Example #1
def get_data_path(connection):
    Tries to get data path from /etc/fstab and than from 
    moosefs_tool.ini. Returns empty if it fails.
    path = ''
        logger.info('Getting data path from /etc/fstab.')
        f = connection.get_file('/etc/fstab', 'r')
        for line in f.readlines():
            if 'fuse' in line and 'mfsmount' in line:
                path = line.split()[1]
                logger.info('Data path %s was got successfully.' % path)
    except IOError:
                            'Cannot read /etc/fstab file.'))
    except IndexError:
                            'Cannot parse /etc/fstab.'))
    except Exception as e:
                            'Unresolved exception:\n%s' % e))
    if not path:
        logger.info('Getting data path from moosefs_tool.ini.')
        path = roots.get('data_path', '')
        if path:
            logger.info('Data path %s was got successfully.' % path)
    return path
Example #2
def home():
    host = roots['master_host']
    port = roots.get('master_port', 9421)
    servers = [1]
        mfs = MooseFS(masterhost=host,
#         servers = mfs.mfs_mounts()
    except Exception as e:
        error = 'Error while trying to connect to %s:%s<br/>%s' % (host, port, e)
    return render_template('home.html',
                           master_host = host,
                           servers = servers,
                           title = 'Home')
Example #3
def home():
    host = roots['master_host']
    port = int(roots.get('master_port', 9421))
    chunkservers = [{'ip':'' + str(i), 'name' : 'chunkserver'} for i in range(3)]
    metaloggers = [{'ip':'' + str(i), 'name' : 'metalogger'} for i in range(10)]
    clients = [{'ip':'' + str(i), 'name' : 'client'} for i in range(10)]
        mfs = MooseFS(masterhost=host,
#         servers = mfs.mfs_mounts()
    except Exception as e:
        error = 'Error while trying to connect to %s:%s<br/>%s' % (host, port, e)
    return render_template('home.html',
                           master_host = host,
                           metaloggers = metaloggers,
                           chunkservers = chunkservers,
                           clients = clients,
                           title = 'Home')
Example #4
def master():
    host = roots['master_host']
    port = roots.get('master_port', 9421)
    configs_path = roots['configs']
    if request.method == 'POST':
        action = request.values['action'] # save or edit
        return globals()[action + '_config'](host, configs_path,
    configs = get_configs(host, configs_path)
    metafiles_path = roots['metafiles']
    metafiles = get_metafiles_info(metafiles_path)
    return render_template('master.html',
                           configs_path = configs_path,
                           configs = configs,
                           metafiles_path = metafiles_path,
                           metafiles = metafiles,
                           base_info = get_master_info(host, port),
                           title = 'Master')
Example #5
def trash():
    host = roots['master_host']
    port = roots.get('master_port', 9421)
    con = transport.Connect(host)
    path = '/mnt/mfs-test'
    tree = make_remote_tree(con, path)
    errors = {}
    command = '/usr/bin/mfsmount /mnt/mfs-test -H mfsmaster -o mfsmeta'
    resp = con.remote_command(command, 'stdout')
    if resp:
        errors['mount'] = 'Failed to mount trash folder with command \"%s\".<br/>Got following error:<br/> %s.' % (command, resp)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return render_template('data/files_items.html',
                               tree = make_remote_tree(con, request.values['full_name']))
    return render_template('trash.html',
                           errors = errors,
                           tree = tree,
                           title = 'Trash')
def master():
    errors = {}
    host = roots['master_host']
    port = roots.get('master_port', 9421)
    con = transport.Connect(host)
    backup_form = BackupForm(request.form)
    master_info, errors          = get_master_info(host, port, errors)
    config_path, configs, errors = get_config_info(con, errors)
    meta_path, metafiles, errors = get_meta_info(con, errors, config_path)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if 'action' in request.values: # save or edit config
            action = request.values['action']
            return globals()[action + '_config'](con, config_path,
        else:                          # backup request
            path = backup_form.path.data
            if con.path_exists(path):
                err = create_targz(path, meta_path, suffix='mfs_metadata')
                if err:
                    backup_form.path.errors += ('Exception occured while creating backup:<br>%s.' % err,)
                    return redirect(url_for('master'))
                backup_form.path.errors += ('This path does not exist.',)
    if PY3:
        master_info.iteritems = master_info.items
    return render_template('master/master.html',
                           config_path = config_path,
                           configs = configs,
                           meta_path = meta_path,
                           metafiles = metafiles,
                           master_info = master_info,
                           backup_form = backup_form,
                           errors = errors,
                           title = 'Master')