def slack_event(self): if request.method == 'GET': return helper.skeleton(template="api-error.html", title="API error") event_data = json.loads('utf-8')) if event_data['token'] == self.config.verification_token: print('authorized') if "challenge" in event_data: return make_response(event_data.get("challenge"), 200, {"content_type": "application/json"}) # got: # {'token': '****', 'team_id': 'TFFAC0JNA', 'api_app_id': 'ATPCVD9JN', 'event': {'client_msg_id': 'b874556d-3bda-408f-93a8-2b3ac5a41780', 'type': 'app_mention', 'text': '<@UTQNR2V6X> deploy', 'user': '******', 'ts': '1582823443.002000', 'team': 'TFFAC0JNA', 'blocks': [{'type': 'rich_text', 'block_id': '+6La', 'elements': [{'type': 'rich_text_section', 'elements': [{'type': 'user', 'user_id': 'UTQNR2V6X'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': ' deploy'}]}]}], 'channel': 'CFD67NJ64', 'event_ts': '1582823443.002000'}, 'type': 'event_callback', 'event_id': 'EvULDG0JBX', 'event_time': 1582823443, 'authed_users': ['UTQNR2V6X']} if "event" in event_data: if event_data["event"]["type"] == "app_mention": # and "type" in event_data["event"] and event_data["event"]["type"] == "app_mention" my_command = event_data["event"]["text"] my_channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] my_user = event_data["event"]["user"] print("mention:" + my_command) # self.client.chat_postEphemeral( # channel=my_channel, # text="OK, so you wanted `" + my_command + "`? Give me a second or two", # user=my_user # ) # print("slack_event process") self.client.chat_postEphemeral( channel=my_channel,, user=my_user ) print("slack_event done") return make_response(jsonify({'success': True}), 200, {"content_type": "application/json"})
def slack_command(self, command): if request.method == 'GET': return helper.skeleton(template="api-error.html", title="API error") if request.form['token'] == self.config.verification_token: if command == "instances": # ImmutableMultiDict([('token', '****'), ('team_id', 'TFFAC0JNA'), ('team_domain', 'jardalhotak'), ('channel_id', 'CFD67NJ64'), ('channel_name', 'general'), ('user_id', 'UFFAC0K62'), ('user_name', 'jarda'), ('command', '/my-instances'), ('text', 'my'), ('response_url', '**'), ('trigger_id', '***')]) payload = {'text': 'What instance dude? type `/instances my` or `/instances all`'} if request.form['text'] == "my": payload = { 'text': 'Hey dude, this is a list of *your* instances (@' + request.form['user_name'] + '):'} if request.form['text'] == "all": payload = {'text': 'Hey dude, this is a list of *all* instances:'} return jsonify(payload)
def do_admin_login(): if request.form and 'password' in request.form and 'username' in request.form: if request.form['password'] == 'password' and request.form['username'] == 'admin': config = Configuration.Configuration() session['logged_in'] = True session['username'] = request.form['username'] session['full_name'] = "Antonius Blbus" welcome_role = "" session['admin'] = False if session['username'] in config.admin_users: session['admin'] = True welcome_role = " administrator " flash(message=f'Welcome {welcome_role}{session["full_name"]}, you have been successfully logged in', category='success') else: flash(message='Invalid credentials! Make sure you use your OAAD account in format AB123', category='danger') return helper.skeleton(template="login.html", title="login")
def logout(): session['logged_in'] = False session['username'] = None return helper.skeleton(template="logout.html", title="logout")
def root(): return helper.skeleton(template="overview.html", title="Overview")
def how_to(): return helper.skeleton(template="how-to.html", title="how to")
def monitoring(): return helper.skeleton(template="monitoring.html", title="monitoring")
def my_instances(): return helper.skeleton(template="my-instances.html", title="my instances")