def test_search_songs(self): ''' Test case to check if all songs matching the provided song name are returned by the search_songs function ''' self.new_song.save_song() test_song = Song(name="Wierd Song Awkward Song") test_song.save_song() gotten_songs = Song.search_songs("Wierd") self.assertFalse(len(gotten_songs) == len(Song.query.all()))
def test_get_songs(self): ''' Test case to check if all songs are returned by the get_songs function ''' self.new_song.save_song() test_song = Song(name="Wierd Song Awkward Song") test_song.save_song() gotten_songs = Song.get_songs(3456789098765431234567890098765432123456787654323456787654323456787654323456787654334) self.assertTrue( len(gotten_songs) != len(Song.query.all()) )
def test_delete_song(self): ''' Test case to check if test_song is deleted from the database ''' self.new_song.save_song() test_song = Song(name="Stand Up Jump Up") test_song.save_song() test_song.delete_song( gotten_songs = Song.get_songs(4990826417581240726341234) self.assertFalse(len(gotten_songs) == len(Song.query.all()))
class SongTest(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test class to test behaviours of the Song class Args: unittest.TestCase : Test case class that helps create test cases ''' def setUp(self): ''' Set up method that will run before every Test ''' self.new_song = Song(name='Happy Song Happy Song') def test_instance(self): ''' Test case to check if new_song is an instance of Song ''' self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.new_song, Song)) def test_save_song(self): ''' Test case to check if a song is saved to the databse ''' self.new_song.save_song() self.assertTrue(len(Song.query.all()) > 0) def test_get_songs(self): ''' Test case to check if all songs are returned by the get_songs function ''' self.new_song.save_song() test_song = Song(name="Wierd Song Awkward Song") test_song.save_song() gotten_songs = Song.get_songs( 3456789098765431234567890098765432123456787654323456787654323456787654323456787654334 ) self.assertTrue(len(gotten_songs) != len(Song.query.all())) def test_delete_song(self): ''' Test case to check if test_song is deleted from the database ''' self.new_song.save_song() test_song = Song(name="Stand Up Jump Up") test_song.save_song() test_song.delete_song( gotten_songs = Song.get_songs(4990826417581240726341234) self.assertFalse(len(gotten_songs) == len(Song.query.all())) def test_search_songs(self): ''' Test case to check if all songs matching the provided song name are returned by the search_songs function ''' self.new_song.save_song() test_song = Song(name="Wierd Song Awkward Song") test_song.save_song() gotten_songs = Song.search_songs("Wierd") self.assertFalse(len(gotten_songs) == len(Song.query.all()))