Example #1
def user():

    from app.models.dbmodels.user import User
    usr = User(userid = '*****@*****.**', password = '******', role = 7, keyEnabled =1)

    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Tasks, Taskusers
    task = Tasks(ownerid = usr.userid, name = 'Wiki Task', description = 'Wiki Task Description',iscrawled=0)

    tuser = Taskusers(taskid=task.taskid, userid=usr.userid)
    flash('numrows for: taskusers: '+str(tuser.create()))

    # usr2 = User('abhi9.com', 'yoyo',3)
    # usr2.insert()
    # usr2.password = '******'
    # usr2.update('password')
    # print usr2.validateUser('yummytummy')
    # usr2.role = 3
    # usr2.keyEnabled = 1
    # usr2.update('all')

    print 'will be here if all fine'
    return render_template("temp.html", homeclass="active", temptext='No problem')
Example #2
def user():

    from app.models.dbmodels.user import User
    usr = User(userid='*****@*****.**',

    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Tasks, Taskusers
    task = Tasks(ownerid=usr.userid,
                 name='Wiki Task',
                 description='Wiki Task Description',

    tuser = Taskusers(taskid=task.taskid, userid=usr.userid)
    flash('numrows for: taskusers: ' + str(tuser.create()))

    # usr2 = User('abhi9.com', 'yoyo',3)
    # usr2.insert()
    # usr2.password = '******'
    # usr2.update('password')
    # print usr2.validateUser('yummytummy')
    # usr2.role = 3
    # usr2.keyEnabled = 1
    # usr2.update('all')

    print 'will be here if all fine'
    return render_template("temp.html",
                           temptext='No problem')
Example #3
def tasks():
    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Tasks, Taskusers, Tasklog
    print 'should work fine'
    ## Tasks class
    #task = Tasks('*****@*****.**', 'yummytummy', 'yummytummydesc')
    #task2 = Tasks('*****@*****.**', 'zzzzzz')
    #print task2.taskid
    #task2.name = 'abhishekzzzz'
    #task2.description = 'new desc'
    #task2.description = 'more new desc'
    #task = Tasks.getTask(6)
    #print task.ownerid

    ## Taskusers class
    tuser = Taskusers(7, '*****@*****.**')

    ## Tasklogs class
    #tlog = Tasklog(9, 'abhishek', 'hifive', 'fatafati')
    #tlog = Tasklog.getTasklog('abhishek', 9)
    #print tlog.description

    tusr = Taskusers(taskid=7)
    print tusr.getListFromDB('taskid')
    print 'will be here if all fine'
    return render_template("temp.html",
                           temptext='You are here')
def submittask():

    owner = request.form['ownerid']
    description = request.form['desc']
    name = request.form['nametask']

        task = Tasks(ownerid=owner, name=name, description=description)
        taskusers = Taskusers(userid=owner, taskid=task.taskid)
    except Exception as e:
        flash('Task creation error')
        print e.message
        flash('Task successfully created')
    return redirect(url_for('.crawler_home'))
Example #5
def tasks():
    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Tasks, Taskusers, Tasklog
    print 'should work fine'
    ## Tasks class
    #task = Tasks('*****@*****.**', 'yummytummy', 'yummytummydesc')
    #task2 = Tasks('*****@*****.**', 'zzzzzz')
    #print task2.taskid
    #task2.name = 'abhishekzzzz'
    #task2.description = 'new desc'
    #task2.description = 'more new desc'
    #task = Tasks.getTask(6)
    #print task.ownerid

    ## Taskusers class
    tuser = Taskusers(7, '*****@*****.**')

    ## Tasklogs class
    #tlog = Tasklog(9, 'abhishek', 'hifive', 'fatafati')
    #tlog = Tasklog.getTasklog('abhishek', 9)
    #print tlog.description

    tusr = Taskusers(taskid=7)
    print tusr.getListFromDB('taskid')
    print 'will be here if all fine'
    return render_template("temp.html", homeclass="active", temptext='You are here')
Example #6
def show():
    from app.models.dbmodels.user import User

