Example #1
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
             db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total)
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #2
def dashboard(sort='top', topic_name=None):
    days = {'today': 0, 'week': 7, 'month': 30, 'year': 365}
    topic = None
    sidebar_active = sort
    user_id = current_user.id
    page = int(request.args.get('page', 1))
    target = request.args.get('target', 1)
    timeframe = request.args.get('timeframe')
    topics = current_user.following_topics
    terms = db.and_(Voter.target_id == Issue.id, Voter.user_id == user_id)
    case = db.case([(Voter.user_id == user_id, True)], else_=False)
    query = db.session.query(Issue, case.label('has_voted'))
    if topic_name:
        if user_id > 0:
            for topic in current_user.following_topics:
                if topic.name == topic_name:
                topic = None
            topic = Topic.query.filter_by(name=topic_name).first()
    if topic:
        sidebar_active = None
        query = query.filter(Issue.topics.any(Topic.name == topic_name))
    elif len(current_user.following_topics) > 0:
        topic_terms = []
        for t in current_user.following_topics:
            topic_terms.append(Issue.topics.any(Topic.name == t.name))
        query = query.filter(db.or_(*topic_terms))
    if sort == 'top':
        now = datetime.now()
        time = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day)
        if days.get(timeframe) is None:
            timeframe = 'year'
        time -= timedelta(days=days[timeframe])
        query = query.filter(Issue.created_at > time)
        query = query.order_by(Issue.score.desc(), Issue.created_at.desc())
        query = query.order_by(Issue.created_at.desc())
    query = query.outerjoin(Voter, terms)
    feeds = query.paginate(page, 15)
    ctx = {
        'feeds': feeds,
        'topics': topics,
        'timeframe': timeframe,
        'sidebar_active': sidebar_active,
        'navbar_active': '',
        'topic_name': topic_name,
        'topic': topic
    if target == '#feeds-container':
        return render_template('components/_feeds.html', **ctx)
    return render_template('dashboard/index.html', **ctx)
Example #3
    def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
            Class method to execute an Elasticsearch search of the input "expression"
            for the associated input "cls" (with input options values "page" and "per_page")

            :param cls: a class
            :type cls: class

            :param expression: the searched text 
            :type expression: str

            :param page: the page number from the query results
            :type page: int

            :param per_page: the number of results per page from the query results
            :type per_page: int

            :return: ...
            :rtype: tuple(, int)

        ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)

        if total == 0:

            return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0

        when = []

        for list_index, list_value in enumerate(ids):

            when.append((list_value, list_index))

        return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
            db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #4
    def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
        ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
        if total == 0:
            # return empty
            return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
        CASE x_field
            WHEN 'f' THEN 1
            WHEN 'p' THEN 2
            WHEN 'i' THEN 3
            WHEN 'a' THEN 4
            ELSE 5 --needed only is no IN clause above. eg when = 'b'
        END, id

        case-when-value statements below is equivalent to:

        supose when[0]=(1000, 1), value=cls.id
        WHEN cls.id==1000 THEN 1

        ensure the return of sql query are the same order in ids.
        that is, the result are sorted form the most relevant (same as ES's return)

        when = []
        for i in range(len(ids)):
            when.append((ids[i], i))
        return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
            db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #5
def stations2_filtered_pl(start, end):
    last_10_minutes = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=10)

    query = (db.session.query(
            db.func.round(db.func.ST_Y(Receiver.location_wkt) * 10000) /
            db.func.round(db.func.ST_X(Receiver.location_wkt) * 10000) /
        db.case([(Receiver.lastseen > last_10_minutes, "U")],
        db.label("v", Receiver.version + "." + Receiver.platform),
        db.or_(db.and_(start < Receiver.firstseen, end > Receiver.firstseen),
               db.and_(start < Receiver.lastseen, end > Receiver.lastseen))))

    res = db.session.execute(query)
    stations = json.dumps({"stations": [dict(r) for r in res]},

