is not None: tmp_affine = outMskNii.affine tmp_header = outMskNii.header msk_lungs = resizeNii(path_lungs, newSize=outSize, parOrder=0).get_data() outMsk = outMskNii.get_data().astype(np.uint8) outMsk[msk_lungs < 0.5] = 0 outMskNii = nib.Nifti1Image(outMsk.copy().astype(np.uint8), tmp_affine, header=tmp_header) # if threshold is not None: # outMskNii = nib.Nifti1Image((outMskNii.get_data() > threshold).astype(np.float16), # outMskNii.affine, # header=outMskNii.header) if pathOutNii is not None:, pathOutNii) # pathOutNii = '%s-segm.nii.gz' % pathInpNii else: return outMskNii
def test_resize_nii(self): self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.wdir)) lstPathNii = sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.nii.gz' % self.wdir)) numNii = len(lstPathNii) self.assertTrue((numNii > 0)) pathNii = lstPathNii[0] newSize = (128, 128, 128) niiResiz = preproc.resizeNii(pathNii, newSize=newSize) self.assertTrue(niiResiz.shape == newSize)
def segmentLungs25D(pathInpNii, dirWithModel, pathOutNii=None, outSize=None, batchSize=8, isDebug=False, threshold=None): if isinstance(pathInpNii, str): # or isinstance(pathInpNii,unicode): isInpFromFile = True if not os.path.isfile(pathInpNii): raise Exception('Cant find input file [%s]' % pathInpNii) else: isInpFromFile = False if not os.path.isdir(dirWithModel): raise Exception('Cant find directory with model [%s]' % dirWithModel) if pathOutNii is not None: outDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pathOutNii)) if not os.path.isdir(outDir): raise Exception( 'Cant find output directory [%s], create directory for output file before this call' % outDir) batcherInfer = BatcherCTLung2D() batcherInfer.loadModelForInference(pathModelJson=dirWithModel, pathMeanData=dirWithModel) if isDebug: batcherInfer.model.summary() lstPathNifti = [pathInpNii] ret = batcherInfer.inference(lstPathNifti, batchSize=batchSize, isDebug=isDebug) outMsk = ret[0] if isInpFromFile: tmpNii = nib.load(pathInpNii) else: tmpNii = pathInpNii # outMskNii = nib.Nifti1Image(outMsk.copy().astype(np.float16), tmpNii.affine, header=tmpNii.header) # resize if need: if outSize is not None: outMskNii = resizeNii(outMskNii, newSize=outSize) # threshold if need: if threshold is not None: outMskNii = nib.Nifti1Image( (outMskNii.get_data() > threshold).astype(np.float16), outMskNii.affine, header=outMskNii.header) # save if output path is present if pathOutNii is not None:, pathOutNii) # pathOutNii = '%s-segm.nii.gz' % pathInpNii else: return outMskNii
def test_lesion_segmentation(self): niiOriginal = nib.load(self.pathInpNii) inpSize = niiOriginal.shape sizeProcessing = (128, 128, 64) niiResized = resizeNii(pathNii=niiOriginal, newSize=sizeProcessing) niiMask = segmentLesions3D(niiResized, dirWithModel=self.pathModelLesion, pathOutNii=None, outSize=inpSize, threshold=None) foutMskLesion = '%s-msk-lesion-test.nii.gz' % self.pathInpNii, foutMskLesion) self.assertTrue(inpSize == niiMask.shape)
def test_lung_segmentation(self): # niiOriginal = nib.load(self.pathInpNii) inpSize = niiOriginal.shape sizeProcessing = (256, 256, 64) niiResized = resizeNii(pathNii=niiOriginal, newSize=sizeProcessing) niiMask = segmentLungs25D(niiResized, dirWithModel=self.pathModelLung, pathOutNii=None, outSize=inpSize, threshold=0.5) foutMskLung = '%s-msk-lung-test.nii.gz' % self.pathInpNii, foutMskLung) self.assertTrue(inpSize == niiMask.shape)
default=None, required=True, help='path to index with images') args = parser.parse_args() # path_idx = args.path_idx shape_4lung = (256, 256, 64) wdir = os.path.dirname(path_idx) data_csv = pd.read_csv(path_idx) paths_img = [os.path.join(wdir, xx) for xx in data_csv['path_img']] num_img = len(paths_img) # for ii, path_nii in enumerate(paths_img): print(' [{}/{}] * {}'.format(ii, num_img, paths_img)) t1 = time.time() dataNii = nib.load(path_nii) shape_orig = dataNii.shape nii_resiz_4lung = resizeNii(dataNii, shape_4lung) lungMask = segmentLungs25D( nii_resiz_4lung, dirWithModel=path_model_lung, pathOutNii=None, outSize=shape_orig, # outSize=shape4Lung, threshold=0.5) dt = time.time() - t1 path_out_lungs = '{}-lungs.nii.gz'.format(path_nii) print('\t\tdone, dt={:0.2f} (s), export result to [{}]'.format( dt, path_out_lungs)), path_out_lungs)