    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Taskusers

    from app.models.dbmodels.user import User
    usr = User.getUser(userid='*****@*****.**')
    ##check usr not None
    ##will be from session
    ## usr.apikey ## get this

    return render_template("mod_home.html")
def show():
    from app.models.dbmodels.user import User

    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Taskusers
    flash(Taskusers.validateTaskAndUser(taskid=1, userid='*****@*****.**'))

    from app.models.dbmodels.user import User
    usr = User.getUser(userid='*****@*****.**')
    ##check usr not None
    ##will be from session
    ## usr.apikey ## get this

    return render_template("mod_home.html")
def listtasks():
    ##TODO - list all tasks given a user id
    userid = session.get('userid')
    tasks_of_user = Taskusers(userid=userid)
    taskids = tasks_of_user.getListFromDB('userid')
    taskobjlist = []
    for i in taskids:
        taskobj = Tasks.getTask(i)
        tmptaskusr = Taskusers(taskid=i)
        users_list = tmptaskusr.getListFromDB('taskid')
        n_users = len(users_list)
        tmpdict = {"name": taskobj.name, "ownerid": taskobj.ownerid,
                   "taskid": i, "users": n_users}

    return render_template("list_tasks.html", temptext='list the tasks here',
def addUser():
    print "addUser here"
    userids = request.form.getlist('fields[]')
    print type(userids), userids
    assert(type(userids) == list)
    taskid = int(request.form['taskid'])
    tmptaskusr = Taskusers(taskid=taskid)
    users_list = tmptaskusr.getListFromDB('taskid')

    for userid in userids:
        if userid in users_list:
            flash(userid+' already in the task')
                tu = Taskusers(taskid, userid)
            except Exception as e:
                print e.message
                flash("Could not add entry!!")
                flash("Entry added successfully!")

    return redirect(url_for('.crawler_home'))
Example #10
def postgraph():

    ##json invalid shows bad request error: TODO

    validate = Validate()

    ##TODO: validate and push json load to task table

    if not request.json: ##is a dict!!
        return validate.error_helper("The request body does not have JSON Data",400)

    print 'yahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan'
    print request.data
    print request.json
    print type(request.json)

    ##removed entities, rels alone can be pushed if previous ids known
    ##changed name to meta_desc
    required_master_props = ['taskid', 'userid', 'token']
    for prop in required_master_props:
        if not prop in request.json:
            return validate.error_helper(str(prop)+" property not in json data", 400)

    taskid = request.json['taskid']
    tokenid = request.json['token']
    userid = request.json['userid']

    ##XXX: validate these three varibales
    ##XXX: tken, userid, task all valid

    if not taskid.isdigit():
        return validate.error_helper("taskid should be an integer", 400)

    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Taskusers
    if not Taskusers.validateTaskAndUser(taskid=taskid,userid=userid):
        return validate.error_helper("Not authorized with task id", 403)

    # patch for one of these should be present but never none
    # relations can exist in isolation coz of entities that are already present in db
    oneofthese = ['entities','relations']
    flag = False
    for prop in oneofthese:
        if prop in request.json:
            flag = True

    if not flag:
        return validate.error_helper("neither entities nor relations in json data", 400)

    ## MAJOR TODO!
    ## some props are interanally reserved crawl_en_id not allowed for nodes
    ## what about ternary relations?
    ## check for strings
    ## validation checks: if task exists,
    ## ids repeated in nodes in json and in actual
    ## ids repeated in relations
    ## source_urls known in particular format
    ## fetch date in format
    ## allowed labels
    ## props allowed
    ## values all in strings or particular format?
    ## apis to add a new property in allowed dict with its description?
    ## ids ints?
    ## check if nodeid already exists in temp graph db, or relid
    ## create indexes and contsraints will have to add an internal label and internal relation label

    ##MAJOR TODO what to do about metadata?
    ##"description": "Naveen Jindal Connections",
    ##"fetchdate": "01/01/2011",
    ##use this metadata

    ##entities must part in request json
    entities = []
    if 'entities' in request.json:
        entities = request.json['entities'] ##MAJOR TODO: change this to nodes

    ##can be there or can not be, in json
    relations = []
    if 'relations' in request.json:
        relations = request.json['relations']

