def checkOTPExistance(self, skypedata, replyObj): """ Check if OTP already exists for the specific email address """ try: user = Users.get(user_id=skypedata['from']['id'][3:]) try: OTP.get( replyObj.send_reply(skypedata, "Incorrect OTP, please send the correct one.") #return True except OTP.DoesNotExist: self.otp_generated = False self.user_registered = False replyObj.send_reply(skypedata, """I think you were off for a long time and the OTP would hav been expired. Can you please provide your servicenow registered email address?""") #return False except Users.DoesNotExist: self.user_registered = False self.otp_generated = False replyObj.send_reply(skypedata, """I think you were off for a long time or would have entered a wrong email address. Can you please provide your servicenow registered email address?""")
def checkOTPExistance(self, skypedata, replyObj): """ Check if OTP already exists for the specific email address """ try: print('Inside checkORPexistance first try') user = Users.get(user_id=skypedata['from']['id'][3:]) try: print('Inside checkORPexistance seconf try') OTP.get( replyObj.send_reply(skypedata, "Incorrect OTP, please send the correct one.") except OTP.DoesNotExist: print('Inside checkORPexistance first except') self.otp_generated = False self.user_registered = False replyObj.send_reply(skypedata, """I think you were off for a long time and the OTP would hav been expired. Can you please provide your email address?""") except Users.DoesNotExist: print('Inside checkORPexistance second except') self.user_registered = False self.otp_generated = False replyObj.send_reply(skypedata, """I think you were off for a long time or would have entered a wrong email address. Can you please provide your email address?""")
def verifyOTP(self, skypedata): """ Verify OTP with of specific user """ try: pattern = '[#!@$%]{{{}}}[\d]{{{}}}[!@#$%]{{{}}}'.format(os.environ.get('OTP_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_LIMIT'), os.environ.get('OTP_DIGITS_LIMIT'), os.environ.get('OTP_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_LIMIT')) # finds opt from the text entered by the user using regex otp = re.findall(pattern, skypedata['text']) #otp = re.findall(r'FUJIAMAZE+[\d]+', skypedata['text']) if len(otp)==1 and (otp[0] in skypedata['text'].split()): # using split coz regex gives valid(matching regex) string from an invalid(valid regex but an incorrect otp) one too. it gives @#12345@# from string !@#12345@#$ otp_obj = OTP.get(otp=otp[0]) user = Users.get(id=otp_obj.user_id) if (user and user.user_id == skypedata['from']['id'][3:]): user.is_active = True # Make the user as active return True return False except BaseException as e: return False
def createUserOTP(self, user_data, skypedata, otp): """ Creates or fetches User and OTP atomically """ try: user = Users.get_or_create( name=user_data['name'], user_id=skypedata['from']['id'][3:], servicenow_id=user_data['sys_id'], is_active=False) try: otp_obj = OTP.get(user_id=user[0].id) otp_obj.otp = otp except OTP.DoesNotExist: OTP.create(user_id=user[0].id, otp=otp) return True except Exception as e: return False