Example #1
def register():
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect(url_for("home"))
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form.get('name')
        location = request.form.get("location")

        month = request.form.get('month')
        day = request.form.get('day')
        year = request.form.get('year')

        username = request.form.get("username")
        email = request.form.get("email")
        password = request.form.get('password')

        if not name:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Name must be filled in', 'box_ids': ['name']})

        if not location:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Location must be filled in', 'box_ids': ['location']})

        if not month or not day or not year:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Birthday must be filled in', 'box_ids': ['birthdate']})

        if not username:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Username must be filled in', 'box_ids': ['username']})

        if not email:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Email must be filled in', 'box_ids': ['email']})

        if not password:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Password must be filled in', 'box_ids': ['password']})

        birthdate = date(month=int(month), day=int(day), year=int(year))
        if not get_age(birthdate) >= 13:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'You must be over the age of 13', 'box_ids': ['birthdate']})

        if not User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() is None:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Username taken', 'box_ids': ['username']})

        if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email):
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Invalid email', 'box_ids': ['email']})

        location = geocode(location)
        if not location:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Non-valid location', 'box_ids': ['location']})

        user = User(name=name, username=username, email=email)
        user.set_location(location, prelocated=True)
        login_user(user, remember=True)
        return json.dumps({'status': 'Successfully registered'})

    return render_template("register.html", title="Register")
Example #2
 def set_location(self, location, prelocated=False):
     if not prelocated:
         location = geocode(location)
     if location:
         self.location = location.address
         self.latitude = location.latitude
         self.longitude = location.longitude
         self.sin_rad_lat = math.sin(math.pi * location.latitude / 180)
         self.cos_rad_lat = math.cos(math.pi * location.latitude / 180)
         self.rad_lng = math.pi * location.longitude / 180
         return location
Example #3
def create_group():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        handle = request.form.get("handle")
        name = request.form.get("name")
        description = request.form.get("description")
        privacy = request.form.get("privacy")
        location_is_fixed = int(request.form.get("location_is_fixed"))
        address = request.form.get("address")
        members = eval(request.form.get("members"))

        file = request.files.get("image")

        if not handle:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Handle must be filled in', 'box_id': 'handle'})

        if not name:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Name must be filled in', 'box_id': 'name'})

        if not address and location_is_fixed:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Location must be filled in if fixed', 'box_id': 'location'})

        if not Group.query.filter_by(handle=handle).first() is None:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Handle taken', 'box_ids': ['handle']})

        location = geocode(address)
        if not location:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Non-valid location', 'box_id': 'location'})

        group = Group(handle=handle, name=name, description=description, privacy=privacy, location_is_fixed=location_is_fixed)
        group.add_members([User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() for username in members] + [current_user])
        if location_is_fixed:
            group.set_location(location, prelocated=True)

        if file:
            image = Image.open(file)
            new_image = image.resize((256, 256), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            new_image.format = image.format
        return json.dumps({'status': 'Successfully saved'})

    connections = current_user.connections.all()
    return render_template('connections.html', profile=current_user, connections=connections, create_group=True)
Example #4
def edit_profile():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form.get("name")
        bio = request.form.get("bio")
        location = request.form.get("location")

        month = request.form.get("month")
        day = request.form.get("day")
        year = request.form.get("year")

        gender = request.form.get("gender")
        skills = eval(request.form.get("skills"))

        file = request.files.get("image")

        if not name:
            print("All fields required")
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Name must be filled in', 'box_id': 'name'})

        if not location:
            print("All fields required")
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Location must be filled in', 'box_id': 'location'})

        if not month or not day or not year:
            print("All fields required")
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Birthday must be filled in', 'box_id': 'birthdate'})

        birthdate = date(month=int(month), day=int(day), year=int(year))
        if not get_age(birthdate) >= 13:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'You must be over the age of 13', 'box_id': 'birthdate'})

        location = geocode(location)
        if not location:
            print("Non-valid location")
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Non-valid location', 'box_id': 'location'})

        if file:
            image = Image.open(file)
            new_image = image.resize((256, 256), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            new_image.format = image.format
        current_user.name = name.strip()
        current_user.bio = bio.strip()
        current_user.set_location(location=location, prelocated=True)
        current_user.gender = gender

        # Add skills that are not already there
        for skill in skills:
            if not current_user.skills.filter_by(title=skill).first():
                skill = Skill(owner=current_user, title=skill)

        # Delete skills that are meant to be deleted
        for skill in current_user.skills:
            if not skill.title in skills:

        return json.dumps({'status': 'Successfully saved'})
    return render_template('profile.html', edit_profile=True, profile=current_user,
                           available_skills=available_skills, selected_month=current_user.birthdate.month, selected_day=current_user.birthdate.day, selected_year=current_user.birthdate.year)
Example #5
def explore():
    q_address = request.args.get('loc')
    q_radius = request.args.get('rad')
    q_skill = request.args.get('ski')
    q_gender = request.args.get('gen')
    q_min_age = request.args.get('min')
    q_max_age = request.args.get('max')

    q_strings = {"address": q_address, "radius": q_radius, "skill": q_skill, "gender": q_gender, "min_age": q_min_age, "max_age": q_max_age}

    if request.method == 'POST':

        address = request.form.get("location")
        skill = request.form.get("skill")
        radius = request.form.get("radius")
        gender = request.form.get("gender")
        min_age = request.form.get("min_age")
        max_age = request.form.get("max_age")

        if not address and not radius:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'All fields required', 'box_ids': ['location', 'radius']})

        if not address:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Location required', 'box_ids': ['location']})

        if not radius:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Radius required', 'box_ids': ['radius']})
        location = geocode(address)
        if not location:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Non-valid location', 'box_ids': ['location']})
        except ValueError:
            return json.dumps({'status': 'Non-valid radius', 'box_ids': ['radius']})

        url = f'/explore?loc={address}&rad={radius}'

        if skill:
            if skill in available_skills:
                url += f'&ski={skill}'
        if gender:
            if gender in ["Male", "Female", "Other"]:
                url += f'&gen={gender}'
        if min_age:
            url += f'&min={min_age}'
        if max_age:
            url += f'&max={max_age}'
        return json.dumps({'status': 'Successfully validated', 'url': url})

    if not q_address or not q_radius:
        return render_template("explore.html", search=False, available_skills=available_skills, **q_strings)

    q_location = geocode(q_address)
    if not q_location:
        return render_template("explore.html", search=False, available_skills=available_skills, **q_strings)

        query = get_explore_query(latitude=q_location.latitude, longitude=q_location.longitude, radius=q_radius, skill=q_skill, gender=q_gender, min_age=q_min_age, max_age=q_max_age)

    except ValueError:

    profiles = query.limit(5).all()
    distances = get_distances_from_to(profiles=profiles, latitude=q_location.latitude, longitude=q_location.longitude)
    return render_template("explore.html", search=True, profiles=profiles, distances=distances, zip=zip, available_skills=available_skills, **q_strings)