Example #1
    def next(self, payload):
        Calls report API to get Trial Balances report for a date (based on the state of the sync), extracts balances
        from the report and synthesises account balance items from those extracted balances. De-duplicates account
        balances which have not changed since the last sync (syncing all account balances is the only way to ensure we
        have accurate balances as QBO doesn't provide a way of monitoring for events which may have changed historical
        balances, and we de-duplicate so that the full history of balances insn't published every day).

        The account balance ID is created from the combination of account id and date the account balance is for.
        org_today = get_org_today(self.org)
        now_str = datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)

        if self.sync_data.account_balance_marker:
            logging.info("continuing a sync cycle which is in progress")
            marker = datetime.strptime(self.sync_data.account_balance_marker,
            gap = (org_today - marker).days
        elif self._get_initial_marker() != org_today:
            logging.info("starting a new sync cycle")
            marker = org_today
            self.sync_data.account_balance_initial_marker = marker.strftime(
            gap = 0
                "not syncing (no sync in progress and org today hasn't ticked over)"
            return True, {}

        logging.info("fetching trial balance report for '{}'".format(marker))
        session = QboApiSession(self.org_uid)
        response = session.get(self._get_url(marker),
                               headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})

        item_objects = []
        balance_count = 0
        for account in response.get('Rows', {}).get('Row', []):
            if 'ColData' in account:
                balance_count += 1
                balance_data = account['ColData']
                account_id = balance_data[0]['id']
                item_id = "{}_{}".format(account_id, marker)

                item = {
                    'Date': marker.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                    'AccountId': account_id,
                    'AccountName': balance_data[0]['value'],
                    'Debit': balance_data[1]['value'],
                    'Credit': balance_data[2]['value']

                # synthesise created_at and updated_at fields for the account balance
                # we can't really get the values for these fields from qbo as account balance is not a transactional
                # thing in their api, so we just use the time when the account balance was synthesised. this does mean
                # that if the same account balance (account and date combination) is generated twice, the created_at
                # will be different. we could look up the latest version of the balance in Item and use it's created_at
                # value, but it is too expensive to look up given large amounts of bank balances (due to re-fetches when
                # a transaction is updated and account balances change).
                item[CREATED_AT_FIELD_NAME] = now_str
                item[UPDATED_AT_FIELD_NAME] = now_str

                    sync_utils.create_items(self.org_uid, self.org.provider,
                                            'AccountBalance', item_id, item))

        logging.info("got {} balances".format(balance_count))

        current_balances = sync_utils.get_items(
            self.org_uid, -1, 'AccountBalance',
            [i.item_id for i in item_objects])
        current_balances_dict = {
            balance.item_id: balance
            for balance in current_balances if balance

        new_item_objects = []

        for item in item_objects:
            current = current_balances_dict.get(item.item_id)
            if self._is_updated(current, item):

        if new_item_objects:
            message = "saving {} new/updated account balance Items (includes -1 changeset)"
            logging.info("no new/updated account balances to save")

        should_stop = False
        if self.org.changeset == 0 and gap > 2 * 365:
                "stopping sync, reached 2 years for the initial changeset")
            should_stop = True
        elif balance_count == 0:
            logging.info("stopping sync, no balances found")
            should_stop = True

        if should_stop:
            self.sync_data.account_balance_marker = None
            return True, {}

        next_marker = marker - timedelta(days=1)
        self.sync_data.account_balance_marker = next_marker.strftime(
            "setting the marker to '{}', asking for another fetch".format(

        return False, {}
Example #2
    def next(self, payload):
        Calls report API to get General Ledger report for a date (based on the state of the sync), extracts journal
        lines from the report and synthesises journals (which contain those extracted lines). The journal ID is created
        from the transaction type and transaction ID which caused the journal lines.
        def add_journal_info(journal_line, account):
            Adds journal properties to a journal line. These properties (under the 'group' key) can then be used to
            group these resulting objects and create an actual journal (just the lines need to be concatenated).

            return {
                'group': {
                            journal_line[1]['value']], journal_line[1]['id']),
                'Line': {
                    "AccountId": account['AccountId'],
                    "AccountName": account['AccountName'],
                    "Amount": journal_line[6]['value'],
                    "Description": journal_line[4]['value']

        def extract_lines(section, parent_section_account=None):
            Extracts journal lines from the General Ledger report. This is recursive function as the journal lines
            appear nested under a variable number of accounts. The account is carried through the recursive calls as it
            can only be obtained from the parent section of the report (rather than the same section in which the lines

                section(list|dict): a section of the report, could be a header or a list of lines
                parent_section_account(str): the account for which the lines are for (if the section contains lines)

