def getAccountInfo(): """ Allows user to see their account information """ return render_template( 'user_page.html', user=Users.query.get(get_current_user()), items=Items.query.filter_by(userID=get_current_user()), get_user_fname=get_user_fname)
def deleteItem(itemID, userID): """Deletes a row within a table""" if int(get_current_user()) == int(userID): row = Items.query.get([itemID, userID]) db.session.delete(row) db.session.commit() return redirect('/user-page') return render_template('404.html')
def viewItem(itemID): item = get_item(itemID) return render_template('viewItem.html', key=stripe_keys['publishable_key'], item=item, get_item_cost=get_item_cost, get_username=get_user_fname, page_viewer=get_current_user())
def submitPost(): """ Handle requests to the /submitpost route Allows users to post items """ form = ItemForm() print('User Id', get_current_user()) if form.validate_on_submit(): itemID = db.session.query(db.func.max(Items.itemID)).scalar() + 1 cost = * 100 # All money will be dealt with as integers for easy storage. All items price in cents new_item = Items(,,, cost=cost, itemID=itemID, postedDate=strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime()), userID=get_current_user(), sold=False) create(new_item) return redirect('/listing') # load make_post template return render_template('make_post.html', form=form, title='Submit Post') #, get_username=get_username)
def add_room(): if not request.is_json: return jsonify({"msg": "Missing JSON in request"}), 400 contactId = request.json.get('id', None) contactName = request.json.get('name', None) lastMessage = request.json.get('last_message', None) room = ChatService.addRoom(get_current_user(), contactId, contactName, lastMessage) return jsonify(room), 200
def get_profile(): """ This api for the user get their information. Returns: Examples:: """ current_user = get_current_user() return send_result(data=current_user)
def room(roomId): data = ChatService.getRoom(roomId, get_current_user()) return jsonify(data), 200
def contacts(): data = ChatService.getContacts(get_current_user()) # groups = [row for row in data if row['type'] == 'group'] # friends = [row for row in data if row['type'] == 'friend'] return jsonify(data), 200
def inner(*args, **kwargs): current_user = get_current_user() if not current_user["is_admin"]: return send_error(message='You do not have permission') return func(*args, **kwargs)