Example #1
    def function(*args, **kwargs):
        failed = 'You do not have permission to enter'
        url = url_for('web.exam_list')
        path = request.path.split('/')
        id = path[-2]
        count = int(path[-1])
        now_date = datetime.now()
        exam_page = ExamConditionService.get_user_exam_page(
            id, current_user.user_id, count)
        exam_end_time = exam_page['end_time']
        exam_info = ExamService.get_exam_detail_info(id)
        exam_count = ExamConditionService.get_user_exam_count(
            id, current_user.user_id)

        if count != exam_count - 1:
            return render_template("web/failed.html", failed=failed, url=url)

        if now_date < exam_info.start_time or now_date > exam_info.end_time:
            return render_template("web/failed.html", failed=failed, url=url)

        now_time = time.time()
        # +5s 延迟,防止js强制结束考试时无法提交
        if now_time > exam_end_time + 5:
            return render_template("web/failed.html", failed=failed, url=url)
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
Example #2
    def function(*args, **kwargs):
        failed = 'You do not have permission to enter'
        url = url_for('web.exam_list')
        path = request.path.split('/')
        id = path[-2]
        count = int(path[-1])
        now_date = datetime.now()
        now_time = int(time.time())
        exam_info = ExamService.get_exam_detail_info(id)
        exam_count = ExamConditionService.get_user_exam_count(
            id, current_user.user_id)

        # 如果考试不是无限次那么已经考试次数>=设定次数就不能参加考试
        if exam_info.count != -1 and exam_count >= exam_info.count:
            return render_template("web/failed.html", failed=failed, url=url)

        if count != exam_count:
            return render_template("web/failed.html", failed=failed, url=url)

        if count != 0:
            # 获得上一场考试的情况(用于验证上一场考试是否结束)
            exam_page = ExamConditionService.get_user_exam_page(
                id, current_user.user_id, count - 1)
            #如果要新建的考试不是第一场次考试, 那么检查上一场的考试
            if exam_page['now_time'] < exam_page['end_time']:
                if now_time < exam_page['end_time']:
                    return render_template("web/failed.html",

        if now_date < exam_info.start_time or now_date > exam_info.end_time:
            return render_template("web/failed.html", failed=failed, url=url)

        return f(*args, **kwargs)