    # this is for returning the json to the user!
    subgraph = {}

    ##no need to return back token to the user
    #subgraph['token'] = tokenid ##TODO: exatly this? _token! conflict?
    subgraph['userid'] = userid
    subgraph['taskid'] = taskid
    #subgraph['pushdate'] = getTimeNow()

    nodes = {}
    links = {}

    ##MAJOR TODO reserved keywords and required keywords list
    ##MAJOR TODO format and pattern against keywords with regex ??

    required_endict_props = ['labels','properties','id','fetchdate','sourceurl']
    reserved_en_props = ['crawl_en_id','resolvedWithUUID','taskname','token',
    'lastUpdatedBy','lastUpdatedOn', '_crawl_en_id_','_token_','_taskname_',
    'pushdate','_pushedby_','uuid','_uuid_','labels','_labels_','tasktype','_tasktype_','relid','_relid_'] ##_nodeid_ is the node number along with _token_ and _taskname_ will help us in identifying the node! so do not worry!

    # required_en_props = ['name','aliases'] ##inside entity['properties']

    required_en_props = ['name'] ##inside entity['properties']

     ##TODO: move all validations to this class afterwards

    for en in entities:

        if not 'id' in en:
            return validate.error_helper('id required attribute missing for an entity', 400)

        #print entities[en]
        nodeid = en['id']

        for prop in required_endict_props:
            if not prop in en:
                msg = str(prop)+' required attribute missing for entity %s' %(nodeid)
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        # if not nodeid.isdigit():
        #     msg = 'entity id should be a number for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
        #     return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if nodeid in nodes:
            msg = 'id repeated under entities for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if type(en['labels']) is not list:
            msg = 'Labels not list for for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if not len(en['labels'])>0:
            msg = 'Labels list empty for an entity for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        for prop in required_en_props:
            if (not prop in en['properties']) : ##patch for allowing hyperedgenode, checked doesnt affect anything else
                msg = '%s required property missing for an entity for entity id %s' %(prop, nodeid)
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        ##XXX: check labels list and check aliases list

        ## ALIASES CODE
        # if not len(en['properties']['aliases'])>0:
        #     return validate.error_helper('aliases list empty for an entity', 400)
        # ##TODO: how to verify if the name is in aliases?

        ## XXX: aliases to be handled as a csv?? ##keep it as it is will add - will have to change code when generating keywords etc.
        ## Merge two options for all strings- assume csv seperate - add with "" and then see if lists do not have duplicates append and use
        ## aliases not a list many changes, many places! ##or you can just assume a list and assume no prop named aliases

        for prop in reserved_en_props:
            if prop in en['properties']:
                msg = str(prop)+' reserved property not allowed explicitly for an entity for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        allPropnamesValid, prop = validate.checkAllPropnamesValid(en['properties'])
        if not allPropnamesValid:
            msg = str(prop)+' cannot begin or end with underscore for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        ## MAJOR todo: determine automatically that the type is a list!!
        ## Also push it then like a list - but will have to maintain a list of props that can be list
        ## OR MV and check here back!

        nodelabels = en['labels']

        fetchdate = en['fetchdate']
        sourceurl = en['sourceurl']

        if not fetchdate.isdigit():
            msg = 'fecthdate should be a long time since epoch, negative if dates before 1970 for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if not validate.validateUrl(sourceurl):
            msg = 'sourceurl should be valid url for entity for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        nodeprops = {}
        for prop in en['properties']:

            # if prop != 'aliases': ##ALIASES CODE

            ##for all MV -- json.loads? or somehting else?
            nodeprops[prop] = en['properties'][prop]

        boolval, prop = validate.checkInternalProps(nodeprops)
        if not boolval:
            msg = 'prop %s not in correct format for entity id %s' %(prop,nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        nodeprops = validate.internalPropsConverter(nodeprops)

        ### ALIASES CODE
        # nodeprops['aliases'] = []
        # for val in en['properties']['aliases']:
        #     nodeprops['aliases'].append(val)

