Example #1
def write_cyrenaica_emperor_titulature_path(roman_emperor, consul_number, consul_designatus, trib_pot_number, imperator_number, victory_titles, attestation_uri,
                                         date_string, date_title, date_category):
    godot_uri_consul_number = ""
    godot_uri_trib_pot_number = ""
    godot_uri_imperator_number = ""
    godot_uri_vitory_titles = ""
    date_string = _clean_string(date_string)
    date_title = _clean_string(date_title)
    target_godot_uris = []
    if consul_number != "":
        target_godot_uris.append(_get_godot_uri_consul_number(roman_emperor, consul_number, consul_designatus))
    if trib_pot_number != "":
        target_godot_uris.append(_get_godot_uri_trib_pot_number(roman_emperor, trib_pot_number))
    if imperator_number != "":
        target_godot_uris.append(_get_godot_uri_imperator_number(roman_emperor, imperator_number))
    if victory_titles:
        target_godot_uris.append(_get_godot_uri_victory_titles(roman_emperor, victory_titles))

    # now we have all godot uris that needs to be connected by a synchron godot uri
    godot_uri = "https://godot.date/id/" + shortuuid.uuid()
    cnt = 1
    query = "match (g:GODOT {type:'synchron'}) ,"
    for g_uri in target_godot_uris:
        query += "(g)<-[:hasGodotUri]-(g%s:GODOT {uri:'%s'})," % (cnt, g_uri)
        cnt += 1
    # remove trailing comma
    query = query[:-1]
    query += "where size( (g)-[:hasGodotUri]-() ) = %s return g.uri as g" % len(target_godot_uris)
    results = query_neo4j_db(query)
    g_synchron_uri = None
    for record in results:
        g_synchron_uri = record["g"]
    if not g_synchron_uri:
        godot_uri = "https://godot.date/id/" + shortuuid.uuid()
        q_match = ""
        q_merge = ""
        query = """
        create(g: GODOT {uri: '%s', type: 'synchron'})
        with g
        """ % godot_uri
        cnt = 1
        for g_uri in target_godot_uris:
            q_match += "match (g%s: GODOT {uri: '%s'})\n" % (cnt, g_uri)
            q_merge += "merge (g)<-[:hasGodotUri]-(g%s)\n" % (cnt)
            cnt += 1
        query += q_match + q_merge + " return g.uri as g"
        results = query_neo4j_db(query)
        if results:
            for record in results:
                g_synchron_uri = record["g"]
    # add attestation info to g_synchron_uri node
    query = """
    match (g_synchron:GODOT {uri:'%s'})
    with g_synchron
    merge (g_synchron)-[:hasAttestation]->(att:Attestation {uri: '%s', title: '%s', date_string: '%s', date_category: '%s'})
    """ % (g_synchron_uri, attestation_uri, date_title, date_string, date_category)
    results = query_neo4j_db(query)
    return g_synchron_uri
Example #2
def _get_godot_uris_victory_titles(roman_emperor, victory_titles):
    godot_uris_victory_titles = []
    for title in victory_titles:
        godot_uri = "https://godot.date/id/" + shortuuid.uuid()
        title_label = ""
        title_nr = ""
        for token in title.split():
            if token.isdigit():
                title_nr = token
                title_label += token + " "
        title_label = title_label.strip()
        query = """
        MATCH (yrs:YearReferenceSystem {type: 'Titulature of Roman Emperors'})-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp1:CalendarPartial {value: '%s'})
        MERGE (cp1)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp2:CalendarPartial {type:'Titulature Part', value:'Imperial Victory Titles'})
        MERGE (cp2)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp3:CalendarPartial {type:'title', value:'%s'})
        MERGE (cp3)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp4:CalendarPartial {type:'number', value:'%s'})
        MERGE (cp4)-[:hasGodotUri]->(g:GODOT {type:'standard'})
                      ON CREATE SET g.uri='%s' 
        RETURN g.uri as g
        """ % (roman_emperor, title_label, title_nr, godot_uri)
        results = query_neo4j_db(query)
        if results:
            for record in results:

    return godot_uris_victory_titles
Example #3
def _get_synchron_godot_uri_victory_titles(roman_emperor, victory_titles):
    godot_uris_victory_titles = _get_godot_uris_victory_titles(roman_emperor, victory_titles)
    # find synchron type GODOT node for all GODOT URIs in list godot_uris_victory_titles
    # create if it not exists
    cnt = 1
    query = "match (g:GODOT {type:'synchron'}) ,"
    for g_uri in godot_uris_victory_titles:
        query += "(g)<-[:hasGodotUri]-(g%s:GODOT {uri:'%s'})," % (cnt, g_uri)
        cnt += 1
    # remove trailing comma
    query = query[:-1]