    return stations
Example #6
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     Actual search method for every class that class the search engine method
     if current_app.config['ELASTICSEARCH_URL']:
         ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page,
         idss = db.session.\
                 "SELECT id FROM "+cls.__tablename__+" "
                 "WHERE "+cls.__searchable__[0]+" "
                 "LIKE '%"+expression+"%'; "
         ids = list([i[0] for i in idss])
         del idss
         total = db.session.\
                 "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "+cls.__tablename__+" "
                 "WHERE "+cls.__searchable__[0]+" "
                 "LIKE '%"+expression+"%'; "
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #7
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = [(id, i) for i, id in enumerate(ids)]
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #8
 def has_active_event_promo(cls):
     return db.select([
        db.case([(db.func.count(EventPromotion.promotion_id) > 0, True)],
       ]).where(db.and_(EventPromotion.is_active == True,
            EventPromotion.promotion_id == cls.promotion_id))\
Example #9
 def configurations_all(self):
     # конфигурации с признаком отслеживания пользователем
     xpr = db.case([(followers.c.user_id != None, True), ], else_=False).label("active")
     query = db.session.query(Configuration, xpr)\
                    db.and_(Configuration.id == followers.c.configuration_id, self.id == followers.c.user_id))\
         .filter(Configuration.active == True).order_by(Configuration.description)
     return query.all()
Example #10
 def search(email_id):
     email = query_index(cls.__tablename__, email)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.email_id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.email_id)), total
Example #11
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
 def search(c, query):
     ids = search.query(c.__tablename__, query)
     if len(ids) == 0:
         return c.query.filter_by(id=0)
     order = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         order.append((ids[i], i))
     return c.query.filter(c.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(order, value=c.id))
Example #13
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []  # use in sql order_by to keep search relevancy order
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #14
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):  # cls.search, not self.search
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []  # this list must be called "when"
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #15
File: search.py Project: Yalies/api
 def query_search(cls, expression):
     ids = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression)
     if len(ids) == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0)
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id))
Example #16
 def search(cls, expression):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(bug_id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.bug_id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.bug_id)), total
Example #17
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     # calls query_index() with cls.__tablename__ to use SQLAlchemy table names as index names in Elastic
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page) #cls used instead of self because this method recieves a class, not an instance of it's first arg.
     if total == 0:                                    # for instance, once Post class is attached to search() as Post.search() we don't need to have an instance of the Post class
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #18
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for counter, value in enumerate(ids):
         when.append((value, counter))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #19
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     # 将self重命名为cls旨在表明此方法接受的是一个类而不是实例
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #20
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #21
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     # case sql - results from the database come in the same order as the IDs are given
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #22
    def search(cls, qstring):
        ids, total = query_index(qstring)

        if total == 0:
            return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
        when = []
        for i in range(len(ids)):
            when.append((ids[i], i))
        return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
            db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #23
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     # Wrapper for the query_index() function from app/search.py. It replaces id's by actual objects.
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #24
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     """ Replaces the list of object IDs with actual objects. """
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #25
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     # all indexes will be named with name Flask-SQLAlchemy assigned to the relational table.
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #26
 def search(cls, expression, page,
            per_page):  # first argument is a class, for example Post model
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = [
     ]  # list of tuples, where tuples are pairs of id index and id value at that index
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #27
def index():
    group, groups = [], []
    user_id = current_user.id if current_user.is_authenticated else 0
    terms = db.and_(UserTopics.c.user_id==user_id, UserTopics.c.topic_id==Topic.id)
    case = db.case([(UserTopics.c.user_id==user_id, True)], else_=False)
    query = db.session.query(Topic, case.label('has_following'))
    query = query.outerjoin(UserTopics, terms)
    topics = query.order_by(
    for t in topics:
        if len(group) >= 3:
            group = []
    if len(group) > 0:
    return render_template('topics/index.html',
                            groups=groups, navbar_active='topics')
Example #28
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     # case 该语句需要用于确保数据库中的结果与给定ID的顺序相同
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
Example #29
 def search(cls, expression: str, page: int,
            per_page: int) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int]], int]:
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return (cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0)
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     query_set: List[Tuple[int]] = cls.query.filter(
         cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(db.case(when, value=cls.id))
     return (query_set, total)
Example #30
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
         ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
         if total == 0:
             return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
         when = []
         for i in range(len(ids)):
             when.append((ids[i], i))
         return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total
     except Exception as error:
         flash(f'Search server not running.')
         return [], 0
Example #31
 def search(cls, expression, page, per_page):
     # 返回结果ID列表和总数
     ids, total = query_index(cls.__tablename__, expression, page, per_page)
     if total == 0:
         return cls.query.filter_by(id=0), 0
     when = []
     for i in range(len(ids)):
         when.append((ids[i], i))
     return cls.query.filter(cls.id.in_(ids)).order_by(
         # 使用case语句,确保数据库中的结果与给定ID的顺序相同
         # 因为使用elasticsearch搜索返回的结果不是有序的
         db.case(when, value=cls.id)), total