        # nodeprops = en['properties']
        nodeprops['_pushdate_'] = Utils.currentTimeStamp()
        nodeprops['_crawl_en_id_'] = 'en_'+taskid+'_'+str(nodeid)
        # nodeprops['_token_'] = tokenid ##TODO: if you change this!, will have to change code for entity_read macro.
        nodeprops['_taskid_'] = int(taskid)
        nodeprops['_nodenumber_'] = nodeid
        nodeprops['_pushedby_'] = userid
        nodeprops['_fetchdate_'] = long(fetchdate)
        nodeprops['_sourceurl_'] = sourceurl
        nodes[nodeid] = {'labels':nodelabels,'properties':nodeprops}

    required_reldict_props = ['label','properties','start_entity','end_entity','bidirectional','id','fetchdate','sourceurl']
    reserved_rel_props = ['crawl_rel_id','resolvedWithRELID','taskname','token','_token','workname','date','time','resolvedDate','resolvedAgainst','verifiedBy','resolvedBy','verifiedDate','update','lastUpdatedBy','lastUpdatedOn','_crawl_rel_id_','_token_','_taskname_','_id_','_relnumber_','taskid','_taskid_','verifiedby','_verifiedby_','verifydate',
    'pushdate','uuid','_uuid_','labels','_labels_'] ##just like the above _nodenumber_
    required_rel_props = [] ##inside entity['properties']

    for rel in relations:

        if not 'id' in rel:
            return validate.error_helper('id required attribute missing for a relation', 400)

        linkid = rel['id']

        for prop in required_reldict_props:
            if not prop in rel:
                msg = str(prop)+' required attribute missing for relation id %s' %(linkid)
                return validate.error_helper(str(prop)+' required attribute missing for a relation', 400)

        if linkid in links:
            msg = 'id repeated under relations for relation id %s' %(linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        # if not linkid.isdigit():
        #     msg = 'linkid is not a number for relation id %s' %(linkid)
        #     return validate.error_helper(msg,400)

        linklabel = rel['label']

        if len(linklabel)<3:
            msg = 'Label too short for a relation for relation id %s' %(linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        bidirectional = rel['bidirectional']

        if bidirectional!='True' and bidirectional!='False': ##decision taken avoid confusion yes no is default! ##TODO: add rules apis!
            msg = 'bidirectional not True/False for a for a relation for relation id %s' %(linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        for prop in required_rel_props:
            if not prop in rel['properties']:
                msg = str(prop)+' required property missing for a relation for relation id %s' %(linkid)
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        for prop in reserved_rel_props:
            if prop in rel['properties']:
                msg = str(prop)+' reserved property not allowed explicitly for a relation for relation id %s' %(linkid)
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        allPropnamesValid, prop = validate.checkAllPropnamesValid(rel['properties'])
        if not allPropnamesValid:
            msg = str(prop)+' cannot begin or end with underscore for relation id %s' %(linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        linkprops = rel['properties']
        fetchdate = rel['fetchdate']
        sourceurl = rel['sourceurl']

        if not fetchdate.isdigit():
            msg = 'fetchdate should be a long time since epoch, negative if dates before 1970 for relation id %s' %(linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if not validate.validateUrl(sourceurl):
            msg = 'sourceurl should be valid url for entity for relation id %s' %(linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        boolval, prop = validate.checkInternalProps(linkprops)
        if not boolval:
            msg = 'prop %s not in correct format for relation id %s' %(prop, linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        linkprops = validate.internalPropsConverter(linkprops)

        startnode = 'en_'+taskid+'_'+str(rel['start_entity'])
        endnode = 'en_'+taskid+'_'+str(rel['end_entity'])
        linkprops['_crawl_rel_id_'] = 'rel_'+taskid+'_'+str(linkid)
        #linkprops['_token_'] = tokenid
        linkprops['_taskid_'] = int(taskid)
        linkprops['_relnumber_'] = linkid
        if bidirectional=='False':
            linkprops['bidirectional'] = False
            linkprops['bidirectional'] = True
        linkprops['_pushedby_'] = userid
        linkprops['_pushdate_'] = Utils.currentTimeStamp()
        linkprops['_fetchdate_'] = long(fetchdate)
        linkprops['_sourceurl_'] = sourceurl

        links[linkid] = {'label':linklabel,'properties':linkprops,'start_entity':startnode, 'end_entity':endnode}

    posted, msg = postSubGraph(getGraph(), nodes, links, tokenid, taskid)

    if not posted:
        return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

    subgraph['entities'] = nodes
    subgraph['relations'] = links

    data = jsonify(subgraph)

    return data, 201 ## 201 is for creation!
Example #11
def postgraph():