                list: a list of journal lines which could be deeply nested
            if isinstance(section, list):
                return [
                    extract_lines(subsection, parent_section_account)
                    for subsection in section
            elif isinstance(section, dict):
                if 'ColData' in section:
                    section_data = section['ColData']
                    if 'id' in section_data[1]:
                        return add_journal_info(section_data,
                section_account = section.get('Header', {}).get('ColData')
                if section_account:
                    section_account = {
                        'AccountId': section_account[0].get('id'),
                        'AccountName': section_account[0].get('value')
                    section_account = None
                return [
                    extract_lines(subsection, section_account
                                  or parent_section_account)
                    for _, subsection in section.iteritems()

        def flatten(list_to_flatten):
            Flattens a deeply nested list of objects ([x, [x, [x, x]]] -> [x, x, x, x])

                list_to_flatten(list): the list to be flattened

                list: a flat list
            if isinstance(list_to_flatten, list):
                return [
                    sub_item for item in list_to_flatten
                    for sub_item in flatten(item)
                return [list_to_flatten]

        if not self.sync_data.journal_dates:
            return True, {}

        now_str = datetime.utcnow().strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)

        report_date = self.sync_data.journal_dates[0]
        logging.info("getting journals for {} (out of {})".format(
            report_date, len(self.sync_data.journal_dates)))

        session = QboApiSession(self.org_uid)
        response = session.get(self._get_url(report_date))

        report_items = flatten(extract_lines(response))

        report_items = [
            report_item for report_item in report_items if report_item
        report_items = sorted(report_items, key=lambda x: x['group']['Id'])
        logging.info("have {} journal lines in total to save".format(

        item_objects = []

        # the report is grouped by account, but we want to re-group by the properties which will define a journal (these
        # properties have been created by add_journal_info function and are under the 'group' key). we then concatenate
        # all the lines for the particular group and we get a journal ('group' will have journal properties, the
        # concatenated lines will be all the lines for the journal).
        for journal, lines in groupby(report_items, lambda x: x['group']):
            journal['Lines'] = [line['Line'] for line in lines]

            # synthesise created_at and updated_at fields for the journal
            # we have to 'make up' these values because qbo doesn't have journals. we could look up Item with changeset
            # of -1 and get the created_at value from there so it persists across updates of one journal, but this is
            # pretty expensive (get_multi blows the memory out as we can have a large number of journals for one day,
            # and fetching individually takes too long and costs a lot).
            journal[CREATED_AT_FIELD_NAME] = now_str
            journal[UPDATED_AT_FIELD_NAME] = now_str

                sync_utils.create_items(self.org_uid, self.org.provider,
                                        self.org.changeset, 'Journal',
                                        journal['Id'], journal))

            # clear item_objects periodically to keep memory usage low
            if len(item_objects) == 500:
                del item_objects[:]


        # save sync state
        self.sync_data.journal_dates = self.sync_data.journal_dates[1:]

        return False, {}
Example #3
    def next(self, payload):
        Pulls data from QBO API for the current sync step, stores the data into the endpoint cache, and stores the
        updated sync state ready for the next sync step.

            payload(dict): a payload which has been given to the adaptor last time this function ran

            (bool, dict): a flag indicating if the sync has finished, and a payload to be passed in on next call
        new_payload = {}
        max_updated_at = None

        endpoint = ENDPOINTS[self.sync_data.endpoint_index]
        logging.info("calling api for {}, endpoint {}".format(
            self.org_uid, endpoint))

        session = QboApiSession(self.org_uid)
        response = session.get(self._get_url(),
                               headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})

        items = response.get('QueryResponse', {}).get(endpoint, [])
        logging.info("got {} items for endpoint {}".format(
            len(items), endpoint))

        if items:
            max_updated_at = items[-1]['MetaData']['LastUpdatedTime']

        item_objects = []

        for item in items:

            # grab the country as we need it to work out org's today
            if endpoint == 'CompanyInfo':
                self.org.country = item['Country']

            # CompanyInfo endpoint ignores LastUpdatedTime filter, we have to manually de-duplicate
            if endpoint != 'CompanyInfo' or self.is_new_company_info(items[0]):
                journal_date = self._get_transaction_date(endpoint, item)
                if journal_date:
                    dates = set(self.sync_data.journal_dates + [journal_date])
                    self.sync_data.journal_dates = dates

                    sync_utils.create_items(self.org_uid, self.org.provider,
                                            self.org.changeset, endpoint,
                                            item['Id'], item))


        is_paginated = endpoint not in SKIP_PAGINATION
        has_more_items = len(items) == PAGE_SIZE

        if is_paginated and has_more_items:
                "{} is a paginated endpoint and there could be more pages".
            self.sync_data.start_position = self.sync_data.start_position + len(
            new_payload['max_updated_at'] = max_updated_at
                "no more data expected for endpoint {}".format(endpoint))
            marker = max_updated_at or payload.get('max_updated_at')
            if marker:
                logging.info("setting updated_at marker for {} to {}".format(
                    endpoint, marker))
                self.sync_data.markers[self.sync_data.endpoint_index] = marker
            self.sync_data.endpoint_index += 1
            self.sync_data.start_position = 1

        complete = self.sync_data.endpoint_index == len(ENDPOINTS)
        if complete:
            self.sync_data.endpoint_index = 0

        complete = complete and not has_more_items

        return complete, new_payload
Example #4
    def next(self, payload):
        Processes one batch of missing items, saves them for publishing only if all can be resolved (resolution is
        attempted in the cache first, then via the API if not in cache).

