def completed_requests(): """ Complete a request. This feature would be used by the volunteer. Request: application/json request_id int Request ID which is to be complete. """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() request_update_query = ( "UPDATE request_details " f"SET is_completed='true', updated_at='{timestamp}'" f"WHERE request_id = {data['request_id']}" ) cursor.execute(request_update_query) transaction_update_query = ( f"UPDATE token_transactions SET is_complete='true', updated_at='{timestamp}' " f"WHERE request_id={data['request_id']} RETURNING volunteer_id, tokens" ) cursor.execute(transaction_update_query) volunteer_id, total_tokens = cursor.fetchone() volunteer_token_update_query = ( f"UPDATE volunteer_details SET tokens = tokens+{total_tokens}, updated_at='{timestamp}' " f"WHERE volunteer_id={volunteer_id}" ) cursor.execute(volunteer_token_update_query) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def assign_requests(): """ Assign a request. This feature would be used by the volunteer. Request: application/json request_id int Request ID which is to be Assigned. """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() request_detail_update_query = ( "UPDATE request_details " f"SET volunteer_id={data['volunteer_id']}, updated_at='{timestamp}'" f"WHERE request_id = {data['request_id']}" ) cursor.execute(request_detail_update_query) transaction_update_query = ( "UPDATE token_transactions" f"SET volunteer_id={data['volunteer_id']}, updated_at='{timestamp}'" f"WHERE request_id = {data['request_id']}" ) cursor.execute(transaction_update_query) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def cancel_requests(): """ Cancle the submitted request. Request: application/json request_id int Request ID to be cancelled. """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() transaction_update_query = f"DELETE FROM token_transactions WHERE request_id = {data['request_id']} RETURNING tokens" cursor.execute(transaction_update_query) tokens = cursor.fetchone()[0] request_update_query = ( "UPDATE request_details " f"SET is_cancelled='true', updated_at='{timestamp}'" f"WHERE request_id = {data['request_id']} RETURNING requester_id" ) cursor.execute(request_update_query) requester_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] token_update_query = f"UPDATE requester_details SET tokens=tokens+{tokens} WHERE requester_id = {requester_id}" cursor.execute(token_update_query) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def acknowledge_health(): """ Acknowledge the health of the person, to ensure that he is not showing symptomps of COVID-19 on a given day. Rquest: application/json login_id int Login id of the user for whom the health record is being logged. has_fever boolean If the user has fever has_cough boolean If the user has cough has_tiredness boolean If the user has tiredness has_breath_shortness boolean If user is having difficult time breathing has_headech boolean If the user has headech """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() query = ( "INSERT INTO health_history (login_id, has_fever, has_cough, has_tiredness, " "has_breath_shortness, has_headache, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ( " f"{data['login_id']}, '{data['has_fever']}', '{data['has_cough']}', " f"'{data['has_tiredness']}', '{data['has_breath_shortness']}', '{data['has_headache']}'" f"'{timestamp}', '{timestamp}')") cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def submit_request(): """ Submit requests to get help. Request: application/json request_type str Type of the request. Currently only grocery type is supported. request_information string Things to be brought at the grocery. This is more like a list or can be text. But it is preffered that it is a list to keep it short and concise. request_notes string (optional) Additional notes pertaining to request. request_id int Id of the requester sending the request. volunteer_id int (optional) Volunteer Id picking up the request tokens int Number of tokens awarded for completing the request """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() requester_id = 37 request_query = ( "INSERT INTO request_details (request_date, request_type, request_information, " "request_note, requester_id, volunteer_id, is_cancelled, is_commenced, " f"is_completed, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('{timestamp}', '{data['request_type']}', " f"'{data['request_information']}', '{data.get('request_note', 'NULL')}', " f"'{requester_id}', {data.get('volunteer_id', 'NULL')}, " f"'{data.get('is_cancelled', 'false')}', '{data.get('is_commenced', 'false')}', " f"'{data.get('is_completed', 'false')}', '{timestamp}', '{timestamp}') RETURNING request_id" ) cursor.execute(request_query) # request_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] # transaction_query = ( # "INSERT INTO token_transactions (volunteer_id, requester_id, request_id, tokens, " # f"is_complete, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ({data.get('volunteer_id', None)}, " # f"{data.get('requester_id', None)}, {data.get('request_id', None)}, {data['tokens']}, " # f"'{data.get('is_complete', 