    ##json invalid shows bad request error: TODO

    validate = Validate()

    ##TODO: validate and push json load to task table

    if not request.json:  ##is a dict!!
        return validate.error_helper(
            "The request body does not have JSON Data", 400)

    print 'yahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan'
    print request.data
    print request.json
    print type(request.json)

    ##removed entities, rels alone can be pushed if previous ids known
    ##changed name to meta_desc
    required_master_props = ['taskid', 'userid', 'token']
    for prop in required_master_props:
        if not prop in request.json:
            return validate.error_helper(
                str(prop) + " property not in json data", 400)

    taskid = request.json['taskid']
    tokenid = request.json['token']
    userid = request.json['userid']

    ##XXX: validate these three varibales
    ##XXX: tken, userid, task all valid

    if not taskid.isdigit():
        return validate.error_helper("taskid should be an integer", 400)

    from app.models.dbmodels.tasks import Taskusers
    if not Taskusers.validateTaskAndUser(taskid=taskid, userid=userid):
        return validate.error_helper("Not authorized with task id", 403)

    # patch for one of these should be present but never none
    # relations can exist in isolation coz of entities that are already present in db
    oneofthese = ['entities', 'relations']
    flag = False
    for prop in oneofthese:
        if prop in request.json:
            flag = True

    if not flag:
        return validate.error_helper(
            "neither entities nor relations in json data", 400)

    ## MAJOR TODO!
    ## some props are interanally reserved crawl_en_id not allowed for nodes
    ## what about ternary relations?
    ## check for strings
    ## validation checks: if task exists,
    ## ids repeated in nodes in json and in actual
    ## ids repeated in relations
    ## source_urls known in particular format
    ## fetch date in format
    ## allowed labels
    ## props allowed
    ## values all in strings or particular format?
    ## apis to add a new property in allowed dict with its description?
    ## ids ints?
    ## check if nodeid already exists in temp graph db, or relid
    ## create indexes and contsraints will have to add an internal label and internal relation label

    ##MAJOR TODO what to do about metadata?
    ##"description": "Naveen Jindal Connections",
    ##"fetchdate": "01/01/2011",
    ##use this metadata

    ##entities must part in request json
    entities = []
    if 'entities' in request.json:
        entities = request.json['entities']  ##MAJOR TODO: change this to nodes

    ##can be there or can not be, in json
    relations = []
    if 'relations' in request.json:
        relations = request.json['relations']

    # this is for returning the json to the user!
    subgraph = {}

    ##no need to return back token to the user
    #subgraph['token'] = tokenid ##TODO: exatly this? _token! conflict?
    subgraph['userid'] = userid
    subgraph['taskid'] = taskid
    #subgraph['pushdate'] = getTimeNow()

    nodes = {}
    links = {}

    ##MAJOR TODO reserved keywords and required keywords list
    ##MAJOR TODO format and pattern against keywords with regex ??

    required_endict_props = [
        'labels', 'properties', 'id', 'fetchdate', 'sourceurl'
    reserved_en_props = [
        'crawl_en_id', 'resolvedWithUUID', 'taskname', 'token', '_token',
        'workname', 'date', 'time', 'resolvedDate', 'resolvedAgainst',
        'verifiedBy', 'resolvedBy', 'verifiedDate', 'update', 'lastUpdatedBy',
        'lastUpdatedOn', '_crawl_en_id_', '_token_', '_taskname_', '_id_',
        '_nodenumber_', 'taskid', '_taskid_', 'verifiedby', '_verifiedby_',
        'verifydate', 'pushdate', '_pushedby_', 'uuid', '_uuid_', 'labels',
        '_labels_', 'tasktype', '_tasktype_', 'relid', '_relid_'
    ]  ##_nodeid_ is the node number along with _token_ and _taskname_ will help us in identifying the node! so do not worry!

