def __init__(self, addr): """ PeerToPeer network initialization routine, generates miner ID and synchronizes blockchain (blocks and participants) """ self.master_node = "localhost:5000" random.seed() self.generate_miner_id() self.address = addr self.participant_list = [] self.get_current_participant_list() self.advertise() self.blockchain = Blockchain() while self.blockchain.empty(): self.get_current_blockchain() # Valid addresses you can issue a vote to self.valid_addresses = [{ "name": "Candidate 1", "address": "12345" }, { "name": "Candidate 2", "address": "5678" }, { "name": "Candidate 3", "address": "9999" }] self.sched = BackgroundScheduler(daemon=True) self.sched.start()
def test_genesis_block_creation(self): chain = Blockchain() private_key = RSA.generate(1024) miner_id = "1234" chain.create_genesis_block(private_key, miner_id) self.assertEqual(len(, 1) genesis =[0] # Check if the block is valid and the correct value is on the data field self.assertEqual(genesis["hash"][0:3], "000") self.assertEqual(genesis["prevHash"], "Genesis Block")
def test_block_validation(self): chain = Blockchain() private_key = RSA.generate(1024) miner_id = "1234" chain.create_genesis_block(private_key, miner_id) prevBlock =[0] t = Transaction("1234", "4567") # Create Block with dummy transaction block = Block(prevBlock["hash"], prevBlock["height"] + 1, [t.get_signed_json(private_key)], miner_id) block.mine() # Check block validation is ok self.assertTrue(chain.validate_block(block.get_json(), prevBlock)) # Mess with blockchain structure block.block["prevHash"] = "00012345" self.assertFalse(chain.validate_block(block.get_json(), prevBlock)) # Mess with height block.block["prevHash"] = prevBlock["hash"] block.block["height"] = 5 self.assertFalse(chain.validate_block(block.get_json(), prevBlock)) # Mess with PoW block.block["height"] = 2 block.block["hash"] = "0111111111" self.assertFalse(chain.validate_block(block.get_json(), prevBlock)) # Mess with hash but keep PoW block.block["hash"] = "0001111111" self.assertFalse(chain.validate_block(block.get_json(), prevBlock)) # Mess with transaction integrity t.signature = "L7TBH0ahox4GOAdF8om2ijbNVPcO3Ys6+KdvfFhvfX/SysetaJw+0rlU6VMuzwB0rQ/X2+ioAdtXcstutSeRAfZTYP+utaNFL1nP48as/C6mca4sp+ya39AWWLIUuZeGMit9kSUavx6uX5cSAuqXB4tcK/bUSVghtMC9vG4JyC8=" block = Block(prevBlock["prevHash"], prevBlock["height"] + 1, [t.get_signed_json(private_key)], miner_id) block.mine() self.assertFalse(chain.validate_block(block.get_json(), prevBlock))
def test_double_spending(self): chain = Blockchain() # Setup chain with known values chain.setup_new_chain([{ "data": [{ "addr_from": "Genesis Addr", "addr_to": "Genesis Block", "pubkey": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUlHZk1BMEdDU3FHU0liM0RRRUJBUVVBQTRHTkFEQ0JpUUtCZ1FEbUk0U1BjSTI0eVpqY0o0eHZjcHY1aHBXMgpQYVdkYWpYUm84VGU3VktBcnB5Skh2N0VMSUQ1dEZXKzNwRk8rcVBYYk1TKzk4bnl6Zk1ockY3Rk5zcVlwdlBRCmxCekxYZXZJWDQvdXlPa0p0UHFBM1VTdExXL3ZjRTR2NnNTcVNQMndRaVhsazV5TkVGaGVaNGxNYXVrNzUyemIKekhic2xpc1A5SlJYNCtiQS93SURBUUFCCi0tLS0tRU5EIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLT09", "signature": "G+jAyLxJ1xQIPP3vzrX80sYzZ+JX78OSOxc9kGWqxQ9nRTrfNhnXPA4xu6fZeuidjD1chPuYTJyu77J0M5lRFAF4NbT1QemKAon9wBGtjklX4FpEZAmDK/ex58Etj2TY3fgFqByKzKO/eMOnjBqBfO0HQkxO+cob58S8gLWEt3I=" }], "hash": "000fc4a7168fd501a2576da8841d62f781061cb14abb8aac7300a8641477773b", "height": 0, "miner": "5106", "nonce": 2923, "prevHash": "Genesis Block", "timestamp": "1531853048.28545" }, { "data": [{ "addr_from": "5106", "addr_to": "12345", "pubkey": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUlHZk1BMEdDU3FHU0liM0RRRUJBUVVBQTRHTkFEQ0JpUUtCZ1FEbUk0U1BjSTI0eVpqY0o0eHZjcHY1aHBXMgpQYVdkYWpYUm84VGU3VktBcnB5Skh2N0VMSUQ1dEZXKzNwRk8rcVBYYk1TKzk4bnl6Zk1ockY3Rk5zcVlwdlBRCmxCekxYZXZJWDQvdXlPa0p0UHFBM1VTdExXL3ZjRTR2NnNTcVNQMndRaVhsazV5TkVGaGVaNGxNYXVrNzUyemIKekhic2xpc1A5SlJYNCtiQS93SURBUUFCCi0tLS0tRU5EIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLT09", "signature": "cQ7WZNVP9J8LD1WMB1H6KGBCHkXw+NVgISFbWcWsvgsBFgl5FqIA0SrT0fLYjoxGzw+kIMBlF1dOZ/G49jIJfqclqbQQiwMnsor3XgJb4Inqt6Q6CR/zxMWeFN1m1VAvnX8PgZxOuja+WSV2Lp8cLzsIsZBHWpCtOSeChJ2zV0w=" }], "hash": "00057d09370bcd45fa37ef5e5085e7923658d03633b2d444497dd72a18a33baa", "height": 1, "miner": "5106", "nonce": 1046, "prevHash": "000fc4a7168fd501a2576da8841d62f781061cb14abb8aac7300a8641477773b", "timestamp": "1531853066.532551" }]) self.assertTrue(chain.check_double_spending("5106")) self.assertFalse(chain.check_double_spending("1234"))
