Example #1
    def put(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager, waitstaff or customer
        claims = get_jwt_claims()
        order = claims.get('order')
        role = claims.get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage',
                                            'Wait') and order is None:
            abort(400, 'User is not a waitstaff, manager or customer')

        # Validate the request body
        body = request.get_json()

        bill = body.get('bill')
        order_id = get_jwt_claims().get('order')
        table_id = body.get('table')
        if (not order_id and not table_id):
            abort(400, 'Invalid request')
        elif (not order_id):
            order_id = table_db.get_order_id(table_id)
        elif (not table_id):
            table_id = table_db.get_table_id(order_id)

        if (bill == None or table_id == None):
            abort(400, "Invalid request. Missing required field")

        # Set the request bill status of an order as true/false
        if (table_db.set_bill(table_id, bill) == None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong.')

        if bill:
            # Notify waitstaff of bill request
            socket.emit('billrequest', room='staff1')

        return jsonify({'success': 'success'})
Example #2
    def get(self, table):
        # Make sure user is a manager or waitstaff
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage', 'Wait'):
            abort(400, 'User is not a waitstaff or manager')

        # Get current order_id of the table
        order_id = table_db.get_order_id(table)

        # Make sure order_id exists
        if (not order_id):
            abort(400, 'No orders for this table')

        # Get items ordered in the table's current session
        order_items = table_db.get_ordered_items(order_id)
        if (order_items is None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        # Calculate total cost of items ordered on current table session
        total_cost = 0
        for item in order_items:
            total_cost += item['quantity'] * item['price']

        return jsonify({
            'table': table,
            'order_id': order_id,
            'items': order_items,
            'total_cost': total_cost
Example #3
    def post(self):
        # Create a new menu item

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Get and validate request body
        item = request.get_json()

        if not (item.get('name') and item.get('price')):
            abort(400, 'Request missing required fields')

        if item.get('visible') is None:
            item['visible'] = True

        if item.get('description') is None:
            item['description'] = ''

        if item.get('image_url') is None:
            item['image_url'] = ''

        # Create new item in db
        item_id = menu_db.create_item(item)
        if (not item_id):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'item_id': item_id})
    def get(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Gets lists of staffs and all their details
        staff_list = profile_db.get_all_staff()
        return {'staff_list': staff_list}
Example #5
    def delete(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Delete table
        if (not table_db.delete_table()):
            abort(500, 'Failed to delete table')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #6
    def delete(self, category_id, item_id):
        # Remove an item from a category

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        if (not menu_db.remove_item_from_category(category_id, item_id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #7
    def post(self, category_id, item_id):
        # Add an item to a category

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        if (not menu_db.add_item_to_category(category_id, item_id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
    def get(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Amount of sales for each category
        category_sales = stats_db.get_category_sales()
        if (category_sales is None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'category_sales': category_sales})
Example #9
    def get(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager or waitstaff
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage', 'Wait'):
            abort(400, 'User is not a waitstaff or manager')

        # Get tables that require assistance
        tables = table_db.get_assistance_tables()
        if (tables is None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'tables': tables})
Example #10
    def delete(self, item_id):
        # Delete a specific menu item

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        if (not menu_db.delete_item(item_id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #11
    def get(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager or waitstaff
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage', 'Wait'):
            abort(401, 'User is not a waitstaff or manager')

        # Return a list of tables that have paid
        paid = table_db.get_bill_tables()
        if (paid == None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'tables': paid})
    def get(self, item_id):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Amount of sales for each item
        item_sales = stats_db.get_menu_item_sales(item_id)[0]
        if (item_sales is None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify(item_sales)
Example #13
    def delete(self, item_id, ingredient_id):
        # Remove ingredient from an item

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Remove ingredeint from item in the database
        if (not menu_db.remove_ingredient_from_item(item_id, ingredient_id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #14
    def delete(self, id):
        # Delete a specific ingredient
        # Only if not used

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        if (not menu_db.delete_ingredient(id)):
            abort(500, 'Ingredient still in use')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #15
    def post(self, item_id, ingredient_id):
        # Add an ingredient to an item

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Add ingredient to item in the database
        if (not menu_db.add_ingredient_to_item(item_id, ingredient_id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #16
    def put(self, category_id):
        # Edit a category

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        edit = request.get_json()
        # Edit the category in the database
        if (not menu_db.edit_category(edit)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
    def patch(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Edit staff details
        edit_staff_input = request.get_json()  # get json input for new details
        staff_id = edit_staff_input.get('staff_id')
        name_new = edit_staff_input.get('name')
        username_new = edit_staff_input.get('username')
        staff_type_id_new = edit_staff_input.get('staff_type_id')

        staff_curr = profile_db.get_staff_detail(
            staff_id)  # get the current staff's details
        curr_name = staff_curr['name']
        curr_username = staff_curr['username']
        curr_staff_type_id = staff_curr['staff_type']

        if staff_id == 0:
            abort(400, 'Please insert a staff id.')