            payload(dict): a payload which has been given to the adaptor last time this function ran

            (bool, dict): a flag indicating if the sync has finished, and a payload to be passed in on next call
        results = []
        missing_item = MissingItem.query(
            MissingItem.org_uid == self.org_uid).get()

        if not missing_item:
            logging.info("no missing items, nothing to process")
            return True, {}

        for item in missing_item.missing_items:
            logging.info("processing missing item: {}".format(item))

            # handle items which do not have an ID (CompanyInfo for example)
            if item['type'] in SKIP_ID_IN_API_GET:
                item_cache = Item.query(Item.org_uid == self.org_uid,
                                        Item.endpoint == item['type'],
                                        Item.changeset == -1).get()
                item_cache = Item.query(Item.org_uid == self.org_uid,
                                        Item.endpoint == item['type'],
                                        Item.item_id == item['id'],
                                        Item.changeset == -1).get()

            if item_cache:
                data = item_cache.data
                item_id = item_cache.item_id
                    "could not find {} with id {} in raw endpoint cache".
                    format(item['type'], item.get('id')))
                session = QboApiSession(self.org_uid)
                data = session.get(self._get_url(item['type'], item.get('id')),
                                   headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
                data = data.get('QueryResponse', {}).get(item['type'], {})

                if data:
                    data = data[0]
                    item_id = data['Id']
                    message_template = (
                        "could not find {} with id {} in the api either, "
                        "ignoring and deleting this missing item record")
                        message_template.format(item['type'], item.get('id')))
                    return False, {}

                'endpoint': item['type'],
                'item_id': item_id,
                'data': data

        item_objects = []

        for result in results:
            message = "saving resolved missing item into raw endpoint cache (type: {}, id: {})"
            logging.info(message.format(result['endpoint'], result['item_id']))

                sync_utils.create_items(self.org_uid, self.org.provider,
                                        self.org.changeset, result['endpoint'],
                                        result['item_id'], result['data']))


        logging.info("deleting missing item")

        return False, {}
    def next(self, payload):
        Pulls data from Zuora API for the current sync step, stores the data into the endpoint cache, and stores the
        updated sync state ready for the next sync step.

            payload(dict): a payload which has been given to the adaptor last time this function ran

            (bool, dict): a flag indicating if the sync has finished, and a payload to be passed in on next call

        session = ZuoraApiSession(self.org_uid)

        # There are 2 different endpoints for querying.
        # One which takes the initial query string and one which takes a cursor if there is another page of data.
        if self.sync_data.cursor:
            response = session.post(
                QUERY_MORE_URI, json={'queryLocator': self.sync_data.cursor})
            response = session.post(QUERY_URI,
                                    json={'queryString': self._get_query()})

        endpoint = ENDPOINTS[self.sync_data.endpoint_index]

        items = response.get('records', [])
        new_payload = {}
        has_more_items = False
        max_updated_at = None

        if items:
            # Parse datetime strings
            updated_dates = [
                parser.parse(item['UpdatedDate']) for item in items

            # Retrieve the max UpdatedDate to use in the query for the next changeset
            max_updated_at = items[updated_dates.index(

        item_objects = []

        for item in items:
                sync_utils.create_items(self.org_uid, self.org.provider,
                                        self.org.changeset, endpoint,
                                        item['Id'], item))


        # If there are more pages to fetch, store the cursor
        if 'queryLocator' in response:
            logging.info("There is another page of {}".format(endpoint))
            self.sync_data.cursor = response['queryLocator']
            new_payload['max_updated_at'] = max_updated_at

                "no more data expected for endpoint {}".format(endpoint))
            marker = max_updated_at or payload.get('max_updated_at')

            if marker:
                logging.info("setting updated_at marker for {} to {}".format(
                    endpoint, marker))
                self.sync_data.markers[self.sync_data.endpoint_index] = marker

            self.sync_data.endpoint_index += 1
            self.sync_data.cursor = None

        complete = self.sync_data.endpoint_index == len(ENDPOINTS)

        if complete:
            self.sync_data.endpoint_index = 0

        complete = complete and not has_more_items

        return complete, new_payload