    # required_en_props = ['name','aliases'] ##inside entity['properties']

    required_en_props = ['name']  ##inside entity['properties']

    ##TODO: move all validations to this class afterwards

    for en in entities:

        if not 'id' in en:
            return validate.error_helper(
                'id required attribute missing for an entity', 400)

        #print entities[en]
        nodeid = en['id']

        for prop in required_endict_props:
            if not prop in en:
                msg = str(
                    prop) + ' required attribute missing for entity %s' % (
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        # if not nodeid.isdigit():
        #     msg = 'entity id should be a number for entity id %s' %(nodeid)
        #     return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if nodeid in nodes:
            msg = 'id repeated under entities for entity id %s' % (nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if type(en['labels']) is not list:
            msg = 'Labels not list for for entity id %s' % (nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if not len(en['labels']) > 0:
            msg = 'Labels list empty for an entity for entity id %s' % (nodeid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        for prop in required_en_props:
            if (
                    not prop in en['properties']
            ):  ##patch for allowing hyperedgenode, checked doesnt affect anything else
                msg = '%s required property missing for an entity for entity id %s' % (
                    prop, nodeid)
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        ##XXX: check labels list and check aliases list

        ## ALIASES CODE
        # if not len(en['properties']['aliases'])>0:
        #     return validate.error_helper('aliases list empty for an entity', 400)
        # ##TODO: how to verify if the name is in aliases?

        ## XXX: aliases to be handled as a csv?? ##keep it as it is will add - will have to change code when generating keywords etc.
        ## Merge two options for all strings- assume csv seperate - add with "" and then see if lists do not have duplicates append and use
        ## aliases not a list many changes, many places! ##or you can just assume a list and assume no prop named aliases

        for prop in reserved_en_props:
            if prop in en['properties']:
                msg = str(
                ) + ' reserved property not allowed explicitly for an entity for entity id %s' % (
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        allPropnamesValid, prop = validate.checkAllPropnamesValid(
        if not allPropnamesValid:
            msg = str(
            ) + ' cannot begin or end with underscore for entity id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        ## MAJOR todo: determine automatically that the type is a list!!
        ## Also push it then like a list - but will have to maintain a list of props that can be list
        ## OR MV and check here back!

        nodelabels = en['labels']

        fetchdate = en['fetchdate']
        sourceurl = en['sourceurl']

        if not fetchdate.isdigit():
            msg = 'fecthdate should be a long time since epoch, negative if dates before 1970 for entity id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if not validate.validateUrl(sourceurl):
            msg = 'sourceurl should be valid url for entity for entity id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        nodeprops = {}
        for prop in en['properties']:

            # if prop != 'aliases': ##ALIASES CODE

            ##for all MV -- json.loads? or somehting else?
            nodeprops[prop] = en['properties'][prop]

        boolval, prop = validate.checkInternalProps(nodeprops)
        if not boolval:
            msg = 'prop %s not in correct format for entity id %s' % (prop,
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        nodeprops = validate.internalPropsConverter(nodeprops)

        ### ALIASES CODE
        # nodeprops['aliases'] = []
        # for val in en['properties']['aliases']:
        #     nodeprops['aliases'].append(val)

        # nodeprops = en['properties']
        nodeprops['_pushdate_'] = Utils.currentTimeStamp()
        nodeprops['_crawl_en_id_'] = 'en_' + taskid + '_' + str(nodeid)
        # nodeprops['_token_'] = tokenid ##TODO: if you change this!, will have to change code for entity_read macro.
        nodeprops['_taskid_'] = int(taskid)
        nodeprops['_nodenumber_'] = nodeid
        nodeprops['_pushedby_'] = userid
        nodeprops['_fetchdate_'] = long(fetchdate)
        nodeprops['_sourceurl_'] = sourceurl
        nodes[nodeid] = {'labels': nodelabels, 'properties': nodeprops}