    query += " where size( (g)<--() ) = %s return g.uri as g" % len(godot_uris_victory_titles)
    results = query_neo4j_db(query)
    g_synchron_uri = None
    for record in results:
        g_synchron_uri = record["g"]
    if not g_synchron_uri:
        godot_uri = "https://godot.date/id/" + shortuuid.uuid()
        q_match = ""
        q_merge = ""
        query = """
        create(g: GODOT {uri: '%s', type: 'synchron'})
        with g
        """ % godot_uri
        cnt = 1
        for g_uri in godot_uris_victory_titles:
            q_match += "match (g%s: GODOT {uri: '%s'})\n" % (cnt, g_uri)
            q_merge += "merge (g)<-[:hasGodotUri]-(g%s)\n" % (cnt)
            cnt += 1
        query += q_match + q_merge + " return g.uri as g"
        results = query_neo4j_db(query)
        if results:
            for record in results:
                return record["g"]
        return g_synchron_uri
Example #4
def _get_godot_uri_imperator_number(roman_emperor, acc_number):
    godot_uri = "https://godot.date/id/" + shortuuid.uuid()
    query = """
    MATCH (yrs:YearReferenceSystem {type: 'Titulature of Roman Emperors'})-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp1:CalendarPartial {value: '%s'})
    MERGE (cp1)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp2:CalendarPartial {type:'Titulature Part', value:'Imperial Acclamations'})
    MERGE (cp2)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp3:CalendarPartial {value:'%s'})
    MERGE (cp3)-[:hasGodotUri]->(g:GODOT {type:'standard'})
                  ON CREATE SET g.uri='%s' 
    RETURN g.uri as g
    """ % (roman_emperor, acc_number, godot_uri)
    results = query_neo4j_db(query)
    if results:
        for record in results:
            g = record["g"]
    return g
Example #5
def _get_godot_uri_consul_number(roman_emperor, consul_number, consul_designatus):
    consulship_type = "cos."
    if consul_designatus:
        consulship_type = "cos. design."
    godot_uri = "https://godot.date/id/" + shortuuid.uuid()
    query = """
    MATCH (yrs:YearReferenceSystem {type: 'Titulature of Roman Emperors'})-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp1:CalendarPartial {value: '%s'})
    MERGE (cp1)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp2:CalendarPartial {type:'Titulature Part', value:'Imperial Consulates'})
    MERGE (cp2)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp3:CalendarPartial {type:'consulship_type', value:'%s'})
    MERGE (cp3)-[:hasCalendarPartial]->(cp4:CalendarPartial {type:'number', value:'%s'}) 
    MERGE (cp4)-[:hasGodotUri]->(g:GODOT {type:'standard'})
                  ON CREATE SET g.uri='%s' 
    RETURN g.uri as g
    """ % (roman_emperor, consulship_type, consul_number, godot_uri)
    results = query_neo4j_db(query)
    if results:
        for record in results:
            g = record["g"]
    return g
Example #6
def write_cyrenaica_single_year(yrs, apollo_priest, roman_emperor, year, month, day, attestation_uri, date_string, title, date_category):
    adds path for cyrenaica dates according to cyrenaica web form
    :param yrs:
    :param apollo_priest:
    :param roman_emperor:
    :param year: None (value) or year integer number
    :param month: "None" or month name (str)
    :param day: None (value) or integer number
    :param attestation_uri:
    :param date_string:
    :param title:
    :return: GODOT URI (string) or None
    date_string = _clean_string(date_string)
    title = _clean_string(title)
    if (yrs == "" and year == "" and month == "" and day is None) or (attestation_uri == "" or date_string == ""):
        return None
    if yrs == "None":
        cypher_query = _create_cypher_yrs_none(month, day, attestation_uri, title, date_string, date_category)
    elif yrs == "Unknown" and year != "":
        cypher_query = _create_cypher_yrs_unknown(year, month, day, attestation_uri, title, date_string, date_category)
    elif yrs == "Era: Actian" and year != "":
        cypher_query = _create_cypher_yrs_actian(year, month, day, attestation_uri, title, date_string, date_category)
    elif yrs == "Eponymous Officials: Apollo Priest (Cyrenaica)":
        cypher_query = _create_cypher_yrs_apollo_priest(apollo_priest, month, day, attestation_uri, title, date_string, date_category)
    elif yrs == "Regnal: Roman Emperors":
        cypher_query = _create_cypher_yrs_regnal_year_roman_emperor(roman_emperor, year, month, day, attestation_uri, title, date_string, date_category)
        return None
    results = query_neo4j_db(cypher_query)
    g = None
    if results:
        for record in results:
            g = record["g"]
    return g