def test_blockchain_creation(self): chain = Blockchain() self.assertTrue(chain.empty())
class PeerToPeer(): def __init__(self, addr): """ PeerToPeer network initialization routine, generates miner ID and synchronizes blockchain (blocks and participants) """ self.master_node = "localhost:5000" random.seed() self.generate_miner_id() self.address = addr self.participant_list = [] self.get_current_participant_list() self.advertise() self.blockchain = Blockchain() while self.blockchain.empty(): self.get_current_blockchain() # Valid addresses you can issue a vote to self.valid_addresses = [{ "name": "Candidate 1", "address": "12345" }, { "name": "Candidate 2", "address": "5678" }, { "name": "Candidate 3", "address": "9999" }] self.sched = BackgroundScheduler(daemon=True) self.sched.start() def get_current_participant_list(self): """ Get current participant list from other peers """"Get Current Participant List") if self.address == self.master_node:"Assuming this node as Master") return if len(self.participant_list) == 0:"Use master node as source") # Treat as the first list insertion try: r = requests.get("http://" + self.master_node + "/list") logger.debug("Request return: {}".format(r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 200: self.participant_list = r.json() except: logger.error("Could not get data from master node") else:"Use current participants as source") done = False while not done: random_participant = random.randint( 0, len(self.participant_list) - 1) r = requests.get( "http://" + self.participant_list[random_participant]["address"] + "/list") if r.status_code == 200: self.participant_list = r.json() done = True elif r.status_code == 408: # Client timeout, remove participant from list and try another self.participant_list.pop(random_participant) if len(self.participant_list) == 0: logger.error( "Participant list is empty now, will keep trying on master node for now" ) done = True else: logger.error("Invalid return code, finish operation") done = True def get_current_blockchain(self): """ Request current blockchain from another peer and save it. """"Get current blockchain") if self.participant_list is not None: if len(self.participant_list) > 1: random_participant = random.randint( 0, len(self.participant_list) - 1) # Check if the participant is not himself. If it is just abort with error if self.participant_list[random_participant][ "address"] == self.address: return r = requests.get( "http://" + self.participant_list[random_participant]["address"] + "/blockchain") logger.debug("Request result: {}".format(r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 200: self.blockchain.setup_new_chain(r.json()) else: "Current node is the only one in the participant list") if self.blockchain.empty(): self.blockchain.create_genesis_block( self.private_key, self.miner_id) else: # There should never be an empty participant list logger.error( "Empty participant list, won't get blockchain for now") def get_current_transaction_pool(self): """ Request transaction pool from other peer and save it. """"Get current transaction pool") if self.participant_list is not None: random_participant = random.randint(0, len(self.participant_list) - 1) r = requests.get( "http://" + self.participant_list[random_participant]["address"] + "/pool") logger.debug("Request result: {}".format(r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 200: self.transaction_pool = r.json() logger.debug("Current Transaction Pool {}".format( self.transaction_pool)) else: # There should never be an empty participant list logger.error( "Empty participant list, won't get transaction pool for now") def create_and_add_transaction(self, addr_to): """ Used to make a transaction from current node to another """"Add transaction to pool") if self.has_to_vote(): if self.check_valid_address(addr_to): transaction = Transaction(self.miner_id, addr_to) self.blockchain.add_transaction_to_pool( transaction.get_signed_json(self.private_key)) self.propagate_transaction( transaction.get_signed_json(self.private_key)) if len(self.sched.get_jobs()) == 0:"Start block schedule") self.sched.add_job(self.create_and_add_block, 'date', + timedelta(seconds=5)) else: logger.error("Cannot vote for this ledger, check the address") def has_to_vote(self): """ Check if node still hasn't voted """"Checking blockchain for node