def api_segmentLungAndLesion(dirModelLung, dirModelLesion, series, ptrLogger=None, shape4Lung=(256, 256, 64), shape4Lesi=(512, 512, 256), gpuMemUsage=0.4): # (1) msg-helpers def msgInfo(msg): if ptrLogger is not None: else: print(msg) def msgErr(msg): if ptrLogger is not None: ptrLogger.error(msg) else: print(msg) # (2.1) check data if not series.isInitialized(): msgErr('Series is not initialized, skip .. [{0}]'.format(series)) return False # if not series.isDownloaded(): # msgErr('Series data is not downloaded, skip .. [{0}]'.format(series)) # return False if not series.isConverted(): msgErr( 'Series DICOM data is not converted to Nifti format, skip .. [{0}]' .format(series)) return False # (2.2) check existing files pathNii = series.pathConvertedNifti(isRelative=False) # pathSegmLungs = series.pathPostprocLungs(isRelative=False) pathSegmLungs = series.pathPostprocLungs(isRelative=False) pathSegmLesions = series.pathPostprocLesions2(isRelative=False) if os.path.isfile(pathSegmLungs) and os.path.isfile(pathSegmLesions): msgInfo('Series data is already segmented, skip task ... [{0}]'.format( series)) return False else: # (2.3.0) TF GPU memory usage constraints # FIXME:temporary fix, in future: apped memory usage parameter in application config import tensorflow as tf import keras.backend as K from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'tf': config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = gpuMemUsage set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # (2.3.1) load and resize try: dataNii = nib.load(pathNii) shapeOrig = dataNii.shape niiResiz4Lung = resizeNii(dataNii, shape4Lung) except Exception as err: msgErr( 'Cant load and resize input nifti file [{0}] : {1}, for series [{2}]' .format(pathNii, err, series)) return False # (2.3.2) segment lungs try: if not os.path.isfile(pathSegmLungs): K.clear_session() lungMask = segmentLungs25D( niiResiz4Lung, dirWithModel=dirModelLung, pathOutNii=None, outSize=shapeOrig, # outSize=shape4Lung, threshold=0.5), pathSegmLungs) else: pass # lungMask = nib.load(pathSegmLungs) except Exception as err: msgErr('Cant segment lungs for file [{0}] : {1}, for series [{2}]'. format(pathNii, err, series)) return False # (2.3.3) segment lesions try: if not os.path.isfile(pathSegmLesions): # lesionMask = segmentLesions3D(niiResiz4Lesi, # dirWithModel=dirModelLesion, # pathOutNii=None, # outSize=shapeOrig, # # outSize=shape4Lung, # threshold=None) K.clear_session() shape_lesions = [512, 512, 256] nii_lung_resiz4lesion = resizeNii(pathSegmLungs, shape_lesions, parOrder=0) nii_data_resiz4lesion = resizeNii(dataNii, shape_lesions, parOrder=1) lesionMask, lesionMaskVal = segmentLesions3Dv3( nii_data_resiz4lesion, dir_with_model=dirModelLesion, nii_lings=nii_lung_resiz4lesion, path_out_nii=None, # outSize=shapeOrig, # outSize=shape4Lung, threshold=None) # lesionMask = segmentLesions3Dv2(niiResiz4Lesi, # dirWithModel=dirModelLesion, # pathOutNii=None, # outSize=shapeOrig, # # outSize=shape4Lung, # threshold=None, # path_lungs=pathSegmLungs) # (2.3.4) save results try: lesionMask = resizeNii(lesionMask, shapeOrig, parOrder=0), pathSegmLesions) except Exception as err: msgErr( 'Cant save segmentation results to file [{0}] : {1}, for series [{2}]' .format(pathSegmLesions, err, series)) return False except Exception as err: msgErr( 'Cant segment lesions for file [{0}] : {1}, for series [{2}]'. format(pathNii, err, series)) return False return True