        # if user doesn't input new name OR username OR staff_type_id, use old (current) ones
        if name_new == 'string':
            name = curr_name
            name = name_new

        regex = re.compile('[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]')
        if (regex.search(name) !=
                None):  # name cannot contain any special characters
                  'Malformed request, name cannot have special characters')

        if username_new == 'string':
            username = curr_username
            username = username_new

        if staff_type_id_new == 0:
            staff_type = curr_staff_type_id
            staff_type = staff_type_id_new

        edit = profile_db.modify_staff(staff_id, name, username, staff_type)

        if edit != 1:
            abort(400, 'Something is wrong.')

        response = jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #18
    def put(self, item_id):
        # Modify a menu item

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Get and validate request body
        edit = request.get_json()
        if (not menu_db.edit_item(edit, item_id)):
            abort(400, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #19
    def post(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Validate table number from payload
        table = request.get_json().get('table')
        if (not table):
            abort(400, 'Table number not provided')

        # Create new table
        if (not table_db.create_table(table)):
            abort(500, 'Failed to add table')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #20
    def post(self, category_id1, category_id2):
        # Swap position of two categories

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Maintain the correct order when passing in arguments
        id1 = min(category_id1, category_id2)
        id2 = max(category_id1, category_id2)

        if (not menu_db.swapCategoryPositions(id1, id2)):
            abort(500, 'Failed to swap category positions')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #21
    def post(self):
        # Create a new category in the menu

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Get and validate request body
        name = request.get_json().get('name')
        if (not name):
            abort(400, 'Missing required field \'name\'')

        # Create new category in the database
        if (not menu_db.create_category(name)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #22
    def post(self):
        # Create a new ingredient

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Validate request body
        name = request.get_json().get('name')
        if (not name):
            abort(400, 'Missing ingredient name')

        # Create new ingredient item
        if (not menu_db.create_ingredient(name)):
            abort(400, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #23
    def put(self, id):
        # Modify a specific ingredient

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Validate request body
        name = request.get_json().get('name')
        if (not name):
            abort(400, 'Invalid request')

        # Edit ingredient in the menu
        if (not menu_db.edit_ingredient(name, id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #24
    def delete(self, category_id):
        # Delete a category from the menu

        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        # Make sure user is a manager
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        items = menu_db.get_items_by_category(category_id)
        if items is None:
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')
        elif (len(items) > 0):
            abort(400, 'Can only delete empty category')

        # Delete a category
        if (not menu_db.delete_category(category_id)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
    def delete(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Delete staff record
        delete_order = request.get_json(
        )  # get staff_id to be deleted from json input
        staff_id = delete_order.get('staff_id')

        if staff_id == 0:
            abort(400, 'Please insert staff id.')

        delete = profile_db.delete_staff(staff_id)

        if delete != 1:
            abort(400, 'Something is wrong.')

        response = jsonify({'status': 'success'})
    def get(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) != 'Manage':
            abort(400, 'User is not a manager')

        # Amount of sales for each item
        item_sales = stats_db.get_menu_item_sales()
        if (item_sales is None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        # Sum up revenues
        total_revenue = 0
        for item in item_sales:
            total_revenue += item['revenue']

        return jsonify({
            'item_sales': item_sales,
            'total_revenue': total_revenue
Example #27
    def post(self, table):
        # Make sure user is a manager or waitstaff
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage', 'Wait'):
            abort(400, 'User is not a waitstaff or manager')

        # Set table free
        if (not table_db.set_table_free(table)):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong')

        print('Table #' + str(table) + ' set occupied as false')

        # get the latest orderid of table
        order_id = table_db.get_order_id(table)
        customerRoom = 'customer' + str(order_id)
        # Notify customer that they have paid successfully
        socket.emit('paid', room=customerRoom)

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #28
    def put(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager, waitstaff or customer
        claims = get_jwt_claims()
        order_id = claims.get('order')
        role = claims.get('role')

        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage',
                                            'Wait') and order_id is None:
            abort(400, 'User is not a waitstaff, manager or customer')

        body = request.get_json()

        # Validate request and determine order_id and table_number
        assistance = body.get('assistance')
        table_id = body.get('table')

        if (order_id is None and table_id is None):
            abort(400, 'Invalid request')
        elif (order_id is None):
            order_id = table_db.get_order_id(table_id)
        elif (table_id is None):
            table_id = table_db.get_table_id(order_id)

        if (order_id is None or table_id is None):
            abort(401, 'Unauthorised')

        if (assistance != True and assistance != False):
            abort(400, 'Invalid request')

        # Update assistance
        if (not table_db.set_assistance(table_id, assistance)):
            abort(400, 'Something went wrong')

        # Notify waitstaff
        if (assistance):
            socket.emit('assistance', {'table': table_id}, room='staff1')

        return jsonify({'status': 'success'})
Example #29
    def put(self):
        # Make sure user is a manager or waitstaff
        role = get_jwt_claims().get('role')
        if db.get_staff_title(role) not in ('Manage', 'Wait'):
            abort(400, 'User is not a waitstaff or manager')

        body = request.get_json()

        # Validate request body
        paid = body.get('paid')
        table = body.get('table')
        if (paid == None or table == None):
            abort(400, "Invalid request. Missing required field")

        # Update payment status
        if (table_db.set_paid(table, paid) == None):
            abort(500, 'Something went wrong.')

        # Notify customer that table is paid
        customerRoom = 'customer' + str(table)
        socket.emit('paid', room=customerRoom)

        return jsonify({'success': 'success'})