votes") if not self.blockchain.empty(): if self.blockchain.check_double_spending(self.miner_id): return False if self.blockchain.has_transaction_in_pool(self.miner_id): return False return True def check_valid_address(self, address): """ Check if the value inserted is a valid candidate in the list """"Check destination address") for valid_candidate in self.valid_addresses: if address in valid_candidate["address"]: return True return False def create_and_add_block(self): """ Create block using current transaction pool as data """ block = self.blockchain.create_and_add_block(self.miner_id) self.propagate_block(block.get_json()) return def generate_miner_id(self): """ Check if there is already an ID for this node and load it, otherwise create. Also, keep a private key to use when signing transactions """ if os.path.isfile("private_key.pem"):"Loading private key") with open("private_key.pem") as fr: self.private_key = RSA.importKey( with open("miner_id.txt") as fr: self.miner_id = else:"Create new miner ID") self.miner_id = str(random.randint(0, 10000))"Saving miner ID") with open("miner_id.txt", "w") as fw: fw.write(self.miner_id)"Create private key") self.private_key = RSA.generate(1024) with open("private_key.pem", "w") as fw: fw.write(self.private_key.exportKey("PEM").decode()) return def propagate_transaction(self, transaction): """ Post generated transaction to all the peers in the list """"Propagate transaction") for peer in self.participant_list: if peer["address"] != self.address: r ="http://" + peer["address"] + "/update_pool", json=transaction) if r.status_code == 200:"Sent transaction to {}".format( peer["address"])) def propagate_block(self, block): """ Post generated block to all the peers in the list """"Propagate block") for peer in self.participant_list: if peer["address"] != self.address: r ="http://" + peer["address"] + "/add_new_block", json=block) if r.status_code == 200:"Sent block to {}".format(peer["address"])) def validate_and_add_block(self, block): """ Validate received block and add it to local chain """ self.blockchain.validate_and_add_block(block) return def validate_and_add_transaction(self, transaction): """ Validate received transaction and add it to transaction pool """"Transaction received: {}".format(transaction)) # First check if the signature is ok if self.blockchain.validate_transaction(transaction): # Then check the destination address"Verified signature") for valid_addr in self.valid_addresses: if transaction["addr_to"] == valid_addr["address"]: self.blockchain.add_transaction_to_pool(transaction) if len(self.sched.get_jobs()) == 0:"Start block schedule") self.sched.add_job(self.create_and_add_block, 'date', + timedelta(seconds=5)) return def add_participant_to_list(self, peer): """ Receive peer advertisement and add him to the list """ if peer not in self.participant_list: self.participant_list.append(peer) def advertise(self): """ Post registration message to the current peers of the network """"Advertise node to other peers") if len(self.participant_list) > 0: advertisement = { "miner_id": self.miner_id, "address": self.address } for peer in self.participant_list: if peer["address"] != self.address: try:"http://" + peer["address"] + "/advertise", json=advertisement) except: logger.error("Error advertising for {}".format( peer["address"])) # Add current node to its own list self.participant_list.append({ "miner_id": self.miner_id, "address": self.address })
""" This is the Blockchain View methods implementation: An API to achieve all our blockchain app transactions """ from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request from app.models.blockchain import Blockchain from import hash, last_block, new_block, add_transaction, proof_of_work, register_node, resolve_conflicts, valid_chain from uuid import uuid4 blockchain_view = Blueprint('blockchain_view', __name__) # Instantiate the Blockchain blockchain = Blockchain() # Generate a globally unique address for this node node_identifier = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '') @blockchain_view.route('/mine', methods=['GET']) def mine(): # We run the proof of work algorithm to get the next proof... last_block = blockchain.chain[-1] last_proof = last_block['proof'] proof = proof_of_work(last_proof) # We must receive a reward for finding the proof. # The sender is "0" to signify that this node has mined a new coin. new_transaction(