'false')}', '{timestamp}', '{timestamp}') " # "RETURNING transaction_id" # ) # transaction_id = None # cursor.execute(transaction_query) # transaction_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] # # transaction_table_update = ( # "UPDATE token_transactions" # f"SET request_id={request_id} WHERE transaction_id={transaction_id}" # ) # cursor.execute(transaction_table_update) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def commenced_requests(): """ Commence a request. This feature would be used by the volunteer. Request: application/json request_id int Request ID which is to be commenced. """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() query = ( "UPDATE request_details " f"SET is_commenced='true', updated_at='{timestamp}'" f"WHERE request_id = {data['request_id']}" ) cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def buy_token_request(): """ Buy tokens for a given requester_id. Request: application/json requester_id int Requester ID who is buying the tokens tokens int Number of tokens bought by the requester """ data = flask.request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() token_update_query = ( "UPDATE requester_details" f"SET tokens = tokens+{data['tokens']}, updated_at='{timestamp}' " f"WHERE requester_id={data['requester_id']}") cursor.execute(token_update_query) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)
def check_acknowledgement(): """ Check if the user has verified health for today. Request: application/json login_id int ID of the user for whom the health is to be verified """ data = flask.request.get_json() login_id = data["login_id"] _, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() query = ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM health_history" f"WHERE created_at::date = date {timestamp[:-9]} and login_id = {login_id}" ) cursor.execute(query) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count: return utils.make_response("{error: None, data: 'true'}", 200) return utils.make_response("{error: None, data: 'true'}", 200)
def signup(): """ Sign up the user. Request: application/json username str Username of the user signing up. It has to be unique. password str Password of the user unitNo int Unit number of the user's address streetNo int Street number of the user's address streetName str Street name of the user's address additional str Additional infomration about user's address city str City of the user's address postalCode str Postal code of the user's address name str Name of the user email str Email of the user phone str Phone number of the user age int Age of the user medicalCondition boolean If the user has any medical condition. """ data = request.get_json() conn, cursor = utils.get_database_connection() timestamp = utils.get_utc_timestamp_now() is_active = "true" password = generate_password_hash(data["password"]) try: login_query = ( "INSERT INTO login_details (username, password, is_active, created_at, updated_at)" f"VALUES ('{data['username']}', '{password}', {is_active}, '{timestamp}', " f"'{timestamp}') RETURNING login_id") cursor.execute(login_query) login_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except psycopg2.IntegrityError: message = f"{{error: Username {data['username']} is taken}}" return utils.make_response(message, 409) address_query = ( "INSERT INTO address_dir (unit_no, street_number, street_name, additional_info, " "city, province, postal_code, login_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (" f"'{data.get('unitNo', 'NULL')}', '{data.get('streetNo', 'NULL')}'," f"'{data['streetName']}', '{data.get('additional', 'NULL')}', '{data['city']}', " f"'{data['province']}', '{data['postalCode']}', {login_id}, '{timestamp}', '{timestamp}')" ) cursor.execute(address_query) if data["category"] == "Volunteer": query = ( "INSERT INTO volunteer_details (volunteer_name, volunteer_email, volunteer_phone," f"volunteer_age, login_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('{data['name']}'," f"'{data['email']}', {data['phone']}, {data['age']}, {login_id}, " f"'{timestamp}', '{timestamp}')") try: cursor.execute(query) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: message = f"{{error: Email {data['email']} is already in the system}}" return utils.make_response(message, 409) else: medical_condition = True if data["medicalCondition"] == "Yes" else False query = ( "INSERT INTO requester_details (requester_name, requester_email, requester_phone, requester_age," f"has_medical_condition, login_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('{data['name']}', " f"'{data['email']}', '{data['phone']}', {data['age']}, {medical_condition}, " f"{login_id}, '{timestamp}', '{timestamp}')") try: cursor.execute(query) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: message = f"{{error: Email {data['email']} is already in the system}}" return utils.make_response(message, 409) conn.commit() return utils.make_response("{error: None}", 200)