    required_reldict_props = [
        'label', 'properties', 'start_entity', 'end_entity', 'bidirectional',
        'id', 'fetchdate', 'sourceurl'
    reserved_rel_props = [
        'crawl_rel_id', 'resolvedWithRELID', 'taskname', 'token', '_token',
        'workname', 'date', 'time', 'resolvedDate', 'resolvedAgainst',
        'verifiedBy', 'resolvedBy', 'verifiedDate', 'update', 'lastUpdatedBy',
        'lastUpdatedOn', '_crawl_rel_id_', '_token_', '_taskname_', '_id_',
        '_relnumber_', 'taskid', '_taskid_', 'verifiedby', '_verifiedby_',
        'verifydate', 'pushdate', 'uuid', '_uuid_', 'labels', '_labels_'
    ]  ##just like the above _nodenumber_
    required_rel_props = []  ##inside entity['properties']

    for rel in relations:

        if not 'id' in rel:
            return validate.error_helper(
                'id required attribute missing for a relation', 400)

        linkid = rel['id']

        for prop in required_reldict_props:
            if not prop in rel:
                msg = str(
                ) + ' required attribute missing for relation id %s' % (linkid)
                return validate.error_helper(
                    str(prop) + ' required attribute missing for a relation',

        if linkid in links:
            msg = 'id repeated under relations for relation id %s' % (linkid)
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        # if not linkid.isdigit():
        #     msg = 'linkid is not a number for relation id %s' %(linkid)
        #     return validate.error_helper(msg,400)

        linklabel = rel['label']

        if len(linklabel) < 3:
            msg = 'Label too short for a relation for relation id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        bidirectional = rel['bidirectional']

        if bidirectional != 'True' and bidirectional != 'False':  ##decision taken avoid confusion yes no is default! ##TODO: add rules apis!
            msg = 'bidirectional not True/False for a for a relation for relation id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        for prop in required_rel_props:
            if not prop in rel['properties']:
                msg = str(
                ) + ' required property missing for a relation for relation id %s' % (
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        for prop in reserved_rel_props:
            if prop in rel['properties']:
                msg = str(
                ) + ' reserved property not allowed explicitly for a relation for relation id %s' % (
                return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        allPropnamesValid, prop = validate.checkAllPropnamesValid(
        if not allPropnamesValid:
            msg = str(
            ) + ' cannot begin or end with underscore for relation id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        linkprops = rel['properties']
        fetchdate = rel['fetchdate']
        sourceurl = rel['sourceurl']

        if not fetchdate.isdigit():
            msg = 'fetchdate should be a long time since epoch, negative if dates before 1970 for relation id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        if not validate.validateUrl(sourceurl):
            msg = 'sourceurl should be valid url for entity for relation id %s' % (
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        boolval, prop = validate.checkInternalProps(linkprops)
        if not boolval:
            msg = 'prop %s not in correct format for relation id %s' % (prop,
            return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

        linkprops = validate.internalPropsConverter(linkprops)

        startnode = 'en_' + taskid + '_' + str(rel['start_entity'])
        endnode = 'en_' + taskid + '_' + str(rel['end_entity'])
        linkprops['_crawl_rel_id_'] = 'rel_' + taskid + '_' + str(linkid)
        #linkprops['_token_'] = tokenid
        linkprops['_taskid_'] = int(taskid)
        linkprops['_relnumber_'] = linkid
        if bidirectional == 'False':
            linkprops['bidirectional'] = False
            linkprops['bidirectional'] = True
        linkprops['_pushedby_'] = userid
        linkprops['_pushdate_'] = Utils.currentTimeStamp()
        linkprops['_fetchdate_'] = long(fetchdate)
        linkprops['_sourceurl_'] = sourceurl

        links[linkid] = {
            'label': linklabel,
            'properties': linkprops,
            'start_entity': startnode,
            'end_entity': endnode

    posted, msg = postSubGraph(getGraph(), nodes, links, tokenid, taskid)

    if not posted:
        return validate.error_helper(msg, 400)

    subgraph['entities'] = nodes
    subgraph['relations'] = links

    data = jsonify(subgraph)

    return data, 201  ## 201 is for creation!